Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Grateful for quiet nights at work especially on my last night, it means I’m not a write off on my first day off.
Grateful I was up early at work to get a run in.
Grateful for sunny autumn days that allow me to mow my lawn (yet to get around to it but its in thw plan for today)
Grateful @acromouse had a better day and is on the path.
@HolySquid @acromouse my kids love Nutella but we recently discovered Biscoff spread and oh man they go crazy for it. I have to admit its pretty good.
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


@chiron Grateful that you finally got approved for the x-ray. Grateful that you are gathering the information from the tests and working on the best treatment plan that fits your needs. Sending you healing vibes my friend – sorry that you are in pain.
@cjp Many healing vibes being sent to your mind and body my friend – I do hope you find some peace from this mental struggle soon :pray: :hugs:

Amen to that — so grateful that you left that job and are now on a path of sobriety and self healing :hugs: I see 1 week milestone is just hours away :wink: Looking forward to celebrating with you soon.
@holysquid Oh man I’m sorry love – I am grateful you were able to get to a doctor this morning. I do hope the meds are helping and you are not in any pain. Sending you healing vibes :pray: :hugs:

A quick gratitude on this beautiful Thursday
I am so very grateful to be alive and healing. So very grateful that i had my mom with me to help when the pain got to intense to bear. Grateful that she is doing better today and i was later able to help her when she needed me. I am so grateful for a liquid healthy diet today to help ease my stomach. Grateful for being able to pray and meditate even through the pain and uncomfortableness.
much love to you all my beautiful friends - wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day / evening! :heart: :heart:


I am grateful to have spouse home for the weekend. We are working on reconnection to have a happy fulfilling life.


Been a while since I posted my “grats”, so here goes…

Grateful we got a break from the rain today. :umbrella:
Grateful Mom’s feeling better, and she got a little bit of good news from the doctor at least. :older_adult:
Grateful my oldest Sister is stepping up more to help with taking care of our Mom. :relieved:
Grateful for my piano. :musical_keyboard:
Grateful for Neopolitan ice cream. :icecream:
Grateful I have a good job. :truck:


Try Nutella drizzled over some vanilla ice cream some time. YUM-O!!! :yum:


Hello my grateful friends! I am grateful for 70 days sober today. I am grateful for my niece. She has always loved me unconditionally, and now I get to be grateful for her 4 month old daughter. I spent all evening with my great niece and am overwhelmed with gratitude for that. Have a wonderful night, or morning…:purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


Grateful for a long weekend and an upcoming brunch in the sun. I am grateful for my weird dreams at times - tonight it was a peacock parade :peacock: . I wonder what Freud would make out of this :sweat_smile:
I am grateful my bathtub will be getting a fix so I can actually use it again. I am grateful for checkins from older members. Grateful to be safe and sound today. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful that its Friday. I’m also grateful the meme thread reminded me that I still need to do my taxes. :sweat_smile: I’m grateful they should be simple this year.

@Davina_Davis congrats on your 70 days!


I’m grateful for grinding through the March challenge despite lower back pain
I’m grateful for the privellege to discuss boring stuff like insurance
I’m grateful to have stuff to insure
I’m grateful to have the means to live well
I’m grateful for civil discussions with people on TS


Grateful to have become sober.


I’m grateful to welcome @Pete1961 to TS


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

Clean water
Cold meds
Comfy beds
Its friday, payday
Meditation that uplifts
Im going to treat myself to a fancy coffee
Hope i ace my fasting bloodwork
Health insurance
Progress rather than perfection


I’m grateful for my husband and children

I’m grateful there is finally some light at the end of the tunnel with our home purchase. It’s been causing me no end of stress

I’m grateful my bloods came back with no nasty surprises

I’m grateful for the brighter mornings and the feeling of hope and promise the spring brings with it

I’m so very, very, grateful for my sober family :heart:


I’m grateful for another day to try and turn my will and my life over to the care of god.

I’m grateful I had the best time not golfing with my son. I’m grateful he had so much fun. I’m grateful for that special bonding time I got to have with him with a sunrise and the links to ourselves for 3 hours. I’m grateful maybe golf isn’t so bad.

I’m grateful my son came to my AA meeting last night. He loved it. I’m grateful he admitted he needs to get back into meetings. I’m grateful for father and son AA meetings. How fucking cool is that?

I’m grateful when Norma goes down for a nap. Pop pop goes down for a nap.

I’m grateful I try and focus on all the family fun and not my wife’s drinking and cut myself some slack when her drinking concerns me. I’m grateful I don’t hold on to those drinking resentments like I use to. But I do see they are still there. Just the tiniest bit. I’m grateful for progress not perfection. I’m grateful I don’t have to be perfect.

I’m grateful for another day living the chaotic dream with family.

I’m grateful this thread keeps going with endless amounts of gratitude.


“Living in a state of gratitude is the gateway to grace.”
Arianna Huffington


Grateful for 7 days of sobriety. Grateful for the energy to prepare good meals. Grateful for the money to buy the food, and a kitchen to work in. Grateful for a perfect sunny spring day. Grateful for my view of the woods that have started to turn bright green. Grateful for hope today. Grateful it’s the weekend and I’m sober. Grateful for all of you. :slightly_smiling_face:


Grateful it’s Friday it’s been a long two weeks to start the baseball season. The team has hit a rough patch, we started out with 2 wins and then have lost 4 in a row. Grateful our defense and pitching is holding us in games but we need to figure out the offense! Grateful to be on top of my work and balancing the season and my job with precision despite the weight of carrying it all. Only had one day where I really felt like I wanted to just go have a drink after a couple bad losses but I’m on day 429 and I nipped that shit right up and moved past the pity party and onto the next day/game.

Grateful for this place as always and excited to play the last game of the week today. To quote an old sports movie “I love this game, I like Friday night when you’re lookin for a win and Saturday mornin when you found one” :muscle:t2:


Welcome Pete . We here believe sobriety is the best journey. So many wonderful reads available here in all topics.


Yahoo 7 days. !!


Thankful for the ones who went before me and paved a trail of sobriety, who share their wisdom so I can follow that trail.
I’m grateful for the lessons that life has taught me. For the people who played a role in teaching me those lessons. Grateful for the strength I have gained by coming out stronger on the other side of the hurt and heartbreak. Grateful for the ones who truly have my best interest at heart. Grateful for having the opportunity to use my lessons as a tool to help others who find themselves needing a reminder of who they truly are.
I’m thankful for Daniel. Who gave a life to save a life. Through his passing I’ve been handed life again and despite how heartbreaking that is, I’m thankful. I intend to see my sobriety all the way to the end, thanks to Daniel and his last act of love.


I’m grateful for TS. I’m grateful this is a place I can be when I’m an emotional basket case. And when Im not. I’m grateful I can vent here, I can ask for help here, I can offer support to others here, basically, it’s just so great to be in a community of caring people who can relate to whatever I’m dealing with.:pray::pray:
I’m grateful I am learning to not feel like such a terrible failure just because I keep getting tripped up by my same neurotic propensities. I’m grateful I don’t try to escape them by drinking anymore.