Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Congratulations on 2 years! Grateful you are here with us!


Thankful for 441 days today! Also, thankful for a 4 game win streak after a rough patch. The team is one game away from being back to a .500 record at 7-7. We had a great game today and got some payback on a rival team who beat us bad about a week and a half ago. Thankful for my job despite some frustration with some office politicking going on I decided Iā€™m just going to keep doing my job and not care about those kissing ass to get ahead. Iā€™m thankful to be home tonight resting and relaxing in the love and comfort of my family. Thankful as always for this place and a great week so far!


Iā€™m grateful that sobriety is so easy even a caveman could do it


Thanks so much :sunflower:


Gotta look a bit deeper for gratitude this morningā€¦ feel a bit glum. So here it goes.
Grateful for today. Its a new day, its a new dawn, everything is possible still.
Grateful someone is taking care of my leaky bathtub.
Grateful I am reconnecting with some co-workers. Something was off the past few weeks, due to overstepped boundaries.
Grateful I am still learning and getting a clearer picture of where I want to be the nextā€¦years, I guess. Also thatā€™s what I am struggling with at the moment. But I am taking it, as it is. Work in progress.
Grateful for milestones reached @PinkyP and @tifflynn07 .
Grateful for bananas and oatmeal. Simple as that. Love the creamy texture. Makes me happy for the day. :orange_heart:


Iā€™m grateful I remembered that Iā€™m supposed to make something for a gathering this weekend. I totally spced it and so Iā€™m grateful I wonā€™t be scrambling at the last minute. Maybe Iā€™ll bake some bread or somethingā€¦ :thinking:


Grateful for sunny autumn days
Grateful for chilly mornings and warm days
Grateful for an extra half hour sleep this morning before work
Grateful for a day off tomorrow before my nightshift


Thanks Naomi. I work on all kinds of games. I have about a bazillion ideas somewhere in the back drawer of my mind :wink:. Iā€˜m not much into games with a lot of action cause I usually am really bad at those and find it difficult to judge the right level of challenge for most people. But I like developing basically every kind of game. Right now I am in a learning by doing phase. I remake well known classics, like pong, super mario, etc. to learn more about design choices and development process.


Time flies, itā€™s already thursday.
Today Iā€™m grateful for the mid morning pause I take now. Iā€™m grateful the wood fired stove makes the room cozy and warm, my soul needs every bit of kindness and care today. Itā€™s the 12th anniversary of buying the farm. Heartbreak and shattered dreams of a good life are present today. Iā€™m grateful I sat with the feelings in the morning, enjoyed the beautiful sunrise and the chill air, cried and proceeded with everyday chores and duties after a while. Iā€™m grateful routines give me stability.

Iā€™m grateful for therapy. Iā€™m grateful for counselling. Iā€™m grateful that I move on in life allthough I not always recognize it. Iā€™m grateful for feedback and help. Iā€™m grateful for options. Iā€™m grateful not to decide (yet) is a valid option. Iā€™m grateful being me means a lot of thinking until I start doing. Iā€™m grateful itā€™s ok to do so. Iā€™m also grateful that I get better in just doing without thinking much in advance. Iā€™m grateful learning to find a balance is a work in progress.

Iā€™m grateful for fumbling seeds and seedlings. Iā€™m grateful for good reads. Iā€™m grateful for a full fridge. Iā€™m grateful I have a day at home today. Iā€™m grateful I get better at dealing with busy weeks. Iā€™m grateful for babysteps as they add up :pray:

Iā€™m grateful for my cats, friends, car, tea, comfy shoes, toilet paper, kitchen towels, fresh water from the tap, freedom, modern amenities, letting go, finding serenity, naps, hot showers, fresh laundry, smiles and the pictures on the living room walls. Iā€™m grateful I live my best life under the circumstances given. Iā€™m grateful I abstain from complaining, Iā€™m just grateful from the bottom of my heart for what I have :pray: ODAAT

Edit to add: Iā€™m grateful for this thread


Despite the ramifications of leaving the cult, I agree that us and our children are better off for it. I donā€™t regret, and am grateful for deciding to walk my own path, even through addiction to where I am today.

Iā€™m grateful for your borg update. Talking to shunned, women wearing pants, men with no jackets or ties, and beards are in too! No matter how you polish a shit, itā€™s still a shit.

Iā€™m grateful that your son will grow up free and loved with reality in check. Iā€™m grateful weā€™ve connected over your story. Iā€™m grateful you continue to fight for your beliefs and values. You get me, I get you and weā€™ve got this!:pray::muscle:


Morning sober tribe,

Im so very greatful forā€¦

My sobriety!
690 days free from weed and alcohol
233 days free from nicotine

People connecting and finding community here
Celebration of milestones giving hope to others
Hot coffee
Made it to thursday
Spoke up for myself
Progress not perfection
My sponsorā€™s homework to identify what balance is to me in work, life, and aa
Love and joy
Hubby stepping up and creating solutions with his dead car
My folks, gotta love em, theyre hilarious
I get to work from home tomorrow, a lil work life balance
Patience with myself and others
Midday meditation yesterday
My brainpower
Mental clarity, at times
Feeling that peace and connecting with the energy of the universe


Grateful I didnā€™t miss Pinkyā€™s 2 year anniversary. By much :shushing_face:

Congratulations on you 2 years of Sober Time with us Pinky. What a beautiful thing.

More Cake!


I am grateful for my alcoholic husband. We lost our sweet cat yesterday and we need each other to lean on. I love him and hate the disease. :heart:
I am grateful to have had BB for 9 1/2 years.
There are lots of things I am grateful for, itā€™s just really hard to think of them right now.


@Twizzlers Happy 39th birthday :birthday::birthday:

Hope you are having a wonderful day :heart::hugs::relieved:


Hiya @JazzyS

I have just got back from the shops to cook some nice food for this evening :sparkles: I am grateful to the little things still which for me is gold. Everything is harder without gratefullness. Glad I hadnā€™t got to deep in.
Today I am celebrating my Day2 :blush:
And being a year older just makes me realise that Iā€™m too old to be messing up!
Have a lovely day :sunflower:
Going to get on with my bits then il be back later on here to do lots of reading :people_hugging:


Yeah day 2 and a new positive attitude :people_hugging:ā€¦ Go on and have a wonderful day love
Love ya :kissing_heart:


Bread is good especially homemade.

Have a great sober day.


So sorry for your loss. Pets are family. I will not say I know how you feel. We have lost many senior pets. I had a Siamese cat for 21 years. May you find comfort in great memories.


Grateful Iā€™m sober and can be honest with myself. Grateful I continue to work on my defects daily and be a better human. Grateful for the advice from others. Grateful to be alive! :v:


Thanks so much for your kind words