Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I’m grateful for several things this week. Number one today is my birthday and I made it 32 years and my second birthday sober which really makes me happy and excited to spend the day doing fun things with people I love. Air Force is playing UNLV today and for once I don’t have to coach a game on my birthday so I’m going to watch the game and try to enjoy this oddly cold spring we are having here. I’m torn but I will be rooting for Air Force as I was an Airman first before I was a Nevadan :joy: I think some of my players will be joining us so it’ll be fun to be surrounded by my family which my players are like family to me also.

I’m thankful I finally figured out the issue with our mower for the baseball field. I know it sounds dumb but I do all the maintenance on our field and when the equipment doesn’t work it’s really frustrating for me. At one point this week I came home so frustrated I really wanted a drink but immediately both my wife and I looked at each other and smiled because I know that’s not the answer and at almost 460 days I wasn’t going to let a lawn mower ruin my journey!

I’m thankful for my team this year. It’s my third season and this by far is the hardest working team I’ve coached. They’ve faced adversity but they really do have something special and I believe they have what it takes to go the distance. Regardless of what happens I am so proud of them and how far they’ve all come since I started coaching them.

I’m thankful for my job despite the added stress recently of more projects and a heavy workload. I know they’re trusting me with a lot and I don’t want to let anyone down.

As always I’m thankful for this place to share with everyone and to give love and feel loved by others all on the same kind of journey each in their own unique way :heart:


Today I’m grateful for the loving kindness in my life. I’m grateful I spent a wonderful saturday afternoon yesterday with friends, good food, fancy n/a drinks and lots of tea, fun, good talks, a walk around the farm and cats joining us on the balcony. I’m grateful I managed to clean up most of the house before they arrived because it was necessary and today I am really happy I rushed myself to do it. I’m grateful my friends don’t care, they come to spend a good time together, not for a Homes & Garden Homestory :blush:

I’m grateful the cats let me sleep in today. I had a horrible, oppressive nightmare, went to the bathroom to shake it off and fell asleep again. I’m grateful I woke up rested :pray:

I’m grateful sundays look more or less the same every week. I like routines. I’m grateful I overcame the aversion and did a little bit of mowing again. I’m deeply grateful for living the motto: Every little step counts, 1 is better than zero. I was shaking and exhausted after 20 minutes and my anxiety was through the roof. I’m grateful it calmed when I had tea and looked down from the balcony on the mowed spot. You DO see the work. Go fucking piss off you dammed voice in my head bashing me. It IS work and I did it, I see it and fucking nobody cares exept ME. To reward me I knitted a bit and have a purring cat on me now.

I’m grateful for nice neighbours and offers to help me.
I’m grateful the cats are soft fluffballs full of love and happiness.
I’m grateful I keep up with the household allthough the plants need more and more time.
I’m grateful I colored my nails yesterday. It looks neat and makes me feel good.
As I’m still struggling with the time change I’m grateful I give myself time to adapt at my pace.
I’m grateful for service on TV.
I’m grateful to live my life like I do. Soon the expertise will show whether I can pay out the ex or not. It’s due next week. I’m grateful the cats and I enjoy every day at the farm and don’t worry about what will be. I have no influence on most of it. I’m grateful for the beautiful, cozy memories I made since last september :heart: ODAAT


Daily Gratitude

A beautiful sunshiny day.
Husband left for racquetball and I can enjoy some me time watching hummingbirds and birds outside in my lovely yard.
Husband mowed orchard (I mowed for about an hour) just beautiful
My cat Woody
Couples therapy though aggravating frustrating and just plain ugly discovered I am a PROBLEM and have little self control (I have skills to learn)
Grateful for sobriety . None of the above would be possible not sober.


Happy sober birthday Jake! :birthday: :tada:


Thank you for this day :pray:
I am grateful for waking up early today and having a lot of time for my morning routine with movement, meditation and prayer. I am grateful I am home again and in a well-known surrounding. Grateful I did my weekly review and prepared for next week. I am grateful I took the day slowly. Grateful for good home cooked meals, grateful for easy access to fresh produce and other good quality food.
I am grateful for good weather, a nice bike ride and meds for allergies. Grateful for a nice place to relax and a good yin yoga session. I am grateful for being able to post here after working through inventory questions got me emotionally upset and grateful I got support from others who understand. I am grateful I recognise that feeling like an impostor is part of the problem and not a thing I need to run away from. I am grateful I know I can‘t control my feelings or thoughts but can let them be and let them go. I am grateful I‘ll be in bed in a few. Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Grateful I choose to put myself into the busiest role at work last night. Had the opportunity to choose the quietest, but decided on staying in the busiest. Ended up with a big job, and was in the thick of it which was good.
I think previously when I was drinking I would have taken the easy route, probably because realistically I would have been in the middle of withdrawls after not drinking for a couple days while on nightshifts. Im now feeling like im getting back to myself.
Im grateful im fitter and healthier than I was 4months ago. Previously I could have gone alright at larger harder jobs, running off adrenaline. Even hangover as shit I’d back myself to push through. Now I don’t need to just push through im back to having extra energy in the tank. And today the day after im not so beat up physically.
Grateful that while im still not physically where I need to be, im moving in the right direction now.
Grateful for this thread that allows me to ramble on and reflect on what I’ve gained back.
Grateful for a sunny day today to spend with my wife before I’m back for my last shift for the week.
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


Grateful for another day sober! Up early for church, a quick stop at the grocery for sausages for supper, and home relaxing. My husband just woke up from a 2 hour Power Nap :zzz:!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Today marks day195 af, which I am eternally grateful for.
Tomorrow is the solar eclipse, I plan on staying home, as they are saying the influx of tourists coming to see it will cause issues. I have my glasses I bought of Amazon, so I am ready!
Thanks to all of you who keep me going when I need that little nudge to stay focused. Have a great night everyone.


Happy Birthday Jake! Congrats on your another sober birthday my friend. :birthday: :cake: Grateful you are learning to use your tools and not let things affect your sober journey. YEAH YOU!


Happy second birthday sober Jake.
Grateful to see you checking in. Grateful to read the excitement in your post about your team. I bet you’re a great coach to those boys. What a great example you are to them. They are so lucky to have you.


I’m grateful for being able to help my husband with a task today. It felt nice to work on something together.
I’m grateful we ordered a chinese take away and I got the best salt and pepper tofu. It’s been ages since we ordered food in, so it felt like a real treat.
I’m grateful I found our shiatsu back massager which has been missing for ages. My shoulder knots were popping, it felt so good :pinched_fingers::pinched_fingers::pinched_fingers:
I’m grateful for the smell of freshly cut grass and warm rain.
I’m grateful I have had a good weekend, not wasted on being wasted, or hungover.


Happy birthday, Jake :tada::ice_cream: and goooo team!

I am grateful for my childhood friend, who is so thoughtful when giving presents. I am grateful for 34+ years of friendship and walking each other trough this thing called life.
I am grateful for the good vibes at the marathon event in my city yesterday and seeing so many people doing really well and achieving their goals. Grateful I got to cheer for all of them.
I am grateful for art and how some pieces reach through time and connects the past with the present. I am grateful there is plenty of beauty around.
I am grateful I got to sit in the gardens with my granny, listening to birds sing and making plans for my next visit. It was a good day. :peacock:


Thank you! It was a great day! :heart:


Thanks for the personalized gif! That’s pretty awesome :slightly_smiling_face: it was a great day, got to spend it watching a game I love with people I love. My pitching coach was there having beverages and tried to hand me one lol I said “I’m good man I just want a Diet Coke” which is my DOC these days besides water. But it was also funny because he tried to hand me a Bloody Mary which was always disgusting to me. He hasn’t quite caught onto the fact after almost a year and a half I don’t drink anymore and he’s one of those people I don’t have the patience to have that conversation with about why I changed, so I just always politely decline. I actually think he has a bit of an issue with drinking in his personal time but he never has any problems on the field or with kids so as long as it’s his personal life I let it be. I’ve actually had to fire a coach who showed up drunk to a summer game fun fact.


Thanks Eric! I consider myself lucky to have them. They’re a big motivation for me to be my best everyday. They keep me busy and if I was living my life the old way I couldn’t be the person they count on everyday to be there no matter what. They helped change my life and they don’t even really know it but I keep that in my heart when I step on the field everyday. Win or lose I’m a better person because they needed a coach they could count on and I answered the call in every way that I could.


I’m grateful for spring and that soon I can take the flocks to jailoo! I’m grateful that I had time for a longer hike this morning and being able to live in the mountains. And I’m grateful that today I have felt joyful.


I’m grateful for a hard training session to start the week
I’m grateful for a busy and productive work day
I’m grateful for putting my hand up to do more work, to challenge myself
I’m grateful for curried sausages with mashed potatoes and veggies
I’m grateful for feeling extra tired instead of blackout drunk


I’m grateful for 2 weeks sober from my DOC so far :smiley:

I’m also grateful for the gym, my sponsor, my dad, everyone here, etc!

I need to attend more CA and SMART Recovery meetings though, I’ve been kinda slacking on those. Definitely gonna attend those later today :smile_cat:


Congrats @john_connor1337 on 2 weeks

I love @Jwfletcher4792 passion for baseball. If you build it, they will come

Good morning sober tribe,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, almost saved $20k from alcohol and vapes
Not pushing my achiles too far even though i feel the need to move
Making the most of a situation
One more full day of vakay
Hoping for a glimpse of the total eclipse and reading all the forecasts until i find the most positive one lol
My family
Dads keeping Boscoe alive for us
Hoping hes not too mad at us
An opportunity to live a curious, adventurous life
I can travel and dont need copious amounts of drugs and alcohol
A daily reprieve


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful I took today off. I lost my very old dog Luke yesterday, and I’m feeling sad and missing him. I’m grateful for the years we got with him, and that we were able to be with him and love him at the end. I’m grateful that I won’t drown these feeling in alcohol, I’ll feel them and process them. I’m grateful the sun is shining and I’ll get out for a walk in it today. I’m grateful there’s plenty of gratidudes and dudettes these days, and I’ll read through and borrow some of yours for a couple days :heart:


Aww :cry: I’m so sorry Sunflower about the loss of your friend and companion. I’m grateful you are taking a day off to be sad and miss him. As hard as it is, and it’s so hard. It is pretty satisfying staying sober through it all and seeing how far we have come.
Big hug :people_hugging: