Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

It’s been a joy watching and reading about your journey on here! Congratulations on 3 weeks :raised_hands: So happy for you.


Grateful I had a free morning to spend some extra time on here. Extremely grateful for all of you on this community. Hoping today treats you well :yellow_heart:


Awe, thanks sober buddy! I really appreciate the support :slightly_smiling_face:

I like reading your posts as well. Enjoy your weekend!


I have so much I am grateful for today :smiling_face:
I am grateful to be alive, to have woken up this morning. I am grateful for the crazy weather we had today including sunshine, hale, storm, temperature drops of 10C and whatnot.
I am grateful I got to book the trip I want to take with my daughter and her friend after easter, and I am grateful I realised I made a mistake with the dates and could change the booking. Would have been no fun realising the mistake on the day of the trip.
I am grateful my husband finally found a flat he wants to move to. We both need the separation to find ourselves and find some peace.
I am grateful I had a nice short bike trip in the sunshine today. I am grateful for a relaxing yin yoga session. Grateful for good food.
I am grateful I caught myself today at starting to get complacent with my recovery tools. And we all know where this will lead to. So I am grateful I can see this complacency creeping in, and I am grateful I have the resolve to change my tactics tomorrow. I am also grateful I feel a bit anxious about slipping up because this will keep me vigilant and that‘s what I need right now.
I am grateful for the TV evening I am going to start in a moment.
Sleep tight :night_with_stars:


I nearly spat out my water with laughter from this amazing term. Thank you!


Grateful for the overcast and windstorm creeping in. I get to slow down a bit and come here. I need to be here a lot. Bad weather keeps me focused! It’s just been too nice and that isn’t good…haha

Grateful for all the new little plants sprouting and my own yard to tend to them. I’ll be buying flowers this week and rosemary bushes to replace the ones that died in the ice storm. Grateful to have sober senses to appreciate spring!

Grateful for taking this recovery as life-or-death because it is.

Grateful for hope and freedom from that dreary life. :bird:

Grateful for whatever supper turns out to be…

Grateful for 22 days and all of you


I am grateful for my sweet dog, I feel so blessed to be able to have a dog.

I am grateful for deciding not to travel this weekend as the roads are blocked again due to maintanance. I’ll visit the parents on Monday.
I have another relaxed day ahead, probably will go to the beach tomorrow. I’m grateful for moments in nature with dog, those are the best.

I am not so grateful for the food cravings today since quitting nicotine. But I’m grateful I made it through the second day, screw them cravings.


Today I am grateful for nothing to do.

I am grateful for days that force me to relax and not try and get 394832749 things done.

I’m grateful for good books and trash tv that keep my mind occupied when I need it to just be not thinking so much.

I am grateful that we made reservations where my son works for Easter Dinner buffet next week so I don’t have to worry about cooking and cleaning up after.

I’m grateful that every goal I have set so far since January, I have not given up on and have pushed through (one per month and going strong).

I am grateful for my annual girls trip (just my best friend and I). Usually we go to Siesta Key, FL… our secret favorite spot. This year we’ve decided to road trip it to Canada and see Niagara Falls for a mini get away weekend.

I’m grateful that every time I am feeling low, even if I am not posting, commenting or replying as much… I get to read things on here that lift my mood and put things in perspective.


I did nothing today. Though I am sure I have a ton I set aside. So, I will be thankful for you, living today like me!


Someone once told me “make it a tomorrow problem”… and so lol that’s what I decided to do… everything I should have done today… its a tomorrow problem… Tomorrow Tiffany can bitch about today’s Tiffany later…


Tiffany and Jené grateful to bitch tomorrow, together. :slight_smile:


:rofl: exactly :+1:


Grateful for another busy Sunday morning
Grateful for some good rounds at the gym
Grateful my foot seems to be healed from plantar fasciitis and I can train barefoot again
Grateful my kids love coming to the gym and love to see the fighters and coaches
Grateful I got to watch the kids swimming lessons again
Grateful the kids found it funny that we forgot the swimming bag, luckily they had their bikini on underneath so they could still swim
Grateful for a lazy afternoon for me after a nightshift and a busy morning
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


I am grateful God is directing my life.
I am grateful for good communication with my spouse
I am grateful for 25 days sober.
I am grateful that I can see how God is providing for my wellbeing.
I am grateful rain watered my newly planted vegetables.


Thank you! But ah, I can’t take credit!

Our wise and dear fellow Gratidude @erntedank’s posts always include something that touches my heart and something that makes me chortle, usually quite unexpectedly!

But hey, whether actual flatulence is present or no, I like the invitation to express and release my emotions as freely as, er, a satisfying fart! :joy: :wind_face::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Here’s to a week ahead of strong sobriety and emotional farting galore. Grateful for you, as ever, @erntedank :pray: :orange_heart:


I’m grateful for the support of my family and having a roof over my head


Grateful for been able to add things into my life that are making my life more colourfull. Like my goldsmith class, volunteer work, booking a holiday. Little and big sparkles in my agenda :star:


I am grateful today for my home, the people in my life, banter with friends over coffee and the crisp sunday morning air. I am grateful for the kindness and love I experienced in my life and the chance to give back. Enjoy your sunday, grati-friends :orange_heart:


Today I’m grateful for a lovely night’s sleep. I went to bed early to avoid the football on the TV downstairs and slept all the way through to this morning, that doesn’t often happen at my age.
Grateful that I feel good this morning, refreshed. Good quality sleep is just the absolute best!
Grateful for another commitment free day, they don’t happen often either.
Grateful to go cycling later when the rain stops (fingers crossed) and make something nice for Sunday lunch. And bake something tasty too.
Grateful for days like this and moods like this :sparkling_heart:


I’m grateful for waking up refreshed after attending an alcohol fuelled gathering last night while sober
I’m grateful for going on a shopping spree where my kids could spend gift cards and pocket money
I’m grateful for having the energy to say yes to my kids more often than I used to
I’m grateful for completing day 24 of the March challenge early this morning despite my body resisting
I’m grateful for home made scones with jam, cream, cuppa and a movie with family on a rainy day