Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I’m grateful spring is really starting to show in the weather and that soon plants will be in full bloom.

@Twizzlers happy birthday!
@Jeannie0915 I’m sorry about your loss and I hope you will be able to find some comfort during this sad time.


Happy Birthday and day 2 Twizzle
So wonderful to see/read you my friend :people_hugging:


I did some exhausting things twice today - lifting heavy planter pots and holding strong yoga poses - and every time I got a kind of anxiety thing going after that. I am grateful I knew it was nothing threatening and that it passed. I blame hormones.
I am grateful I had the time and energy and good weather to do some gardening on my balcony, preparing for new seeds this spring.
I am grateful for the nice long phone chat I had with a friend.
I am grateful for a great tarot card reading I did for my spring equinox celebration. I love tarot cards, they always help me sort out difficult stuff in my life through imagery and symbolism. I am grateful I discovered tarot a few years ago and have this tool to access the non-linear-logical parts of myself.
I am grateful for a good yoga practice, great food, keeping my peace.
I am grateful I kept working my recovery program today.
I am grateful I have a nice chill evening to look forward to.
Sleep tight friends :night_with_stars:


I am grateful for having ramen noodle soup for a belated BD diner. I like no frills restaurants, just good food, with good company in the form of my son.

I am grateful the first day nicotine free was pretty easy. I did prepare myself for quiting for some weeks and I’m really ready for it. I threw the last couple of nic gums away.

I am grateful for a relaxed day, some working, some chores, some walking…
Grateful for another relaxed day tomorrow. Rinse and repeat.


Thanks so much :birthday:


Congratulations on 2 years!!! That is a great achievement.


@pandita grateful that you were able to practice gratitude my friend – hope it helped getting out of the glum state :hugs:
@jeannie0915 so very sorry for your loss Jeannie. :hugs: Sending you love and comfort
@naomi Glad you got to have your BD dinner with your son. Great work on day 1 no nicotine! :muscle: We are here for you love – keep stacking up the days!

Gratefulness practiced on this lovely Thursday
I am so grateful that i am doing what i can in my healing and that i have my CT scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. Hoping to get some answers to this intense pain as i’m 4 weeks post surgery.
I am so grateful for humor and laughter. Grateful for comedy and light hearted TV.
I am so grateful the Screaming into the Void thread too @erntedank … really needed that today - thank you @Dilettante
I am so grateful for being able to chat via text / email.
I am so grateful for great friends and family. Support is unbelievable.
I am so grateful for my mom. Had a very rough evening and she helped me in the one way she could-- by being a loving mom and hugging me tight.
I am so grateful that i know this too shall pass and i know its not all in my head.
I am so grateful for good food and hot beverages.
I am so grateful for the lovely sourdough breads my aunt has brought. I missed my breads so very much and am grateful that i don’t have any issues with it.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Awww, thanks Jasmine, you too :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: it always lifts my spirits to read your messages :heart:
I hope your CT scan goes well tomorrow :pray::crossed_fingers:
Happy birthday @Twizzlers :birthday::partying_face::gift:

I’m grateful for animals today.
I’m grateful for breathing practice.
I’m grateful for my sober/addictive habits toolkit.
I’m grateful for this community.
I’m grateful to be putting a sober head on my pillow.


Grateful for a relaxing day before nightshift
Grateful I was able to head out and sort the family some dinner for when they get home
Grateful I found some new pink boxing gloves for my youngest
Grateful I won’t be on admin tonight at work
Hopeful that I’ll find some time to watch my league team play and also a friend is fighting mma on tv tonight
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


3/21. Grateful for another day sober. Most chores completed before Hubby got home for weekend. Grateful God is in my life to make me a better person and I believe God is working on my husband too. Grateful for my AA SOBER FRIENDS. Grateful for happiness and calm in my home today and tonight.


Grateful for all the congratulations from fellow gratidudes, it means a lot, thank you everyone.
Grateful it is Friday and I can make a bit of extra cash babysitting.
Grateful the probate was approved and my dad’s estate will be shared out soon.
Grateful to get out on my bike yesterday, incredibly muddy but good fun.
Grateful to order a bike rack for my car, I’m not trying to get my bike in my little car any more!!


I’m grateful for completing week 1 at my new job.
I’m grateful for being clear headed while tackling anxious feelings about work
I’m grateful for a supportive culture at work
I’m grateful for learning on TS to focus on what I can control
I’m grateful for not even thinking about drinking at times when it would’ve previously been the only thing on my mind


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety
I love Boscoe and dont mind the lil fucker waking me up at 430am because hes scared of the rain
Hot coffee
Ladies AA sober sisters
Friday, payday
Option to work from home
I enjoy my job, most of the time
A salary and health insurance
Throat chakra meditations
Crockpot meals
Meal planning apps
Learning to not take responsibility for others problems
My gym membership
Progress rather than perfection
Plus this amazing sober tribe

Peace soberinos


I also like ramen but have never been to a ramen restaurant. They have a couple in the area so I may just need to take the leap haha.


I’m grateful I can browse TS from the comfort of my warm bed for just a little longer before I need to get up for today’s daily work. Being able to set most of my own schedule is a luxury I don’t take for granted.


I’m grateful to be back in my desert home with my wife and pets and coffee and ice pack and beautiful view. I’m grateful for my adventurous life when it comes to moving. I’m grateful my wife and I are the best “A Team” I could ever dream of. I’m grateful I know my wife has my back :100:

I’m grateful for another day to try and turn my will over to the care of my hp. I’m grateful to try and seek serenity during the day and accept the things I cannot change and use my courage to continue to better myself. And ONLY MYSELF. I’m grateful for another day to try and put judgement aside and not let that stinker ruin my serenity as judgement usually does.

I’m grateful for the tool of being able to think people are doing the best they can. Thanks Brené Brown. I’m grateful to try and remember I cannot possibly know what’s going on in everyone’s world and why they do the things they do. I’m grateful I can do my best too. I’m grateful I can only do my best if I don’t pick up and when I don’t judge people. Or try to control people. Or try to fix them………

I’m grateful to try and get caught up here on the home thread. I’m grateful I missed you guys. I’m grateful if I don’t get caught up. It’s ok.

“Let not my thought fantasies lead me into anticipating trouble, since I cannot know what the future may bring.”
ODAAT In Al-Anon
March 22


I have so much to be grateful for, due to my recent relapse I am keeping things simple for a bit.
I am grateful I woke up today and felt relief that I have the strength and that I want to be sober. I’m grateful that makes it a little easier.
I’m grateful I have cooked and tidied around, I’m grateful there’s not too many pieces to pick up and that I’m doing better.



I’m grateful to be sober.
I’m grateful to have been given another chance to be sober.
I’m grateful for the sunshine.
I’m grateful that I can afford to fill my fridge with delicious and nourishing food.
I’m grateful to have the good days, and the strength to push through the bad.

I’m grateful to still be here.


I am grateful for you all and your posts here.
I am grateful I went for a longer walk today although I don’t like walking in the rain.
I am grateful for another uninteresting day, nothing much to vent about.

Alcohol is not on my mind and I’m grateful for that. My friends are going out tonight but I’m hanging on the couch. I am grateful for no more FOMO. I’ll be sleeping early tonight.
I am grateful I quit nic gum. I miss it a bit, but nothing I can’t bare.
Grateful for a no stress day. Just chilling :v:


Grateful for a quiet night at work last night
Grateful for a day off with no kids before tonight’s shift
Grateful I got to do a survey last night that I was able to check off non-drinker and zero per week for some of the questions. Its was a follow up survey as part of a study attached to my work. Its anonymous and run by a university trying to help our mental wellbeing and track symptoms and instances of depression and ptsd, and ways to mitigate them. The previous survey I was very honest about my alcohol consumption and I remember some of my answers to the wellbeing questions. Grateful that last nights survey will show a marked improvement all around.
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free