Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Happy Birthday to ME :sparkling_heart::partying_face::woman_fairy:
I’m grateful I get to celebrate at home at my farm. I did a walk around it in the morning and enjoyed the weather (chill), the blooming apple trees and the heavenly silence.

Yesterday two friends cooked a marvellous meal for me and we spent a lovely day together. Today whatsapp is full with lovely birthday wishes. I’m deeply grateful for so many people caring for me :smiling_face_with_tear: My heart is overflowing with love, joy, happiness and gratitude.

I’m grateful for leftovers I’ll enjoy. I’m grateful I was up early and took out the trash bin, trash collect was earlier than usual today. I’m grateful I already had good laughs with goofy cats. I’m grateful one of my oldest friends called me. Happy to see her on saturday. I’m grateful I will pot the new roses later.

I’m grateful I treat myself to a leg waxing today. Going to try the local studio first time.

And if all I do for the rest of the day is being peaceful and comfy on the couch it’s fine too. We will see, the cats are already there.
Sending kindness and hugs to you all fellow travellers on the recovery routes & roads :hugs: ODAAT


I’m doing step 4 as well! :heart:


Good morning all!
I am grateful for my nights rest last night. For coffee on the couch this morning.
It’s going to be a rainy day today, so I am going to my home group. So grateful that they meet 5 days a week!:wink:
Hope everyone has a good day!:star2::star2::star2::star2:


Happy Birthday @erntedank! :birthday: :confetti_ball::partying_face:
Spending a peaceful day on the comfy couch with your fur babies sounds lovely. Enjoy!


Grateful for the people here

Grateful for another day sober

Grateful for my dad, etc!!! :smiley_cat:


Pre gym gratitude

Im so very greatful for…

I had a good nights sleep
Work from home today
Chicken and brocolli
I remember our trip bc i wasnt drink, drink, drinking copious amounts of booze
I didnt have to sneak away to vape
Taking positive steps in my recovery
Back to the gym despite my mind making excuses to sleep in
Feel good hormones
Reminders to breathe
Good music
Patience with self and others


Grateful to get to day 4, the people on here, my family and my air fryer.


Happy birthday YOU!! :birthday: Keep being such an allround wonderful person :hugs:


I’m grateful I must pack today for Italy. No more stalling. Although I’m not leaving til late tomorrow :thinking:

I’m grateful we met the mover over here. He seems GREAT! I’m grateful we got a plan and some moving dates for packing up, traveling, and unloading. I’m grateful he’s going to take care of driving 2 of our cars out there at the same time.

I’m grateful my agent has some great peeps!
I’m grateful for my last meeting last night for awhile.
I’m grateful for my health and my foot doesn’t hurt.
I’m grateful Alice is on my lap heating and purring.
I’m grateful Benson is on the floor snoozing with his red bone next to his chin and under his paw. It’s so cute.
I’m grateful we got so much shit done this week that all we got to do is pack today. And hopefully I’ll get some more 4 step work in. Time to put pen to paper and really get the fearless part out there. I’m grateful I finished the workbook and now for the meat and potatoes. Can’t wait for the gravy.

I’m grateful I googled Joe and Charlie working the 4th step. @Doreen1
AA Speakers - Joe and Charlie - “working the 4th Step” The Big Book Comes Alive.
It’s long but I can listen to the second half on my walk today.

I’m grateful for another solid good nights sleep.
I’m grateful I got up just before 6.
I’m grateful for my coffee.

And I’d be grateful if any of y’all see me on here today; give me shit! and ask if I’m packed or how’s that step 4 coming along? Because I’m so grateful for TS I’d rather be here than doing what I got to do.

Love you all :heart:

Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.
Denis Waitley


Hi All,
I’m grateful for you all and this day… Drum roll please :drum:

I’m grateful I never gave up. :hugs:


Congratulations on triple digits @maxwell!!
:tada: :partying_face:
Love your background :heart_eyes:


Happy Birthday lovely @erntedank :partying_face::heart:


Nice job on the hundred ODAATs Maxy :drum:


HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY @erntedank !!! :tada::tada::star_struck::star_struck::purple_heart::purple_heart:


Happy Birthday Erntedank
I hope you have the most wonderful relaxing, self care day.
I’ll keep an eye out for those new :leg: on the sober leg selfie thread.


Hell yeah congrats @maxwell on triple digits. Keep it going. Awesome work. P.s. keep sharing your plant pics!

Happy birthday @erntedank


Nothing works better on my mood than sunshine! :heart_eyes: It was another beautiful sunny day today, I am grateful to have filled it with some work but also with walks, dog play and friends, enjoying the sun together. I’m grateful dog is coming by for cuddles, I have to write with one hand now. Oh, off he goes again as he hears my son opening the fridge in the kitchen. The way to a dog’s heart is through his stomach…

Grateful I started my gym and diet routine again. It feels good to be off the couch and off the chips. Grateful for kwark (a sort of thick yoghurt, no clue if it’s a thing in the rest of the world).

Grateful to be back to my normal energy. Life is good, I hope you all had a beautiful day too :blue_heart:


I’m going to google that as well! Thanks for mentioning it!


Happy Birthday :partying_face:


Haven’t been practicing gratitude.
I can feel it that I haven’t.
I’m grateful to be here posting on this thread.
I’m grateful that I built panel 1 of the catio from scratch by myself.
I walked my dog Polly and I was triggered into a flash back and felt my legs go like jelly and was almost about to hit the floor in tears on the street - obviously I wasn’t expecting this to happen. But I’m grateful Polly did a runny poop and when I cleaned it up the bag must of broke and it went on my hand and I’m grateful that it quickly switched my mental state because… well… It was bad and to be outside when it happened. Im grateful for a poop bag that had a hole in it today. :sob::joy::joy:

I’m grateful my sister quickly read the message I sent and quickly tried to delete explaining what happened and how I felt and we spoke and she made me know it’s ok to tell her. I’m grateful for her so much.
Her love her patience and for always having my back through everything. :heart:

I’m grateful I’m still sober today.

Today has been a good day, I’m grateful I’m learning even if parts of a day don’t feel great it doesn’t mean the whole day was bad.

I’m grateful for my friends here, all of you. If only you all knew the troubles you have got me through :purple_heart::star::purple_heart: and helped me learn my strength and weaknesses and supported me through so much too. Thank you.
