Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

  1. Grateful that yesterday an emergency rental organization came 100% through to keep me at this house, for awhile. I am grateful to live, though sometimes it freaks me out. I am grateful (somehow) that the U.S. sent me pages of forms for the disability “study.” It’s been a couple of crazy days.

I’m basically off to bed, but just want to send off some gratitude.
I’m grateful I’m here, sober, clean and capable of caring for others.
I’m grateful I have the mind to send prayers for others in need.
I’m grateful I can put my compassion to work, make it actionable.
I’m grateful I talked to my mum today. I’m grateful she is still around. I know there will be a day she won’t.
I’m grateful for friends. I’m grateful for sleep.


I am grateful I can come here and just read… sometimes days in a row without the need to post myself.
I am grateful I can come here and just post… sometimes without the need to read up on all the posts that have accumulated.

I am grateful you will have me here, whatever the circumstances

Today I am grateful for mother-daughter time. We went for breakfast, she did my nails, we watched two movies. I am grateful for Pretty Woman, it’s still as cheesy as I remembered it :smile:


Grateful I saw a wonderful live production of PW in London last year. It was fantastic.


Absolutely love Pretty Woman and watch it every chance i get LOL…

My favorite scene Eric :heart:


I’m grateful for clean sheets.
I’m grateful for a week long holiday starting tomorrow.
I’m grateful for food in the house and easy dinners.
I’m grateful for a calmer day today.


I am grateful
1 Super Sober Day . Spouse and me Working as a team, yard work and chores
2 good telephone appointment with therapist
3 God is involved and a part of everything I do.
4 I am healthy


I’m grateful for 3 weeks of sobriety, and an easing of the early recovery sick, fatigued feeling. I feel like I’m making progress, right after I went through a rough patch of fatigue and insomnia. Grateful I was not discouraged.

Grateful for a gorgeous sunny day, with all in bloom.Grateful to have a good space to recover my health and start over. Grateful to see possibilities now, and dreams sneaking back in. I didn’t dare dream before because nothing changed in that static life. Any changes were of the negative kind. There weren’t any dreams. Best I could do was tread water. I’m grateful to know that all will be well, staying on this path. I’m grateful for this wonderful group.



I am grateful my friend and I made time for quick chat at lunch and got to unload some family stuff. I am grateful I am becoming better at sharing what’s troubling me, instead of locking it all up.
I am grateful some friends and I had a fun night out. We went to a newcomer concert and I am really happy how good they turned out to be. No alcohol involved, no alcohol needed.
I am grateful how easy not drinking has become most of the days. I am grateful for 800someting days free of that demon.
I am grateful for some casual flirt with the guy who fixed my bathtub. I felt super clumsy and awkward, as it has been a while. But it felt good and lighthearted.
I guess I also should be grateful for all the rain coming down these last few days. Glad it helps nature do it’s thing.
Glad you and I are here today.


Grateful to see @Lighter adding up the days and beginning to feel the benefits - a great feeling.
Grateful to be able to change my plans last minute.
I’m grateful for a day at home today, cooking, exercising, reading, cleaning etc. No where to be and no commitments, nice.
Grateful to be here :sparkling_heart:


Good morning to all of you and welcome to Saturday.

I am grateful to be sober and healthy.

I am grateful for this first day of my spring break and the opportunity to spend some time away from my students.

I’m grateful to have work that I mostly love.

I’m grateful to be in a loving marriage and that both the hubby and I are sober and always working on ourselves.

I’m grateful that my mom gave me a shawl she recently made. It is warming my legs while I write this gratitude post.

I’m grateful my sister took my mom with her on a trip to see our brother. I’m grateful my mom wants to learn more about addiction now that she realizes all 3 of her kids are middle aged folks in recovery.

I’m grateful I get to fly to visit my son in California tomorrow and that my other son is joining us.

I’m grateful to have time to think about my life this week and look ahead to retirement soon.

I’m grateful for coffee and good food.

I’m grateful to feel good about my decision to never drink again. It worked well for me when I had the first night of spring break cravings and successfully pushed those thoughts away.

I’m grateful to have access to the public library and all that I get to read!

I wish you all the best and hope your day is kind to you.


I’m grateful for early exercise starting my day off right
I’m grateful for making my children happy through playfulness
I’m grateful for the company of good friends
I’m grateful for attending my first gathering where others were all drinking and not feeling tempted
I’m grateful to be my family’s sober driver who they can count on anytime


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful it’s Saturday and I don’t have any plans. I’m grateful not having plans doesn’t mean getting wasted anymore. I’m grateful it’s kinda overcast here and it feels cozy. I’m grateful I’ve been sticking with my cto5k app and it’s fun to see some progress. I’m grateful my mother in law did my laundry yesterday- what a great surprise to come home to😊. I’m grateful all my tomato and strawberry plants are looking happy and healthy. I’m grateful for the homethread, and all of you♥️


Saturday morning gratitude for…
Sleep. Precious sleep.
Dreams that are so beautiful that I don’t want to wake up from them.
Warm comfortable bed.
Latest batch of Greek yogurt I made turned out tangy and delicious.
My latest batch of granola also turned out well.
My cats!


I’m grateful for a warm purry cat on my lap. Alice :heart_eyes_cat: Daisy on the ottoman. Benson at my side. I’m grateful for my waterfall and desert mountain view. I’m grateful it’s warming up down here. I’m grateful we might be able to get outta here before it gets unbearably hot.

I’m grateful I’m sober and when Maverick scratched the hell out of me last night because Benson Barkinson decided it was time to bark a lot. I simply trimmed Mavericks claws when he came back because I’m sober and I never have to put that off until I’m sober. Because I’m always sober.

I’m grateful for my health.
I’m grateful I get to walk Benson each morning. I’m grateful I tried calling my sister yesterday she couldn’t talk. I’m grateful I called my best friend. He couldn’t talk. I’m grateful maybe we’ll hook up another time. I’m grateful when I called them I wasn’t codependently worried about bothering them. They can either talk or not talk. I’m grateful it’s got nothing to do with me. I’m grateful when my sister and my friend called me back I couldn’t talk and didn’t try to please either of them by answering the phone since I couldn’t talk then. I’m grateful I understand what I’m talking about here. I’m grateful not being a people pleaser is less exhausting.

I’m grateful for the video of Norma listening to her Bob Marley music book wifey bought her. I’m grateful she was “Jamim :notes:

I’m grateful wifey is up and that signals to me to start getting my day going. And early morning quiet time is over. I’m grateful today that’s a good thing.

I’m grateful we found an Austin restaurant that is here in Scottsdale so we are going to it tonight. ZTejas. I cannot believe we found it right before we are moving. Who knew :man_shrugging:

I’m grateful I’m learning I am much more of a pessimist than I thought :cry: I’m grateful step 4 is showing me a lot about myself. Or maybe I’m just a worrier. I’m grateful I can work on this if I choose to.

I’m grateful I can start working on not worrying about our trip to Italy on Monday with my therapist. I’m grateful my son said, “you know you could be happy about this trip.” Holy shit. What’s wrong with me? I’m grateful maybe the stress of buying a new home, living with active alcoholism, moving and boarding our pets for ten days, especially almost 18 year old Alice, and grandchildren and life keeps coming at me non stop is such a blessing and I’m doing it all sober!! Might have something to do with it. I’m am very grateful to be blessed with the wonderful adventurous life I lead.

I’m grateful to let that stuff go here and to be here with all you sober wonderful gratidudes.

“Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision.”


I’m grateful that you’re going to Italy so I can live vicariously through your posts about it!!! :purple_heart::purple_heart:


I’m so grateful that it’s Saturday. Im grateful that I can cuddle up in bed, as it’s turned a bit rainy and chilly, and read some books while I have my coffee. I’m grateful to be going to my sister’s for Easter next weekend, so I only have to prepare a side or two. I’m grateful that this will be my first sober holiday with my hard drinking family because for once I won’t be the one saying the most inappropriate things. I’m grateful that they all love me and are happy for my sobriety journey. Grateful for you all, as always. ODAAT :purple_heart:


Wonderful post. May your trip to California be terrific. From a California sober friend I welcome you. :hugs:


Oof. Long time!

I’m grateful I can manage more “life” than I ever did when I drank. I’m grateful it feels like I’m actually living, not just getting through.

I’m gratefully to see some progress - taking things less personally, not worrying about letting others down (people pleasing), and being kinder to myself when I notice I tend toward these things.

I’m grateful for change. Some is good and some is hard. But look where it’s got us all today, hey?

I’m grateful for this weekend. I need a pause, an internal reset.

I’m grateful for the dog girl. (And her recent grooming session, lol.)
I’m grateful for books, word games, coffee, naps, music, easy snacks, walks, footbaths, and the simple joy all of these bring me.

I’m grateful for all of you, for this thread, for relating to recent awkward flirtations, emotional farts, all of it!

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:

@Twizzlers Grateful to see you here and posting, friend! Hugs and much admiration your way. :people_hugging: And happy day and year ahead! :gift:
@PinkyP Huge congrats on 2 years. Amazing. :boom:
@Naomi Happiest of birthdays (belated) and the best year ahead! :birthday:


I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me and helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for music, creativity, humor and laughter. I’m grateful for my kitty cat the angel of Peace. I’m grateful for the twelve steps. I’m grateful for my sponsor.

May our higher powers grant us humility.

p.s. You are incredible. Ya you!!