Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Oh wow…how lovely :heart_eyes:
Beautiful picture Marty. Thank you for sharing :pray:t4:


Thank you Naomi. So very true… I am sad but also more aware today of how fragile life is.

Loosing my friends dad last week was hard but this death really hit harder. I think it’s because of the age :thinking:. In either case I am still having a hard time accepting it as reality.


Thank you Davina… Appreciate your sweet words


When people of a certain age pass away, you can in a way comfort yourself by saying they had a long life. It can be still heartbreaking (I remember losing my beloved grandmother),
but losing relatively young people hits different. It feels unfair.


I’m grateful for slowly grinding through day 30 of the March challenge
I’m grateful my sore throat has started to ease
I’m grateful for visits from best friends
I’m grateful for staying sober while they all drank
I’m grateful for inspiring a friend to consider sobriety, just by talking about my small amount of sober time


Day 699 gratitude

Im greatful i got my ass up and worked out
Im greatful @Runningfree offered some Achilles tendon stretches
Im greatful for some time with hubby
Im greatful for my mom, hubby, boscoe, family…in no particular order
Im greatful im feeling closer to my higher power
Im greatful im tapping into a peace my mind craves
Im greatful for therapy
Im greatful for crying and feeling a sense of relief
Im greatful for protein powder
Im greatful for good hearted people
Im greatful for love
Im greatful for our safety
Im greatful for all of you


I’m grateful I got up too early. Slightly headachey. Grateful coffee and Tylonol are doing the trick. Grateful my mind was racing with exciting good positive thoughts so I got up. Grateful before I sat down with coffee and my readings I got part of the floor mopped :scream: I’m grateful it doesn’t have to be perfect. I’m grateful I just passed a mop on that, always gets dirty, part of the kitchen floor where there’s cooking a pet things constantly making it look bad. I’m grateful I get the extra quiet time this morning.

I’m grateful wifey and I had a pretty healthy argument, fight, discussion, uncomfortable whatever we had. I’m grateful for the Al-Anon speakers app. I’m grateful I got to explain to her that yes!! yes!! yes!! I went to Al-Anon because of your drinking. Yes!! it was all your fault! I’m grateful I was able to tell her I keep going back because MY LIFE IS UNMANAGEABLE!! Yes. MY LIFE is unmanageable. I’m grateful I was able to tell her it’s not ALL about you!! I’m grateful all my struggles this week climaxed with a difficult, healthy therapeutic discussion for the both of us. I’m grateful for my alcoholic. I’m grateful I get to love my alcoholic.

I’m grateful my swimming pool water fall just turned on so I can change my subject.

I’m grateful I made hard copies of calendars for April and May and shit is getting real. I’m grateful this move really is going to be my final opus. I’m grateful today I look at it as a challenge to make it work and to let it go at the same time. I’m grateful I’m sober. Don’t know how I could plan to do 2 moves. Ya we are crazy blessed to do this in 2 moves. And do a European vacation that was booked last year, in a strange land where I don’t speak a lick of Italian. And she still wants to go to Dallas again one more time to visit Norma and get the fuck out of here in 7-8 weeks!!! Stressed?? I must be mad (crazy.) And drinking isn’t an option. I’m grateful this is my one and only recovery and I get to take this shit ODAAFT. Ya I do! :wink:

I’m grateful we both loved last nights AA speaker meeting and had a wonderful dinner out. I’m grateful we both thought the share of the person going through a divorce was our favorite share :thinking: I’m grateful I made a point to tell that person how much I appreciated their share. And that I needed to hear that. I’m grateful wifey asked me what I was doing. She was bolting outta there :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I told her and she said ME TOO!!
I’m grateful for AA and I put my ass in a seat.

“We are best able to help others when we ourselves have learned the way to achieve serenity.”
The Twelve Steps and Traditions


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful to get to share in the ups and downs of each of you. I’m grateful for birthdays, milestones and achievements, and to be here as a source of comfort for the hard times too. I’m grateful we have this place. I’m grateful for coffee and a cloudy morning. I’m grateful for a slow day today. I’m grateful my son brought his cap and gown home, graduation is right around the corner! I’m grateful my daughter is doing better mentally, she’s had a tough year. I’m grateful I’m sober and can really appreciate and be present for them. Everyone have a wonderful day :heart:


I’m grateful for the upcoming day with family, being spent together for Easter. Grateful that my Mom is coming to see her daughters, and grandchildren, and great granddaughter. Grateful that she’s healthy and relatively young. Im grateful that I am filled with anxiety about this day, because it means I’m sober and know I’m walking into a hazard. I’m grateful I have a sober plan for today, and chocolate. Grateful for you all, as always!!! ODAAT :orange_heart::green_heart::yellow_heart:


Enjoy your day! Sending good vibes.


