Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I‘m deadly tired but I want to get some gratitude going this evening.

A lot of time I wake up in the morning and feel really down. Today was such a day. But I got in the habit of checking in every day first thing the morning here on the forum. No matter how I might feel, checking in and reading always gives me enough energy to start the day. I am very grateful for this.
I am grateful I could do my morning routine today - short movement practice, prayer and meditation - and feel connected.
I am grateful for getting stuff done this morning. I am grateful for a good lunch and a really long nap on the balcony in the sun afterwards.
I am grateful for nice bike ride in the great weather and for coffee.
This afternoon I experienced some cravings. I am grateful my thoughts went to this place and the people here first. I thought what you would advise and it got me over my cravings. No I can have a peaceful evening and hopefully a peaceful night. I am grateful for that.
I am grateful I‘ll be off to bed soon.

Wishing you all a good night :night_with_stars:


Congratulations on your 30 days Elliot!!


I’m grateful that it’s winter just a little longer. I’m very grateful for Day 8. I’m grateful to have the opportunity to start my life over. Grateful for a clearer mind. Grateful that I survived.


Thank you @JazzyS for your kind words. I’m grateful for waking up sober and reading your encouraging message. I’m grateful for building momentum and motivation ODAAT. I wish you and your mum a smooth recovery. Lots of good vibes coming your way


Gratefulness . I read recently somewhere that you can not feel anxious if feeling grateful. So I vowed to start grateful journaling every day. Entering it here at TS makes it convenient and easy to do. This morning at 9am I was so grateful hubby and I slept in. If you knew us that hardly ever happens. By 10am I was not grateful but grumpy. I stopped and thought what happened in 60 minutes? Let me tell you . I had a simple to do list for the day planned and looked forward to it. Then another imposed a to do before I could accomplish mine.

So I am grateful others include me in their daily plans or else I would be lonely. Instead of grrrr gritting my teeth I am smiling.
Afternoon wrapping up and all is calm. I am grateful for calm. :heart_eyes:


I’m grateful for the chance for a self care day.
I’m grateful I have lovely lotions and potions that people have gifted me, to make myself feel nice and treat my body.
I’m grateful I cut my body some slack these days and listen when I just need to rest.
I’m grateful to have this site to keep me entertained and enlightened whenever I need it.


I am grateful that I lose an hour’s sleep tonight, because when it’s time to wake up for work, the sun will be rising in my window. I’m grateful that I already got the cheeses, fruits, salamis, olives, nuts, etc that will go on my yummy board for The Oscars tomorrow night. I’m grateful for knee braces. I’m grateful for my Mom. She was only 15 when I was born, so we did a lot of growing up together. I’m grateful that she’s young enough to be around for so much of my and my kids’ lives. Grateful for you all, so very very very. I was on fb for a minute today and got so irritated immediately. I came over here and the gratitude immediately soothed. :pray: ODAAT


Late night gratitude,

Greatful for time off
Greatful for antibiotics
Greatful for my understanding mother and husband
Greatful for Boscoe
Greatful for sunshine
Greatful today i gave myself permission to not have my shit together
Greatful for an emergency telehealth therapy session
Greatful for tears and feeling relief
Greatful for growing self awareness
Greatful for mental health professionals
Greatful for crockpot meals


Grateful for autumn swims at the beach
Grateful for days spent with the kids
Grateful for afternoons watching ufc
Grateful for my dogs
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free

Congrats @50ber on 30


Thanks @MrFantastik. I’m grateful to have made it to 30 days. There were many mornings full of good intentions that turned into a night of drunken regret. Family fun and watching UFC while sober sounds awesome.


I’m grateful for family bush walks
I’m grateful for tea and scones after bush walk
I’m grateful for my son complaining throughout the bush walk but sticking with it
I’m grateful for my daughter looking for all creatures great and small along the way
I’m grateful for such a wonderful day with my loved ones


I am grateful for proper night’s rest. I was afraid I was getting sick yesterday but it was just a lack of sleep.
I am grateful for getting back to normal life, work and daily rituals. Still a bit tired from the past week.
I am grateful for dog cuddles and play.


Through writing daily I notice how my mood is all over the place. I am going from happy and ecstatic, to tired and down. From alot of energy to feeling drained. From wanting to see people to wanting to be alone. From feeling on top of the world to feeling exhausted.
I’m not depressed, I just hope I’ll get more stable in time.

Drinking in social situations made me ‘fun’, engaged, energetic. Alcohol gave me energy, made me witty. Without it I feel slow and a bit of a bore and I want (need) to be alone more. I miss my zest.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad I’m sober and I never ever want to go back to drinking. But I feel I need to get used to being less fun to be around.
I don’t know, it’s just different… Maybe also a combination of paws and hormones…

I am sorry this is not a gratitude post, but I just wanted to get it off my chest. I wish you all a good sober day :pray:


You will be fun again I promise! This was a big fear of mine in early sobriety. I literally thought “I can never have fun again”. Turns out that the things you like about yourself that you ascribed to alcohol are actually parts of you that you can have back again.


I have severe social anxiety, and drinking was the way I coped with social situations. Turns out, I’m not really the life of the party. I’m a bit introverted. But I’m figuring out that’s OK. I feel you. :people_hugging:


@50ber thanks for the positive vibes friend :hugs:
@Naomi Yes – I do think it could be a mixture of hormones and paws but on top of that just our addict brain trying to make us feel like the alcohol gave us personality. Being around drinkers now I cringe to think that I acted that way LOL. I mean its not bad per se but still not authentic and I was loud. LOL. Keep working on your sobriety love and you will get your fun stuff back :wink: It took me a while to even think about being social again.

Sunday morning gratitude’s
I am so grateful for my family. I love the support and care from each of them. Grateful that they understand me not wanting to take more pills for pain just because I shouldn’t be in pain. I’ve had so many crazy side effects from pills that I rather deal with the pain. Grateful for them finally understanding this.
I am so grateful for heating pads and ice packs.
I am so grateful for being able to force myself to walk around the ground floor more yesterday.
I am so grateful for the time change in that it feels like spring is here when we change our clock. Started the day with snow but now rain which is perfect and welcome
I am so grateful for laid back Sunday’s. Grateful for a peaceful household today without the hussle and bustle of a work day.
I am so grateful for clean filtered water. Tastes so great
I am so grateful for homemade teas – clove, turmeric, ginger (love my cold press – grateful my fingers don’t turn color when I press the turmeric LOL).
I am so grateful for cooked fruit which is easier to digest. Grateful for cinnamon to help cut the sugar from the fruit.
I am so grateful for coffee. Grateful my mom now knows how to make the perfect coffee (she has the ratio down perfectly).
I am so grateful for lymph massages and eye / neck exercises- thank you YouTube.
I am so grateful for deep breathing, meditation and prayer, body scans and self care.
I am so grateful for you all – thank you for being on this journey with me you beautiful souls :hugs:
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day – sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


In this moment i am greatful for…

My husband and his excitement to go to lion king today
I woke up too early but was able to go back to bed
Travel plans
Mental healthcare workers
Usually my 5 senses…longing for smell and taste atm
Giving myself grace
New tennis shoes that fit my personality
This amazing community
Learning to let go


I am very grateful today that I live a full day’s drive away from my family. There are some days this is a light and passing gratitude like a light breeze, but then there are other days when things happen that brings on a full fledged gust of gratitude.

@Naomi your zest will return in time, but it may be a slightly different kind of zest, one that is more genuine and you.


I’m grateful for Day 9. Grateful to be struggling emotionally today, as I am starting to deal with things. Grateful I don’t have any desire for a drink today. Grateful for the sober experience of knowing it takes a lot longer than 9 days to recover. Grateful I have a place to come to when my emotions don’t match the situation. Grateful that each day my life will get better. Grateful to know my brain and body are healing. Grateful to know that I can rebuild my life.


I’m grateful the sun is shining, the birds are singing, I now have a sponsor and am starting to work with her, and there are welcoming meetings in my town plus this group and my TLC online crew. I’m grateful for my beautiful horses and doggos. I’m grateful to be alive :heart: