Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I’m grateful for my rice cooker for a quick meal.
Grateful I will soon have an opportunity to travel to the mountains, sober. I now have family there :slightly_smiling_face::white_check_mark::skier: …and visit often
Grateful to have 33 days of sobriety done.
Grateful to be a little healthier every day.
Grateful for a perfect spring day
Grateful for better definition in my legs so that I can keep building on for hiking and skiing.
Grateful to be losing the puffiness- my clothes fit better.
Grateful for a calmer mind tonight.
Grateful for y’all :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m grateful for the standing desk riser work have given me. It has only been a fews days but has already made a big difference to my POTS symptoms not having to sit for long periods at my desk.
I’m grateful my daughter’s fever and swollen glands seem to have gone down and she’s fast asleep now.
I’m grateful for my recovery and for finding this community.


Grateful for another day and spending it sober. Grateful my addiction doesn’t have the grip on me it once did. Grateful for the people in my life and extra grateful for this place and all of you.


I’m grateful to have a higher power working in my life to help me do the right thing and abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for @Dazercat mentioning me and Peace, the idea of hope and for talking about steps and sponsorship all things I too am grateful for. I’m grateful for my phone and its camera and for selfies of me and peace. I’m grateful for the AA meeting I just came from and all my connections there. I’m grateful to have a job and that I have kept it longer than any job I have had before, which is only ten months but it’s a big deal to me. I’m grateful for the breathe in my lungs as well as prayer and meditation.

May our higher powers help us to grow.

p.s. You’re a star, shine bright. Ya you!!


What was the book?? I just finished The Alperton Angels and absolutely loved it. Always looking for a good read!!

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Thursday morning gratitude.

I’m grateful for a resting day yesterday, I overdid it on tuesday. I’m grateful I learn from this experience as my back and other body parts are still aching. I’m grateful I did further garden work, keeping it step by step.

I’m grateful for my lovely cats, for the heated pillow to help my back, for the joy of seeing new sprouts when coming home in the evening.

I’m grateful for therapy. I’m grateful my therapist encourages me to have faith in my gut feeling. We talked about my thoughts and insecurities on how to handle future things upcoming. I’m grateful for “You will know what to do when you get there”. I needed to hear that.

I’m grateful this day is not fully packed with duties, one appointment and some mowing at my late mum’s house if I can. Office work has to be done badly. I’m grateful that I’m mostly able to do what is needed. It’s time to make a plan for reaching out for help before I get overwhelmed again.
I’m grateful the old boy is purring away on me, I love him so much. I’m grateful for to have a cozy home, food in the fridge, painkillers in the medicine cabinet, and nobody is rushing me. I’m grateful some day these emotional flashbacks will be gone. I’m grateful I work on being present and focus on what’s in front of me. Progress not perfection. ODAAT🙏


I am grateful my co-worker was there to help, when I was struggling to get everything done. I am grateful I got over myself and asked for help.
Grateful my mom is dealing with the break in last week better than I thought. I am grateful I could be there for here and spend a few nights at her house to make her feel safer again. Grateful noone was hurt, not so grateful for the things that were lost. Fire would have been worse.
I am grateful I made the choice to unsubscribe from Netflix. I had been off it for the fasting time till Easter Friday. Been on it for a few days again and noticing the addictive pull it has on me right away. Bingewatching feels good in the moment and horrible the day after when you start to wonder, where all that precious time of the day went. Farewell Netflix.
I am grateful for freshly baked bread and homemade vegetable spread.
I am grateful my morning yoga class is about to start.
Grateful to read so many gratitudes on here. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful for my first pay from my new job
I’m grateful for connecting with my colleague during a long work drive
I’m grateful for feeling a little stronger than usual
I’m grateful for taking the time to pause and reflect on my journey and noticing how far I’ve come
I’m grateful for learning to ask for help instead of struggling in silence


It’s by Abby Jimenez… she writes* really cute little romcoms and I needed an easy read after my last doozy lol

It’s called Just for the Summer. So cute I read it in a day and a half


Good morning sober fam,

So very greatful for…

My sobriety
Ladies aa meeting tonight
Slept well
Got a decent exercise in
Hopefully will see a total eclipse monday
A couple days break from work, lord knows i need it
This forum
Hope for a good day


Good morning TS. Family, so grateful for you!
I’m grateful today because ,
I’m joining my lady friends for our monthly breakfast date at the local cafe soon. Been friends for ages and so grateful for them.
It’s still snowing but too warm to be of much consequence, though I do miss the snowshoeing, but I also miss the biking so maybe winter will finally give the fuck up and allow spring to stay!
My kitties both slept with me last night.
I have good food, and a warm and safe shelter. It’s too easy to take this for granted.


I’m grateful I didn’t kill Benson last night :scream: I accidentally gave him a double dose of his Trazodone :weary: I gave it to him as usual before we went out to dinner and when we got home I gave it to him 3 and a quarter hours later. I’m grateful he’s been taking Trazodone forever and he can get up to 1 1/2 and it never puts him out anywhere. Grateful we didn’t panic about it. I’m grateful he slept well :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’m grateful I feel pretty good since waking up with a headache at 3 :face_with_head_bandage: I’m grateful I tried a calming meditation that helped but since I was wide awake at 4 I just got up and had coffee and am having a nice morning. So I’m grateful I have extra morning time today. I’m grateful I can nap whenever I like today. Except 7 pm meeting time.

I’m grateful it was a gorgeous clear perfect temperature this morning when I finally woke up Benson and took him out. I’m grateful I took a big whiff of the desert roses out back. :thinking: how you doin Anna? @desert_rose :rose:

I’m grateful my coffee was sooooo good.
I’m grateful for my readings this morning.
I’m grateful wifey got her hair done and we had a nice dinner out. I’m grateful I don’t have to control her drinking. I’m grateful I feel like currently I’ve finally surrendered. I’m grateful it’s just sad. And I’m grateful I know it’s a disease. I’m grateful I was at peace with it last night.

I’m grateful for my Pilates Reformer and doing those exercises being a morning priority is already helping my back feel better. I’m grateful I get to go to meetings at night.

I’m grateful for everyone here and all your support. I’m grateful all we have to do is show up.

Wanting to wall ourselves off from pain, mistakes, and challenges seems like a good idea. We resist, deny, and fight against what’s difficult, we put up walls so we can keep out what we don’t want to let in. We may be able to keep the darker moments out of our lives for a while, but we are also walling ourselves off from life. We will make mistakes, we will have physical and emotional pain. The depth to which we refuse to be aware of our pain is the depth to which we are separate from life.

‘life is not happening to you, it is happening for you,’
Living These Days
Chapter 19
Including What’s Difficult
By Richard Burr


I am grateful for waking up sober again this morning! For my nights rests, that are so much better without wine the night before.
Grateful for coffee this morning while watching the news. For a quiet day ahead.
Hope you all have a great day!:star2::star2::star2::star2:


I loved and appreciated your post. You sharing like problems that I am dealing with really makes the journey a bit easier. I appreciate all my talking, sober friends. Amazing how sharing and being able to vent here safely makes the biggest difference in my life.


Wonderful quote. I saved and printing. Thank you for sharing.


So sorry to hear about the break in. What a blow to your sense of security. I am glad that you were able to be there for your mom.


Yeah, me too. It’s gonna feel unsafe for a while I suppose until it normalizes. But it’s going to be alright. Thank you for taking the time to respond. You are the kindest :rosette:


Thank you for this day :pray:t2:
I’m grateful for getting up really early, getting over the discomfort of my body and mind not being on the same page yet, and getting everything prepared so we could leave on time.
I’m grateful we had no significant train delays and arrived at Arnhem before noon.
I’m grateful the rain here was not like at home, where when it starts it pours for hours or the rest of the day. Instead it came and went in showers.
I’m grateful we found so many pretty murals and graffiti’s here.
I’m grateful my daughters migraine subsided in the afternoon. I’m grateful there is a pharmacy nearby, grateful they had the meds there.
I’m grateful I took a nice walk, grateful for yoga, grateful for the day coming to an end :night_with_stars:


Im in California so everyone’s going to bed in the middle of my work day. LOL… I’m grateful to be in CA because the weather really is lovely. I’m grateful for dog sitting my sister’s dog. He loves me so much and even my own dog isn’t as excited when I get home from work as Spike is. I’m grateful that most appointments I need are online now, as my workload is precluding any time off. I’m grateful to be employed. Grateful to come on here and raise my spirits, as always ODAAT :purple_heart:


I’m grateful I was the only one in the office today. My coworkers are great but I do find office chit chat and drama tiring.
I’m grateful I seem to have avoided the germs so far. My daughter is still poorly and hubby woke up vomiting (very loudly :nauseated_face:) at 4.30am.
I’m grateful to be able to look after my family when they are ill.
I’m grateful for my bed calling to me soon :sleeping::sleeping::sleeping: