Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I am grateful for a beautiful sunny day at the beach. NO alcohol, NO sigarettes needed!
I am grateful for the train that takes me straight to the beach in 45 minutes.

Grateful to start this diet together with a friend, it makes it easier to stick to the daily kcals.
I am grateful for accountability. It doesn’t matter if it’s online or irl, if it’s alcohol, sigarettes or unhealthy food: it’s nice to support each other, keeping each other focussed :pray:

I am grateful for meal prepping and my slowcooker. Grateful yesterday me prepared the chicken, so it was ready when I came home tired and hungry.


Thank you for this day :pray:t2:
I’m grateful I’m finally home. I’m grateful for a wonderful day at the open air museum. I’m grateful for windmills. I’m grateful I live in times of antibiotics, vaccines and plumbing. I’m grateful for trains. I’m grateful for working the steps. I’m grateful for not knowing how to control so many things and surrendering. I’m grateful I’m going to sleep in my own bed this night. I’m grateful for this day :night_with_stars:


I am grateful for a fresh day to get some work done and workout and whatnot :smile_cat:

I’m kinda procrastinating right now, but I must go focus on my work!!! I didn’t do enough work on Friday so I must catch up lol


100 days! So grateful for triple digits. So grateful they’re just the start! So grateful for the support I’ve found here in this community. Grateful that my daughter lessened the blow of her first tattoo by getting a dove, my family nickname. Grateful that she loves me enough to think of that. Grateful for the last cool weekend of spring, the 80 degree days start next week. Grateful for a new Amor Towles novel, and a new TV show based on one of his older novels, he writes so beautifully. Grateful in my heart through and through today. Hope you all have a lovely Saturday :purple_heart: ODAAT




Grateful for your posts, and your support @Dazercat !! :people_hugging:


Grateful for this beautiful weather today. Even grateful my car wouldn’t start because it forced me to do tasks at home that I’ve been putting off (laundry, dog poop, trash). Grateful that I found someone as obsessed with March Madness as I am :slight_smile:


Day 23 today.
It’s the end of day light savings in Adelaide, Australia here this morning which means winter is nearing.
Today I am grateful that I will get to see one of my children and all of my fur babies.
And I’m grateful (and very excited) to be watching the finale of MAFS tonight. I promised myself a bubble tea for the occasion.
Happy day everyone :heart::bubble_tea:


Congratulations on 100 days @Davina_Davis :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

I’m grateful for a fun night at the comedy. Grateful we were all well enough to go after a nasty bug.
I’m grateful for a good talk with my daughter.
I’m grateful for the new cat tree a friend gifted us.
I’m grateful for the fun show watching our two cats do battle to see who will be king of the cat tree. So far Leika, our tiny cat, is winning. Her brother does still have a leg in pins and brace though.
I’m grateful to be in my bed, sober, with another weekend day still ahead :blush:


Thank you, thanks for being here for us!! :purple_heart:


Congrats on triple digits!!! @Davina_Davis


Woohoo! 100 daysis amazing Davina :muscle:


Early morning to ya sober warriors!

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety
Getting thru a massive drink and smoke craving
Supports here in this beautiful community
AA, the 12 steps, and my spiritual growth
A challenging hike yesterday
The ol folks didnt push themselves too far on the challenging path and me and hubby carried on to the cave
Adventure, keeps me young
Time with my mom
In love with hubby
Chocolate and coffee
Standing my ground with pushy ppl (we rented a room to my sisters mil and boy o boy is she opinionated) No Janet, i will have bacon and eggs for breakfast!
Hoping to find an aa meeting in town today


I’m grateful for my partner checking me for raising my voice to our kids when I wouldn’t normally do that
I’m grateful my kids accepted my apology afterwards
I’m grateful for ordering our Winter firewood early
I’m grateful for cooking a dinner the family loved
I’m grateful for better sleep quality in sobriety than 30 years of addiction ever gave me


I’m grateful for my best friend who always makes me laugh and cares for me no matter what. I’m grateful for my dogs. And I’m grateful for my students.


Grateful for spring time, to be able to enjoy the sun on my balcony. Sun = life :seedling:
I am grateful for sort of reconnecting with one of my lady friends. We have a shared interest in fitness and that keeps us away from quarrelling.

I am grateful for being at the gym at 8 this Sunday, instead of suffering from a hangover :muscle:

I am grateful for surviving two weeks of nicotine withdrawal. I don’t want to go through that again in this lifetime.

@Davina_Davis congrats on your 100 days Davina, amazing!! :heart_eyes::partying_face::raised_hands:


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful I got to spend time with my family yesterday, simple food, games, lots of laughs. I’m grateful these are the things I turn to when times are hard or stressful, instead of alcohol. I’m grateful for the beautiful weather, and that the tomatoes and strawberries are doing well. I’m grateful I feel centered and balanced today. I’m grateful I filled the hummingbird feeder, and now I can watch them from my living room. I’m grateful for the home thread, and to share milestone’s and hard times with you all. I’m grateful for love and forgiveness :heart:


Good morning :sparkles:

I am grateful for the cloud streaked sunrise I am watching from my recliner, I am a fortunate soul. I am grateful for the grounding energy of strong coffee, or maybe that just my addict being settled with a desperate need. :thinking: I am grateful for humility and self awareness.

So my slip last week happened, well it happened because of a lot of things that would take a super long time to type out; maybe i will start a thread. But what it boiled down to, the final straw was shame. Shame got me. Holy wow, what an experience, to be a witness to my sick mind as it started to spiral out of control. I am grateful that I at least tried to get myself out of the house. That while laying in a fetal ball on the couch rocking, unable to cry I had enough strengh to text G and say “I need to get away from my house.” I am grateful for that because it gives me hope. I have some hope knowing how dark I was in that moment I am still able to reach out. My mistake was moving, I should have stayed still. I am grateful for experience, for slips and the knowledge we gain. As soon as I moved I, the essence of who I am, had no control over my mind. I am grateful that I could still watch myself, that I wasn’t “in it”. I remember talking to “her” the part of me that cuts and saying, “if you have to, do it somewhere smart.” I am grateful she complied and nobody had to see my mess.
There has been times when that part of me has been so fucking mad or so fucking hurt that when she has hurt me its been brutal. I am grateful, so grateful she is learning too.

I go to hawaii in one sleep!!!



Grateful for @HoofHearted talking me out of my cravings yesterday! It was a scary moment yesterday, but I’m still sober from my drug of choice at least!!! :smile_cat:


I’m grateful for Google. Woke up with pain in my Posterior Tibial Tendon :face_with_monocle: this morning. I’m grateful I’m resting it. Wifey and her arthritic knee are walking The Burner. And I’m grateful I’m sitting here with Mavy all stretched out and purring away. I’m grateful I didn’t try to tough it out and walk Benson anyway. I’m grateful I shared my pain with my wife. I’m grateful I’m not sitting here resentfully pissed off because she drank too much last night. It’s a disease. It’s a disease. It’s a disease.

I’m grateful our friends made it to Italy after a nightmarish 24 hours of rerouted flights. Texas to Cali to Paris to Venice :scream: instead of Texas to Atlanta to Venice. I’m grateful they’ll be waiting for us in Tuscany Saturday. I’m grateful I’m not freaking out over wifey and her knee and me and my foot and it’s a fucking walking tour :scream: I’m grateful if we can’t do all the walking I will happily sit at one of the country estates we are staying at in Tuscany and enjoy just being there. And grateful I won’t be drinking wine in Chianti especially if I feel like poor me. I’m grateful I don’t know that “poor me,” guy anymore. I’m grateful and truly blessed that I will enjoy the adventure no matter what.

I’m so grateful @Twizzlers reached out for help. I’m grateful she has so much love and support here. I’m grateful it warms my heart to see so many people from so many lands reach out to help. I’m grateful it’s such a beautiful thing. I’m grateful it keeps me sober too.

I’m grateful I’m not thinking the worse about this tendon pain. Or trying really hard not to. I’m grateful step 4 has shown me how much of a pessimistic person I am. I’m grateful I’m going to patiently wait for my sponsor to take me to step 5 to ask god to remove this defect of character from me. I want to do it now. But since he’s sober 36 years maybe I’ll just wait for him to continue to guide me through the process. I’m grateful awareness is probably a key as well.

I’m grateful my Sober Twinnie is on her way to Hawaii @Its_me_Stella to have some beautiful mother daughter time. And doing it sober. I’m so happy for the 2 of you and Nuggy can be home with G.

I’m grateful for the beautiful sober life with so many other beautiful sober people right here.

Obsession with the actions of others- wishing he or she would change, wanting more attention or perhaps less, wishing our significant others would let us decide their fate—is so exhausting.
Let Go Now
Embracing detachment as a path to freedom
we can only do justice to one life. Ours.