Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Buenos dias soberinos,

I am so very greatful for…

My sobriety!
I sat at a swimup bar drinking coffee and i didnt yurn for a drink or envy those drinking
This amazing adventure
The sunshine and the rain really reminding me how greatful i am for the sun
Safely white water rafted our first time…gracias Carlos
Rafting down the river and feeling like im in jumanji or avatar
Saw 2 two toed sloths in the wild…theyre so cute!
All the amazing tour guides
Yo comprendo espanol
This amazing coffee
A chillax travel day van, boat, van
This community and sober podcasts helping me while im away from aa mtgs
Hubbys a good travel partner
Folks watching lil boscosito
Pura vida mis amigos


Well my intent was not to drag anyone out of anything, that’s for certain. It just didn’t feel right for me.
Obviously that resonated with you as well, but please ensure you do pros and cons as this may be a thing that you ultimately find does more good for you than bad.

In my head I draw parallels with this particular subject and religion, of which I am not a huge supporter of. No horror stories myself but I’ll say that I’ve had poor experiences with it and I choose spirituality type thinking over religious.

Anyway, I hope that was the right choice for you.


Nope, no one can drag me out of anything I don’t wanna be dragged out of. I was just saying I felt the same. I can’t practise this or fake it till I make it. I’ll be back when I have gratitude in my heart for real real! I’m just not feeling it and making myself say I’m not feeling it as I flip flop into and out of this thread. It’s started to give me anxiety and so I’m declining it for now.

And to be clear, I love that others feel gratitude. :v::pray:

Look forward to seeing you on the board :+1:


SAME! I love getting lost in books


I’m grateful for gratitude.
I’m grateful somedays. Yes. It is forced. Even after 4 years. Truthfully many days it’s forced. But I’m grateful I do it anyway. And it works for me. And it works for many others.
I’m grateful my meditation friend who has 25 years sober told me he still actually writes a gratitude list every day. I wanted what he got. Sobriety. And I got it. That and meditations I’m so grateful for. It keeps me going.

And I’m so grateful for this warm lard ass of a cat on my lap even though my coffee is cold now.

I’m grateful the rain has eased up and I can get Benson out for a walk.
I’m grateful yesterday was a good day. No. Great! Day.

I’m grateful I got the floors clean and my back isn’t killing me. I’m grateful for the new sleep thingy wifey got. I’m grateful it keeps my side of the bed warm and her side cold.

I’m grateful I’m sober and don’t drink and my gratitude comes with me wherever I go.


I’m grateful for the power of gratitude and all the articles I’ve read and that it works for me :pray:t2:


Awesome Eric. :pray::v::+1:


I’m grateful for your diligence, @Dazercat . It’s inspiring. :people_hugging:


I am very happy that you have something that you enjoy and works for you.
My intention is not to disparage anyone for anything, especially if it is helpful in their struggle.

Please continue and enjoy your day.


I’m grateful for friends I share this path with… I took a 500 mile hike this past summer and one day I saw the old man who was on the same path, he was going to the same place I was, except he had a huge tent, a huge sleeping bag, a huge heavy pack… that’s when it hit me. We are all on the path and we each individually decide what we carry. For some it’s a “the bare minimum” moving light and quick. For others it’s “everything and the kitchen sink” moving slowly and with great struggle. We all choose what it is we carry, we all choose what to lay down and what to pick up, when to move and when to stay put. It is our individual journey, but we all share the path.


Sometimes I wake up and think, jeez, what do I have to come up with this time for my morning gratitude? But then I start writing and this pops up, and that, and then that. I always end with a smile and a warm feeling. Feeling blessed, for lack of a better word. Especially when I think about the people in my life.
Its a tool for mindfulness and I really like it. It does more for me than regular journalling.
I have a cynical tendency and looking at life from a positive standpoint makes a big difference in how I start the day. But I can understand it’s not for everybody and that’s okay. Enough tools in the shed where we can choose from to build our sober house. I am grateful you’re here big fella :grin:


No disparagement taken at all.
All I get to share is my experience strength and hope. And I’m truly grateful you found us no matter what thread or tool you fancy. This is not a cookie cutter program.


Afternoon gratitude :pray:

Grateful that I notice and feel joy from the small things in life. Even just a leaf blowing in the wind is such a beautiful thing.
I’m grateful that being sober, although it took a while, I notice these simple beautiful things I just didn’t even see before.
I’m grateful I like my own company, losing family and friends has left an empty space but I am glad I am comfortable with myself and I’m not reaching out in the external part of my life for happiness, I’m grateful it comes from within.
I’m grateful I know if I was to relapse it would no longer come with simple and happy and beautiful moments.
I’m grateful I don’t have to cook tonight.
I’m grateful I am looking at meetings around me again.



Hump day gratefulness with my sober buddies – grateful to have passed my 1 year of being on this site! WOW what a journey that has been. I am truly grateful for you all and all the love / support and guidance I have gained from you all. Grateful that on days when I did not have the will to go on or the energy to communicate, I was able to come here and read and absorb the healing powers of this community.

I am so grateful that I have days when I am bursting with gratitude and can’t seem to quiet the brain from expressing all its love for literally everything around me. Grateful that I also have days when I feel low and don’t feel like being grateful. Not to say that I am not but I just want to wallow. Grateful that I know we all have different paths to take and different tools that work as we are all different individuals. Grateful that we are not all the same – that would be super boring.

I am so grateful for my momma! She is my rock. Grateful that she is my social life these days and I am content with that. Grateful that she is my best friend :people_hugging:

I am so grateful that @aliennation put herself first and protected her sobriety. It is not easy- especially during the early days. Grateful that your friends understand and respect your decision. Hoping you can have a fun sober evening soon with your friends.

I am so grateful for Ryan’s @leviryan gratitude today. So much to think about and digest. Thank you for reminding us that we can be on the same road – same journey and be completely different with how we are, what we bring and what we take away. No one way is better or easier. This was a very enlightening read so thank you :pray:

I am so grateful for sunny warm winter days. SO grateful that i am energized and am able to be productive right now. Grateful that i was able to catch up on TS this morning - feels like i haven’t been able to be here as much in the past few days and that is ok too… no expectations or deadlines.

I am so grateful for my HP. Grateful for my lovely walk with my mom where we got to talk, meditate / pray and just be in silence. Grateful that we felt connected to each other and our surroundings. Grateful that it was a very refreshing experience.

I am so grateful for waking up without a headache. Grateful for all the early messages waking me up were all wishing my aunt a very happy birthday. Grateful that she finally joined in on our group chat and was feeling the outpouring love for her.

I am so grateful that i got proper stationary to keep my correspondence with my 2nd cousin going. Forgot how lovely it is to write letters. Grateful that I will send her a proper letter now.

I am so grateful that i realized the bulky blanket that i am trying to knit was causing me strain in my abdomen and causing excess pain for my cyst. Grateful that i have many unfinished projects so i was able to pick up my shawl and found the pattern so will be working on this for now.

I am so grateful that i will be caught up with most of my work today and will have time to start working on a 1000 piece puzzle. Need to drag a table to the basement so i have a good working surface. Excited as its been a few years since i’ve worked on a puzzle.

I am so grateful that my am enjoying the heat from the sun as i sip on my hot coffee. Grateful the day is only going to get better :hugs:

Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day! sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Grateful to have you here Jasmine! You’re always so kind and welcoming :pray:
I am a bit jealous though of that warm sun you’re talking about :smirk:


Thank you friend - so blessed to be in such amazing company.

oh - i wish i could bottle this sun up and zoom it your way. i do hope you get some beautiful days coming your way :hugs: Heart:


Way too much to catch up.
Today I’m grateful I went back to sleep after a bad nightmare in the morning. I’m grateful I did basic chores allthough I was dizzy and felt like a zombie when I finally crawled out of bed at noon.
I’m grateful I allowed myself to knit in the afternoon to sort feelings & thoughts. It helped.
I’m grateful that I was not angry with myself or felt insufficient today for skipping office. When I don’t have the concentration to do my work properly it’s useless to try. I’m grateful I at least managed some appointment stuff and emails.

I’m grateful tomorrow morning is the next medical checkup appointment. I’m grateful that so far everything is quite fine for my age.
I’m grateful I call it a day, I’m tired. i’m grateful for all my blessings. ODAAT


Grateful today for a day (half a day really) to myself again with the kids both back to school.

Grateful I can go and train this morning.

Grateful for my slow cooker that’s currently working on some pulled beef for tonight’s dinner

Grateful to be enjoying summer when I read about others in winter :joy:

Grateful for no hangover and another sober day


Today I am grateful to know that all my difficult emotions and thoughts will pass. That this is one more hormonal wave that needs to go its way. I am grateful to know that no matter what I try to do, it will take its course. I can keep doing what I intended to do, I can take care of myself, and hope for smooth sailing. But trying to numb my feelings, run away from them, try to suppress, act out or any such behaviour will not make any of this better. I am grateful to know that in fact it will make it worse.

I am grateful to know that I cannot beat or eat or punish or whatnot my emotions and my experiences into obedience. Life goes its way, I can take the path of compassion or that of constant struggle. I am very grateful to know these are my options. I am grateful I have the rest of my life to learn compassion.

I am grateful for life, for the whole shebang of existence, for soothings words in the night, for good people.

I am grateful I can hope for a good sleep.


I am grateful for a day with three gym classes done, as an active part of my recovery. Grateful for an amazing dance instructor who always makes everyone feel welcome and promotes body positivity.

Grateful my other half disposed of that massive spider earlier :scream:
Grateful I got the shopping done today, as the weather is going to change, so now I don’t need to leave the house tomorrow until late afternoon.

Grateful to be snuggled up in bed now with sleepy tea and pillow spray. Grateful I can take this time to catch up on all your gratitude lists. Grateful to @Dazercat for sharing that article, I found it very interesting. It is only a very short while that I am here on this thread, trying to “do the gratitude thing”, but so far I am enjoying it.

Grateful that gratitude comes a lot easier to me than I anticipated


I’m grateful it’s raining today and not snowing, because **** snow. :laughing: (gratitude with an attitude :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: )

@Tragicfarinelli | @Chevy55 I find this short exchange to be interesting (and don’t worry I don’t feel any disparaging, I just like the topic). I didn’t engage with this thread for years because my initial reaction was the same I often get with certain organized religions (which I found myself nodding to when reading your words @Chevy55 ). My internal dialogue is also “I’m grateful for everything. What’s the point of repeating myself?”, but I’ve done a lot of research on the topic of gratitude and how it can possibly make biological changes. That’s something I can get behind as I’m a very logical person, and some days while trying to come up with something (yes, sometimes it’s forced :laughing: ), I’ve learned that just rephrasing something in my mind works, and I wonder if we rephrase things mentally enough if it has a greater effect :thinking:

I’m glad you stopped by in the thread @Chevy55 , even if it’s not your cup of tea. I’m happy to have seen you active around the forum in the ways that work for you, and also @Tragicfarinelli–you know I appreciate you and all your posts :heart: