Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6



100 days yahoo!


Grateful to have a home, vehicle, food and all that I need today.
Grateful for a good rain yesterday helping the drought out before summer.
Grateful for 40 days of sobriety- Iā€™m just getting started but that said, the worst is over.


Hi grateful fam! So grateful for you. Grateful for falafel and tzatziki.
Grateful for 104 sober days
Grateful for warm spring days
Grateful for books


Thank you for this day :pray:
I am grateful @Twizzlers dog poop story made me laugh this evening.
I am grateful Iā€˜ve come to a point where I can see resetting a counter as a learning experience instead of a total failure. I am grateful that me not being a total failure but an experiment I donā€˜t have to descend into the pit of self pity and despair. Instead I can just move on with my life. I am very grateful for moving on.
I am grateful for nice chats today, for waking up on time to help my daughter get ready for school, for good work and nice yoga. I am grateful I felt today like tomorrow would be a good day for yin yoga and a relaxing day instead of pushing myself uselessly.
I am grateful my flat is nice and clean after the moving out.
I am grateful for playing an engrossing video game and getting sucked into that world.
I am grateful for this day.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Yep, me too. I am having a hard time with it.


Today Iā€™m grateful for the life I chose to live and the changes I have made. Iā€™m grateful I am no longer stuck in the misery of addiction. Grateful for the friends I have made and the ones I let go.


Gratitude for today

I am being mindful and not let ANXIETY get the best of me.

I am able to practice ā€œstop complainingā€

AA Group friends who understand my struggles

For getting my daily tasks completed and not just let them be undone.


Happy birthday @erntedank
Hope you had a fantastic day my dear friendā€¦ sorry Iā€™m late to the party :partying_face::tada:.
giphy (1)


Happy Birthday. :balloon: :birthday: :balloon:


Good afternoon.

Day 3 Maui Wowie, I am so grateful that I booked this trip. It had been too long, we both needed to get away. I am grateful for the spiritual principles I have been able to scatter my trip with. Patience, grace, kindness, understanding, flexibility, honesty, love. In living by these principles I feel JOY, pure joy, and i think my kiddo is pretty happy too. Tired for sure but happy just the same.

I am grateful for all the effort I see from her and I am also grateful that I know better than to abuse her excitement. Pacing is best, for both of us, and thats what we are doing.

I am grateful for the rental car we have that seems super on gas. It is the perfect size and comfy to drive. Typically my child is most comfortable when I am driving, and typically she isnt too worried when I speed but I guess she doesnt want me going to jail in Hawaii. Me driving here has been a bit of a concern to her, and causing me some stress. She can get VERY expressive if she feels something is wrong which can surprise me. I was proud of myself for how i handled her ā€œexpressivenessā€ (freaked the fuck out) when I rolled over a line painted on the road by saying calmly," I am just doing my best and what you are doing is not helping me." She quieted down after thatā€¦ I am grateful. You knowā€¦ 5 years ago I would have been drunk and screaming at her to shut the hell up.

We have a couple things planned over the next few days, I have no expectations and lots of hope. Grateful for hopešŸ™


Nice one brother!


I tried kwark in Switzerland and wish it was sold here in Australia. Yummo!


Iā€™m grateful for learning about my strengths
Iā€™m grateful for learning about my weaknesses
Iā€™m grateful for the growth found in my weaknesses
Iā€™m grateful to be ok with making mistakes
Iā€™m grateful I no longer turn to alcohol, but learn from my mistakes


Iā€™m grateful for today being a good day. Itā€™s sunny, bright and was perfect for a morning hike. Iā€™m thankful for radishes from the bazaar (the first real sign of spring!) Iā€™m grateful for being strong these past 7 days. And for finally getting my new renewed visa (yay for no last minute visa runs!) Iā€™m grateful for long dog cuddles and for the cute baby sheep that jump for no reason.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful forā€¦

My sobriety
254 no nicotine, dirty bastard
711 no weed and alcohol
My buddy and shadow, Boscoe
A lil time with hubby b4 he went to work yesterday
Warm spring sunshine and a long walk with Bdog
Got my wedding ring back! Had to resize it due to weightloss! Size 7 to 5.25!!
Freedom to work from home yesterday
Deep breathes when dealing with work stress
My homegroup, ladies aa mtg tonight
Countdown to my 2 year milestone
Countdown to my second tattoo, eck a little nervous too
Indoor plumbing
Familys safety
Living in a small town with big city attractions
Progress not perfection

Peace and love on your journies today


Day 104. Grateful for:

-This thread.
-Decision to post here every day,
-Decision to teach myself things I have constantly taught other people - connection, acceptance, love and giving.
-Pride, even though it comes a month late here.
-Hunger this morning.


Grateful for the people here who helped me get through my cravings yesterday :smiley:

I realize sometimes I donā€™t like hearing ā€œtough loveā€ advice, but still I appreciate it anyway. I know they have good intentions even when Iā€™m given that tough love, but for some reason tough love still bothers me. I think itā€™s because of the initial reaction I get from tough love, and sometimes the meaning of what they are saying and why they are saying it doesnā€™t always register in my emotions. But this is a me problem I must work on :smile_cat:


Iā€™m grateful todayā€™s the day! :it:
Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m pretty well packed and got a good list of resentments written out for step 4 :laughing: Iā€™m grateful Iā€™ll go check on fear later today.

Iā€™m grateful I got it pretty pretty good presently.
Iā€™m grateful I got my estimate for moving and the dates are solid. Iā€™m grateful he said heā€™d have my estimate for me Thursday morning before I get up and it was there waiting for me on my email.

Iā€™m grateful I got my pet stuff that I usually pack all done, before we abandon our babies for our fun trip to Italy :crying_cat_face:
Iā€™m grateful I know they are in great hands. Extra play time. Hell they been there plenty often. And once they are out of sight for me they are usually out of mind. Iā€™m grateful I can still get Benson in a good walk and pay for extra play time at the vet. No walks for him at the vet. They got a sign that they arenā€™t responsible for rattlesnake bites and Iā€™m grateful to tell them no fucking walks under any circumstances. Iā€™m grateful they all yell out ā€œBenny!!ā€ when they see him and they love our pets so much. Even Alice :smirk_cat: We never call him Benny. Iā€™m grateful when other people have nicknames for my pets. Means they must love him a lot too.

Iā€™m grateful itā€™s warming up here in Arizona and Iā€™ll be outta here before it gets too extreme. I hope.

Iā€™m grateful weather looks good in Florence. Grateful my friends there are having such a great time. Canā€™t wait to join them.

Iā€™m grateful we got a plan and hopefully god isnā€™t cracking up over it. Iā€™m grateful ā€œevery things gonna be alright,ā€ :musical_score: :notes: :musical_note: ā€œevery things gonna be all right.ā€ :wink: :notes: :musical_note:

Iā€™m grateful for my recoveries and when I see and feel myself working my recoveries.
Iā€™m grateful when I stop.
Iā€™m Grateful when I think.
Iā€™m Grateful when I get the idea ofā€¦ā€¦.
Then extra grateful, I look out the window at the sky or my view and ask or tell god about ā€œit.ā€ And then see what happens.
Iā€™m grateful Maybe I get an answer.
Iā€™m grateful maybe I donā€™t.
But grateful it always feels good and is starting to come naturally.
Grateful I recognize it because itā€™s about fucking time.
Just turn it over to god :grimacing: they said. Just turn it over to god :grimacing: ā€œControl is strong in this one.ā€ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ā€œSurrender he wonā€™t.ā€ Iā€™m grateful 4 years plus into sobriety and 2 years into Al-Anon and Iā€™m finally getting it. :pray:t2: :pray:t2: Iā€™m grateful Iā€™ve never given up on myself in this journey.

Grateful for yā€™all.

Grato di andare in Italia oggi. Vi amo tutti


Thursday morning gratitudeā€™s -
I am so grateful for a lovely nightā€™s rest. Forgot to shut the window last night and it was so lovely to get fresh air all night and hear the rain all night long. Very peaceful
I am so grateful that i have been using my TENS machine for my back issues along with red light therapy belt and this numbs the area nicely to allow for a good nights sleep.
I am so grateful for healing teas that are starting to not taste so nasty (glad i am getting used to the taste). Slippery Elm really does help with my digestion issues as long as i remember to not have on a empty stomach.
I am so grateful to not get upset with customers that donā€™t understand boundaries. I have tried to tell this man many times that i am not at the restaurant and do not know the specials of the day. To please stop texting me (especially at 1 am) to place his order cause we all get the emails ā€“ off maybe i am still a bit knotted up over it ā€“ letting it go ā€¦ will be putting him on mute from now on. Grateful for the Mute option - the block option - for protecting my zen.
I am so grateful for realizing that i still hold onto a lot of anger and hurt emotions. Grateful that i am working on releasing these in a healthy manner.
I am so grateful that i did get to walk to my brothers house (he lives a block away) yesterday and back (very slow walk but i did it and did not let the thought of what others would think affect me).
I am so grateful for my coffee! Grateful that i am able to do my water therapy early enough so that i can enjoy my lovely soothing cups of coffee. Grateful to enjoy my first cup while having breakfast with mom and our new ritual of watching some Perry Mason LOL.
I am so grateful that i did manage to catch up on this thread last night. A lot of activity on TS - i love it! Grateful to be practicing my gratitude today. I donā€™t post here as often but do read daily. Thank you all for your posts.
I am so grateful for TS and the community togetherness i sense here.

Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart: