Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I am grateful for this day. I am very grateful my gluten episode seems to have ended. At some point it just felt like I have just come back to life. Basically the whole easter story :wink:
I am grateful for a really good weekly review and a good plan for next week.
I am grateful for the nice time we spent at the in-laws. Grateful we made it home before the storm.
Iā€˜m grateful this whole clock change business is happening on the easter weekend and I have one more day to sleep in and a whole week before school starts, so my internal clock might be able to catch up.
I am grateful for a nice evening and bed time soon :night_with_stars:


So damn grateful for you all hereā€¦. Thanks for the well wishes, @JazzyS and @Steve14 !


This was not my choice, but driven by kids who were pumped to catch the Easter bunny in the actšŸ˜…

Iā€™m grateful for your amazing presence here. Your posts always draw me in and leave me feeling lifted. :pray::heart:


Grateful to still be sober today and for everyone here!!! Ohhh yeah!!! Last night I had some pretty bad coke cravings because I saw that my friend who is in Germany went to a rave and was talking about how ā€œhe massacred his noseā€ and he was showing his cocaine in one of those triangular tube containers (which was probably up someoneā€™s ass in an airport at some point LOL), but I successfully resisted the cravings!!! I do NOT wanna snort a white powder thatā€™s been in a container up someoneā€™s ass in an airport! HEEEELLLL NOOOO!!! Feeling good today without the blowcaine in my life :smiley:


LOL that made me laugh.

Thank you so much friend. Your sweet words really hit home and i am grateful. Appreciate being on this journey with you.



Happy Easter!


I am Grateful for today. This has been the best Easter! :rabbit:
I am Grateful for my loving, patient and kind Husband :purple_heart:
I am Grateful for Spring walks and two dirty dogs :service_dog::dog:
I am Grateful for my cute, warm, cozy home :house:
I am Grateful for my 3 cuddle bug kittyā€™s :kissing_cat::heart_eyes_cat::smile_cat:


I am grateful for my sobriety :bouquet:
I am grateful for my amazing boyfriend, we are moving in together in July and I cant wait :heart::house_with_garden:
I am grateful for my familly :family_man_woman_girl_boy:
I am grateful for the beautiful weather :sunny::sun_with_face:
I am grateful for feeling alive and happy :blush::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I am grateful for todayā€¦ God is really working on my relationship with spouse. Not always pleasant but lesson to be learned. My sobriety of 33 days. Grateful for sunshine and a new week to achieve the ability to be the best person I can be.


Lotsa milestones on here to celebrate! Iā€™m grateful to read them all, to read all of it - the highs, the lows, the losses, and joys - early morning easter bunny wake up calls included! Iā€™m grateful for this thread and the ocean of gratitude here, every drop of it. :pray:

Iā€™m grateful for time off work.
Iā€™m grateful for a full Friday with a dear pal. For getting after things yesterday/Saturday in a fun way - tunes, chores, sunshine and windows open. A good long phone catch-up with a pal afar. There was badly-needed snow last week (too dry here!), and then warm temperatures and blue sky yesterday. Beautiful walks with the dog girl.
Iā€™m grateful I chose to spend the day quietly today. I needed it. Cooked. Napped.
Walked. Grateful Iā€™m more aware of my needs and that it is not selfish to listen to and honor them.
Iā€™m grateful tomorrow I can ease back to my desk. I also have to work on tackling just a thing at a time! Grateful I can rethink things. Iā€™m not too old a dog for new tricks :sweat_smile:.

Iā€™m grateful for the lilies and tulips that made my little home smell so good.
Iā€™m grateful for all of you.
Iā€™m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Celiac over here (coming up on 25 years), and this made me laugh out loud LOUDLY! :joy:

Thank you for the belly laugh. Iā€™m sorry to hear you were glutened, but am grateful your episode was short-lived. They arenā€™t fun.
It does have a convenient parallel with sobriety, and helps to have a ā€œthis is not an option anymoreā€ for more than just our DOC. So, no wine or bread for me. (No communion despite the easter story! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:)
Sadly, now sugar is starting to bug me. :smirk:


Grateful to have the means to take my kids to experiences that not every kid gets to have
Grateful to have spent a whole weekend with their cousins making memories they will never forget
Grateful I was able to be fully present in everything that was going on this weekend, making memories that I will never forget
Grateful to be fit and healthy enough to be active with my kids
Grateful to be able to put my feet up after a hectic wekend and relax tonight, and a few days off before Iā€™m back to work
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


I am grateful itā€™s April already. I leased a piece of land this year for gardening. I am looking forward to go all crazy on planting, weeding, watering and hopefully also harvesting some cucumbers and pumpkins. I canā€™t wait for the season to properly start. Gonna turn my black thumbs into sparkle green ones, I hope. Grateful for this wonderful opportunity for this city girl. :woman_farmer:
I am grateful for a leisure day, no fixed plans. Coffee, newspaper and a pile of clothes looking at me, waiting to be ironed.
I love being sober. I miss nothing, when I think back to how it used to be. Have a lovely day, grati-friends. :orange_heart:


Well, I died on Friday, suffered through Saturday, came back to life on Sunday. Now I need to lookup what Iā€™m supposed to do on Mondayā€¦ :wink:


Iā€™m grateful for having the energy to be playful with my kids
Iā€™m grateful for the love they have shown me for being playful
Iā€™m grateful for planning house renovations
Iā€™m grateful for having the means to renovate
Iā€™m grateful for potentially buying a new tent to camp in May


Iā€™m grateful for Al-Anon. Without it I wouldnā€™t be able to write this: :heart: Iā€™m grateful for my alcoholic. :heart:

Iā€™m grateful the reading I picked out was about being an Al-Anon newbie and hearing in shock and disbelief how people were grateful for their alcoholic loved one. ( that was me.) I DID NOT BELIEVE THEM. NO FUCKING WAY!!

Iā€™m grateful I turned my shitty week into a gratitude meeting last night and how much I learned about myself and all the good things that happened. Iā€™m grateful I thought I might have even gone on too long but I was chairing and itā€™s about time I went on too long. Iā€™m grateful we all got to share and had 2 minutes to spare.

Iā€™m grateful for the desert rain.
Iā€™m grateful for the rain clouds in the mountains.
Iā€™m grateful itā€™s not raining now.
Iā€™m grateful I get to walk Benson in a bit.
Iā€™m grateful for my espresso roast beans and my coffee.
Iā€™m grateful we had a lovely dinner out last night before my meeting.
Iā€™m grateful wifey is taking an interest in the bills we get on line.
Iā€™m grateful for the clean kitchen in the morning.
Iā€™m grateful for the peace and serenity in this moment right now writing out my gratefulness.
Iā€™m grateful for YouTube videos on how to order coffee in Italy. And what to look for.
Vorrei un caffĆØ, per favore

Iā€™m grateful for the dream I had with my father in it last night, and I think my sister. Iā€™m grateful when that happens, and it never happens, I like to think itā€™s a visit from loved ones that have past on. Iā€™m grateful I find that to be so heartwarming :heart:

Iā€™m grateful to have another day to try to turn my will and my life over to my hp. Iā€™m grateful to try and take no hostages today and give people the dignity to live their own life. Iā€™m grateful for another day to try and remember I donā€™t know whatā€™s right for you. I barely know whatā€™s right for me :man_shrugging:

Progress begins when we stop trying to control the uncontrollable,

ā€œFighting futility is just a waste of energy,
Celebra Tueli

ODAAT In Al-Anon


Finding this next to impossible today. Terrible brain fog and sadness. It feels like Iā€™m going backwards on Day 31 and it is scary but I know itā€™s not what sober really feels like. Grateful Iā€™m hanging on no matter what. Grateful for a tub to soak in. Grateful for the kind people here.


Hang on, @Lighter. Just a while longer.
Itā€™s good to validate your feelings, of course - but they are like clouds. They will pass, and the blue sky will still be there, as it always is, behind those clouds. Stay with us, especially while those skies are cloudy.
When the clouds pass? Your sobriety will be intact, and youā€™ll be that much stronger at watching cravings come and go.

Iā€™m grateful you posted, and reached out here. :pray:

I believe in you. :orange_heart:

EDIT: 31 days is massive progress! Find some room to be proud of yourself, and give yourself a big hug from me.


Emm, thank you so much. I really need the safety of knowing it will pass. When youā€™re in that withdrawal place, it feels never-ending, and like you failed somehow. Iā€™m staying right here, all day. I want to get through this day sober. I had a soak, put on some fresh clothes, had a small bite and now for some tea as I settle in. Much to read, and more encouragement to find. When I feel the worst I look for stories of people who went through this exact thing and got better. There are many

Thank you :heart: for helping me out today


Oh friend! You are so welcome. But you being here, posting about how you feel? It helps us too! We all learn. Your post adds to our collective strength. Someone on here once wrote ā€œweā€™re all just walking each other homeā€, and I love it.

I drank a lot to try to keep the sadness at bay. (You can guess how that worked, yepā€¦ :face_with_peeking_eye:). I do recall feeling like I had a backlog of suppressed sadness to get through in the early days of sobriety, and feeling like I would be overwhelmed by it, and like I was doing something wrong that it was even thereā€¦ But you know, hanging out here and reading othersā€™ journeys, I learned we can take feelings one at a time too, and - like cravings, they do pass.

Sounds like you are taking good care of yourself! If we could, weā€™d bring you a real life blankie and serve you that tea. :wink: :people_hugging: :orange_heart: