Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I’m sorry you’re not feeling at your best atm :people_hugging:
All I know about weightloss is it works the same as sobriety: one day at a time and recovery may take years.
Unsolicited story: my mom was morbid obese. She lost around 30 kg in a year or two when she was around 60 and although she’s still overweight, she feels a lot better.

I hope you find a good dietician and take your time. Wishing you well :heart:


To be reminded that my temptation I feel today, is my mind sitting in the future and I’m grateful to be reminded I perhaps should stay mindful and present in the moment as another tool to help on my journey.



Morning, pre gym gratitude,

Im so very greatful for,

My sobriety and my program of recovery
I voiced my frustration to my husband without raising my voice or getting into an argument, just matter of fact i thought you would do x,y,z today because you told me you would and im disappointed you didnt do any of them. Im voicing my frustration so i dont build a resentment…
Im up early so i can get to the gym!!
I dreamt about a solution for a work problem
AA and sisters in sobriety
My home group thurs nites
Yesterday was a good day at work and i handled the fires with a calm demeanor
Todays friday!!
Reminders to not stress about things i cant control


I’m grateful for a fun filled Easter Friday with family
I’m grateful for finally mowing the lawn despite foot pain
I’m grateful for struggling through day 29 of the March challenge
I’m grateful for setting up the outdoor firepit
I’m grateful for Easter egg hunt preparations making my kids excitement levels max out


Seriously? I thought you guys were the land of tulips and all sorts of flowers. Especially tulips. Covid wrecked my tulip trip to The Netherlands in March 2020. I’m grateful I chose sobriety, and didn’t have to test it 3 months in. I’m grateful the Netherlands is still on my bucket list.


I’m grateful for another sober hangover free morning and I already had 30 minutes of Mavy time. I’m grateful it’s Alice time now.

I’m grateful for another day to try and take things ODAAT. I’m grateful I got to share at my AA meeting. Finally! I’m grateful I guess god wanted me to listen the last 3 weeks, as it’s a big meeting and I been sitting in the wrong seat for sharing as we go around the room. Or maybe I was in the right seat the last 3 weeks and I was suppose to listen. I’m grateful I thought I was in the wrong seat again and the shares went all around the room and I was last. I’m grateful it was Maundy Thursday last night and the AA meeting got moved far away from where we all had to park. Guess they didn’t want a bunch of alcoholics in the church :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I’m grateful I got to walk with a very nice guy way back to where we all parked and had a lovely conversation with him. I’m grateful his shares resonated most with me the last 3 weeks and god had him walking by my side back to my car after the meeting. I’m grateful he told me there’s suppose to be a great speaker tonight at the AA speakers meeting I was not going to go to tonight. I’m grateful I get to change MY mind and tell wifey I want to go tonight after all. I’m grateful she said OK. I’m grateful she asked if she could come too. I’m grateful and ok with it even though she only wants to go so she gets her dinner and wine out earlier this way. I’m grateful if she does go for whatever reason it’s her choice and she might hear a message. If she doesn’t go there no chance she will here the message.

I’m grateful I went out to lunch with some Al-Anoners after my morning meeting. This was HUGE for me. I’m grateful I recognized the discomfort, and grateful I had a good time.

I’m grateful I read about my smothering focus on my wife can be likened to me making her my prisoner. From “Let Go Now, Embrace Detachment As A Path To Freedom.”

I’m grateful for my reading in “Living These Days.” By Richard Burr.
Pray for a miracle.
If we don’t believe something can be different, it’s not likely that it will be different.

Praying for a miracle changes us, it changes what we are looking for…it allows us to see through a wider lens…we see possibility where there seemed to be none.

I’m grateful I’ve met Richard. He’s been sober since 91 and he’s the guy I got my gratitude practice from. And he’s a big reason why I’m right here now, today. I’m grateful if he says in his book to pray for a miracle every day. What have I got to loose. I’m grateful his gratitude practice has retrained my brain. I’m grateful I’ll try and give this a go too.

I’m grateful my wife thinks I look like Igor from Young Frankenstein when she walks in here and I’m sitting with my cashmere hoodie on my head because I’m cold. I’m grateful we both had a great laugh about it. I’m grateful for humor and music and all the peeps here on TS. This is a magical miracle.

“I am realistic – I expect miracles.”
Wayne Dyer


We do have a few tulips here :smirk: but also a lot of rain. Luckily spring is in the air and I’m grateful summer will follow! I do love Europe in summer time.

I am grateful for a day filled with friendship and good conversations. Got some fancy make up and a delicious brunch from the GF’s and after that I walked doggo and visited a friend for some AF beers in the sun :sunny: I am grateful I chose to go out this afternoon and catch some sunlight instead of cleaning the house. The house can wait.

I am grateful for dog training and seeing the parents tomorrow. I am grateful for my sobriety.
Grateful for a relaxed evening on the couch with dog, watching a documentary and some flickering candles on. I’m grateful for no more party fomo.


Grateful for waking up feeling great
Grateful for a busy day planned with the family
Grateful for the understated support of my brother
Grateful for a sunny crisp autumn morning
Grateful for strong coffee
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


@erntedank Did we miss your birthday? Is it today? I am sorry for the crappy emotional rollercoaster you are experiencing. I know it sucks trying to get back in shape especially if you do not like exercising. Maybe look at some at home YouTube exercises that you feel good doing. Keep working on your towards your health and know that each step forward counts. Sending you love and I do hope that today is a better day for you :people_hugging:
@lisa-b what a lovely thought to wake up to. Mine is coffee but hey whatever it is it’s not the “ urgh”.
@Dazercat OMG – those are some beautiful pics. Flowering cacti always amaze me.
@cjp impressive CJ – glad you were able to communicate calmly with your hubby and not let resentment build up. Also kudos to handling fires with calmness at work. This is strength.
@50ber doing great with the March challenge friend – do take it easy and don’t extend yourself too much. I know you are doing much more than the challenge so be kind to your body. Hope you and the kids have fun with the Easter egg hunt!

Friday afternoon gratefullness
I am grateful to be ALIVE
I am grateful for clean air to breath and clean water to drink
I am grateful warm home where i can heal with ease and comfort
I am grateful that i knew instantly when i got a voicemail today from my friends husband from her phone that i was going to cry. I am grateful that she passed in peace and was not in pain. I am grateful that it was sudden for her (not so grateful that it was sudden for us).
I am grateful that i cried uncontrollably as i was trying to talk to him and my mom was right by my side to hug and comfort me
I am grateful for my HP. Grateful that i prayed and cried and cussed. I am grateful that it felt good to do all three.
I am grateful for the TENS machine that i found and used. I feel like i had pulled it out of my storage a while back but forgotten about it. Grateful that i have it even though my body is not ready to use it yet.
I am grateful for love in my heart and the ability to still hold onto hope. Even when i yell that “i’m done” i just feel like i need to get it out and then reset my intentions and focus. I am grateful that i can continue to heal!
I am grateful for whatever happened in my life to lead me here. Grateful that it took something crazy for me to make changes. Grateful that these changes are now turning out to be lifelong commitments and i’m better off because of it in the long run.
I am grateful for good friends and family. Grateful for unconditional love.
I am grateful for the reminder of how precious and fragile this life is. Grateful that i am doing my best to not waste it.
I am grateful to keep working towards positivity and a light demeanor …
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you ALL so much love :heart: :heart:


I am grateful for this day. Grateful when I woke up with a headache and a foul mood I knew this was just temporary and what would help: Reading shares on TS, sharing myself, connecting.
I have always read the words about how you can not do this alone, about how you need help, need community. I always nodded, it all made sense, but then it didn‘t feel like it had anything to do with me. Now I know, now that I have experienced this community here I finally understand why I could not do it by myself. I am very grateful for having the opportunity to learn that here with you wonderful people.
I am grateful I stuck to my plan to test out another trigger food, and I am grateful I could confirm my suspicions. I am grateful I could treat it like an experiment and not get lost in self pity and catastrophizing.
I am grateful I realise the discussions with my husband not only sound like a broken record, but are a broken record. I am grateful he will move out in about two weeks. I am grateful I will have not to see him repeat his own drama over and over again on a daily basis.
I am grateful for anime, nice podcasts, the internet actually making me feel connected and not isolated.
I am grateful I can - after today’s experiments - take control of my eating back. I am grateful for a peaceful evening :night_with_stars:


@JazzyS I’m so sorry your friend died. I’m grateful the two of you had the friendship and the time together that you did.


I’m grateful for my dad, he has been supporting me through my entire cocaine addiction! I’m looking forward to the day he can see his son fully free from this horrible addiction long-term! :slight_smile:


Thank you so much Alisa - that’s a great way to look at it. Right now i am still in a bit of shock. Trying to process it and reliving our lovely times. :hugs:


Oh this was lovely to read - grateful you have some great support and motivation to keep stacking up the days. Way to go Eric! :hugs:


Grateful for 28 days.
Grateful for a sober Easter weekend.
Grateful for refuge and peace


Grateful to live where I do
Grateful for family walks up long dormant volcanoes


I read your post this morning and was at a loss to reply. I read most posts and recognize your post name always. So I thought about you all day. Although you post gratitude I somehow felt your struggle with the weight issue. I have this to say. I am not a medical professional and my weight is problematic and always has been. To be positive for exercise the last 4 weeks I have been in the pool 4 times a week 1 hour each time . I walk I float I dance I kick I swing my arms. Sometimes swim stroke but mostly walk. Yesterday I just tread water for 45 minutes. I am not watching what I eat although most my food is home prepared with fresh ingredients. I have to say I am amazed that prior to sobriety I had 2 pairs of pants that fit . 4 weeks later I can fit yet tight my prior wardrobe. I am awaiting a hip surgery and thought recently about starting a daily chair routine. Lots of free classes on line. You can do those privately in your own home.

Enough about me. I am thinking about you and wish you good health and keep positive.


Grateful for my Mum who is a tremendous help and listens with an open heart. So grateful to have her by my side. She herself has been through a lot with my Dad’s addiction. But I dont know what i would do without her.


So sorry for your loss Jasmine! I’m glad your mom is there for you. :people_hugging:
It a stark reminder to hug our friends and loved ones even more, as we don’t know when will be the last…


I am so sorry about your friend, @JazzyS :people_hugging: Big healing vibes are on their way from here to there :pray: