Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Hello my grateful friends! I am grateful for 90 days of sobriety. 90 days of not being hungover. I am grateful that we are getting one last drizzle of rain before the endless 100 degree weather starts up. I am grateful for all of the work that I have to do at my job in the next week because it’s job security. Thankful for this thread. ODAAT :purple_heart:


Yes indeed; I have to remind myself everyday!!!


Congratulations on 90 days!!! That’s great work :clap:


Way to go Davina.
90 ODAATs. Thats some amazing stuff right there. Great job!!
Keep coming back


I am grateful for this day. I am grateful I woke up to daylight after a really good night‘s sleep. I am grateful for movement, yoga, rowing, being physically active. Being able to be active.
I am grateful for being OK today with my pain. I am grateful for learning, for a friend calling, chatting.
I am grateful for boundaries even if upholding them is really exhausting. I am grateful my husband is busy with his moving out most of the day and does not have too much time left to drive me nuts with his drama. I am grateful I know where I stand, where bullshit starts and where I stop it.
I am grateful for meditation and relaxing. Grateful for good food. Grateful for mindfulness, being able to enjoy food and stop eating when I don‘t any more.
I am grateful for anime and books and a good evening :night_with_stars:


Today I’m grateful I woke up rested before the alarm. I’m grateful for nice chats with neighbours. I’m grateful I get better orientated in what the ex fumbled and rearranged while he lived here alone. Not that I found what I was looking for. I’m grateful I’ll help myself with some stuff from the workshop at my late mum’s house tomorrow.

I’m grateful I break down tasks into smaller tasks and even smaller tasks. I’m grateful every little effort counts and they add up.
I’m grateful this helped me to have a really nice, powerful morning. I’m grateful I enjoyed driving the tractor, so grateful past ME practiced last year. It’s feeling so good to be confident in what I do, even when I try something new.
I’m grateful I had a drive around the farm. Many trees are already blooming, some died. I always wanted to have a slow drive around and see the entire hill without being crappyly exhausted from walking and stressed. Finally I did it and yeah, will repeat! It made me happy to do something I’ve been wanting for years.

I’m grateful the thinking how to tackle this dammed logs-to-furnaceroom problem payed off! It got it’s second step of making it easier today. I put away the trailer and removed a part of the dammed stonepile (love my tractor). Not perfect in any way but now the stairs are free to park the tractor with the dump body full of logs next to it :muscle: I knew I would find a solution. I’m grateful I directly filled up on logs and have enough for at least 2 weeks. I’m grateful for the kindling cutter I bought, that’s easy work now.

I’m grateful I called it a day before storm and rain set in.
I’m grateful for leftovers, hot showers, a comfy couch, sweets, naps, cats galore, happiness, peace, freedom, my reliable tractor, my ex (yes, today deliberately for him), friends calling and texting, toilets, fresh laundry, nice smelling shower gel, old series on TV, looking good, and most of all I’m grateful I’m me. I’m grateful I notice that the days where I am my genuine ME increase. I’m grateful I’m tired, groggy and my back, hands, arms and neck are not amused. I’m happily paying this price for all I did today. I’m grateful my bed is waiting for me. ODAAT


Grateful for 26 days of freedom from alcohol. I’m grateful for a rough night, followed by a rough day. I say this because it means I’m healing. It does not feel good. Grateful for knowing what got me here, won’t heal me. Grateful for a new start.


Congrats on 90 days!! :heart_hands::heart_hands::heart_hands::heart_hands:


Today I am grateful for fuzzy warm socks on a cold day.

I’m grateful for my weekly lunch with my best friend and her uplifting me when I’m down.

I am grateful for my bed and heating pad waiting for me at home.

I’m grateful that I know these sour, shitty moods I am in will pass and better days are ahead.

I am grateful the work day is over in an hour.

I’m grateful for only one more day until a three day weekend.

:black_heart: As always, grateful to read all of your gratitudes


I too am grateful for warm and fuzzy socks. I am sitting here reading gratitude lists from others with one sock on and one to go. I am on waiting list for a hip surgery and putting on socks and shoes are the hardest to accomplish.

I am grateful that the surgery for hip will eventually happen and God is teaching me patience and humility.

I am grateful God is with me today in all things I do. I need to pay attention every moment on how and what he wants me to accomplish.

I am grateful for fresh fruits and vegetables for my juice regimen.


Grateful for everything that God has blessed me with. 6 months sober, being more present in all of my families lives. Feeling more at peace. This past weekend until today, was a bit hard for me. I sure don’t like that feeling, I did not have the urge to drink!:pray:t2:


Grateful to be on the bus with my boys today headed to try to extend our winning streak to 6. Driving past the strip in Vegas always gives me goosebumps because people think our city is just known for one thing. I’m proud to have become a part of my community and a hard working Nevadan like so many others. Our city was built from years of hard working and caring people full of so much passion and determination for great things. I’m grateful I don’t feel an overwhelming temptation to veer off track here because I chose to become part of the community. I’m not from Nevada but I am fully “Battle Born” in my heart these days! Thankful as always for this place, see you guys on the other side of today’s showdown!


I am grateful to read the posts from all of you regulars. I love seeing visitors posting in this thread too :heart_on_fire:

I am grateful for supportive collegues. I’m having some stressful days at work. Combined with little sleep, stress from my parents and kicking nicotine makes me a bit manic and turns me into the wicked witch of the West. Grateful to take some time off next week, cause ain’t nobody got time for that. I’m not myself atm and I really need to sit down before I hurt myself.

I am grateful for having a plan. When I’m emotional and stressed I talk waaaay too much. My plan is to 1. zip it, 2. really zip it, 3. let other people speak and 4. b-r-e-a-t-h. I’m dropping everything extracurricular and will only do the bare minimum the coming weeks. As my dear colleague (who called me stupid today, bless her heart) said: as if the company is so good to you and pays for extra work. Yeah, no.

I am grateful my son is such a sweetheart for letting me rant about some assholes at work for an hour and allowing me to hug him. Nothing works as calming as hugging my bodybuilder 23 year old son :laughing:
I told him: today would be a two bottles and a pack-day. He said: I know mom, I’m really proud of you. I could’ve died peacefully after that.

My sister sent me a meme today, something like:
“Do you know that feeling when you just want to hold somebody.
And when you look them in the eyes. Taking their face in your hands. Pulling them gently closer. To whisper something in their ears. Like.
Shut the fuck up.”
She sent it while being at my parents lol. I sent her a Forest Gump gif.
I am grateful for funny Whatsapp convos and gifs. We love our parents, calm down Karen :wink:

I am grateful for being in bed early. Dog on the duvet, he is dreaming, twitching and crying in his sleep. I never get tired of watching sleeping dogs, so freaking adorable.

It was a weird, bipolar-like day. Tears and crazy woman laughs. Grateful to give my head some rest now. Nighty night you lovely internet people✌️


I hope you’ll get that new hip soon, ill working joints are no joke :pray:


You are correct. Thanks for kindness.


The hugs and encouragement that I get from my almost 18 year old son truly help sustain me. I feel that!! :people_hugging:


Grateful for the first morning shift at work. Its already lunchtime and feels as if I just started.
Grateful for no hangover, a few of the crew went out fishing yesterday and it turned into a big evening, a couple didn’t take today off and have shown up a bit worse for wear. Glad thats not me anymore.
Grateful for leftovers for lunch
Grateful for an afternoon to do some training.
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


Grateful for my almost chronic tiredness. I don’t feel strong and that makes me understand others when they are weak


This is so beautiful :heart_eyes: You got me in tears :sob: I’m just sitting here soaking up how beautiful, my gorgeous body builder of a son, now father, is. And when he tells me how proud of me he is :smiling_face_with_tear: I’m grateful you brought me to this beautiful moment. I hope I can dry my tears before wifey gets back in the room. We do not get that out of a bottle. This is the best thing ever. I hope you sleep well :sleeping::pray:t2::heart:


I am grateful to be sober and hangover free.

I am grateful I realize i need to chill with all of the caffeine because it is making me anxious and squirrely. I already know this… it’s kinda self-sabotage.

I am grateful i made a yummy din din of chicken, spinach, sundried tomatoes and bucatini. I should head over to the foodie thread soon.

I am grateful for a tv night before I head back to the nightshift tomorrow.

I am grateful for my family and to be here with everyone. :heart: