Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I’m so sorry to hear about your friend @JazzyS 1​:broken_heart: sending love and hugs your way :people_hugging:

I’m grateful that I had enough money to buy Easter lunch and treats for all my family who are visiting tomorrow.
I’m grateful I have some pretty spring tableware t make the meal feel special.
I’m grateful I get to watch my little niece experience her first Easter egg hunt.
I’m grateful the weather forecast is bright for tomorrow.
I’m grateful I have no fomo about drinking tomorrow, I’m so looking forward to hosting and enjoying the day.


Thank you so much Kiki - appreciate the hugs :hugs:


Good to hear! Happy Easter :slight_smile:


Hugs to you @JazzyS. So sorry for your sudden loss :orange_heart:.

I am grateful for the cool new eastereggs I treated myself with. Last year the vase with all of them hanging there fell and all of them broke and had me in tears. But I restocked most of them now.
I am grateful my granny chose for what she felt her body needed instead forcing herself only to please the family. Never too old to learn a new trick :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.
I am grateful for sunshine today, birdsong and music. I am grateful for new beginnings. I am grateful for my serenity, kindness and compassion. Have a great Easter Sunday everyone :rabbit2::tulip:


I’m grateful for quality time with good friends
I’m grateful for helping set up the egg hunt after the kids were asleep
I’m grateful I was sober and clear headed when our house erupted into fever pitch excitement at 5:30am to signal the hunt was on
I’m grateful for strong morning coffee
I’m grateful for a relaxing movie afternoon with family


I’m grateful that this day, my HIGHER POWER was resurrected to save a wretch like me.


Morning, Happy Easter! Day 189 af.
Hope everyone has a nice day! Going to my daughters for a meal today. Have not seen them since Christmas. They live 2 hours away. So grateful for that, and my days.


Grateful for getting some hours of sleep last night. My sleep rhythm is completely out of whack, hopefully it will get back to normal soon.

Grateful for being AF and NF. I ate too much last week due to quiting nicotine, but as per today I’m back on track foodwise and tomorrow back to gym. If I can not drink and smoke I also am able to not put shitty foods in my mouth.

I’m grateful for the digital detox app, it really helps with using my phone less.


I’m grateful to look back at my week.
I’m grateful now I can see how much I’ve learned about myself. Again :man_facepalming:

I’m grateful I learned I easily disconnect when I’m afraid.
I’m grateful I learned I need to detachment from outcomes.
I’m grateful I read about trying to control someone is like taking them hostage.
I’m grateful I learned about some of my deep codependency issues.
I’m grateful the first part of step one brought me to Al-Anon and the second part keeps me wanting to go back.
I’m grateful I tried looking up the definition of Living With An Active Alcoholic and I couldn’t find a definition for that.
I’m grateful when I think I’m living with an active alcoholic it scares me. But. Am I living with an active alcoholic?
I’m grateful for my alcoholic and I know I’m living with an alcoholic.
I’m grateful I use to say it’s not that bad. It was! :thinking:
I’m grateful I can say it’s not that bad now. It isn’t. :thinking:
I’m grateful I know it could get “that bad,” again. :face_with_monocle:
I’m grateful right now it isn’t. :face_with_monocle:
I’m grateful for my time with my wife.
I’m grateful for my clean kitchen in the morning.
I’m grateful she’s keeping her word and helping out a lot more.
I’m grateful she does all her chores and more these days.
I’m grateful she told me I been mean to her.
I’m grateful to continue to learn about this insidious, cunning, and baffling disease. I’m grateful to learn I’m my problem.
I’m grateful I can go out to lunch with Al-Anon friends. I’m grateful I always could have gone out to lunch with Al-Anon friends. I’m grateful my motive for going out to lunch with my Al-Anon friends the first time were not so pure.

I’m grateful I can start focusing on Italy :it:
I’m grateful to get my thoughts out here.
I’m grateful I’m leading my meeting tonight.
I’m grateful my god will lead me from my heart.

Courage To Change
Today’s Reminder:
A well-developed sense of humor helps me detach from my personal struggles and triumphs. I will avoid taking myself too seriously today.*
“One inch of joy surmounts of grief a span, Because to laugh is proper to the man.”
François Rabelais
Starting Now :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Happy Easter to those that celebrate. I’m grateful that we did our family celebration yesterday so I have today to relax and unwind and attend a SMART meeting before a crazy work week begins. I’m grateful that my family asked questions about my sobriety without making me feel awkward. I’m grateful that they are proud of me. I’m grateful for spending the day with my great niece in her little Easter Bonnet. Grateful for you all, grateful for Italy for you @Dazercat !!! ODAAT :purple_heart: :yellow_heart::green_heart::orange_heart:


Happy Easter, TS friends. Im grateful today because
:gift_heart:My heart converted to a normal rhythm after spending 6 hours in Afib. Hadn’t had an episode for months, and when it happens, it’s always disconcerting. Alcohol made my condition much worse, so I’m grateful I am sober. I know there are treatments possible in the future if it starts happening more frequently…but it’s a reminder to me to take good care of my body, and to strive to live in the present moment.
:chopsticks:my hubs and I made a delicious and easy Chinese braised meal last night. Made enough to repeat tonight. I love that we both enjoy Asian cuisine.
:leafy_green:we have a great ethnic Asian grocer in town about a half hour away where we can buy the most amazing veggies for Thai, Chinese, Japanese, Korean cuisine


Happy Easter to you too Patty.
I’m too am grateful my heart is in sinus rhythm since my last procedure. I’m grateful for my loop recorder. I been chipped :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: because I never know when I’m in AFib. Grateful to share any experience strength and hope with you on this matter. My PM is always open. Just like my heart :smiling_face::roll_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Im greatful @Pattycake isnt in afib anymore geez louise

Im greatful its ok if i dont do my gratitude list first thing in the am
Today i am greatful for…

My sobriety, 700 frickin days sober wha wha?!
I was able to run even with my Achilles pain
Im feeling centered today
Im packed for our trip south
My mom is so excited
Had a tough discussion with hubby
Hubby and i had quality time together before he works all day today
We are in love and have survived and thrived in a rocky first 3 years of marriage
I get to see my family today and hear about their vacations
I get to see how excited Boscoe gets when i ask if he wants to go to grandmas
My dad will watch Boscoe while were away
I gained weight but im not freaking out. I have a game plan that only involves losing 2lbs a month
I wont have to sneak away and vape on this vacation
Progress rather than perfection


Today I’m grateful for my heated pillow. Woke up with a full blown tummy bug, yeah, Covid at Christmas, the runs at Easter :woman_facepalming: I’m grateful for the FRO thread.
I’m grateful the remedy I had at home did its work, the heated pillow helped with the cramps, I slept all morning. I’m grateful the needyness and mimimi of the last days was not only due to coming to a closure with all I worked on during Lent. I’m always super needy and mimimi when I get ill. I’m grateful I feel already a bit better. I’m grateful for tea.

I’m grateful I let myself be and feel the way I do. It’s uncomfortable and being kind to myself is a challenge today. But I need and deserve care and kindness and there’s only me. I’m grateful I called a friend, the chat liftet my mood.

I’m grateful the salad is sprouting! I thought the seed would be far too old. Nope, it’s vital.
I’m grateful for pictures from chosen family, so sweet and lots of fun. I think next year I’ll join them again at Easter. This year I’m content with the decision to stay home at the farm. I’m daily overwhelmed by the beauty here. I’m grateful I do not stare at all the work waiting. First things first, step by step. I will find my way.

I’m grateful for calming piano music streaming. I hope I will accomodate to this dammed time change soon. It always messes up my natural rhythm of life.
I’m grateful that I can rest on the couch without anyone judgeing or nagging or stressing me by continuously working around making me feel useless, lazy, oh I hated this so much. I’m grateful I learned to distinguish between the codependent happiness that my ex was around and the fact that he didn’t care about me (at least not that I noticed it in a way I needed it). I’m grateful this makes dealing with feeling lonely and abandoned more realistic. ODAAT


Thanks, Eric! You’re a dear!


Grateful for 30 days!
I’m grateful for the overwhelming feeling of wanderlust that hit me last night. My brother is moving to another part of the country, a prettier place with a better culture and that set me off! I ran with it for a while, looked at houses online and studied maps and demographic information… then I felt stressed. This morning I realized I’m not ready for that. It was enough I quit a bad job to get healthy.
Grateful to realize I need to be here now. When I’m ready, I’ll do all that.
Grateful to have food and a nice house to recover in.
Grateful for some sadness at the holiday for those that have gone. I remember them fondly.
Grateful for hope today, and all those magical future things that will reveal themselves when I’m healthy and strong in sobriety.
Grateful for my chubby tabby cat.
Grateful for all of you.


Some Sunday gratitude. Another day above ground and a chance to continue on my sober journey. Grateful for the people in my life. Grateful for meetings and the ability to continue to learn new things about myself. Grateful I’m living ODAAT!!! Grateful to read @Pattycake is feeling better :pray:


@pandita Thank you so much firend :hugs:
@50ber 5:30 am easter egg hunt? You do start early. Hope you all enjoyed the fun – thank goodness for the strong coffee!
@mesober I totally relate to not sleeping if my tummy is hungry. Hope you do get some decent sleep soon. Grate work on 6 days!
@lab how are you doing? Hoe your weekend is going well – just realized we did not get a lovely weekly update this Saturday :hugs:
@pattycake OOH I so love Asian cuisine. Glad the two of you were able to make a lovely meal together. Grateful that you haven’t had an episode in months. Grateful for getting healthier in the sobriety journey. Wishing you continued episode free days.

You are a gem my friend. Much love to you and I am so excited for your trip. Grateful that you are healthier and without any Afib issues as well :pray:
@cjp 700 days is marvelous girl! You are making amazing progress.
@erntedank OH MY GOD! WTF… I’m so sorry love- that is a shitty (sorry about the pun) way to start the day. Grateful you had something at home that helped. Grateful you realize that you deserve love and kindness – sending you so many hugs! :people_hugging: :heart:

HAPPY EASTER – Practicing gratitude’s with you lovely souls on this fine Sunday afternoon
I am grateful to be alive
I am grateful to be healing
I am grateful for my family and friends
I am grateful for comedy and laughter
I am grateful for my meditation and prayer practices
I am grateful for my connection with my HP and with myself
I am grateful for spring time and new growth
I am grateful for healthy food options and availability
I am grateful to be addiction free!
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Awwwww, thank you! I’m pretty sick right now, I think I picked up that norovirus on my trip home from visiting my kids in California.

I’m grateful I don’t experience nausea, headaches, and vomiting like this on any regular basis. I’m resting a lot and will hopefully feel better soon.


oh i’m sorry love – sending you many healing vibes and hope you recover soon. :pray:
