Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I’m grateful for the best teeth brushing ever!
I’m grateful for the cold water and the cappuccino machine in the club lounge. I’m grateful it was working.
I’m grateful we are on our next leg London to Pisa. Grateful all is going smooth so far. Grateful I’m not getting trashed with the free serve yourself drinks in the lounge :scream: I’m grateful and excited to be able to go on this trip.
Serenity Now


Welcome in Europe Eric, safe travels! :blush:


Every :clap: Single :clap: Day :clap: I’m grateful to be off sigarettes and nic gum. Booze too ofcourse, but I found quiting nicotine freaking hard. Grateful that the physical withdrawal is over.

Grateful for my morning routine, rising early and gym at 7. I start to crave it, early mornings are so peaceful :sunrise:
Grateful to spend the first half of the day with friends and the other half by my own. The perfect balance for me.

I am grateful for sunny, relaxed days like this.
Grateful to have a heartbeat and experience all this life stuff.


I’m feeling so ungrateful today, it’s terrible! I didn’t sleep so my day is off. BUT, I know I can do one. Grateful for six weeks of sobriety. Nothing is more important than that. I wish it didn’t take so long to even out. But even when you don’t feel it, you’re healing.


so true Marie. I’m sorry you are having one of those days today – i know its hard finding gratitude on these days but when i do - i start to feel better.

Great work on your 6+ weeks of sobriety and all the healing you are doing. :hugs:


Great job giving up the cigs too :+1:
You must be like a new clean person. :hibiscus: How freeing.


Thank you Jasmine. It just takes one to start turning it around! What I’m feeling doesn’t always match up with reality. I have to change my actions and reactions to withstand all conditions, sober. This is a great way to start. Start the day over. Thank you


@50ber so grateful when we can see ourselves being good influence on our loved ones. Keep up the fantastic work

@laner what is it that you teach? I am still in awe about where you live. I started looking into Yurt living. LOL

@Dazercat so grateful that you have a lounge with working cappuccino machine. Safe travels Dazer – so excited for you. Hope the Lounge had good air conditioning for you.

Yeah Friday — SO grateful today
I am so grateful to be up, awake and alive. Breathing some clean fresh air. I do love the smell of rain!
I am so grateful that i was ready to try and drive today (after 7 weeks) to try and take my mom to her appointment. Grateful that it turned out that i didn’t have to and instead i have been working on my recovery. Mentally and physically.
I am so grateful that i got my laundry done today
I am so grateful for a warm shower and a lavender oil massage
I am so grateful for my TENS unit and Red Light Therapy belt - really have helped me with my back pain. Don’t think i could take everything hurting all at once
I am so grateful that my mom loved her new Primary doctor and that i have put in a request to change mine over. Have to wait for 10 days for them to make a decision. :crossed_fingers:
I am so grateful for hot teas and yummy fruits / veggies.
I am so grateful for finding easier Tai Chi videos to work with
I am so grateful for laughter – my mom and i are keeping each other in stiches.

Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I give cooking lessons to teenagers and young adults with a big focus on nutrition. Ha yurt living is pretty great! This is a great place to live. I moved here about 9 years ago and really settled into local ways.


oh that is awesome all around - thanks for sharing this part of your life.

9 years --wow that’s impressive too.


When I first came here it felt like coming home. I never really looked back. What do you do for work?


Oh how lovely. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. I can totally see the appeal.

Was a mechanical engineer then a baker and now working on my health (I do take care of the accounting for a few businesses and grateful to help out when my body allows with my families restaurant business).


Oh that’s awesome!

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Thank you for this day :pray:t2:
I’m grateful I went out and the DJ makes my body sing in rhythm :star_struck::mirror_ball:
Have a good sober Friday night friends :milky_way:


Early Saturday gratitudes:
I’m grateful for completing day 13 of the April challenge
I’m grateful for having deep restful sleep, something I didn’t have in 30 years of addiction
I’m grateful for a family day ahead at a koala sanctuary, instead of staying home by myself to recharge my energy
I’m grateful to be living a more fuller and satisfying life than in addiction
I’m grateful for the remaining summer warmth and hint of winter chill in autumn


I am grateful that my son is going to the beach with friends for senior skip day. Those memories are so important. I’m grateful that my daughter is going to a concert in SF at The Fillmore tonight, more very important memories. Live music is so healing. I’m grateful for girl scout cookies. I’m grateful for the unconditional love of my doggie. As always, grateful for this thread and you all :purple_heart: ODAAT


Koalas are my favorite!! I’m so jelly :koala:


Hey everyone! Today I am grateful for another day sober! I made it to day 200.
We had our bedroom painted over the last couple days, finally got everything put back in. Glad that’s over!
Today I got my hair colored and trimmed, cleaned the bathrooms, and finished the laundry. Tomorrow we have our 1 year old grandson for the day. “Mom and dad, and older brothers have a baseball tournament.”. I’ll be wiped out after that. Hope you all have a great weekend! :star2::rainbow:


I’ll post a picture of one for you later


@acromouse So grateful you went out and danced tonight :heart:

@50ber I am excited to see pics of koala’s too :wink: Glad you are getting better sleep these days!

@Davina_Davis OMG love all of your post! So very important to enjoy a good senior skip day. Hope your son has a great time. Yeah to the concert too… so many beautiful memories indeed. YUMMY girl scout cookies :yum: Happy Friday friend

@Doreen1 YEAH 200 days of sobriety! way to go with your sober days. Lovely day of self care - love a new fresh look - makes me feel new and shiny. Have a great family packed weekend.