Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Thank you for this day :pray:
I am grateful I managed to get through my hormonal waves and cravings with healthy strategies like venting here, yoga and meditation. I am grateful I have now traced a new pathway in my brain for the next time. I am grateful for neuroplasticity, for our brains to be able to relearn behavioural responses.
I am grateful my allergy symptoms lessened today. Grateful I got a new haircut. Grateful for video games, work. I am grateful for really good food, for the time to cook it and the means to buy it.
I am grateful for finding peace in yin yoga. I am grateful for the peace at home and a quiet evening. :night_with_stars:


Iā€™m grateful for the laugh these gave me. I even read them in a Yoda voicešŸ¤£


Iā€™m very grateful that this old dog can still learn new things. The brain is a marvel!


šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø 42 Funniest Belated Happy Birthday Meme | Cat ...


Iā€™m grateful this afternoon forā€¦
TS as always.
My dental hygienist.
A nice walk near a wetland , where I saw sandhill cranes, red winged blackbirds, ducks, geese, and heard lots of frogs. And collected some buds and twigs of the balsam poplar , which smell divine.
A good long talk with a dear friend.
Getting better sleep these days.
Learning to allow unwelcome feelings to just be there without reacting or repressing.
More positive interactions with husband.
Love to all.:sparkling_heart:


Thank you, it is reassuring to hear. Weā€™re going through quite a bit at the moment, plus the typical teenage stuff. I just hope any information we get helps her to understand herself a bit more so she can gain some strategies to help her navigate life :pray::pray::pray:


Happy birthday @erntedank :partying_face::birthday::partying_face:
Congratulations on 100 awesome days @maxwell :partying_face::muscle::partying_face:

Iā€™m grateful I turned off the TV this evening and tackled some tidying in my craft room so it is usable again.
Iā€™m grateful for tasty quick suppers.
Iā€™m grateful it is Friday tomorrow.
Iā€™m grateful working through the first inventory in refuge recovery is leaving me tired and emotionally drainedā€¦better out than in!


Are you watching the new Perry Mason, or the old ones?? :purple_heart:


There is a new one :scream:ā€¦we are watching the old onesā€¦now Iā€™m super excited

Just googled and yuppers a new seriesā€¦ something to look forward to. My mom got excited hearing this news too


I loved it! :purple_heart:

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Grateful Iā€™m sober and tomorrow is Friday! Thatā€™s all I got for today. :v:


Grateful for a great day yesterday celebrating the youngest birthday. She took the day off school and my wife called took off work so we could have a day with just her, big sister still had to go to school.
Grateful for today for time to go for a swim
Grateful for small improvements in my swimming
Grateful for things to work on that fuel my motivation to continue going
Grateful to be back to work tomorrow for another set of shifts
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


What video game (or games) are you playing right now?


Mass Effect. I started doing some game design analysis on it and then decided to play it again. Been a while.


I have so much gratitude today

Couples Therapy was very positive. I practiced so much self control and calmness

Grateful for pool exercise

Hubby home for rest of week and we are working together as a team. So refreshing


Iā€™m grateful for appreciative client feedback
Iā€™m grateful for consistent daily exercise, even a little is better than nothing
Iā€™m grateful to have the energy to support my partner through stressful times
Iā€™m grateful she decided against reaching for alcohol after a stressful day
Iā€™m grateful she made that decision based on following my sober exampleā¤ļø


Iā€™m grateful for morning hikes with the dogs, having a great group of students who are as enthusiastic about cooking as I am and that all my seedlings are popping up. Iā€™m grateful for having weekend plans Iā€™m looking forward to and for having great friends. :smiling_face:


Im so very greatful forā€¦

My sobriety, fo sor
Last nights aa mtg didnt really speak to me but i did get a spiritual infusion and was able to really connect with a newcomer. She has my number. I hope she uses me as a resource.
Boscoe cuddles
Hubby will mow for the first time this weekend
Spring is in the air
Got my ass up for a great workout
Achilles did ok. I limited jumping and sprinting
Scheduled pt on tues
A flexible work environment
Advocated for one of my staff and got her a significant raise, lots oh advocating and paperwork but worth it, maybe she wont be so grumpy with me going forward lol
A good few days back at work
A healthy detachment
Therapy saturday
Hubby and Boscoe
Its friyay!!!

I will practice patience sunday when hubby and i assemble our kitchen pantry lol


Today Iā€™m grateful for good restful sleep. Such a simple thing, but I know so many people who donā€™t sleep well. Iā€™m grateful for my 30+ days of sobriety!


Grateful for another day sober and everyone here!!! :smile_cat:

Grateful that I feel genuinely happy for the first time since the addiction started!!! My DOC was really fucking up my mood I realize! :smile_cat: