Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Thank you for the birthday wishes :two_hearts: I am not feeling to well, so off to bed early and hopefully tomorrow back to normal energy levels. I am sorry to hear you are having a hard time today, I hope the new day will be better for you too dear :pray::people_hugging:


I 'm grateful I slept a lot yesterday. I needed it to decompress.
I’m grateful today the usual post meeting the ex emotional nausea and codependent sobbing reached its peak. I’m already feeling better balanced after listening to a good narration of The Little Prince. I’m grateful I won a ticket for this performance. It was a nice way to spend sunday evening!

I’m grateful I did some chores today to keep the house on the actual neat & tidy level. I’m gratefulI like to do so at the moment.

I’m grateful for service on TV, my wonderful loving cats, sleeping meds and sleep :zzz:


I am grateful to be sober and laying with my furbaby, Will :cat: after cooking an irish boiled dinner. :four_leaf_clover:

I am grateful for the sunshine I got today when I went out shopping with my sister. :sunny:

I am so grateful for my family and hope my mom will transition into afterlife comfortably and peacfully when it’s time. :white_heart:

I am grateful to have today off to rest and relax.

I am grateful to be here with everyone. :heart:


Grateful for the change in seasons. I love summer and the activities you can get up to in summer. But I do like the cooler temps of winter ( I say this now, but in a few months I’ll be looking foward to our mid winter escape to summer holiday that we like to do)

Grateful for the extra motivation to workout that I get from my wife when I’m not quite feeling it

Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


Thank you.


Grateful for a Sunday morning, alcohol-free gathering.
Grateful for 16 days of sobriety.
Grateful for the rain we needed, and the clearing skies tomorrow.
Grateful to feel more hopeful and confident today.
Grateful to be looking forward to a new week, not dreading it.
Grateful for the new life taking shape


I’m so very grateful to my dad and husband. Today they spent 5 hours helping to dismantle and move a greenhouse that my friend gave to me. They ended up doing most of the work, as my stupid body was in a mood with me for doing too much yesterday so I could hardly stand.
I’m grateful that my dad had the genius idea to bring a sharpie and label all the glass panes before we dismantled it, dad’s are good like that :hugs::man_mechanic::heartpulse:
I’m grateful we have found a peace with each other now. It is my dad who I inherited this family disease of achohol addiction from and we have watched, contributed to and shared in each other’s miseries over many years. He still choses to drink, albeit in greatly reduced quantities, but I’m grateful to have learnt and accepted I cannot change him. I’m grateful to have read posts from people on TS, such as @Dazercat , who have helped me come to this realisation, to find peace with it, and to simply love him for the wonderful man he is most of the time :heart:
I’m grateful for my family and for our happy memories. I choose to let go of the bad memories, they do me no service.


I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me and helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family and friends. I’m grateful for my cat and lint rollers. I’m grateful for music and creativity. I’m grateful for work and sports.
God bless us all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You’re a star, shine bright. Ya you!!


Morning gratitude.
I’m grateful for restful sleep, I fell asleep the moment I finished yesterday’s gratitude and put the phone away. I’m grateful for weird dreams, a lot better bearable than these horrible nightmares.

I’m grateful for cats stealing my blanket. I’m grateful I can sleep with only a corner of a blanket when I return from the bathroom. The cats didn’t move, I heard them snorring. I’m grateful for my loving furballs, the sunshine of my life.

I’m grateful I need to work on resentments and let go. And wishful thinking. And seeing people like they are now, acknowledging that they changed over the years. I’m grateful I answer the “somebody pamper me” cry with kindness and selfcare, asking what it really is that moves me and gently demanding adult thinking and behaviour, reminding me that I’m in charge to hold the child in me that cries for being loved, held and feeling save.
I’m not so grateful this process is always triggered by my ex but I’m grateful the worst is over after 2 -3 days now compared to a whole week of emotional turmoil half a year ago. Progress, not perfection :pray:

I’m grateful I’ll take it easy today, maybe this leads again to accomplishing a lot without stress or exhaustion. I’m grateful I’m curiously trying new routines (as I still lack etablished ones at the farm, lotsa work in progress). I’m grateful babysteps add up.

I’m grateful I had coffee yesterday! It tasted so good and shooed a bad headache.
I’m grateful I attended the performance yesterday alone. I’m grateful I drove home to the farm afterwards. I’m grateful practising driving in the dark pays off, I get more confident and less stressed.
I’m grateful there’s work to do on being understanding and not taking things personally. Latter has been a real struggle last week.

I’m grateful for tea, snuggling cats, a loved, comfy home, growing seedlings, modern amenities, my reliable car, people being nice and friendly, caring friends, no need to leave the house today if I don’t want, relieving farts from deep inside that heartfeltly express what I think about my own codependent shenenigans, probiotics that make these farts possible (feels markedly better already).
I’m grateful I am fresh and awake to write proper gratitude. ODAAT🙏


I’m grateful for starting a new job
I’m grateful for a friendly team
I’m grateful for egg and lettuce sandwich for lunch
I’m grateful to be contributing financially to our household
I’m grateful that none of my pay will go to alcohol


I love your post @erntedank, it’s so nice to read your insights. We would never got this far if we didn’t sober up :two_hearts:

Today’s gratitude
Unfortunately I got sick, I notice my body shuts down when I take to much on. I’ve been busy at my parents last week and it was a tad too much. But!! I’m grateful it’s just a cold and not a hangover.
I’m grateful for my comfortable bed, my dog besides me, my heated blanket on the hellfire setting and my laptop on my lap. It can be worse than that. I am grateful I got to reschedule today’s office meetings to online.

I had a BD date planned with my son tonight, but we’ll postpone it till I’m up and running again.
I am grateful for my life, flexibily and my amazing housemates (my son and my dog). I am grateful two old friends reached out today and to catch up with them later this week.

My body aches, but my mind is happy :pray:


Good morning my sober tribe,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety
Past me who made lunches for this week
Insight timer and throat chakra meditations
Reiki healers
A wonderful chat with a sober sister yesterday about intuition
Time with hubby and boscoe
Getting thru tough financial discussions with respect and clarity
Letting go of things i cant control
Mental health
My physical health
Time to regroup in the morning


Good Monday Morning,
Do those two words really to together? Good and Monday :slightly_smiling_face:
I am grateful that my kids and grandkids are healthy
That I woke up this morning without a hangover
That I have a warm house, 34 degrees this morning
That I have a good job, even though I hate it sometimes
That I found Talking Sober


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful for one more day off work. I’m grateful to have a dental appointment today, and then nothing else planned. I’m grateful for time with family yesterday. I’m grateful for the beautiful weather we’ve been having, and that today I will go for a walk and soak up some sun. I’m grateful that I can admit that I’m feeling angry towards my husband, and I can work on that. I’m grateful for this home thread♥️


I’m grateful for a great nights sleep.
I’m grateful to get this fucking day going!!
I’m grateful for another day to try and turn my fucking will and care over to god.
I’m grateful for the fucking serenity prayer.
I’m grateful I feel fucking so much better currently.
I’m grateful for gorgeous sunsets. I hope they have some in Cali :upside_down_face:

I’m grateful wifey and I are taking the show on the road. I’m grateful it’s going to be an awesome show!!

I’m grateful for the outpouring of loving support I find here at TS and especially this gratitude thread.

ALL RIGHT BURNER!! Let’s do this!

“When you fight something, you’re tied to it forever. As long as you’re fighting it, you’re giving it power.”
Anthony de Mello


Grateful for a nice hot bath on a chilly spring morning.
Grateful for partial sunshine today to keep my spirits up.
Grateful for the time I need to become healthy again.
Grateful for 17 days.
Grateful for new friends.
Grateful for being sober today.


@Naomi HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL! :birthday: :balloon: :tada:


sorry you are not feeling well today and grateful that you can postpone your celebrations to when you are more up to it… hopefully soon :crossed_fingers:
Sending you many healing vibes on your birthday :pray: :heart:


Thanks dear! :two_hearts:


oh i laughed too hard and am grateful for this too :laughing: Grateful your coffee shooed away that headache :hugs:


I‘m grateful I woke up today very sad and down. I let my feelings be the way they needed to be. Then I read a bit here and my perspective changed. I wanted to be alive, to get up and to do things. I am grateful for every single post shared here. I am grateful for it every day, every morning.
I am grateful my headache started only after my class. A headache with a class full of 11y/os is no fun.
I am grateful I kept my food journal diligently and ate all my meals slowly and mindfully. Food is so wonderful if I only take enough time to actually taste it. I am grateful this was possible today. I also realised I was satisfied with my meals far earlier then previously. This is such a great discovery. Eating a good meal and feeling the satisfaction at some point and then stopping. No feeling stuffed, no food coma. I am so grateful for these experiences today.
I am grateful I took several breaks throughout the day today to really feel, to checkin with myself, even to lie down and let everything be the way it needed to. Life is so full, I just need every part of me let have the experience of it that it needs.
I am grateful for interesting work, for tears when needed, for beauty, for so many things to love.
I am grateful for being tired and sleep calling for me.