Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for

Life, and wanting to live it
My sobriety
My hubbys sobriety
Getting thru a tough financial discussion yesterday with love and respect
Had time to check out 2 cars yesterday, time to get a diagnostic scheduled on one of em
Time with my folks
Time today to rest, hopefully
Catching up on TS
Hot coffee and Boscoe cuddles

Peace my friends


I’m grateful for bladder control.
I’m grateful Alice has settled in on my lap for a spell :smirk_cat: at her old age she usually paces and comes and goes a few times. I’m grateful she’s really settled in on my lap. Hence. Grateful for bladder control :grimacing:

I’m grateful to be at my wits end and maybe :thinking: just maybe, completely surrender :100: to my codependent tendencies pertaining to my wife and the way she chooses to live her life. I’m grateful when I can’t completely :100: surrender today I can surrender again. And again. And again. I’m grateful I’m learning it goes much deeper than my wife’s drinking. I’m grateful I’m learning IT’S ME! IT’S ALWAYS ME :grimacing: I’m grateful I can continue to learn these lessons.

I’m grateful for another chance to live in this day and in this day only :grimacing: I’m grateful to have another day to try and turn my life and my will over to my hp. I’m grateful for the serenity prayer :pray:t2: I’m grateful for the bright full moon that was just under all the clouds that struck me in the face this morning with Benson. I just thanked god for his marvels and went right to the serenity prayer. And thanks again :pray:t2:

I’m grateful for the trees with no leaves and I can see the bright red cardinal chirping or the not so bright red lady cardinal singing.

I’m grateful for another day to try and just focus on Italy. I’m grateful I have therapy tomorrow but I really don’t know where to start. I’m grateful for my recovery meetings. I’m grateful I haven’t moved yet.

I’m grateful I finally hooked up with my childhood friend and we had a fun talk on the phone. I’m grateful we are both grandpas. I’m grateful he’s still the best friend and still the nicest person in the world. And so practical. And he is Santa :santa: No, he really is Santa. I’m grateful he prolly makes the best Santa ever during the season and he even looks like Santa.

I’m grateful Alice is still stretched out and purring on my lap. I’m grateful I hear a disturbance in the force and maybe wifey can extricate cat with temptations. I’m grateful it worked I’m FREE :heart_eyes_cat:

I’m grateful I get to use this thread as my own personal journal. A gratitude journal if you will.

I’m grateful for YouTube videos of Italian phrases and coffee. I’m grateful I saw where a coffee and a croissant is a typical Italian breakfast. :blush:


Today’s Reminder actually yesterdays reminder ODAAT In Al-Anon

When I accept that alcoholism is a disease, I am forced to face the fact that I am powerless over it. Only then can I gain the freedom to focus on my own spiritual growth. “A family member has no more right to state, ‘If you loved me you would not drink,’ than the right to say, ‘If you loved me you would not have diabetes.’

Excessive drinking is a symptom of the disease. It is a condition, not an act.”
A Guide for the Family of the Alcoholic


I’m grateful I remembered someone had 800something ODAATS yesterday.


Sunday morning gratefulness :sun_with_face:

Oh my – you will be in your element :wink: Grateful to see your post pop up as i was getting ready to start mine.

I am so grateful for this beautiful day to be alive and breathing.
I am so grateful for deep breathing, body scans, positive thoughts, laughter and comedy to help me keep pushing forward.
I am so grateful that my aunt was able to take me to the CT scan appointment on Friday night. Grateful that we were able to sit with each other while i drank my solutions so that neither of us were bored. So grateful for the lovely caring gentle men that took care of my test. Grateful that i will get some answer if it is nothing LOL by Monday.
I am so grateful for having a business account on Instagram that i happened to check yesterday by chance. So grateful that my best friends daughter had posted about her Grandpa’s death on her stories. I am grateful that i was able to reach out and get a hold of my friend. My best friend and her husband have been friends since the 5th grade and our families are fairly close. This was a shock for everyone and i am grateful that i can do my best to be there for them emotionally. Really wishing i was able to hop in a car and go to Cananda today and provide in person comfort.
I am so grateful for my coffee finally kicking in. My mind has been a ball of nerves and just mush.
I am so grateful that i was able to do some lymph drainage exercises last night when i awoke in pain around 1. Grateful that it helped and i was finally able to get some sleep around 3. Grateful that i do have my mouth guard and it is saving my teeth. I just got it at the end of December and the poor thing is already withered into a small sliver. Hoping it will last till my next appointment.
I am so grateful for my HP. Grateful that i am able to practice my meditation and prayer and feel the connection. Grateful that i am able to practice gratitude. I may not be active daily on this thread but i do read daily and practice internally.
I am so grateful for good friends that will help you see other people’s perspectives and where they are coming from. :pray:
I am so grateful for TS and my beautiful friends here. You all are amazing and beautiful souls.
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Today I’m grateful for a relaxing sunday.
I’m grateful the workshop friday/saturday was interesting and we had some fun too. I’m grateful I made it home save yesterday, the weather was awful and I was tired. I’m grateful I know what I need, I skipped a party I was invited to yesterday (already turned it down when I checked my calendar). I was happy being home on my cozy couch, snacking and reading / scrolling through the internet. I’m grateful for boundaries :pray:

I’m not grateful that I slept like crap the last 2 days. I’m grateful I am not going through the day like a zombie. The weather is wearing me out, I’m deeply grateful for hot showers, peppermint oil and rest.

I’m grateful I mustered up the energy to start preparing the spot for the herbs in the garden that will arrive in 3 weeks. It helped that the storm blew over the prepared cardboards onto my neighbour’s grassland :face_with_hand_over_mouth: I’m grateful I cleaned up the mess as soon as I noticed it. Another babystep in the right direction. I’m grateful I took my time to put them into place as I was outside anyway.

I’m grateful I fell asleep writing this post. I simply hate spring and summer. Fucking weather causing headache and hayfever. I’m grateful I don’t have to bite through anything anymore. I’m grateful sundays are calm and relaxing nowadays allthough the reasons for it are sad. I’m grateful for loving memories. I’m grateful for accepting changes in life.

I’m grateful for my funny, loving cats, they are so sweet. I’m grateful for the seedlings, they grow and it makes me happy watching them. I’m grateful for two spiritual stories on TV today and for service on TV. I’m grateful that I feel fine celebrating Palm Sunday at home, it was a peaceful, spiritually rich morning. I’m grateful for knitting, so calming and perfect to sort my thoughts.

I’m grateful for all my blessings. I’m grateful for a life away from the hurt and burden of living with my alcoholic exhusband and my late mother. I’m grateful I miss the love and the good days. I’m grateful I’m relieved to be free of all the hardness, burden, sorrow, hurt, frustration, helplessness, overburdening and so much more that was also - and increasingly the main part - of this past life. On days like today I wonder how I did not break down and went on for so long. Until I didn’t.

I’m grateful for ODAAT :pray:


Thinking so fondly of you. Sending you loving healing thoughts. :hibiscus::butterfly::bouquet::koala::palm_tree::rose::hibiscus::tulip::cherry_blossom::blossom:


Thank you so much Lam – appreciate the healing thoughts :pray: :hugs: :heart:


I’m grateful for my graticat :kissing_cat:


Spa day? :sun_with_face::cat:

Is that one of the good towels? Ya me too. Good towels are for whole family.


Today I am grateful I did not leave the house with this weather. From inside my cosy flat hale, snow, storm and floods of rain look really pretty.
I am grateful I could get my rower inside and have a nice easy cardio workout without having to endure the weather shenanigans. I also am very grateful I seem to finally be able to take things a bit slower and not push myself constantly like a maniac. Instead I opted for 15min on the rower and some relaxing yoga stretches afterwards. Grateful for that.
I am grateful I kept to my schedule today and it actually helped me to connect to my deeper power throughout the day. I am quite sure this is the reason I managed to stay consistent with my food journal and be mindful while eating. I am grateful for that too.
I am grateful for a very powerful weekly review with clear intentions and a good plan for next week.
Grateful for nice coffee, a warm blanket and a fine book. Very grateful I‘ll have next week off, kind of my easter break.
I‘m going to watch some anime and maybe read a bit more. Then my evening relaxation and off to bed. Sleep tight somer peeps :night_with_stars:


I’m grateful for my KASHWÉRE blanky. I love the Kashwére products. So soft and warm. And wash and dry. We have many so there’s alway one available for me :smiley_cat:


Congratulations on your 2 weeks SFMe :boom: :boom:
Keep coming back. Gratitude exercises retrained my brain. It works if you work it.


Grateful for working on getting nicotine free, I’m looking forward to be completely addiction free eventually! Although my hunger is through the roof today, I’m grateful those cravings won’t last forever.

Grateful for dog cuddles, my son and for seeing my parents tomorrow. Grateful for my car and flexible job.


I am grateful to be sober and less anxious and depressed as a result.

I am grateful the sun was shining today and I was able to see my family and help with my Dad with my Mom’s morning routine.

I am grateful she was able to say she loved me today :heart: some days she is asleep the whole time.

I am grateful for cooking good food/recipes/casseroles.

I am grateful to be relaxing now. I have fasting labs in the morning. :drop_of_blood::syringe::dizzy_face:

I am grateful to be here with everyone working on sobriety and being the best we can be odaaFt. :heartbeat:


I am grateful today for God putting me right where I need to be so I don’t have to wonder and worry if I am in the right place.
Grateful for all my Talking Sober friends and their posts.
Grateful I have enough energy thank God to perform chores today. Breakfast and clean up. Juiced 1 gallon Veggie juice and cleanup. Laundry and unboxed 1 storage box of many (3 years old) Hey, 1 day at a time right?


Grateful to finally have energy today.
Grateful that I made my home look and feel much better.
Grateful for the hope that comes with better health.
Grateful for 23 days of sobriety.


Grateful for our healthcare system that we have
Grateful that between a lifetime of sports and work injuries plus the kids medical procedures I reckon I’m ahead as far as my free medical treatment vs taxes paid goes
Grateful I was able to get to the gym this morning
Grateful I was able to help a new guy with some technique and encouragement
Grateful I have the drive to stay fit back again, I’d slowly lost it over the last 5yrs of drinking. I’d battle away but consistency was the main problem


One day at a time is the magic formula! I hear you, one box a week would make 52 boxes a year :wink:

I make this my motto of the week as I plan an intense week of insight and working on myself :grin::hugs:

Monday morning gratitude.
I’m grateful for the beautiful full moon. I’m grateful for Easter energy. I’m grateful I feel I can handle spring better today.

I’m grateful for 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep and a short additional nap until the alarm went off. I’m grateful for cats purring on and beside me. I’m grateful for their unconditional love and their different characters :heart:

I’m grateful I focused on things I felt I need to tackle during Lent. Procrastination fast let to remarkable results I’m happy with, especially those where I broke down big tasks into little steps I was able to handle without exhaution or being overwhelmed. I’m deeply grateful this gave me self-confidence.

I’m grateful I didn’t force myself, instead observed what patterns are present and asked myself what’s the use of them. I’m grateful I found out that I have to think a lot before I start doing certain things (especially ones with lack of routine like rototilling). I need it to build up the confidence that I can do it. That’s not lazy, procrastnating or avoiding. It’s my weird but necessary process to approach tasks I feel insecure about. I’m grateful I digged out that there’s nothing wrong with me, I’ve been like this for all my life. It’s my ex, whose attitude towards my approach and pace made me feel insufficient and avoiding things “he could do better, faster, smarter”. Resp. I was lazy, slow and it was never enough. What a bullshit, I do things my way, this never was a competition nor did he move a finger to help with chores so what :woman_facepalming:

I’m grateful this Easter week is dedicated to enjoying my life on every level. I’m grateful for everything I have, for all the blessings in my life, for health, brains and a loving heart, for the wonderful place I live and knowing that there are many opportunities and chances waiting to cross my way. I’m grateful today I say YES to whatever life brings along.
I’m looking forward to visit a friend today so I’m happy in advance about good talks and IRL connection. ODAAT


Morning everyone,
I’m grateful for another great night’s sleep.
Grateful (not always) that my dog means I get my backside out of bed to do his morning walk. Very rainy here this morning.
Grateful for lovely porridge for breakfast, it keeps me going all morning.
Grateful my daughter has just sent an update from her travels, glad she’s happy.
Grateful for my little later start today, time for another cup of tea :sparkling_heart:


I’m grateful for a hard training followed by March challenge
I’m grateful for my body getting stronger
I’m grateful for increased mobility, agility and flexibility
I’m grateful for helping a newer person at work
I’m grateful for the sound of rain putting me to sleep