Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Today I’m grateful I woke up fresh and rested after 8 hours of sleep. I’m grateful I’m ok again.

I’m grateful for cuddletime with the cats, breakfast together and chillaxing in the sun on the balcony with cats. They are so sweet.

I’m grateful I had a kind and loving discussion with myself about feeling uneasy. I’m grateful I encouraged myself trying to get the mowers run. I’m grateful for the tipp my ex gave me, it worked. I’m grateful I officially started garden & farm work today. I’m grateful for what I mowed, it’s not much but as always: steps add up. This will too.

I’m grateful the solar plant provides hot water galore. The hot shower after mowing was wonderful!
I’m grateful for a relaxed afternoon as I’m struggling with the time change.
I’m grateful for big red furball nudges :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’m grateful the storm in the afternoon calmed.
I’m grateful for chatting and texting with friends. I don’t feel overwhelmed today :pray:
I’m grateful I get better in taking good care of myself. At least today.
I’m grateful for my farm. I love to live here. ODAAT

@Lighter As Emm brings blankie & tea, I hop over and tell you a funny cats & plant story to lighten your day and shoo the grey. Sending hugs, this WILL pass :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:

Edit to add: The fuck the storm calmed. It’s howling outside. Fuck storms.


@Dazercat I’m grateful you dreamed of family that has passed to the next realm…I absolutely love that when it happens. Wish it happened more too.

I am grateful for chocolate. I could not be on day 95 without it. I am grateful that I am aware that I have to cut back on the chocolate. Awareness is good.

I am grateful to be on this walk with you all. :yellow_heart:


I’m grateful I waited a year and a half before I gave up my chocolate, gelato, cookies everything sugar addiction substitute. As long as I hit the pillow sober I was good :+1:


I am grateful for getting up early and going to the gym. Although the workout sucked, I am glad I went.
I am grateful I was able to help my dad with the garden today and for taking my mom to the beach. The sun was shining, being outside was good for all of us.
I’m grateful that, although I’m in a really shitty mood these days, I find relief in humor.
I am grateful for movies, especially the kind that make you forget your shit for a while.
I am grateful for 120 days AF and even more grateful for 11 days NF.
I am grateful for pasta with blue cheese sauce, my favourite comfort food. I needed my :cheese: today.


I am grateful for this day. Grateful for a very lazy day. I am grateful I knew what was up, when this really extreme hormonal wave got me in the middle of my hike. And I really am very grateful I did not faint or pee my pants in the middle of the woods. This way I could go home with my dignity intact. Very grateful for that.
I am grateful for reading, napping, very relaxing yin yoga, and anime coming my way.
As always I am very grateful for this community here, where I can checkin and surround myself with sobriety any time of my day. Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


@pandita Oh this is lovely – how much fun you are going to have with growing your own veggies :heart: Looking forward to seeing your harvest. tumblr_bc1bd6d2d73af0dc4db814600327c320_5ff56e21_540
@dazercat What a lovely dream. I do think of it as a visit from the beyond – a loving hello. I used to have many conversations wit h my grandma in my dreams after she passes. I really do believe they were real. Omg – love YouTube and all that it offers – learning to order coffee :laughing: I love it – gotta get those priorities right :wink:
@lighter how are you doing now Marie? Way to log on and practice some gratitude (I know how hard that can be when you feel sad and off) – I do hope that it helped. This will pass my friend. I know they are hard moments but leaning in for support, keeping yourself busy and listening to your body were helpful for me. Sending you loads of hugs.

Practicing gratefulness on this beautiful Monday
I am so very grateful for a beautiful sunny day. I can feel the spring time in the air and the greenery really is so vibrant.
I am so grateful that my mom and i had showered this morning prior to losing our water. Apparently the water main in our neighboring community broke and it caused our water to be shut off too. Grateful i was able to find the numbers for the management company and figure out this issue and that we were only without water for 3 hours. LOL – i laughed out loud and thanked the lord for my lovely April Fools prank :rofl:
I am so grateful my family and the support - the unconditional love i receive daily.
I am so grateful for convenience of grocery stores, being able to return items that don’t fit or work, for daily amenities.
I am so grateful for my HP!
I am so grateful for dark chocolate. @Davina_Davis i too enjoy my chocolate (sometimes a bit too much)
I am so grateful good customer service support. Added the no adds feature to Amazon Prime to still have adds on all the shows i watch. Guess that feature is only for certain shows. Good to know and be able to cancel the feature. Funny how a few adds are so annoying now when ALL our shows had adds before - i am now grateful for easily being able to enjoy a show with or without adds.
I am so grateful for all of you! Grateful for this site – thank you so very much for being here.

I do hope you all have a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Congratulations on your 4 months Naomi
I hope the beach, sunshine and pasta with blue cheese sauce took the edge off the shitty mood.


I’m still feeling it but it’s easing up a little as evening comes. It’s surprising how strong the bad feelings were, but it’s pretty normal for early days. I was just feeling good yesterday. Looking forward to a new day.

Thank you so much for your support and kindness- means a lot to me :heart:


I’m grateful for a lovely, busy day with family visiting yesterday and lots of baby niece cuddles.
I’m grateful to be in a better place mentally and at peace with the fact we can have no more children, after a number of miscarriages and failed IVF.
I’m grateful for strengthening my ability to appreciate and be grateful for what I do have, a wonderful family, and accepting what I cannot change.
I’m grateful I can be an awesome auntie and mum.
I’m grateful for a rainy dog walk today, it felt good to be out in the peace and quiet of nature.
I’m grateful for everyone in this amazing community.


Grateful I went to the gym even though I didn’t want to, once I started moving I was flowing nicely
Grateful the kids helped motivate me to go to the gym, they love going so when I was mulling it over they said dad lets go please
Grateful for some time at home now to do some laundry and get dinner sorted… we’ll be back to the gym this arvo for kids training :person_facepalming::smile:
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


🩷 my Amazon Prime just renewed for the year today…Oops, sorry bank account, I forgot that was happening. April Fools to me :laughing:


Glad to hear that it is easing up. It is weird that we are on cloud 9 one day and in the dumps the next day without any warning … it happens to me now with over a year of sobriety. Could be hormones, just life or whatever… the key is to lean in for support, realize that it will pass and give yourself loads of love as you get through it.

Saw your post on the check in thread mentioning that you felt like you were going back in recovery. You are not my friend. You are making amazing strides in your recovery as you stack up the days, learn more about yourself and find healthier options for how to cope.

You are not alone Marie - grateful to have you here with us :people_hugging:


LOL — i have had to put in a reminder for the time of year i get charged so i don’t feel the surprise :laughing: … april fools day would have me trippin for sure :rofl:


Thank you for your kind words :heart:. It feels bad, but isn’t really. I’m okay. I think my brain is trying to straighten itself out and not doing a great job today :wink: hopefully a better day tomorrow. I was in very good hands on the app today and will make it to Day 32. :white_check_mark:

I’m really grateful for that fact, and the things I learned along the way. I am too foggy to remember it all, but I have reading suggestions and just good advice overall. I’m lucky to have found this community. Wait, I’m GRATEFUL :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Have a good night. I hope you’re feeling better


Hang in there sober friend. One day at a time. Rest.:peacock:


I am grateful for today. Awoke sober but hated what I had to do today. New therapy to start today, new therapist. Obligated to participate hoping to improve/save an important relationship. I am grateful for morning AA group. Grateful to find new therapist exactly what I need. (Praying to God to have a good attitude before session was the key. )
I am grateful for my SO who is repairing our rental property. He always goes above and beyond for us. I am grateful went to gym also was thinking I might skip today. Met a lady in pool and we chatted for an hour while exercising. Topics were about God and also history of city we live in. Time passed so quickly. I am grateful HIP surgery scheduled for May 9th. I am thrilled to finally have the surgery. I have been waiting since January. I am grateful meeting Sponsor tomorrow. Need to get step homework done. I am grateful for my sober family here.


I’m grateful for learning to be kind to myself while learning a new work role - similar approach to sobriety
I’m grateful for dragging myself out of bed at 5am to train and feeling better for it
I’m grateful for bringing a beautiful pot plant to work to green up the office
I’m grateful for being okay with only posting on TS when I feel like, instead of feeling overwhelmed by posting too often
I’m grateful for rough play with my kids
I’m grateful to be called the tickle monster


Grateful to wake up to a calmer mind and more positive energy.
Grateful I did not drink yesterday, despite all the negative feelings. This is what your brain does when it’s fixing itself.
Grateful for the sunrise that will begin in 45 minutes. We haven’t seen the sun for ages it seems.
Grateful I’m sober 32 days today
Grateful for the kitty cat that thinks a new cardboard scratch pad is the happiest thing. She’s been sitting on it all night, making herself into a loaf. I will learn to be happier with small delights.
Grateful for another chance to build a new life, this one much better than the one before.
Grateful for my beautiful home.
Grateful for hope today.
Grateful for all of you :heart:


I am grateful for this thread, reminding me that there is so much to be grateful for. I’m grateful that my family is going to an NBA game together tonight, now that the kids are older it happens less and less. I am grateful for any time I get with my kids. I’m grateful that my husband has been sober for 10 years, the support helps. I’m grateful for 75 degree spring days. Grateful for coffee after a night of insomnia. So grateful for you all. :purple_heart:


Thanks dear @Dazercat ! The shitty mood did get better a bit :blush: :pray:

I am grateful for the debilitating muscle pain today, it reminds me that I made the right move going back to the gym. It will get easier. I’m looking forward to getting back to my workout regime.
Grateful for yoga classes that are included in my gym membership. Grateful I have a bodybuilder in tha house who makes my training schedule and dietary plan. Grateful my hunger from hell disappeared. Grateful for getting back on track with gym and a healthy diet.

I’m grateful for morning walks with my friend and dog. Dog on his turn is grateful for the runs and play in the park.
I am grateful the feeling of internal rage is slowly disappearing and my mood is getting back to base line. Hopefully it was the nicotine withdrawal and not the start of the eventually inevitable hormonal shit show us middle aged women are blessed with.

Grateful for a short and relaxed workweek after a busy past couple of weeks. Im grateful I feel emotionally “normal” again. (@50ber I had to think twice about using quotes here.)