Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Jim, I’m glad you’re here. It’s a wonderful thread.


So glad you found us @Jimz !!! It’s a wonderful place to be :people_hugging:


@maxwell glad to see you Maxine – great work on your 85 days! I am sorry that you are unable to see your grandkids. It would make me sad too love. Sending you all so much love. :heart:
@davina_davis YEAH 90 days — way to go Davina! Hope you did something to celebrate your 3 month milestone :muscle: :tada:
@tailee17 Oh I’m sorry that you are still waiting on your hip surgery. I am sending you some comforting vibes and hope that you are not in too much pain :pray:
@naomi bless your son – glad you were able to talk out your day with him and get a warm hug and kind words in return. Glad that your actions of sobriety are seen and felt. You are making great strides and efforts. And BTW nasty coworkers can just FRO!

Oh this is powerful Thomas. It is a blessing when we are able to connect with where others are coming from. I am sorry that you are dealing with the chronic fatigue as it is exhausting and emotionally tiring. Wishing you some relief soon. :hugs:
@jimz So lovely to see you on the Gratitude thread. So grateful that your mom is safely out of the hospital

Wednesday night gratefulness
I am so grateful for a lovely day to be alive and free of addiction.
I am so grateful that we got the go ahead yesterday to open up the restaurant. The upstairs fire happened last Monday afternoon so yeah it was a full week of a lot of calls with the city, fire marshals, electricians and health department - so grateful for my brother and his patience in dealing with all of this.
I am grateful for the amazing new way we prepared Tempeh. OMG - letting it marinate in some lovely spices before baking. YUMMY!
I am so grateful that i got my CT results this morning and even though my surgeon is out - a doctor reached out with clarification of the results. Grateful that nothing showed up on my scan. Unfortunately we still don’t know what is the cause for the intense pain. May just be a recovery of the surgery and may just be what is normal (i stopped all meds 2.5 days in).
I am so grateful that i have put in a formal request to be called by my surgeon. Have been dealing with triage nurses, other nurses and other doctors for past 2 weeks and none are up to speed with my case.
I am so grateful that I am able to help provide tips to my concierge doctor. She just had breast cancer surgery on Monday and as my mom just went through this 3 weeks ago I am able to provide some insight of what to expect and how to ease the discomfort.
I am so grateful for my mouthguard. Grateful that it has been holding up to my clenching and grinding. Grateful that i can use it during the day to help deal with the pain.
I am so grateful for the internet. OMG - a whole day without it was annoying.
I am so grateful for breathing exercises. Essential oils and lymph massages that help with dealing with the pain.
I am so grateful for my HP. Grateful for my connections to Him. Grateful that i can keep my faith even through these trying times.
I am so grateful that i am no longer thinking that i deserve all of this. Grateful that i don’t see this as a punishment for my past actions. Grateful that i am living a better life in all regards and have hope that i will be healthy and pain free in the future.
I am so grateful for my family. So grateful that my sister is coming to visit in a few weeks. Grateful that my brother and i are back to normal.
Wishign everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening – sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Thanks so much Jasmine! Happy to hear you are doing so well with your siblings, and I send you continuous healing vibes!!! :purple_heart:


Happy to report the streak is still alive at 6 games now :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you Jazzy. Surgery will happen and that is a good thing.

I am learning patience.


Good evening my heart is full.

I am grateful for clear vision and intuitive perception. I am grateful for calm energy.
I am grateful that shit doesnt have to be fancy to be effective. I am grateful that small cozy spaces offer addicts a safe place to share. I am grateful we can keep each other clean if we allow that, if we allow the vulberability, the humility and the trust.
I am grateful I was/am tired of suffering so I havent picked up that first one. I am writing out step one again and I see that nothing has changed in over 4 years. Fancy that, I am still a raging addict, who has just found different ways than drugs to make her life unmanagable. I am grateful for this set of steps I am doing, they are crushing my denial finer. Each set I write is like a mortar and pestle and by the time I am done step one of the NA step guide there is no fucking denying that I am an addict. Strangely though over the course of a year I can start to become pretty comfortable with that and denial starts to sneak in.
I am grateful for the old timers who say ," Steps or die"


So true Eric! The improved connection with my son is by far the best thing sobriety gives me. I love him so freaking much.
Grateful you experience the same @Davina_Davis :heart_on_fire:

Welcome @Jimz, love your gratitude list. No. 5 makes no. 1-4 even better right :raised_hands:

@JazzyS Glad to hear the restaurant is open again, but I’m so sorry you’re still in so much pain. You and your family are going through alot with the restaurant and you and you mom being sick, but it’s beautiful to read you have each others back and to see what a fighter you are. I hope both you and you mom will recover soon dear Jasmine. You are much appreciated! :heart_on_fire:


My kids are only small but I hope they never get too old to hug their dad


Birthday checking :tada: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. I am grateful for the people in my life, (you all included), another sober year well lived, the up’s and downs I got to experience and cherish, a long long weekend and a spa day ahead of me. Thank you for all your lovely shares every day. They are a perfect start for my mornings. + coffee.
Hope you’ll get some favourable answers @JazzyS and you’ll feel better soon.


