Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I’m grateful for sunshine sitting by a pool, a bit of a change from the English weather :smiling_face:
I’m grateful for lots of cats all around who love a fuss, stops me missing my fur babies so much.
I’m grateful for understanding friends who don’t think I’m being weird or anti social when I can’t do all the stuff they are doing.
I’m grateful my aches and woolly head aren’t from a hangover this morning (unlike most of the other girls), that I can remember last night and didn’t do anything regrettable.
I’m grateful to be alive and enjoying life.


Good morning sober fam,

I am so very greatful that

I am approaching 700 days free from weed and alcohol, next sunday
My sobriety and the gifts of the 12 steps
Boscoe cuddles
Good talks with hubby
Still finding that peace i felt from my reiki session

Setting time aside this weekend to identify what balance looks like in my life, giving me a framework to work with

Sharing at a meeting yesterday about how hard it is to find balance and wonder if its a struggle for others and multiple people coming up to me after the meeting and saying they struggle with it too

Community, i dont have to walk this path alone

A new day, a new week

Hubbys making dinner tonight!

Peace soberinos


Just greatful to be hangover free and thc free

As a cleaner i come across lots of trash. Empty thc vape carts and battereies included. Empty bottles if vodca too. From the customers. Im so happy i dont need that sht to feel normal. im very blessed

Greatful to be here


I’m grateful my morning sneeze attacks make me think of my mom :pray:t2::heart: She did that too, but hated it, and would get so upset. Poor mom. And Minnie :pray:t2: :heart:It scared her and that made me sad :cry:

I’m grateful I got Maverick all plugged in and warmly purring and my coffee.

I’m grateful my SIL remembered to put the Bins out yesterday in Cali for me.

I’m grateful for another morning to pray the serenity prayer with the full moon and Benson. I’m grateful I prayed for god to take my will and my fears and be by my side. I’m grateful we got more desert rain sporadically yesterday and still cool weather.

I’m grateful for the long talk with my sister. I’m grateful I noticed when I was judging her and told myself STOP IT! Just listen. I’m grateful when the lady who over shared last week said she’s got a lot to share on tonight’s reading :expressionless: I noticed myself cringing and worry about the time. And I kept reminding myself that maybe she’s really got some shit going on and she really needs to share. I’m grateful when I get to share and learning to listen when I don’t get a chance to share.

I’m grateful for my life.
I’m grateful for my wife.
I’m grateful I love my wife.
I’m grateful we are still together.
I’m grateful for this disease of relationships where I can learn so much more about myself and grow.
I’m grateful Mavy is back.

I’m grateful I get to go to Italy for the first time in my life.

I’m grateful a lot of my planning doesn’t work out and a lot of my fears come true. So why worry about either? I’m grateful I try too hard and I know I got to let so much go.

Ciao :pray:t2::heart:

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff and it’s all small stuff
Richard Carlson, Ph.D.


Grateful for a Holy Week in which I can attend to the Services and being sober


I’m so envious of your healthcare system! Ours is either non existext, completely complicated, or reliant on being well employed. Then we still have exorbitant co pays on top of that


I’m grateful that it’s Monday, because that means there won’t be another Monday morning until next week. I’m grateful for girl scout cookies. I’m grateful that my son is on Easter break so I don’t have to worry about his schoolwork or rides, etc for a week. I’m grateful my husband changed the oil in my car because I am low on funds right now.

I’m grateful for my SMART meeting yesterday, and that I found someone there who really seems to " get" me.

I’m grateful for you all, for 88 days sober. ODAAT :purple_heart:


I am grateful for this day.
I am grateful I woke up and got up.
I am grateful I learned about game design.
I am grateful I took a nice walk with my daughter.
I am grateful for gardening, yoga, meditation.
I am grateful I could avoid most of my husbands drama.
I am grateful for a nap and good coffee.
I am grateful for an easy evening :night_with_stars:


I am grateful for a lovely weekend with my family. We went to an ice hockey game and a concert at a small-ish live music venue. I am grateful that in my sobriety I enjoyed both experiences on one dr pepper and two bottles of water. I am grateful I was totally content with my water. I am grateful I now realise how much better live music is when being sober.


I am grateful for four days nicotine free. Also grateful to be almost four months sober. Grateful to have you all, supporting one another in shared sobriety.
I am grateful for this gratitude excersize. It’s not always easy, some days I surprise myself I’m able to squeeze out some more gratefulness.

My mom complimented me on my sobriety today and I had an AF beer with my dad. I am grateful for a better relationship with them these days. And I am grateful for their gratitude towards my sister and me.


I am grateful

1 Began my day with God directing my journey of sobriety
2 Wonderful AA Meeting where the group is there to help me stay sober and make me feel welcomed
3 For my loving spouse who seems to be understanding my alcoholism is a disease to be managed not cured
4 I get to go to gym and exercise in pool
5 I have a dishwasher
6 I have a wash machine and dryer
7 I have a dependable vehicle and money for gas
8 I have a lovely safe home


I’m grateful for 24 days of freedom from alcohol.
Grateful for a clearing mind despite how uncomfortable it is.
Grateful for hope today.
Grateful for new friends.


Yes! I saw trans siberian orchestra and I wish that I saw every concert sober there are concerts i dont even remember them, its so sad

Hello everyone,

Checking in before bed. I am grateful for all of you and this app. I am grateful for the support. I am grateful for adding new tools to my tool box in my early days sobriety. I had a recent relapse but have moved past it and feel better equip this time. I am grateful for the beautiful day and getting to play outside with the kiddos. I am grateful for my quiet time with God today. I am grateful the kids are asleep and I get to finish the night taking a soak in the hottub. I am grateful for my health, my sound mind, my finances, a roof over my head, and for our new car we bought! we finally bought a truck, thankful that my father in law gave us a deal because we are family, and for my job. Grateful it was an easy day and was able to catch up on things I was behind.

I am grateful for my sobriety. Thank you God, I am blessed. ODAAT. :black_heart::pray:


Thankful for 5 wins in a row! The team took down the top ranked team in our division today who was also on a long win streak. It can be so easy to get discouraged as a coach when a team hits adversity but I have to constantly remind myself just like with changing my life habits and quitting drinking there will be good and bad days but I have to take it one day at a time, assess, make changes when needed, and leave the past where it lies and approach each day with a plan and thoughtful intent. I’m thankful for all of the blessings quitting drinking has brought my life. My life has become so full over the last 400+ days. I look at my past self and realize I was on auto pilot I wasn’t pushing myself and others to new heights and aspirations. They’ve assigned me a lot of big projects at work. I was frustrated recently when they gave an interim promotion to someone I didn’t feel was deserving over me but I decided instead of being pissed I’m just going to continue focusing on what I can control and doing a good job in all facets of my life.

Like my old high school coach told me: “Jake you just focus on being the best you can and people will see who you are and value what you can do.” Thankful as always for this place :heart:


Grateful for a day spent with the wife
Grateful for a gym session together
Grateful we have the funds to plan a nice bday party for our youngest.
Grateful to spend time with the kids this afternoon after school, even if we were just in traffic
Grateful for a night at home.
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


Grateful I found yet another inspiring and helpful thread on forgiveness. Thank you @Starlight14 and @MandiH
Grateful for opportunities to change some of my actions and maybe habits longterm as well.
Grateful I am rediscovering green tea. Been an all coffee person for the longest time, but I actually start enjoying mixing up my morning routines.
Grateful for sunshine, brisk air and bird song in the morning.
Grateful for friends, family and grati-dudes.


I’m grateful for making healthy choices today
I’m grateful for supporting people with mental health
I’m grateful that my son’s swollen eye is healing
I’m grateful for buying my usual pants size then having to swap them for a smaller size
I’m grateful for my children doing impromptu dancing to KISS


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 695 days free from weed and alcohol
We bought hubby a car yesterday, greatful i could take time off work
Woke with time to sip coffee and catchup with TS
Giving my Achilles tendon rest even though i really want to work out
Progress not perfection and a daily reminder
Boscoe and his love
Hubby and our love
Our in transits expire on our 3rd wedding anniversary, possibly a sign that its a good deal?!
Having emergency funds to help us buy a car in an emergency
A job i love, working on managing the stress
A big comfy bed
A good nights sleep
Sober sisters
Crockpot meals


Grateful my 3 am headache isn’t so bad and it isn’t from drinking. I’m grateful I didn’t have to get in the shower at 3 am because of a crushing hangover headache with a gallon of water to hydrate. I’m grateful I was able to get back to sleep after soberly staggering to the kitchen for some Tylenol. I’m grateful this will pass. I’m grateful I’ve never experienced a migraine. But I am a big baby when minor headaches hit.

I’m grateful the funk I’m in is no reason to drink. I’m grateful I got so much going on in life and all of it is so good but I am so fucking stressed out. I’m grateful for my therapist yesterday but I felt really bummed out and weak and afraid after. I’m grateful I guess that she called me out on my shit and I guess I didn’t like that. I’m grateful I still got a lot of work to do on me. ODAAT.

I’m grateful for my wife. I’m grateful I put up with a lot of shit. I’m grateful I know I’m afraid to confront the drinking beast sometimes and I think that is ok. I’m grateful I think I’m doing the best I can right now. I’m grateful I need to work on staying in the moment but at the same time I want to get out of this funk. Fuck me :persevere:

I’m grateful I read this today in Courage To Change
Such an inclination to avoid taking risks, to avoid doing anything badly, has prevented me from doing some of the things I enjoy the most, and it has kept me from the regular practice that produces progress.

I’m grateful this is how I’m feeling. I really thought I’d be getting better. I’m grateful I’m going to put on my big boy pants and
I’m grateful I got my angry pissed of gangsta play list that I’m going to go back to today on my walk with Benson. Back to basics. I’m grateful I think I’m just angry at myself. I’m grateful I know I’m better than this. This is fucking bullshit.

I’m grateful for my gratitivent here. I think it helped and I’m grabbing the Burner and going for that angry power walk. I’m grateful I’m going to be ok :ok_hand:

Second part of Courage To Change
If I’m unwilling to perform a task badly, I can’t expect to make progress toward learning to do it well. The only task that I can pretend to perform perfectly is the one that I have left entirely undone.

I’m grateful for todays Daily Reminder
Al-Anon encourages me to take risks and to think of life not as a command performance but as a continuing series of experiments from which I learn more about living.



Bookmarking this! Thank you Eric. Not sure that’s it, but I now I get angry sometimes when I realize it’s actually me who’s going to have to do the work. It feels unfair when things are already hard and I struggle. Just know you are not walking it alone. We are here to cheer you on and give you a break when needed. You are already doing so great. Take a moment to think about the distance you’ve already put behind YOU. It’s been inspirational to many, myself included. Hope your headache gets better quick and angry walking helps. Just don’t run into any cactus, ok? :cactus: