Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Today I wake to 50 days AF
At this point i dont crave it
I don’t want to go back to that cycle of regret and sorrow. I’m happy today. Why would I want to take that away.


I’m grateful I can scroll back through my/our gratitude journal to remind myself about what hurts :slightly_frowning_face: Can’t remember :grimacing: I’m grateful my Posterior Tibial Tendon doesn’t hurt as much as it did yesterday. I’m grateful I told wifey if I’m pain free ill walk the dog. It doesn’t hurt much but I’m not pain free so wifey and Benson will have to go it without me. I’m grateful it’s going to be ok.

I’m grateful for a good solid nights sleep.
I’m grateful for flexibility.

I’m grateful for the long compliment Bill gave me at my Al-Anon meeting. He remembers me from his first meeting said I’m the reason he comes back :smiling_face_with_tear: Said he’s going to miss me. I’m grateful some of the guys next door at the AA meeting said hi to me while we were all leaving our respective meetings. I’m grateful for the fellowship of recovery.

I’m grateful I told this kinda new lady I appreciated her share on how she thought her getting sober wasn’t as hard as living with her addict husband. We chatted after and I said I KNOW! I’m grateful it’s just so nice when you find someone living your story too. Where else can you find that? I’m grateful we chatted how it’s difficult sometimes to remember not to share about “That Other,” :shushing_face: 12 step meeting. I KNOW! And it works both ways.

I’m grateful I got plenty of time to get stuff down around here. Cleaning, packing, therapy, packing, cleaning, confirming reservations and making coffee dates and a meeting.

I’m grateful I’m about as calm as I can be considering I got a mover coming tomorrow and we will be scheduling our move to Cali. And I don’t know whether to pack for a trip or pack for a move. Or sot her frozen and do nothing :blush: I’m grateful for first things first. I have to keep telling my brain that. I’m grateful for ODAAT. But I got to admit I’ll be grateful for June when all this is over. I’m grateful it’s all good and it will all be good. It’ll Be GREAT :+1: I’m grateful I know it’ll all be great because I’ll be sober. Life on life’s terms right? @Lisa07 Thats how it’s done :white_check_mark:

I’m grateful Jake posted the baseball field he takes care of and enjoys so much on the nature thread. It was one the first things I saw here this morning. It was a soothing pic and it made it more real. I love that.

Grateful for y’all.
“I’ve lived through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.”
Mark Twain


I’m so sorry to hear this love. Sending you hugs, love and comfort. Glad you did have the time together and were with your sweet boy till the end. Much love dear friend.:people_hugging::people_hugging::heart:


This is impressive work Julia. Congratulations on your 50 days. Glad you are feeling strong and doing well in your journey. Keep it up :muscle:t4:


Good morning.

I am grateful that today is the day!!! I am grateful that my kiddo travels well and seems to rise above all her adversities. I am grateful that i know how exhausting masking is for her and can give her breaks. I am grateful for 18 years of experience being the mother of a special child.

It is pouring rain here today and I am grateful for the rain for many reasons. We need it in BC, its been a dry winter which is worrisome. I am also grateful to see the ass end of the grey skies and rain for a week.

My back is fuuuuuucked, i havent mentioned it because I thought that maybe if I didnt focus on it, pour energy into it that it would get better. That didnt work. I was at chiro twice last week and massage once… its still a mess. I am grateful that it seems the worst when i am sleeping/just wake up. I have hope that with our active holiday it will get better. :pray:

I am grateful that my two legs get me places that I want to go, and that most days my body pain is tolerable. I am grateful for yoga.

Aloha :palm_tree: :sun_with_face: :cherry_blossom:


Grateful for Day 101.
Grateful that alcohol isn’t the big tread to travel currently.
Grateful that people care enough when I say how much I am hurting to warn me that I can quit alcohol. I am grateful I know that they are speaking because they care, not that they don’t.

Grateful for all of you.


Monday gratitude.
I’m grateful I mostly stick to my plans, I get better in setting realistic goals. I’m grateful the heat today didn’t kill me, I hate heat and here we have temperatures like in summer. I’m grateful I did household and ran errands in the morning, was completely exhausted when I came home, asked my therapist to have our appointment on the phone and slept for 2 hours. I’m grateful I found energy to work a bit after the nap and mow a bit after therapy.

I’m grateful for showers, for my lovely cats, for the comfy couch, for the peace I feel living here at the farm. I’m happy tomorrow friends will come over and we cook together. Another friend invited me for next saturday. I’m grateful for loving and caring friends.
I’m grateful I sit in the dusk and listen to birds chirping. No anxiety today. ODAAT


SMART recovery online meetings have done so much to help me, along with this community! :purple_heart:


I am grateful to be 102 days sober. I am grateful to have a family trip planned this summer, for my son’s high school graduation celebration. I am grateful that my son in graduating. He had a rough time over the quarantine and he made a comeback. I’m grateful for Ripley on Netflix. Wow, the Andrew Scott of it all. Grateful for this app, for you sharing your stories and gratitudes. Grateful for good health today. ODAAT :purple_heart:


Thank you for this day :pray:
I am grateful for having had a really good night with lots of good sleep. I am grateful even in my crazy addiction dream I could maintain my abstinence :rofl:
I am grateful the first I think of nowadays when I wake up is not how miserable I am, but what I am going to post in my morning checkin on this site.
I am grateful for lots of work done this morning. I am grateful for a really nice class with the kids today, including exploding easter eggs and rocket launchers.
I am grateful I got my allergy meds super fast and could already take the first dose. I am grateful for great weather despite it increasing my allergies.
I am grateful for indoor rowing on a day like that where outdoor cardio activities would end in an ugly asthma episode.
I am grateful for loooong yoga stretching and meditation.
I am grateful for the wonderful people here where I can get all ways of help, I just have to ask.
I am grateful I am getting better at asking for help, something my family never taught me well.
I am grateful my husband will be out of the flat by this time tomorrow.
I am so very grateful to be alive and connected today.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


I agree. I especially like keeping your share to the past week or goal setting for the next week. This helps me to stay focused on the present ODAAT.


A quick gratitude check-out.
I’m looking back on a nice evening with colleagues. Grateful for one of them opening up their home to us and preparing a tasty diner. Grateful no wine was needed to enjoy ourselves.

Grateful for my beautiful son. I wanted to sleep early today, but when my son makes time to hang out and chat with his old mother, I forget everything and just enjoy his company for as long as possible. I love that guy so, so much :blue_heart:

Have a good sober day/night! :pray:


Grateful for today! Lounged around a bit this morning, then did a little shopping without buying!:wink: Went to my home group for mtg, and my sponsor was there! Then came home and sat on the driveway watching the eclipse, with my husband.
We ran out for a quick bite, then I took a stroll on our street. Now it’s time to wash up for the night! Hope everyone had a good day!:star2::star2::star2::star2:


Grateful that I saw a total solar eclipse today sober. Wouldn’t want it any other way. No need to drink.
Grateful for 38 days of sobriety.
Grateful for better sleep and more energy.
Grateful for another chance
Grateful for you guys


I’m grateful to be putting a sober head on my pillow tonight.
I’m grateful I reached out to a wonderful friend today and am excited for the journey we will take together.
I’m grateful too @acromouse that I’m getting better at asking for help. I always thought it make me look stupid or unable to manage but I now see that it’s stupid not to when I need it!
I’m grateful my dog is snuggled up with me.
I’m grateful I found this community, it continues to lead me on the right path.


Night time gratitudes…
I’m grateful it was a lovely day outside.
I’m glad I got some yard work done.
I’m glad I had a nice long bike ride and saw four green herons, and two bald eagles. Heard lots of wood frogs too.
I’m so grateful for Mother Nature.
Im grateful for TS. Goodnight to you kind people.:v::pray::heart:


I never get tired of reading this. This is when I knew all my gratitude work was paying off and it wasn’t work anymore. I’m grateful to see other people get that beautiful feeling. It warms my heart :heart:


So sorry for your loss. May you hold the wonderful memories for comfort. :bouquet::rose::cherry_blossom::hibiscus::tulip::blossom:


So very grateful today…
41 days sober
Favorite Vacuum (unpacked from storage from 3 years ago)
Yunna friend/dog
My therapist ( great session today)
AA group meeting
Sponsor suggested reading in AA BIG BOOK - (so relevant)


Awwwww I’m so sorry to hear you lost your dear old dog! This is sad news. Sweet Luke. I’m grateful he had you, and you him. That you shared your lives.
I’m grateful you told us and that you took the day off…
The dog girl and I send big comforting hugs. :people_hugging::orange_heart: