Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Grateful for the productivity and self care that comes along with sobriety. Got up and cleaned so much and even just the little self care I did is a step up. I plan on running too after I get some errands done.

& the power of worship music. (The sun just started shining brighter as I typed that - just like it did last time I opened my bible…wow) and knowing that I don’t have to continuously wait for someone who loves me to come around because He is always there for me. (Please God send my husband soon though I need intimacy with a partner😅)


I’m grateful for this day. For waking up, getting up, moving, praying, working, being alive in this world.
I’m grateful my husband is getting closer to moving out. He desperately needs to sort himself out. And I absolutely do not need his drama.
I’m grateful I learned interesting things today and pondered my game designs.
I’m grateful for gardening, plants and spring coming.
I’m grateful I could work on my recovery today.
I’m grateful for almost no pain today.
I’m grateful for Alan Watts talking me soothingly through my sleepless night.
I’m grateful for relaxing yoga.
I’m grateful I have our trip next week booked.
I’m grateful for good food today, for enjoying it instead of being powerless.
I’m grateful for being able to see the triggers clearly when cravings hit me and being able to distance myself from them.
I’m grateful for this community.
I’m grateful for the hot bath I’m enjoying right now.
I’m grateful I can feel gratitude for life.


Today I’m grateful I listenened to my needs and drove straight home after therapy. No to dos, no errands, only home. I’m grateful I know that emotional turmoil, feeling lost & needy, missing a partner to share daily life and intimacy coupled with having biiiiig resentments towards my ex shall pass. Like everything this too shall pass.

I’m grateful for HALT. It turned out lot of this rollercoaster was fired by Hungry, Lonely and Tired. Made lunch, brushed the cats and rested on the couch for the rest of the day. It’s ok to put life on pause when it’s overwhelming. Today I felt weak and vulnerable. I’m grateful I took good care of myself and was kind.

I’m grateful I mounted the cat-net yesterday. Handling the seedlings on the balcony is way easier when I don’t have to always have one eye on the old boy.

I’m grateful I will throw away the book I read in the afternoon. Too much Jesus awakened me blabla for me. Spiritual and religious practice can be very helpful, ok, but I have no nerve for books lacking a glory halleluja from saul to paul disclaimer. Icing on the cake: The book was boooooring. I’m grateful that I grabbed the one book from my reading pile, that perfectly met my mäh mood today. Throwing it away will make me happy. Tomorrow. Already put it next to the door. Maybe even take it to the furnace and use it to make fire.

I’m grateful I’ll be to bed soon and hope for restful sleep. Last night was mäh. Weird dreams, had to go pee 3 times, didn’t fall asleep again for quite a while. Maybe it’s the full moon that makes my subconscious vomit again. I’m grateful it’s ok to have mäh days. I’m grateful besides feeling mäh my life is wonderful. I’m grateful for friends and chosen family, own & neighbours’ cats, comfy houses, reliable car, mostly organized household, seedlings, joy, peace, freedom, rest, homecooked meals, modern amenities, connection, courage, kindness, forgiveness, calm, smiles, awareness, patience, did I mention cats?

I’m grateful I allow myself to just be. Being is enough. We are human beings, not human doings. ODAAT


Grateful for good friends who don’t judge me


I’m grateful for life, to have won the life lottery. I am grateful work is just work. I do my best and that will have to do. Stuff like work can seem so unimportant compared to the bigger picture. Health, connection, a beating heart.

I am grateful my dad’s leg is healing.
I am grateful I’ll have a convo tomorrow with my colleagues. We are going to quit fixing everybody’s problems and will go back to basics. We are all sick and tired, some on the verge of quiting. I am grateful the company needs us, so we can have some demands. I don’t mind to ruffle some feathers, looking forward to it.

Good night :v:


Grateful to be living a sober life. Grateful for a roof over my head and food to eat and the people who are in my life. Grateful for the simple things and not taking them for granted :v:


Grateful for scrambled egg brain on Day 25 so that I’m forced to slow down, read, write and listen!
Grateful for discomfort that turns out to be signs of healing.
Grateful that I ate well and was able to exercise today.
Grateful for hope when the future is unknown. I know that sober, things will work out better.
Grateful for a cool, sunny spring day.
Grateful for the new people in my life.


Thanks for the love @readingraven

Greatful @Lighter is fighting at day 25. Hang in there!


88 is a nice number. I am thankful for it.

I feel like it’s been a long while since I hit 90 days. 90+ is my max of most of my life.

Been here since 2016, been taking moments of sobriety journey beginning in 1997-ish.

So, I am grateful. I am grateful to set down a lot of “me” and look at other people. There are quite a few here that I trust, and quite a few in other places.



I’m grateful for mine too. Nothing feels better than when I’m screaming Eminem at the top of my lungs on a bad day in the car.

Grateful for you always keeping it real on here

Much :heart_hands: friend


Today I am grateful for making my end of month quota at work, bc that was stressful.

I am grateful for my kids that keep me young. I’m grateful to hear all about their day, the school drama and for my son showing me over a thousand dollars in his Amazon cart that he’s saving up for to buy with his new job lol

I’m grateful that my busy season is over in two days so things can slow down even more.

I am grateful that my friend and I have booked a bed and breakfast stay at an Amish run b&b as something unique to do on our trip next month to Canada to see the falls.

I’m grateful for something to look forward to since the past week or two have been pretty bleak for me.

I am grateful to have Friday off while my kids still have school so I can get a mani and pedi and have some me time.

I am grateful to have this place to come to and read when I’m feeling ungrateful.


Today I am grateful to be able to be grateful. The day started out iffy. I had planned to stay in bed for just a little longer this morning than usual. Family circumstances made it impossible.

I am grateful God let me know to just go with the flow as out of my control. Grateful I was able to practice self care and get nails done.
Grateful met with sponsor and I got my assignment completed.


Hi Friends,
I’m stopping by to share some gratefulness. I’m always grateful for so much, but been struggling a lot lately.

I’m grateful for my home, my car and food in the fridge.

I’m grateful for Buddy :dog2: and Alex :cat2:. I’m grateful that when I adopt seniors, I always end up with the best :heart:. I’m never sure what life they came from (Alex was picked up as a stray, underweight & ill) but he was clearly someone’s pet at one time. I’m working with him a little about trust, he’s super affectionate, but quick to feel threatened. But is much better already since I’ve had him.

There’s other stuff too, but can’t think of much more. Except Buddy is asleep next to me and Alex just came up and is in my lap. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: They mean everything to me.

I have an adult son, who him and I used to be very close, I have twin grandkids, but unfortunately I also have a daughter in law that has no interest in me being in her or their lives. It’s sad, and I try not to let it bother me, but of course it does. :disappointed:

Well this didn’t help, lol.

I am grateful I’ve made it to Day 85


Grateful to see ya Maxy
Congrats on the 85 days.
I’m grateful for people like you that take in old pets. I admire that so much in you.

I’m sorry about your family situation. Of course it bothers you. Thats got to be really hard to deal with.


Grateful for my health, it was declining rapidly despite my best efforts when drinking.
Grateful my foot seems mostly healed and im able to kickbox again
Grateful for sparring partners that like to cruise and flow, and grateful for partners that like to trade and send it a bit.
Grateful I can still keep up with training partners that are 20yrs younger than me.
Grateful Im still improving everyday even after so many years training.
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


I’m grateful for getting up before dawn on a wet, windy and cold morning to start my day off right with training
I’m grateful my kids enjoy training as much as I do
I’m grateful for learning my new role faster than if I had booze brain
I’m grateful for improved brain function, especially with memory
I’m grateful for eating healthy food over processed


Good morning sober tribe,

Im so very greatful for…

My continuous sobriety, its a miracle really. Back on day 0 or early sobriety i didnt think i could make it. I didnt have confidence and hope but AA and this community carried me to today and as long as i put in the work daily and say no to that first drink i will continue to have hope of living free of the shackles of alcohol

A good nights sleep. Yeah, i didnt wake up for the gym at 515 but thats ok, my Achilles needs to rest anyways. Ill try again tomorrow

Worktime yesterday to cross some things off my to do list. Forward progress.

Hubby and Boscoe love
My folks…theyre hilarious
Sister and brother are on seperate family vacations and sharing photos of the kids. Their joy brings a smile to my face
Technology when its not all consuming but helpful
Glasses to help me see
Reliable Healthcare
I can quiet my mind more
Hope that i wont cycle into mania so often
Reduced stress


Gratefulness + Contentment = Happiness

This equation Lives in the Present as a :gift: for those who Choose to let go of Resentment (past) & Fear (future).

Happiness is INTRINSIC and cannot be found outside of Self.

I Love You.

Kind Regards.



Thanks, @Humbriety for the reminder to be here now. So right now, I’m grateful for
Another sober day
Lucy the cat who walks in circles on the bed around me the millisecond she sees I’m awake, and starts to talk me into getting up and feeding her.
A warm safe house
Another chance to practice letting go and being kind.
Flowering houseplants


I’m grateful for that big slug of coffee right before it cools off too much. I’m grateful for my Ember cup keeping it at a perfect temperature as I read my daily’s and do my gratitude. I’m grateful when I sat down with my coffee and ice pack Alice got up and came over and she’s been plugged in and purring for much longer than usual. I’m grateful I slept in. I’m grateful I’ve decided not to drive cross town for my 10 am meeting so I can just enjoy the day as it comes. I’m grateful I’ve got so many meetings now I love I can miss one. I’m grateful to look up and see the M gamble quail birding around my waterfall that just went off. @M-be-free49 :wink: I’m grateful I think I’ll be able to make new gamble quail friends in Cali. Unless they are all at the Gus Stop. I’m grateful for the great horned owl I get to see sitting on her eggs in the saguaro on my walks. I’m grateful wifey and I thought and said at the same time who is feeding her? I’m grateful for our shared love of animals. I’m grateful today is going to be a day.

I’m grateful for another day to try and turn my life and my will and my serenity and my courage and acceptance and all you lovely people here over to the care of my creator.

The real work is to be willing to see life with new eyes, a new vision, adventure and curiosity. Maybe what is happening to you, is actually happening for you.
Living These Days
Richard Burr