Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Grateful for a productive workweek but I’m really, really glad my weekend has started.
I am grateful for some time off work next week, I am so tired. I think it’s because of ditching the nicotine, it’s much better now but I didn’t sleep enough this week. Looking forward to some relaxed days ahead and hopefully sleeping in a bit.

I am grateful my buddy :dog: loves his new dog food, glad I didn’t buy this big bag for nothing. Grateful for a new, super long dog lead. Now he can roam free without me having to worry about him running away. It’s also good for recall training, so we’ll get started with that outside too.

I am grateful for finding this crazy movie The Square. I don’t watch alot of movies anymore, so I’m more picky in what I watch. I liked seeing Dominic West play a little part in it, he was my celebrity crush when I was younger.

I am looking forward to a belated BD brunch tomorrow. I don’t really celebrate my BD but I am grateful to have friends that do :pray:

@Pandita happy birthday to you! :hibiscus:


I am grateful for this day. For waking up, seeing daylight, seeing fresh buds on the chestnut tree outside.
I am grateful for inspiring work, movement, good pain management, the nice words my husband said today.
I am grateful for a really good, strong, grounding yoga session.
I am grateful for baking, mindful eating, good meals. I am grateful I am sooo tired and will be off to bed soon. :night_with_stars:


I am grateful I get to say hello to @Jimz lovely to have you with the grati-ppl :blush:
I am grateful I get to say happy birthday to @Pandita

I am grateful for sobriety. I am grateful for music. I am grateful I am sitting at a concert right now, enjoying both at the same time.


Congratulations on your 90 days Lisa.
Keep up the great job.


I am so grateful for you and this thread, knowing that you’ll be here when I am spending Easter with my hard drinking family this weekend. I’m grateful for my family. I’m grateful for iced coffee. I’m grateful for Bondi thickening spray, it really gave my hair some volume this morning. ODAAT, from Northern California to you!! :purple_heart:


Thank you @Dazercat :blush:


I am grateful for being so close to 28 days sober!
Grateful I stayed sober at the hair salon when I was repeatedly (4x in all) offered wine. Hair looks good and I’m looking better too.
Grateful for a perfect spring day.
Grateful to be feeling less PAWS-y today.
Grateful for a sober Easter weekend ahead
Grateful for all of you.


Yay for our shared sober day! Woohoo!


Grateful for another day sober. I’m Grateful for a low stress work day. Grateful for the warm sunshine and being able to get out and enjoy it. Grateful for all the wisdom I have received on this sober journey and how it makes each day better. Grateful for TS and all the great people who are part of it.


Great work on 90 days (3 months) Jene :tada:



I’m grateful to give something back, so many of your shares on TS make me smile. They were very impressive cacti!
I’m grateful for this link too @Dazercat ; That when I see a pretty sky, or an epic view, I think of my friends on TS ad feel connected :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’m grateful I enjoyed a wonderful holiday sober and free.
I’m grateful for the love from my family when I got home.


I’m grateful I took this pic just for you this morning.

Easter Lilly Cactus
Hedgehog Cactusses

I hope you’re enjoying the beach.


I love it :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
Thank you for sharing, I’m grateful.


Huge congrats @Lisa-B 90 days is amazeballs


I’m gratefully trading in my cactus to
Birds of Paradise.
This particular one in my new Cali back yard has your name on it Naomi. I’m grateful you were so sweet to mention flowers or something the day we got to Cali. I wasn’t in a good space to reply.

I’m grateful for white roses. I’m grateful my new yard supposedly has lots of them.
I’m grateful I love flowers. And there will be no shortage of them when I move. I’ll miss the saguaro :cactus: but there might be a strawberry cactus around somewhere out there.

I’m grateful I feel better after 2 meetings today and lunch out with recovery friends.

I’m grateful for the meme I posted today.
Real growth starts when you’re tired of your own shit
I felt that. I felt that hard.


Grateful today . Received 1 month chip today at fabulous AA MEETING. God has been keeping me humble. Had great workout at gym today. Sobriety / Gym workouts are causing my clothes to fit better and health overall has improved.


Congratulations on your 1 month chip Lam.


I’m so glad you came back home.


Friday morning gratitude.

I’m grateful for purring Missi on my chest. I was up late and slept crappy. I’m grateful for cats waking me, so lovely. I’m grateful my cats love me. Had a bad day yesterday. I’m tired of emotional ups and downs. I’m grateful HALT and This too will pass help me :pray: Yesterday was the 14th anniversary of my Dad’s death. I still remember that he liked my ex very much and begged him to take good care of me and us. As his Dad asked me to take good care of my ex before he died. Well, it’s sad that we weren’t in the long run. On days like yesterday it’s hard to take good care of myself feeling lonely.

I’m grateful I proceeded with my health check up. Turns out my lifelong obesity takes its toll. I’m prediabetic with upcoming insulin resistance allthough the fasting blood glucose level is normal, my blood lipids need to decrease as does the LDL cholesterol allthough the all over cholesterol is fine, both to decrease my fatty liver and protect my kidneys. The devil always is in the details.
I’m grateful my endochrinologist came up with several options how to tackle the situation as some are a no go like a gastric bypass to loose weight, others are not practicable like 6 weeks away on rehab and some I refuse to do like going to a gym or rehab inkluding circle training. I HATE to excercise and I HATE to be around people so this is not an option if there shall be positive change. I won’t violate myself and destroy the delicate mental and emotional wellbeing I developed over the last years. I’ll start with babysteps: diet councelling and a mild medication to test (adverse) effects. I always hated this body and now I’m really pissed. Sigh, not my day. At least I’m grateful there are options. And I’m grateful I understand that I have to do something about the situation otherwise it will get irreversibly worse. I’m grateful for this extensive health checkup I prescribed myself last year. It was and still am grateful for my own 50th birthday present.

The cats want breakfast. I’m grateful to start a new day. ODAAT


I am grateful that my brain’s first thought is “tea, tea, tea” when I first wake up as it used to be “:roll_eyes: urgh”
I am grateful(ish) for my dog alarm clock, I’d probably stay in bed if she doesn’t need a walk & breakfast
I am grateful for music
I’m grateful it’s Friday which is the day my son comes to visit
I’m grateful for journalling, it’s helping me through a lot


Oh my, that’s beautiful! I feel like I was born in the wrong part of the world. Waaay too grey, cold and wet in the Netherlands. We unfortunately only have a few months a year of decent weather :see_no_evil: