Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I am grateful today for people who live in the solution rather then in the problem.
I am grateful spring temperatures cause people to smile a lot more. The heavy winter blanket has finally lifted.
I am grateful for my coworker and her super contagious laughter.
I am grateful someone told me today something I said was helpful to them. I don’t even remember saying it, but it felt good to hear it.
Grateful for the sound of fresh bread crust cracking.
Hugs to you @Sunflower1 :people_hugging:


I am grateful for my wife who has responded so well this week to the news of my drink issues.
I am grateful to now feel that I have some control over my future.
I am grateful for the people on here who have helped me change my attitude towards my drinking (@Starlight14 and @Chevy55 pop straight to mind, but pretty much everyone who shares something on here).
I am grateful to make it to day 3.


I’m grateful for muscle ache from training
I’m grateful for cold shower craving distraction
I’m grateful for feeling healthier
I’m grateful for tasty red grapes
I’m grateful for finding my groove at work


Amen for that


I’m grateful for friends who love and support me, for long morning hikes, baby horses and mountain goats. I’m grateful for my dogs and all my animals. I’m grateful for the shepherd who returned my lost horse and my neighbors who are helping to rebuild my barn. And I’m so grateful that finally spring has come and things are getting green.


Grateful for 102. I am also grateful to wake up hopeful, despite depression starting within the 1st hour. Grateful for a wave with cause to figure out. Grateful that every day I am breathing, thoughtful, and - yes- hopeful.


I’m grateful for coffee with my sponsor. I’m grateful he’s taking me through step four. I’m grateful I now know I couldn’t do it without him.
I’m grateful for the number of things I’ve never told anyone in my life and to be able to let them out. I’m grateful they aren’t all big deep dark secrets. They’re just things, resentments. I’m grateful they don’t hurt. Some might. But I’m grateful, hopeful that will be a big part of the healing process.

I’m grateful the moving guy is coming today and hopefully we can come up with a plan.
I’m grateful I can get packing and hopefully focus on Italy after that. I’m grateful my friends keep sending pics of how much fun they are having and we get to meet up with them soon.

I’m grateful I rested my foot for 2 days and ready to walk Benson today. I’m grateful I’ll take the shorter route and see how it goes.

I’m grateful yesterday was a forgetful clusterfuck of a day. I’m grateful we eventually remembered everything we needed to do and get done. And got it done. I’m grateful we laughed about forgetting Alice fluids and forgetting my therapy appointment. Grateful eventually we got Alice done and I got 20 minutes of therapy. I’m grateful I’m human.

I’m grateful I enjoyed the finale of Curb Your Enthusiasm and I didn’t let anyone’s drinking prevent me from having a good time watching it. I’m grateful to still be learning I can hate the disease and still love my alcoholic.

I’m grateful
I didn’t cause it.
I can’t cure it.
I can’t control it.
But I can contribute to it.

I’m grateful to let it control me less and less with each learning experience. I’m grateful when I notice this and pat myself on the back and share about it.

I’m grateful I get to be in a room with others that are suffering like me. I’m grateful I got it pretty pretty good.

I’m grateful for my health.
My vision.
My hearing.
And my beanie that keeps my head warm.
Grateful for my view.
Grateful for this thread, and everyone who contributes to it and the lurkers who :heart:

“Painful experiences come from the thorns that wound us; they make us forget they also have roses. Yet we cannot expect to enjoy life’s color, beauty and fragrance, without accepting the thorny challenges and learning how to deal with them, as we do in Al-Anon.”
April 9


Day 3 is terrific. Gratefulness is a wonderful tool to fight the ugly.


Grateful for another day sober!!! I’m still getting daily cravings for my drug of choice in the middle of the night just before I go to bed, but the cravings are definitely getting weaker even then for sure :smile_cat:

Also grateful for my dad, he has been very supportive and understanding of my addiction. I look forward to the day he can see his son have long-term sobriety from my drug of choice :smiley:


Nice quote :+1::heart:


Grateful for being busy with fun things these days, but I missed catching up with your posts here.
I am grateful for being sober and :no_smoking:

I am grateful for getting up early today and hitting the gym although I had little sleep. Looking forward to early bedtime tonight.

Today I was thinking about how I’d buy a bottle of wine when I was tired. I would sit on the couch, watch Netflix till late and feel miserable the next day. Now I just do my evening routine, light a candle and go to bed early… Life can be so simple.

I saved over 50 bucks by being almost three weeks of no nicotine gum. Plus 4 months no booze is well over 500 euros saved. So grateful to spend (some of) that money on new attire in stead of pouring it down my drain!


Sorry just enough time to add my gratitude, i hope to catch up on the thread at the next airport.

So very greatful for…

My sobriety, resisting cravings, boy those buggers are cunning
A wonderful trip to texas
A positive attidude
The value of “we assume the best” at work which encourages me to think 2x when thinking poorly of others behavior
Im free from my covert, narcissistic mother in law- in law… oh boy she was exhausting
My mom and husband get along so well
I got a window seat on our 30min flight to Houston
Fresh air
The superpower of being a recovering alcoholic and the renewed zest for life i have
Moments of peace
Making memories with my mom


Thank you friend. I feel so warm and welcome here. Felt it from day one. You are part of that warm community here. Thanks for being you.


Hello, fellow gratitudees! Today I am grateful that my nephew is a photographer, it’s saving me a lot of money on senior portraits for my son. I’m grateful for online DMV scheduling. I’m grateful for a gorgeous spring day, it looks amazing from inside on the 20th floor :laughing: I’m grateful for my body’s resilience. Thank you body, truly grateful. :purple_heart:


Thank you for this day :pray:
I am grateful I am tired and will be in bed soon. I am grateful I can hope for a restful night.
I am grateful my allergy symptoms lessened, grateful my new inhaler is helping.
I am grateful my husband has finally moved out. I am grateful for my first ‚alone‘ evening.
I am grateful for class today, for good weather on my bike ride.
I am grateful I got lots of stuff done.
I am grateful for my yoga session.
I am grateful for a good talk with a friend on the phone.
I am grateful for having had this experience of not wanting to hurt my body with overeating and actually putting food down.
I am grateful for this day :night_with_stars:


"Pain will leave once it is done teaching you” - Bruce Lee

It seems I have a lot to learn😅


I’m grateful to have finally made some progress towards getting support and ADHD/autism assessments for my daughter. It seems like different departments just don’t communicate with each other and has been a massively long, stressful and frustrating process thus far.
I’m grateful to have had a few good tuition sessions with new students today.
I’m grateful I could change jobs to allow me more flexibility to deal with my daughter and my own health issues. I could not have managed all this whilst teaching full time.
I’m grateful I am sober so I can manage all this. There’s no fucking way I could be on top of all this in active addiction. Sober power :facepunch:


Grateful for days off work
Grateful I learned a lesson today, I was going to have a week off training. Instead I went today and not only that I trained hard and pulled my calf muscle. Lesson learned. You are no longer 20yrs old.
Grateful that without drinking I can maintain a PMA and not let injuries pull me further down.
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


I am grateful today
6 weeks sober
Beautiful Day
Feeling calm and positive
Prepared super lunch
Hip Surgery moved from May 9th to April 22nd
AA Meeting
Pool exercise
Family support


I feel you with the autism and ADHD thing your daughter is getting assessed for. I have high functioning autism and also ADHD, I remember when I was a kid it was so bad that I had to go to the spec ed class for autism especially through the majority of middle school and high school.

But I ended up turning out alright and live a pretty normal life nowadays. I have my office job and my dad and i split the costs on the place, I have my friends, previous relationships and whatnot. It will probably be pretty difficult the first few years depending on how bad it is while she learns how to deal with life, as least it was like this for people who had to deal with me back then I feel like. But once she is mature she will probably be living a normal life I’m sure. Even my therapist when I was a child told my parents this and they were right I feel like.