Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

These hormones are SO fun in middle age :sob:


I am grateful for this day. I am grateful I had a small allergic reaction to macadamia nuts before I decided to pack them for my trip. I am grateful for waking up an hour earlier today even when my internal clock still has not adapted to the seasonal clock change. I am grateful I found some ideas to plan my food for our trip in two days. Grateful for a nice refreshing rain during my groceries run. Grateful for that good exertion feeling on the rower. Grateful for yoga practice. Grateful my brain fog has lifted. Grateful it‘s almost time for bed :night_with_stars:


Day 18.
I am grateful to be alive.
I’m grateful for my children.
I’m grateful for bubble tea :bubble_tea:
And I’m grateful for MAFS


Grateful to feel absolutely fed up of this rain… When is it going to stop?
Grateful for the rain but will be very much more grateful when it stops!!
NW English rain that is… Urgh


I’m grateful for Bubble Tea tooooo :star_struck:


Grateful for still being sober, my dad, and everyone here :smiley:


@Naomi @Davina_Davis Grateful to see I’m not the only hormonally challenged around here :wink:


@tailee17 Grateful that you have your surgery scheduled. :pray: :hugs:
@naomi Sorry for the pain friend – glad you are getting back into a workout regime. :hugs:
@mali Grateful to see you checking in with 18 days! :heart:

Tuesday gratefulness
I am so grateful for a lovely day to be alive! Its rainy and dreary today but i’m actually enjoying it — feel like a cuddly day but i have managed to stay productive.
I am So grateful for my loving, caring supportive family.
I am so grateful that i am working on Month End / Quarter End at my pace and I know it will all get done - no STRESS
I am so grateful for funny stupid shows - started watching Resident Alien tonight
I am so grateful that brother stayed for dinner and made us laugh
I am so grateful for trying some PT exercises tonight. Glad i was able to push myself today.
I am so grateful for trying to make the most of the day. can’t believe i have already gotten 4k in steps today.
I am so grateful for healing
I am so grateful for patience
I am so grateful for open communication
I am so grateful for my HP. Grateful for my daily practices. Grateful for my connections.
I am so grateful for TS and this lovely site. Grateful for all the love and support here.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I’m grateful for my cat, purring and snoring on my lap in bed.
I’m grateful my pets calm me and bring me joy.
I’m grateful for good food and having enough.
I’m grateful that even though money is tight and I’m living in my overdraft at the moment, we are managing.
I’m so grateful for what we do have and for the ability and opportunity to work.
I’m grateful I’m not trying to navigate all this in a drunken/hungover state.


I’m grateful for my partner who’s not only my rock but who also rocks🤘
I’m grateful for my new reading glasses making TS navigation much clearer
I’m grateful for trying new things that would’ve otherwise freaked me out before sobriety
I’m grateful for delicious and nutritious home cooked food
I’m grateful for family snuggles


Grateful for a morning that is otherwise absolute trash. Waking up at 2am -insomnia. I’m grateful because I’m sober and have no desire to drink. That will serve me well when this gets better. And I read and write more, actually consider people’s advice and experience when I’m too tired to function. It does get in my head :slight_smile: . I’ve been promised this will get better, so I’ll make the very best of it.
Grateful for 33 days and all this hope. :heart:


Greatful for…

My sobriety 23 months and counting
Sober buddies
My health
Meds mgmt
All of you and this supportive community


I’m grateful this Wednesday morning for…
All the support and love here at TS.
A wacky snow day that makes it OK to do nothing all day. Why is that? Plus the snow likely will melt, so no shoveling or snow blowing, yeah!
Electricity. Power outages last night elsewhere. We were spared.
Coffee. It’s decaf, but it still tastes great.
My kitties.
Cozy fires in the wood stove.


I’m grateful for this gratitude home thread.
I’m grateful for the comfort I feel when I come on here.
I’m grateful to read and write gratitude here.
I’m grateful this thread is so big now I can’t keep up. I’m grateful I do try.
I’m grateful I slept better last night reading and trying to get caught up on the gratitude thread instead of hunting memes and being on Twitter. Ya, you guys put me to sleep trying to catch up :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :pray:t2: I’m grateful it was a good sleep too :thinking:

I’m grateful I’m almost done step 4. I’m grateful I think my sponsor is more excited than I am.

I’m grateful we met with our new real estate agent here in Scottsdale. I’m grateful every step, shit is getting real!!

I’m grateful I’m prioritizing my body, especially my back over day time meetings, before my big trip and hopefully I can pull a hail mary out of my ass in the next ten days getting ready for my walking tour in Tuscany.

I’m grateful that :point_up: and meeting my agent, and calling and trying to schedule my movers this week, and knowing my wife has a very sad disease, and completing step four……I can actually feel the tension leaving my back. I’m grateful for weeks where you discover lots of shit about yourself.

I’m grateful the waterfall just came on which reminds me to be grateful and brag about the bobcat drinking out of the pool from the rocks where the waterfall is.

I’m grateful the owl on my walk had sunshine yesterday and she will have it today. I’m grateful wifey and I were both so sad to see her sitting on her eggs in the rain the last couple of days looking miserable. I’m grateful I can’t wait to see her today.

I’m grateful Alice is still plugged in warm and purring on my lap and the Ol Burner is taking up the footstool.

I’m grateful for you. Ya you! Which always makes me think of you Brian. Ya @I.cant.We.can I Hope you and Peace are well my friend. Oh :thinking: I just thought if you got another cat you could call him Hope. And you would live with Peace and Hope. Ya. You. Peace needs a friend. Love you buddy :heart:


May Every Sunrise
Bring you Hope;
May Every Sunset
Bring you Peace

Back Towards Light


I’m freaking grateful for no more hangovers and being nicotine free. Tomorrow I’m seeing a smoking friend and I’m gonna have a hard time, I know that already. But I didn’t pull the nicotine gum out of the trash these last two weeks so I’m sure I can handle tomorrow too. I’m not scared of cravings. I’m grateful for being strong and determined.

I’m grateful to see my dad tomorrow and join him to his doctor’s appointment.
I am grateful my museum/city pass will arrive this week. Looking forward to not having to pay 20 euros for a ticket anymore.

Grateful to read all of your gratitudes big and small :pray:


Thank you for this day :pray:
I am grateful my panic attack last night was fairly short and the soothing voice of Alan Watts helped me to fall asleep. I am grateful I could appreciate the fact that right now my husband is still home and I could have woken him up if it had gotten worse. I will have to cope with that in the future in a different way.
I am grateful anxiety and stress subsided in the afternoon and I had a fairly normal day then.
I am grateful for children around the house, getting my trip prepared, good food and a fantastic yoga session. I am grateful I have everything set up for tomorrow and am very exited for our trip.
Grateful I have some stretching and relaxing going on and then bed time.
Sleep tight lovely people :night_with_stars:


Grateful to still be sober after yesterday! :smiley:

I had a very scary moment where I could’ve 100% used cocaine, like it was right there in my hands, but I successfully resisted it somehow. Ended up flushing it :slight_smile: Money wasted, but my sobriety wasn’t wasted at least :slight_smile: Deleted and blocked the dealer again. I spoke to my sponsor about it just before trying to use it which helped a lot.

I’m glad that I canceled on using it last night. I would’ve felt so shitty today if I chose to use it. But I’ve seen the insanity cycle of addiction enough times that I was like “NOPE!!! Not today!!!”

You never know, that next time you decide to use could be your last, as in you could die. So I’m glad I chose to just flush it instead even if it was wasted money :money_with_wings: :smile_cat:

I think the cravings yesterday almost got to me because I kept ignoring that little voice in my head telling me “YOU FUCKING IDIOT DONT DO IT!!!” I felt time-pressured to get cocaine since my dad left for his karate class yesterday, and I failed to slow down my thoughts enough to fight the cravings, but still I came out on top anyway so all is good. But I definitely think I need to figure out what I could’ve done better next time.


I am grateful today for the good book I just finished.

I’m grateful for my Fitbit to track my sleeping habits and daily steps to keep me in check for my new April goal.

I am grateful for keeping my new goals every month and rolling them into the next month as they have become healthy habits.

I’m grateful this year I am focusing on bettering myself so I can show up as the best version there is.

I am grateful that my kids are on spring break so I can sleep a little later each morning.

I’m grateful that the weather is cold which gives me an excuse to not take the dogs on a two mile afternoon walk.

I am grateful that when I got cussed out by a client earlier for not paying her electric bill for her since we don’t have a program for that at the moment, that I stayed kind and calm and didn’t internalize her struggles when she let me have it.

I’m grateful the work day is almost over and I can go home soon.


I am grateful to be sober. I am grateful to be clear headed. I am grateful I realize I overreact and can make situations heated and chaotic. (not that I have overcome the urge to do it). I am grateful for the wisdom and desire to change this behavior because I can. I am grateful tomorrow is another day.


Grateful I made it to training this morning.
Grateful for days off during the week that allow me to go to school events for the kids
Grateful for being back to work tomorrow
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free