Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Today I am grateful… that my son loves his new job and is really putting himself out there and making new friends.

That my daughter is nothing like me and a total social butterfly and enjoying her life to the fullest.

I’m grateful for the sunshine outside.

I am grateful that the scale showed I’m down 8.8 lbs since February 1st.

I’m grateful for making goals, sticking them out and the sense of accomplishment and pride I feel in myself lately.

I am grateful that I cut out alcohol 70 days ago and it didn’t take too long at all to notice these massive improvements in my mood, my self and my worth.

Thankful more than I could describe for this TS community.


Not the best photo in the world but these are the gifts my daughter gave me today for mothers day…i just want to say how greatful i am to have such an amazing little girl…several times today i have been moved almost to happy tears how much love we actually have for each other, if i achieve nothing else in this world i am greatful and honoured to be the mother of the most thoughtful, kind, intelligent, funny and beautiful daughter. My heart is full :heart::heart:


Today I’m grateful for a homey sunday. I’m grateful for service on TV, it was touching and helped me to find a good emotional balance today. I’m grateful for cat fun, they are active and nosy about all the stuff I’m doing.

I’m grateful I did a dozen little (or not so little) things: assemble the last cupboard doors, bring the last box of books upstairs, rearrange my bed, mop the masterbedroom, clean 2 windows, fire the furnace, throw out a few things, dust and put away some stuff.
I’m grateful I took the time to spend hours on searching for a special motive I have in mind on pixabay. It helped me sort my thoughts and feelings and let go.

I’m grateful for leftovers and the last piece of the cake I made on friday. I’m grateful for wasching machines, dishwashers, hot water kettles, microwaves, fridges, vacuum cleaners, electricity in general and all the modern amenities we all so often take for granted.

I’m grateful for a hot shower and my sunday beauty program. I’m grateful I feel my energy fully coming back after covid, at least for today. Boy, 3 months and I’m still not fully recovered on some days. I’m grateful that I felt like my genuine self again today. I’m grateful it’s ok if tomorrow it feels different.
I’m grateful that many babysteps add up massively :pray: ODAAT


Please forgive me….I am not wearing my glasses just now. Thought it said “horney “ HOMEY IS GOOD!



My Gratitude for today. Today’s mens group meeting, lazy Sundays, early morning workout, time to reflect on all the good things in my life. Later I will be extremely grateful for the pizza I’m going to demolish :smiley::pizza::drooling_face: Wishing a great day for all you peeps.


I am grateful for the wonders of the modern day called the internet and smart devices. Grateful I can start my day in bed with likeminded people here just by grabbing my phone and opening an app. This really is marvellous!
I am grateful I managed to drag myself away from my computer today. I love this stuff far too much and often times want to try out just one more thing which ends up taking hours of my time and making me just overworked, tired and stressed. That‘s a part of my self care I am working on.
I am grateful for movement, bike rides, meditation, yoga. Grateful for resisting cake cravings, good weather. Grateful for getting my daughter into the tub with only little fuss.
I am grateful my husband is taking some time off and spending the night at his parents. Grateful for the peace this gives me and hoping it will help him sort himself out.
I am grateful for this wonderful day and the prospects of a good night‘s sleep :night_with_stars:


Hello friends,
I’m grateful for a nice, easy Sunday. I’m grateful I woke up to early, but had some quiet time to read and do my gratitude journal. I’m grateful I went to church with my son and mother in law and other family members today. I’m grateful I took a nap when we got home. I’m grateful for love, forgiveness, and hope :heart:


I’d be grateful to see these on the sober leg selfie thread :wink:

Well since I’m here.

I’m grateful I got my house back and family is gone. I’m grateful for the Power Nap I just woke up from. Grateful I wasn’t drinking before noon. Grateful I can clean up around here now or not. I’m grateful for the text notification that they just landed in Dallas. Grateful for the early start time for the Oscar’s. Didn’t get my Oscar movies watched this year as we normally do and I’ll be gratefully going to a meeting before it’s over. Grateful for leftovers tonight. I’m grateful i don’t drink.




We got this

Oh ya.
I’m grateful for another afternoon to try and give my will and my life over to the care of my creator.


I am grateful I made it to the gym today. I am grateful for the opportunity to make amends for the bad behavior when I was not sober. Most bridges were not burned just singed a bit. :hugs::blush:


@cjp ooh – are you sharing the new kicks on the sober legs thread? Hope you two enjoy Lion King
@hoss oh so grateful to see you posting friend – glad you are doing well!
@starlight14 beautiful card Kelly – threw me off when I read mothers day today. Didn’t realize it was celebrated on different days around the world. Grateful for the thoughtful and loving card you received from your daughter :hugs:

OMG – laughed too hard and i’m holding my tummy from feeling it. Grateful for the laugh


I’m grateful for brunch in bed, made by my daughter for mother’s day :heartpulse: followed by a meal out later in the afternoon…followed by a food induced nap on the sofa :joy:
I’m grateful for my loving family.
I’m grateful for my mum, who has helped me through, and put up with, so much from me over the years.
I’m grateful for a feeling of peace today. It feels nice.


Grateful for staying active even when I dont feel like it.
Grateful for opportunities arising at work, it probably would have come along if I was still drinking, but Grateful now that I’m much better prepared to take them on and do them well.
Grateful for milestones on here but more grateful for those personal milestones that relate to breaking habits. Things like first weekend, first family holiday, first time going to a game or concert. Little milestones that you may not realise beforehand but are grateful for them regardless.
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


Hey Ya’ll :wave:
Im gonna go ahead and say … I’m Grateful I’m alive…
I have lived so many lives, within soany circles.
It’s been hard and it’s been long.
I have been soo many different people to so many.
Not quite sure who I am supposed to be now.
I’m here, working on knowing the real me now.
Like I said …
I’m Grateful to be alive.


I’m grateful for putting in work at training this morning
I’m grateful for struggling through day 11 of March challenge after training
I’m grateful for mowing after the challenge and completely draining my tank
I’m grateful for planning around my new job that begins next week
I’m grateful for thoughts, feelings and emotions that are no longer numbed by alcohol


Grateful I’m able to make decisions with a clear (albeit tired) mind.

Grateful I’m more patient with my teenage son and take more deep breaths before I speak (even if I get exasperated often).

Grateful I’m not worried about hiding anything when I hug my youngest son (although I don’t think he was old enough to notice earlier on, I still feel horrible about past situations).

Grateful I can be strong enough during this difficult time at work for my husband, and give more than I take because he needs it now (but I surely hope he gets into a better groove soon, as I miss him).

Bottom line: I’m grateful during crisp sunny days and during sand-storm filled days like today…:pray::heart:

Sending love to you all! :heart:


I’m grateful for another day to try and remember to turn my will and my life over to the care of my creator.

I’m grateful for another day to not give my serenity away freely.

I’m grateful to try and stay in the moment today as much as possible.

I’m grateful for another day to remember I cannot fix others. I’m grateful to know it doesn’t matter if they’re an alcoholic or not. I’m grateful for another day to remember I can only change my self and my attitude towards everyone in my life.

I’m grateful for the meeting I chaired last night on the serenity prayer. I’m grateful today’s meeting is from the book Paths To Recovery.

I’m grateful recovery takes time and I’m grateful I’m right where I need to be.

I’m grateful I have thought back to my first year and a half or more on my sober journey and it drove me crazy constantly thinking about booze or romanticizing the drink. I’m grateful I don’t do that anymore and grateful maybe I will get to that point with my wife’s drinking. I’m grateful things have actually been pretty good.

I’m grateful to enjoy this journey with y’all.
Nice to see ya Anna @desert_rose :wilted_flower:

Serenity comes when you trade expectations for acceptance.
Gautama Buddha


Grateful for Day 10. Grateful that I can’t think straight because that means my head is clearing up. Grateful to have a home to sober up in. Grateful for the beautiful sunny day. Grateful I got sober at the beginning of March. Grateful for the birds screeching. :grinning:


I am grateful for this safe space, such a warm and caring sounding board!

I am grateful I did go out yesterday to see friends and go to a birthday after, although I didn’t really feel like it. I had some of your replies in mind when I felt not so talkative. It’s ok to not be as loud as the drinkers, who cares if they think I’m boring? I sure shouldn’t…
Everytime I am grateful to walk back home sober and to still have energy to cook a healthy meal. And to come home to my son clear headed, I am so freaking proud of myself at those moments.

I am grateful for my shopping ‘adventure’ today. I walked almost 15k steps and got to keep my money in my pockets, as there was absolutely nothing worth spending my money on.

I am grateful for my couch and more so the dog that’s next to me under the heated blanket. I’ll light up a candle, fix myself some diner and put on a documentary. I am grateful for this relaxed, carefree day.


I’m grateful for the men and women out there who decide to heal hearts they didn’t break and raise babies the didn’t help create. I’m thankful for the Jackson’s of the world who love us, while we still smell of heartache and war.

I’m thankful for my sobriety and being in my right mind. I’m thankful for clarity and a peace that has started to settle into the marrow of my own wounded bones. I’m thankful for life man, I’m so fucking thankful for life.

My Jackson :grin:


Im greatful for…

My life
Walks with Boscoe
Work from home opportunity
Baby steps