I’m grateful for being present with my family instead of thinking about my next drink
I’m grateful for visits from close friends who live far from me
I’m grateful for a long Easter weekend
I’m grateful for planning drink refusal strategies
I’m grateful for planning exit strategies from triggering situations


Grateful for 27 days of freedom from alcohol.
Grateful to be feeling better than yesterday.
Grateful I can go to the hair salon today.
Grateful I have the opportunity to heal from alcoholism and work burnout.
Grateful for new friends and new interests. Yes.


Happy birthday @Pandita greatful to share this journey with you


Morning sober tribe,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety
697 days free from weed and alcohol
34.34 weeks no nicotine
My love of numbers
My ability to communicate the story that numbers paint
Our fantastic bed and a good nights sleep
Didnt wakeup for the gym, ill try again tomorrow
Looking forward to therapy saturday, theres alot id like to unpack
My relationship with my folks, theyre hilarious
Hubby and Boscoe
Hubby will help with chores today on his day off
Quiet mornings with TS and coffee
Feeling moments of peace and surrender
AA and the 12 steps

Have a lovely day soberinis


I’m grateful for the beautiful warm feeling I got this morning when I opened TS and saw someone way across the pond tag me in a cactus pic :wink: How beautiful it is to have this common thread and to be thought about around the world.

I’m grateful and still blown away about when I came on here yesterday afternoon just for a read and I got to fall in love with my son and how wonderful of a person he is and bask in that kind of unexpected gratitude. I’m grateful I get to call that up again this morning.

I’m grateful this is EXACTLY why I call TS a magical place. I’m never alone in my sobriety or my struggles or my happiness and gratefulness.

I’m grateful for the excitement and wonder of who will pop into my mind during my day and from what part of the world they live in.

I’m grateful for Insight Timer and Prashanti Paz. I’m grateful I put her on twice last night to go to bed and when I woke up to pee in the middle of the night. I’m grateful I murdered those obsessive thoughts of the things I can’t control before they even started to take me hostage. I’m grateful I put it on again this morning and stayed awake through the whole thing to keep my mind in the present. I’m grateful I’m not that good at it but like everything else if I practice I will get better. I’m grateful I posted it on the Meditation thread if anyone is interested.

I’m grateful for my readings this morning. Especially Richard Burr. Living These Days. Chapter 11
Instead of trying to run away from the present moment even if we feel lost or wrong, maybe we could just slow down and stay close to ourselves. Can we explore the possibility of taking a few moments to face any pain, discomfort or fear with more openness? Maybe we could become curious about our experience, examining what’s going on rather than immediately distracting ourselves or disconnecting. The great wisdom teachers tell us that when we turn away from our pain, suffering begins.

I’m grateful I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing. But I hate this insidious fucking disease. I fucking hate it with a passion. I’m grateful the more I fight it the worse I get. I’m grateful by fighting it I mean the fight to just live with it. Accept it. Fucking embrace it. Is that what I have to do? I’m grateful I’ve read and learned to accept it. But do I have to embrace it too? God give me strength.

I’m grateful for my other book on Detachment. Let Go Now. Embrace Detachment As A Path To Freedom.
“dancing around” the life of someone else, rather than leading my own life.
I’m grateful to know, yep, that’s me. :point_up_2:

I am grateful for where I am in both my recoveries. I’m grateful I can keep learning. I’m grateful I can eventually face more of my fears. I’m grateful to have the tools and support to do this.

I’m grateful for you all. Every day.


You are the cactus man of TS, that’s my plant association to you too :sweat_smile: You can always rename yourself to Dazercactus


I am grateful for the lovely internet people who I don’t know & may not ever meet, these include:
Everyone on this app,
People from the other sober apps I downloaded,
Sober presenters on Tiktok, Spotify & YouTube who bravely tell their stories & give amazing advice,

I’m also grateful for my sister who is a nag :laughing: she accidently led me to a path that showed me what sober looks like and how it might be possible for me. She nagged me in November to download Tiktok, a couple of weeks later I stumbled across a tiktoker talking about his sobriety, podcasts he listens to & books he read. It took several weeks of being sober curious & now I’m here 90 days sober & I couldn’t have done it without all you wonderful strangers.
Thank you all 🩷


Grateful that today is my last shift at work for the week. Took my nightshifts off to spend time with visiting family
Grateful that even though there will be drinking I have stayed sober in this situation before so can do it again.
Grateful that if need be I have this app in my pocket that I can lean on.
Grateful to be able to be present and conscious spending time with family now.
Grateful for my life and everything in it.
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


Congratulations on 90 days!


@naomi thanks friend. It does feel like we do have a lot going on but gratefully we are all getting through it with some sort of ease. I am blessed to have the support around me and my family. Appreciate your sweet words :hugs:
@pandita OOH a birthday check in!! Happy Birthday friend. Hope you enjoyed the morning coffee and the rest of your beautiful day. Appreciate you thoughts :hugs:

YES! This is key in our sober journey and I’m grateful that you are pre-planning for it. Keep up the fantastic work.
@lighter I just read about your salon experience. I’m sorry that the alcohol is such a huge part of “spa” experience and they offered it multiple times. Glad you held your ground and got a sober salon experience. We really do need to keep our guards up at all times. Glad you held your own. 27 days and going strong :muscle: