Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I am grateful for waking to another hangover free day. I am grateful for another sober day. I am grateful for chocolate. I am grateful to the people in my life who can make me laugh out loud. I am grateful that my stress & anxiety levels have reduced quite a bit. I’m grateful to be on this site getting daily support, even if I don’t write anything myself reading other post & comments fills me with hope, joy & a determination to stay sober 🩷


Grateful to wake up sober and hangover free! especially hearing some friends woke up still drunk and continued to drink through the day. Reinforced that i made the right choice not to hangout with them


Sounds very much like you did the right thing. Maybe another time you all can have an alcohol free event :crossed_fingers:


i’m hoping so! that was the original plan (a movie night) but then one of them said they were going to bring a bottle of wine so i cancelled. it was the right choice because they brought a lot more alcohol and ended up buying drugs.

giving them one more chance to make sober plans. if they cant, i’ll have to cut them off unfortunately but i know i need to put myself first!


You 100% need to put yourself first. I am so glad you did 🩷. Would it be possible to have an honest conversation with them about have you felt having to cancel, whether as a group or individually? Maybe they didn’t think it was as big a deal as it was. They may not have realised how important that movie night was for you.
It might be time to try meet other sober people if you haven’t already. I am very lucky in that I have a couple of friends who just don’t like alcohol, never have. I think I would like to meet some sober people in a new future though, people who have been through something similar.


Yeah, i’m going to have a chat with one of them now to let them know how serious i am about being sober. I’m so glad you have a couple of sober friends! my partner doesn’t drink except at christmas which is a big help for me, and i’ve got friends who aren’t big drinkers and are more understanding of me wanting to go sober❤️


That’s amazing, I’m really happy you have people in your life that aren’t big drinkers. It really makes a difference.
I hope you can get through to your movie night friends.
I’m off to sleep now, good night :smiling_face:


I’m grateful I was hella sick last week because it was an excellent “avoidant” excuse to be anti social, stay in my PJs, and just let myself be sad and depressed by myself.

Even so, I’m grateful that this illness is mostly passed and I am up and about and being productive again. I’m focusing my sadness on little tasks, and tiny organizational projects around the house. Inevitably, I find more of Zelda’s belongings or what not, and I’m greatful I can give myself a moment to grieve and cry before either setting the items aside to donate or throw away.


I’m grateful that this disease called alcoholism has helped me learn humility. I used to wonder why friends of mine couldnt achieve thing that could, or would give up when things got tough in one way or another.

Well, struggling against addiction has been a humbling experience and something it has served me well to learn.


I’m grateful for my husband. He’s not a natural with housework, but he has been making a valiant effort whilst I can’t.
I’m grateful I managed a few hours work today, it was so nice interacting with my students.
I’m grateful for frozen home cooked meals…go past me, present me thanks you!
I’m grateful to be alive, and sober, and on this wonderful site.


Today i am grateful to be alive & sober. I wasn’t feeling to great this morning so i just took the day off. Self care! That lesson i learned the hard way last year. I am just grateful that you all are here. Even when im just reading all of your posts it is so inspiring :100::heart:


I am grateful for my partner to go through our medical and physical issues with. We both have chronic diseases and injuries and sometimes it’s really hard. We never try to outdo each other, just hold space for each other to vent when needed and ask what else is needed.

I am grateful for my dog, he is the best thing in my life about 99% of the time.

I am grateful I finished this 1000 piece puzzle that took me 4 months. Proud that I stuck with it.


Today I’m grateful that I had a productive day at work, even though my sleep was shit.

I’m grateful that Buddy :dog2:and Alex :cat2:get along okay. Putting two 11 year olds together could have been a disaster. I don’t see them curling up together anytime in the future, but they can sit on the same couch at the same time, beg for food together in the kitchen and there’s no growling or hissing. They seem to accept they live together and are making the best of it.

I’m grateful I have a home, and I want to hire a cleaning service to get my entire house real clean. I basically live on the 1st floor except for sleeping, so my upstairs has been a somewhat ignored. Due to my health, it can be difficult to do extensive cleaning, but I keep thinking I need to unclutter my desk upstairs before they come. I’d be so much happier when it’s done, but for some reason, I can’t make the call.

I think I’m falling backwards where I don’t want to leave the house, and I had to reset my online shopping addiction today when I ordered Alex 2 new beds. They’re coming tomorrow, damn Amazon! :minibus:

I’m a work in progress :construction:
Day 36, almost 37 :purple_heart:
Enjoy your day! :blush:


I am so grateful for books. They allow me to travel when I don’t otherwise have the means. They teach me about different cultures, eras, people, places, phychologies. They teach me how to be a better, more patient person toward my fellow humans. They make me laugh, cry, dream, and they help me to remember. And they help me forget. ODAAT, my friends :heart::books:


Love to see this much gratitude on this thread. Too much, to catch up, acutally :sweat_smile:.
I am grateful work entered a really fun phase, where I get to look at really awesome student projects. I love to see how different approaches to the same problem can be.
I am grateful for the job I have and that it’s paying enough.
I am grateful nights are getting shorter and days become lighter.
I am grateful I found a good balance between adulting and indulging.
I am grateful for my coffee machine and some tasty oats for breakfast.
Grateful to just be today. :orange_heart:


I am grateful to wake up before my alarm again at 7. Maybe I wake up from my neighbour’s alarm, I don’t know :sweat_smile:
I woke up from a realistic dream where I had a job interview and got hired. A new job is a reoccurring thought in my head, so not surprised I dream about it.

I am grateful for being sober 66 days. I’m being occupied these days so I don’t think about alcohol at all.

I am grateful for the relationship with my son. It’s his birthday today and he is in another country. Before he left I asked him what he wanted for his birthday and he said he wanted a voice message of me singing ‘happy birtday’ in a nasal voice. So I did just that. Hope he likes it.

Grateful for having the time to write my gratitude’s and have coffee in the morning before today’s circus starts :pray:


Grateful for….

Another day sober
Wall pilates

Super grateful for this thread and the community here. Grateful to read everyone’s gratitude :pray: Have a beautiful day you lovely bunch :rose::v:


Grateful for not having a hangover, though I feel like having one :sweat:
Grateful for coffee and can go to work to keep myself to busy from feeling tired.
Grateful to have dinner in a Italian restaurant tonight with my family :heavy_heart_exclamation:


You ok lovely??


I feel actually the same as you. Currently I’m not ready for gratitude. However that sounds, it’s the truth. I’m forcing it and maybe I’m not even telling the truth, just going through the motions. The heart knows the difference and feels betrayed, so my gratitude check in ends today for a while.