@JazzyS Thank you, no birthday missed, it’s in april. I’m sorry for your loss, hugging you :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:

Thank you for sharing and your noticing my struggle @tailee17 I love to swim too, unfortunately there are no possibilities where I live. I always wanted my own pool at home. Maybe someday I can afford an indoor pool, there’s enough space at the farm to built one but it costs a rediculous amount of money. Like everything atm.

Holy saturday gratitude.
I’m grateful I was up early because of cats. I’m grateful waking up with cats makes me happy. I’m grateful we spent a lot of time together on the balcony in the sun today.

I’m grateful I decided to stay home and see nobody during Easter. I processed many feelings during Lent and want to bring some kind of closure to this process.
I’m grateful there must be something going on inside me as I fell asleep and napped 4 times today! I’m grateful I work on letting go.

I’m grateful for a nice chat with a neighbour who came over for Easter greetings. I’m grateful I feel this was enough social interaction for today. I’m grateful I get better in sensing when less is more / better.

I’m grateful for the wood fired stove, allthough it was pretty and warm outside I wanted it cozily warm in the living room. I’m grateful for all my blessings. ODAAT


I am just so super tired, I’m struggling to write this gratitude post. I’m really grateful for quiting alcohol and nicotine. Grateful for my son always. Grateful I canceled my plans today and tomorrow. Hopefully I can sleep this weekend so I’ll have enough energy this Monday for the gym.
Looking forward to work out again. I’m grateful for my functioning body. Sometimes it’s easier to focus on the flaws, but damn it, I have working legs, arms and everything. I am grateful for my body.


Bursting with gratefulness today.
So much. When you feel gratefulness it’s amazing and I have so much to be grateful for, too much to list :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes!!! You are an inspiration Eric. Grateful to see you living life to the fullest - soaking in all the love and yumminess life as to offer and working on all your recoveries. Life is not a happy go lucky road all the time and you are showing us how to use the tools to keep from going backwards.

Stay strong my friend. :people_hugging::heart: Keep fighting the good fight :muscle:t4:


I am grateful for this day. Grateful I got some sleep last night with all the gluten fallout keeping me up most of it. I am grateful I woke up to the sight of our chestnut tree getting greener by the day. I am grateful I had all the time in the world to roll out of bed, get some fresh air, get some coffee and food that suits me.

I am grateful yesterday‘s experiment had such a clear result and I could move on today. I am clear I know another trigger food, can put it on my list and avoid it in the future. I am grateful the episode brought this awful feeling of loss of control so clearly to me. I am grateful there is no part of me that is even contemplating if anything would be worth it. No way. I am grateful I want sobriety so much more than anything else.

I am grateful for a slow day, a nice video game, anime, reading, podcasts, hanging here. Just recovering. Sleep tight :night_with_stars:


Grateful for a month of sobriety.
Grateful for Chinese food.
Grateful my brother is moving to the mountains so I can visit often, and work on relocating myself. I want to ski!
Grateful for a lazy day sober.
Grateful for my favorite detective show.
Grateful for all of you


Grateful for a Sunday morning spent at the gym
Grateful for another sunny autumn day
Grateful that I was able to get tickets for my family and my brother’s family for the game this afternoon. Its a sellout and should be packed with this weather.
Grateful I can happily drive to the game
Grateful to be able to give this experience to my kids and their cousins. I still remember games I went to when I was a kid all those years ago


On my 92nd day, I am grateful for that. It’s been a long time since I have seen it. I think 95 was my biggest? Not sure.

Grateful for tidbit smells, cleaning stuff? Don’t know but there’s a smell there.

Grateful my injured arm is sore because I slept pretty hard and late - 7:30a - last night on my belly. Grateful that it mostly didn’t hurt during the night and bust me out of belly sleep!

Grateful for more energy today. It definitely leads me to believe that lack of sleep is causing my inability to move about much.

Grateful for this thread, especially that it’s still giving even when my ability to post is limited.

Grateful for you all!


I went once to a soccer/European Cup football game with my dad when I was a young girl. It made such an impression, the big stadium, the crowd… I remember i was so proud to be there with my dad.


Half way through Day 3 - Grateful to be able to spend Easter with my kids.