Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Grateful today to be able to pay my bills.
Today was payday, and I was able to pay my credit cards, and still have enough left for daycare, utilities, and property taxes.
It’s not ideal living paycheque to paycheque, but I’m fortunate I’m able to do it. :muscle:t2::+1:t2:


I’m grateful to know you have benefited from my post. Sharing our ups and downs with like minded people truly makes our sober journey more doable. The amazing people and their stories on TS are a vital part in my sobriety. Wishing you all the best!


I am Grateful for another Glorious day
I am Grateful for 2 doggos that keep me busy!
I am Grateful for the new pillow I got, sleeping better
I am Grateful for my Volunteering, makes my souls sing.
I am Grateful for my Sober days and my Sober Family.


many healing vibes your way Kiki – hope your family gets better soon and grateful you are able to take care of them. Please take care of yourself as well (don’t want you getting sick). :hugs: :heart: :pray:


I’m grateful for a much better day today. Weather great and I have some energy.
Grateful for five weeks of sobriety.
Grateful for better health.
Grateful for the eclipse even if it’s cloudy. But it better not be. :slightly_smiling_face::tornado:


I am grateful for spending time today with a dear friend. I have known him all my life and we grew up in the same cult, so we understand each other and where we came from.
Although we have different lives now and don’t see each other as often as when we were partying together post-cult (read: when we were self-destructive), I am grateful the friendship is still strong and hopefully will always be.

I am grateful I could join my dad to the hospital today.
Grateful for taking 15k steps this morning with dog and friend. Grateful for sore muscles.

I am grateful for a few good friends in my life. Quality over quantity. I am grateful I cut some people out of my life over the years. It hurt back then but feels good now. Like I decluttered my life.

I am grateful for another sober day :white_check_mark:


Grateful to be off of cocaine!!! Also grateful for my dad and all the support from here and other people :smile_cat:

Grateful for the gym too!!! Also grateful to still have my job after the largest cut in 30 years at my corporation!!! :slight_smile:


I am grateful for the hot shower today. Grateful cleaners come today. Grateful made it to pool exercise today. Grateful for time to improve relationship with spouse. Grateful I am always given another chance to be a better person. God is working on me every moment of every day. Sometimes exhausting.


I’m grateful for a busy but productive end to the third week at my new job
I’m grateful for being able to retain work processes with a new and focused clarity
I’m grateful for consistently working to stay sober
I’m grateful for realising I no longer automatically crave alcohol when I cook dinner-that’s huge!
I’m grateful for having 24/7 support on TS at my fingertips


Grateful to be going home tomorrow after 8 days looking after 2 dogs. I’m ready for my own bed. And my own settee. This tv doesn’t have normal tv on it, you have to choose what you want to watch. I don’t know what I want to watch, I like to see what’s on tv. Grateful for my own tv.
Grateful to have realised that my dog is actually quite well behaved.
I think dogs are like children, they play up when their parents aren’t there, testing the boundaries.
I’m grateful to have taken steps to rekindle friendships - I’ll see what happens.
Grateful to be thinking about my future, my old age I guess. I’m looking after my finances and making sure it’s in the best place.
Grateful to be sober another day :sparkling_heart:


Feeling grateful that the internet and TalkingSober exists during my time on this planet :smiley:

I made this thread about people’s age here, and it made me realize that I’m very lucky that I was born during the age of the internet and not earlier, because I realize a lot of people didn’t know what to do about their addiction before the internet started to exist. I definitely would’ve been screwed for many more years if I was born earlier, because the internet is the reason why I was able to discover all this support :slight_smile:


Morning sober dudes and dudettes,

Im so very greatful for

My sobriety, it hit me yesterday. Ive BEEN SOBER FOR NEARLY 2 YEARS thats flippin insane! Something that seemed unimaginable is possible 1 day at a time
The ability to up and fly to a different state just to see (hopefully) a total eclipse of the sun
My mom and hubby are good travel buddies
I got 2 fancy coffees for $10, better deal than i thought
I had time to walk the terminal
People drinking at 8am seems weird to me now. Why is flying and alcohol a normalized correlation
My mom has a follow up appt with the heart doctor
Dads watching Boscoe


I’m grateful to start my morning with a good friend :star_struck: and coffee :wink: wow!

I’m grateful for the thread @john_connor1337 started. It took off like gangbusters :star_struck: so grateful for the new comers. 64 btw. And strangely enough I had a cocaine dream last night. I’ve never ever had a dream like that. I’m grateful it’s been ages since this old fart put something up his nose. I’m grateful the thought of putting something up my nose now is just revolting. So happy you found us Eric :hugs:

I’m grateful to veer off my morning routine today. I’m grateful we got lots of stuff to do and gratitude is my priority. Grateful I look forward to my gratitude.

I’m grateful I had some kind of a spiritual awakening yesterday that graciously carried me through the day and even into the “now.” I’m grateful I think it’s because I really surrendered. Again. But this time I’m grateful it felt different. As I turned it over to my hp. I asked hp for guidance. Then I’m grateful I waited and did nothing. I did fuck all. And beautiful things just happened. I’m grateful I accepted these beautiful things with a simple “thank you.” That might have been the hardest part.

I’m grateful my AA meeting last night was on step 4. Fourth month. Step 4. I’m grateful I’m making friends and sadly I have to leave them all next month. I’m grateful for such a beautiful warm welcome into the AA fellowship :two_hearts: I’m grateful I don’t have to be afraid to go to AA meetings when I get to Cali. I’m grateful I look back and of course I never needed to be afraid. I’m grateful I just keep surrendering to my fears and I’ll get EXACTLY where I need to be.

I’m grateful for this magical :magic_wand: safe place we all get together from all over the world.

I am grateful not only for sobriety, but for the quality of life my sobriety has brought.
As Bill Sees It


Thanks homie I’m glad you’re here too :smiley:

Haha don’t worry about the ‘old fart’ thing, I’ll become an ‘old fart’ one day too I’m sure :stuck_out_tongue: :smile:

I’m looking forward to the days when I start finding the thought of snorting cocaine revolting. It’s kinda trippy that my brain craves shoving a white powder that is essentially a ‘mystery powder’ nowadays up my nose. Like all the coke nowadays is wayyy more cut than it was back then from my understanding. Like it’s cut with so much nasty shit nowadays that it’s hardly even cocaine anymore. :slight_smile:


I am grateful for the peace I feel today. 5 weeks sober. I’m grateful for realizing that alcohol put rough edges on me, they weren’t there before. They helped me continue in a cut-throat competitive work environment when I am not that kind of person. I knew, and sank deeper. People I worked with, and got along with sank too. If you didn’t drink, talk about drinking or go to happy hour you weren’t accepted. We gossiped and trash-talked. Because deep down we knew that our workplace was unethical. We used survival humour. But drinking keeps you down. Keeps you in those places you don’t belong and don’t want to be in. It leaves you unable to imagine anything better.

Grateful I knew that leaving and getting sober would free me up. Freedom. And now I’m getting healthy to get back out there…but to a place of service. Not the self-service. I don’t know what it will be, but my heart will be in it.

Grateful for another perfect spring day and all of you. :heart:


This is huge! Congrats on enjoying your life without the clutches of addiction.
@john_connor1337 So true and what a lovely time to be alive with all the resources and support so readily available that one could ask for.
@cjp Coming up on two years is fantastic CJ – have a wonderful time travelling – I do hope you are able to see a total eclipse on Monday :crossed_fingers: Hope you three have a wonderful time together
@lighter yeah 5 weeks! Wow – time is flying – you are doing an impressive job Marie. Loving the healthy attitude.

It’s Friday my fellow sober friends! TGIF
I am grateful for a day to be alive and working on my health
I am grateful for my loving and caring family. I am grateful that my sister is coming to visit this weekend and i will be happy to see her.
I am grateful to be letting go. Letting go of how other people’s actions and words affect me. Letting go of my resentment when someone doesn’t do what i would in trying to help out. Letting go of my anger when the resentment gets high.
I am grateful for learning more and more about myself and knowing that i can’t be fixed over night. I am healing in every sense of the word and none of it would be possible if i was active in any kind of addiction
I am grateful for a great friend offering me tools from Al Anon on how to conversate with others. Especially when they are trying to be helpful but really aren’t and i don’t want to be rude.
I am so grateful that my good friend reached out this morning and we chatted a bit. I have been purposefully not reaching out to my friends cause i can’t really have a good phone conversation, can’t meet in person and don’t have anything new or exciting to talk about. Grateful that he had great news and we got to text over that.
I am grateful for a warm day today. Grateful to see people out and about and yes – i am grateful to hear the mowers out cutting the grass. even more grateful that i don’t have to do it.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Thank you for this day :pray:t2:
I am grateful for waking up early and seeing the daylight. I’m grateful for a very restful night. I usually sleep better in foreign places. I probably should live as a nomad :grin:
I’m grateful for the gluten-free and low-histamine options at the breakfast buffet this morning.
I’m grateful for a gorgeous day at the zoo today.
I’m grateful for relaxing now in our hostel room. I’m grateful an easy day and an easy evening. I’m grateful for anime.
Sleep tight :night_with_stars:


I am grateful my bs radar is working when I’m sober and for getting better at knowing what I like and what I don’t like. I was at a bar yesterday and parts of the conversations were so boring! People were bragging, talking loud, completely in their own world, ugh. When I tried to redirect the conversation to another subject they just ignored me :clown_face: I stayed because I was with my friend. Eventually I was so bored with these people I grabbed my phone and shut myself off. I won’t do that again. Next time if I’m not enjoying myself, I’m OUT.
I used to love these kind of settings! But being sober I’m more into 1-on-1 meet ups or doing an activity instead of sitting and talking or meeting in crowded places. I am grateful to get to know myself better and I’m okay with this change.

I’m grateful for nice weather tomorrow, so I can grab the train to the beach after dog training. Looking forward to a happy beach boy dog.

Grateful for the little things in life. For doing laundry, running some errands, play with doggo and now chilling on the couch and doing some online shopping. The simple life can be good too :v:


Grateful for another day at work, will be on duty for 24hrs today
Grateful to be working in a more physically demanding role today
Grateful for a restful night at home with the family last night


Friday evening gratitude.
I’m grateful I gave my body 2 additional days of rest from heavy work. Still a lot of pain. I need to work on balancing work and my ressources better. Anyway, for the first serious attempt I’m good with the outcome.

I’m grateful today I picked up the herbs I ordered in february. Four plates full of happiness. I’m grateful I will be planting them step by step. I’m also grateful I proceed with repotting the seedlings and throwing out what doesn’t sprout. I’m impressed about how much I’ve sorted through in the last weeks. I’m grateful for every smile when a cat lies on the seed batches, obviously it smells interesting for cats.

I’m grateful I work hard on overcoming codependent thinking and anxiety. I’m grateful the trip today set free long forgotten memories. Now I understand why I feel so uncomfortable and anxious in the region where I picked up the plants. This was the first good memory in connection with this region! I’m very grateful for this insight, it will help a lot with letting go some issues.

I’m grateful for tea and rest. I’m grateful for friendly strangers. I’m grateful I made it home safe. I’m grateful for my reliable car. I’m grateful for homemade food. I’m grateful the cats love the balcony. I’m grateful I mounted the catnet so I can leave them outside unattended. I’m grateful that today me tries to make life bearable for tomorrow me. I’m grateful tomorrow me is mostly happy about the care from yesterday me. I’m grateful yesterday, present and tomorrow me get along quite well these days.
I’m grateful for sleep meds and hope for a restful night. ODAAT :pray: