Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

@williambloke grateful to see you on the gratitude thread William! Glad your mom is feeling better :pray:
@pete1961 Grateful to have you here with us in this wonderful community and my absolute favorite thread. Welcome friend :hugs:
@cjp Best of luck with your bloodwork today CJ and enjoy your fancy coffee :yum: :coffee:
@binx so very grateful to see my friend posting here – so lovely to see you Binx. Glad your tests came back with no nasty surprises. Hope you are well :hugs:
@dazercat So grateful that Dazer gets such quality time with family on home turf. Grateful for the non golfing – golfing outing with your son Eric. How absolutely amazing. Grateful for the shared meetings as well :heart:
@lighter WOOT WOOT – great work Marie – 1 week milestone and stacking up the healthier days! :muscle:
@sarahyab so grateful to see you on the gratitude thread love ! Loved your post and grateful to see you doing so well in your 18+ months of sobriety

Couldn’t agree more. So grateful for you Patricia. Grateful to see you posting and sharing your support. You are awesome friend – keep pushing forward and know we are all here for you / with you! :hugs:

Friday afternoon gratefulness …
I am so grateful for a few more hours of numbing sleep last night. The pain was tolerable last night and did not get intense this morning as i tried to move.
I am so grateful for the lovely shower this morning.
I am so grateful that i am forcing myself to move around more today - working through the pain.
I am so grateful that the nurse called me today and told me that i should still be on pain killers - i stopped those a while a go and do not plan to restart. Grateful that she responded to my message with a phone call instead of playing tag with messages.
I am so grateful that my mom has been off pain killers for a day and doing fine. She is healing well. Had to stop her from doing normal everyday work LOL – has a hard time relaxing - now i wonder where i got that from :laughing:
I am so grateful that i was able to do some light cleaning and learned how to make some indian bread… was a lovely breakfast for sure :yum:
I am so grateful for the hot cup of coffee to start the day. Grateful for our cold press juicer. Making some delicious ginger -clove tea.
I am so grateful for my loving family and their ongoing support.
I am so grateful for my HP and my daily practices of meditation and prayer. Grateful for the serenity and peace i get from it. Grateful that i was able to still reach out to my HP when i felt down and overwhelmed with pain (usually i shut down and end up in a dark place).
I am so grateful for laughter and comedy. Grateful for some clips my friend sent to me the other day – i so love Robin Williams and George Carlin - the clips were exactly what i needed – laughter is the best medicine.
I am so grateful for TS and the love - support and togetherness i receive being here among you beautiful souls
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day - evening! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Gratefulness time it is!

I am sooooo grateful my hormonal rollercoaster decided to give me a break today. I‘m still adjusting the dosage but I feel like a new person again. I am grateful I slept in after a bad night, grateful I woke up reasonably well rested. Grateful I had the energy to read and post here, to get up and do my morning movement and meditation practice. Grateful I felt a connection while I prayed.
I am grateful for the food journal I was able to keep up with today, grateful for the emotional peace to eat mindfully and observe myself.
I am grateful I got work done this morning and the feeling of stability this gave me.
I am grateful I recognised the anger and aggression while I was out doing groceries for what they were and managed not to take an of those feelings out on the other shoppers or the staff.
I am grateful for the talk my husband and I had. It is all still so difficult, but we are connecting. I just need more patience, we both need.
I am grateful for a good, strong, grounding yoga practice.
I am grateful this place here has become my refuge in hard times and source of inspiration and community in good times. I am grateful for everyone here sharing and reading.
I am grateful the day is done and I can go to bed in peace.

Sleep well friends :night_with_stars:


I’m grateful for tacos. :slightly_smiling_face:


I am grateful I managed to struggle through this day, still feeling rather ill and waiting for the antibiotic-magic to happen. I am grateful I got some laundry done between sofa naps. I am grateful I made it yo the shops for some essentials. I am grateful I had free coupons for my favourite bread and some biscuits. I am grateful I convinced myself to cancel all upcoming gym classes in good time. No point trying to go when I still feel so down and still have a little temperature from the infection. I am grateful I take care of myself here and tho the gym should be part of a healthy lifestyle, not going is what I have to do.

I am grateful I can go to bed now


Grateful for another sober day! PTL​:star2::pray:t2: Made it to the Y today, and got a good 80 minute session in the pool. Looking forward to the weekend!


A little late to the party, but congratulations @HolySquid on 1 year :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face: you are rockin’ it!!! I hope you start to feel better soon :heart:
I’m grateful another work week is done.
I’m grateful for a meal out after work today with my new colleagues. I managed it without seeming too awkward and weird I think. I am so not a sociable being :joy::see_no_evil: but I think I’m starting to own and accept this.
I’m grateful for a free weekend full of possibilities, I think time in the garden might be on the cards, if the bright days stay with us.
I’m grateful for the way my dog greets me when I get home :dog::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Grateful for trivial/not so trivial things this morning. Fresh drinkable water from the tab, striving house plants, pastell sunrises, my family still being around, the sound of guitarrs, a comfy bed, a joyful heart and new inline skates. Grateful for city life, museums and plenty of cinemas, a choice of swimming pools and my favourite shop for cinnemon rolls around the corner. Grateful for a new day. Have a great one too, grati-friends :orange_heart:


Grateful for days off
Grateful for ibuprofen
Grateful for family lunches at our favorite chinese restaurant
Grateful for afternoon naps
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


I was so tired yesterday I fell asleep on the couch. I missed my daily gratitude, but am grateful for that well needed sleep.

I am grateful for sobriety. It’s that time of the month so I’m feeling kinda meh, but in comparison with hangovers the monthly discomfort is a walk in the park.

I am grateful for this lazy Saturday, I’m going to watch True Detective after catching up here.
I’m also thankful for dog training on Saturday mornings, it’s so much fun and Pablo is such a good learner.

I am thankful for being home. I had a wonderful week with the family, but I love to be home alone too. I am thankful for setting boundaries, take my rest when I need to. Tomorrow’s another day!


This gratitude thread is an important place to visit and write as often as you can and need.

Gratitude helps us shift our mindset off the “chase of the buzz” and can slow down our impulsive actions.

Gratitude as a mindset lets us look for the glimmers of hope that make recovery and sobriety a joyful and healing experience. We get to embrace the freedom we are working on and build a new life. It is called recovery because we are recovering from the damage that our addiction causes us.

Gratitude gives us a positive perspective. At least in the moments we are thinking grateful thoughts. Practicing and expanding that skill over your day makes more of the life you have and makes more hope for joy possible.

I wish you the best.


I’m grateful for making new friends
I’m grateful for stepping outside my comfort zone, just a bit
I’m grateful for celebrating 30 days sober with a meat pie
I’m grateful for watching my kids play joyfully with other kids, despite speaking different languages
I’m grateful to feel inspired by my kids to learn another language


I’m grateful for lifelong friends I can get old with. The ones who love me sober even more than when we partied together.

Grateful for the mass nostalgia of emo night :smile:

Grateful that it’s Saturday, and I really earned this weekend.

Grateful that my partner is doing so much to find us a house, it’s a terrible time to house shop but I can’t wait til we live together!


It’s a chilly Saturday morning and I am grateful to be up with the pets and the coffee and my gratitude time.

I’m grateful for the 862 sober days I have and that today will be another one!

I’m grateful to be another week closer to spring break vacation. I’m excited to have a short trip planned to visit my son in California and have my other son visit there at the same time.

I’m grateful to have navigated my teaching work this week with a positive mindset and a lot of patience with kids who are really struggling.

I’m grateful to have a loving marriage with a man who is working on his recovery and is learning to find joy in sober living.

I’m grateful to have gotten back in the habit of morning swims before work. Those endorphins are so helpful to my workdays.

I’m grateful to have gotten the taxes done and got a little money back to put into savings. We are working on retirement plans!

I’m grateful for my warm and safe home. I’m grateful for good health. I’m grateful that I found my way to quit drinking and poisoning myself. I’m grateful for this community and all that people have shared about how to become free of alcohol.

I wish you all the best!


I’m grateful for another day to try and turn my will and my life over to the care of god.

I’m grateful for another day to focus on the good and fun times and not focus on fear.

I’m grateful I got a tiny bit of my kitchen cleaned up after the ice cream devastation and general mess everyone, but me, :violin: left last night :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’m grateful I still have quiet time and coffee.

I’m grateful for loud baby laughs.
I’m grateful for the sunset last night and rain and lightning.
I’m grateful for some of the photos I got.
I’m grateful she was a pretty good girl again at dinner out last night.
I’m grateful for baby dancing at the farmers market. I’m grateful for baby dancing at the swimming pool. I’m grateful she’s Vouging :dancer: I’m grateful I learned something new about Madonna.

I’m grateful baby knows where parts of her body are if you ask her. I’m grateful I taught her where her heart is. And she remembers. I’m grateful she knows who Pop Pop is. I’m grateful she knows who Nana is. I’m grateful to be the Pop Pop and not have to deal with her shit 24/7 :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I’m grateful I did my parenting in my 20’s and 30’s. I’m grateful 60’s is a great age to be a Pop Pop.

I’m grateful to chuck my will and personal feelings, that are probably imagined anyway, out the window today and enjoy the last day with my family.

Grateful for y’all and this beautiful journey we are on.

“I am my own experiment. I am my own work of art.”


Today I’m grateful for this good week. I’m grateful I accomplished so much and I’m still working with motivation, pleasure and lots of rest.

I’m grateful my old boy miowed me out of bed before 4 a.m. today. I’m grateful I told him to shut up and lay down on me, grabbed a journal and continued where I fell asleep the last 2 days.

I’m grateful for inspiration, especially to order chinese food today. I read about it here and thought: why not give the one asian restaurant that delivers to the farm a try. It’s delicious!

I’m grateful the house is looking more and more like a home. All the little things, arranging, cleaning, organizing, throwing away …
I’m grateful the vision of how I want to live here becomes clearer.

I’m grateful I baked a blueberry-yoghurt-cake for myself yesterday to celebrate international women’s day. It felt special. I felt special. Another first as single woman taking care of herself.

I’m grateful I don’t overdo it AND get a lot done. I’m grateful solutions for some tasks I’ve been thinking of for quite a while came up. I’m grateful breaking them down in smaller steps was core to solve the problem how to tackle them. I’m grateful this gave me some self-trust and self-confidence. I need it to prepare for the appointment next friday.

I’m grateful for home-time. I’m grateful I enjoy being home so much. I’m grateful I’m not feeling lonely. I’m grateful I am able to shoo intrusive miss my ex thoughts quite well today.

I’m grateful for HALT, it keeps me aware of my needs. ODAAT


I am grateful for early morning workouts and not having to rush through them. Grateful my mind is so much clearer and being able to get projects done around the house. Most of all I’m grateful for sobriety!


20 days sober
20 days of meetings
Day 5 of carnivore


I’m grateful its so beautiful and sunny outside today! I’m also grateful that I don’t live near my family. I’m grateful I live near trees and a river.

@Pete1961 Welcome to the community.
@Lighter congrats on your seven days!
@JazzyS I’m glad to hear you got some sleep last night. Pain is never fun, but I think maybe it is harder to work with when we are tired.
@HolySquid Congrats on your one year!
@50ber congrats on your thirty days!
@Button83 Congrats on your 20 days!


Way to go on your 30 days! Keep stacking up the days and gaining the awesomeness that sobriety has to offer :hugs:


This is beautiful :heart: