Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Nicely done girl – keep up the great efforts! :muscle:


Grateful for this today…

Grateful for the decision I made to stop drinking.
Grateful for feeling huge relief and not having cravings, I was done with it. I’m still done with it.
Grateful that my life has massively improved and my relationships too.
Grateful to be here, this place has helped me so soo much. I couldn’t have done it without TS :sparkling_heart:


Huge congratulations :fireworks:


I am grateful I am sober today.
That I am back on my sober journey - grateful i feel relieved like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
Grateful I will be sober for my 39th birthday tomorrow.
IV been sober for many years every birthday so I have to keep up that tradition :muscle:
Grateful I’m alive, and this recent relapse felt horrible and I’m glad to turn my back and be the person I was 3 weeks ago. She’s still there. It’s still me. Grateful I haven’t lost the person and life I built. Close but close enough to bounce back.
Grateful for everyone here. :hugs:


Omg, you’re a fellow fighter!! I am so sorry what you had to go through (I read your other post too), but it warms my heart to see others having the balls to leave. We were the lucky ones who got away. :white_heart: Thankfully our children grow up free!

Recently they decided JW’s are allowed to greet the shunned. Only in the Kingdom hall for now, but it might be a first step. Women are allowed to wear pants now and men don’t need to wear jacket and tie anymore. It’s crazy, you won’t recognise the (b)org nowadays.

I am so grateful to see you can give your children what they deserve, unconditional love. I am grateful you decided to respond on my story, thank you Elliot. I am grateful you chose your own path :pray:


Amazing!!! Congratulations on 2 years!!! :raised_hands::tada:


Way to go friend – very impressive milestone! Keep putting in that solid effort and reaping the amazing benefits!



Thanks so much :blush:

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Thank you Jazzy :sparkling_heart:

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I am grateful for the sun today. I spent a lot of time lounging in the sun on the balcony and took a walk in the afternoon through the neighbourhood. Spring is there, winter is gone, life is back.
I am grateful for the loooong and soooo relaxing yin yoga session this afternoon.
I am grateful for keeping my peace and staying mindful throughout the day.
I am grateful my ‚histamine hangover‘ went away at some time and I could enjoy the day without aches, nausea and vertigo.
I am grateful I did some sequence diagrams today and had much fun with it. Like with every new round of analysis and modelling I find new logical holes in my design, which means new stuff to tinker with. I love programming. I love making video games, every step of it.
I am grateful whilst on my walk I had some inspiration and ideas for new games or at least new game mechanics. When the muse visits me it‘s like a beautiful kiss.
I am grateful I am finding a way to be compassionate towards my husband without compromising my boundaries.
I am grateful my daughter and I are planning a short trip to Arnhem soon. I‘m looking forward to the zoo and discovering the street art there.
I am grateful it‘s time to relax and let the day be :night_with_stars:


@tifflynn07 Going strong with +80 and -10 Tiffany! :muscle::star_struck:
@PinkyP A huge milestone to celebrate, two years of freedom. Congrats! :tada::sparkles:
@Twizzlers Good to see you back! Happy sober birthday in advance :heart_on_fire:


I am grateful to have two of my grandsons here this week! Sitting here sober after a meeting, scratching the younger ones back. The older one is chilling on his phone in his room. Have a nice day all!:star2::star2::star2::star2:


The sun was shining today, I am grateful for spring time! I feel like a bear waking up from hibernation.

I am grateful for your stories, it’s so nice to read what you all are grateful for.

I am grateful for this evening’s relaxed diner and talk with my son. He noticed I don’t have anxiety anymore and that I’m more relaxed and happier. He knows I work on my sobriety and that I write here everyday. I am grateful we can talk about that.
He is 23 and I feel like the rolls are slowly changing. Now he is protective of me and gives me advice. I am grateful for this gentle giant, I am grateful and proud to be his mom.

I am also grateful for my car that passed the yearly inspection today. For the healthy relationship with my son’s father. For my crazy, happy dog. For a checked off to do list. For my dad. For one hundred and eight sober days.


Love the new profile pic Aga! Enjoy Arnhem, beautiful city :slight_smile:
What kind of video games do you make?


I’m grateful for the times in the past that I made the better choice in situations that still echo until this day.

Go me. :laughing:

@PinkyP two years! You are amazing!
@tifflynn07 congrats on your 80 days. Keep it up!


Grateful for Day 19 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Congratulations on 2 years @PinkyP whoop whoop…awesome work :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:
Congratulations @tifflynn07 on 80 days, amazing :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

I’m grateful for a looooong nap this afternoon.
I’m grateful for my indoor garden waking up and new leaves starting to appear.
I’m grateful I caught my addictive thinking and old habits starting to creep back in with my weight. I can buy a new swimsuit if I need to, I don’t need to try to fit into an old one and wake that sleeping demon.
I’m grateful the tools I’ve learnt from the amazing people here continue to help me to navigate life.
I’m grateful that I can actually start working on me now that I’m not blocking it all out with alcohol. Fuck, I have to start working on me. I’m scared. But I’m grateful I’m still here (by rights I shouldn’t be with all the stupid, dangerous shit I’ve done) and I get this chance, many people don’t.
Thank you guys, I’m grateful for you all.


Oh girl - I am so grateful that you are here too. Grateful to have gotten to know you and to have you in my life. Keep that positive attitude going Kiki :wink: you are beautiful my friend so don’t let the body imaging demon that we know creeps up at the worst of times have any say. :hugs:


Hello everyone,

Checking back in. I am grateful for the beautiful but chilly weather. I am grateful for my job and recent pay raise (i feel very appreciated) I am grateful for my bosses and ending the month with a light work load. I am grateful for my health and that I am loosing weight! (People are starting to notice) wohoo :partying_face: I am grateful for my husband, kiddos and my loved ones. I am grateful for our finances and being able to afford the lifestyle we have. I am grateful that we got our basement finished. I am grateful for my animals, giving them some extra love today. I am grateful for the food on our table, a roof over our head and for our vehicles. Lastly, I am grateful for my sobriety! Thank you God, I am blessed. ODAAT :black_heart::pray:


3/20/24 Grateful for God accepting our new relationship. Grateful to be his will and not my own. Grateful another day sober another AA Meeting and another hour of pool exercise.