Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I’m grateful for a night of live comedy this evening. It felt so good to laugh.
I’m grateful my daughter is at a sleepover. Ata friends house. It makes me so happy as she is so isolated with not being in school and is missing out on a lot.
I’m grateful we have been given free tickets to an Underworld gig tomorrow. So hoping my body doesn’t fail me and I can make it there :pray:
I’m grateful for a weekend stretching out ahead of me with no plans in there to ruin it with hangovers.


Grateful the stormy weather eased up today
Grateful the fitness test at work was rescheduled to later in the month
Grateful for a morning of training in an area that I need to upskill in
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


Congratulations on you 200 ODAAT’s Doreen.
That is so awesome :clap:
Enjoy that grandson. Mine will be 15 months next week. Fun times :blush:


I’d be grateful to be tagged in on that Koala business to :blush: :koala:


I’m grateful I came on for some lovely gratitude. I’m grateful I could get all caught up. I’m grateful we made it safe and sound to Florence and :100: hassle free. I’m grateful for a great travel agent. I’m grateful for technology that lets us stay connected.
I’m grateful for Italian food and desserts.


I’m grateful to be living vicariously through you!! @Dazercat Have so much lovely Italian food for me :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: and @JazzyS have a gorgeous weekend too🤗


I’m grateful for a good time playing games with amazing friends, for getting a new plant today and for hearing that next week a good friend will travel to visit me for a few days. I’m really looking forward to that. And yeah I’m looking forward to her bringing me a bit of coffee. :slightly_smiling_face:


@Davina_Davis @JazzyS @Dazercat my video won’t load. A couple of pics for you anyway. I’m grateful for sharing these with you all.


Omg so damn adorable :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: thank you for sharing :hugs:

Lovely image to wake up to on a Saturday morning


Im greatful for this wonderfully uplifting community and this space for collective gratitude.

Good morning my sober tribe,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 713 days, creeping up on 2 fricken years, one day at a time
AA slogans which are cheesy at first but take on such a deep meaning as i grow in my recovery
A new day to let go and let god
Got my ass up early and had a great workout
A day to do what i want
Spring and the pop of color
Chillin with Boscoe on the deck this am
Health insurance to help pay for therapy
Self reflection
Mental healthcare
My health
My familys health
Bird song
My job and a nice reentry back to work after a holiday
My hierarchy of needs being met
My husband and our growing communication and marriage
Looking forward to seeing Journey in concert, friend offered up tix for free!! They are expensive!!
My spiritual growth


Happy Saturday to all you beautiful sober souls :hugs:
The sun is shining bright and it is a dry beautiful day! So grateful for spring weather.
I am so grateful for my piping hot cup of coffee today. Grateful i was able to get up and grind the beans for this weeks coffee. Grateful for seal tight containers to keep the ground beans fresh.
I am so grateful for the almond dark chocolate piece i enjoyed last night. Grateful that it is not sweet and 90% dark chocolate and contains no dairy.
I am so grateful for laughter. Grateful for childish banter. horsing around and having fun.
I am so grateful that my siblings are going to get together tonight to celebrate my sister’s birthday (she’s a tax baby). I know i will be there in spirit.
I am so grateful for healthy mentality and positive outlooks. Grateful for my meditation and prayer practices that allow me to maintain a good mental health.
I am so grateful that our community acupuncture center is doing so well. Grateful that i was able to get three weeks of appointments for myself and more grateful that i’m ok giving Monday’s appointment to my mom if they are not able to squeeze her in.
I am so grateful that i slept well in bits of time – would be knocked out for a good hour and then wake up in pain but was able to get myself back to sleep and the cycle continued. Woke up super refreshed this morning and rearing to go. I love it!
I am so grateful for learning new ways to aide in my self healing.
I am so grateful for good food. Grateful to have it so easily accessible.
I am so very grateful for this community. You guys rock! Grateful to read your stories each day. Grateful for lovely connections made over the internet. Love you all!
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Grateful for 43 days of sobriety- beginning my 7th week!
Grateful for better sleep last night.
Grateful for laughter.
Grateful for Roomba.
Grateful for a perfect spring day.
Grateful for new friends and better times together.
Grateful that I like cooking again.


Today i am grateful for:

  • The beautiful sunny weather :sunny:
  • The nutritious food that I brought to work today to help me stay on track with my health goals :apple:
  • The birds chirping :bird:
  • Having a job to go to :convenience_store:
  • Coffee :coffee:
  • My time spent with family :family_man_woman_boy:

Grateful for:

  • I knew I should post yesterday, too. I am glad that the day I was having didn’t result in messing things up.
  • I am here. I need to know that it means a big something.
  • I can’t change people, that’s why the World is interesting and creative.
  • Day 106, lots of love

Today I’m grateful for the sunshine and hearing the birds singing. Grateful for some relaxation and hanging at the house. Grateful I can spend some time reading up on all of you great peeps. Have a good day :v:


I’m grateful for all of you tolerating my dumb relapse with alcohol last night :pleading_face: I’m kinda upset at myself for choosing to drink last night. Nothing good came out of going out last night :crying_cat_face: I need to remember this next time I get the FOMO when people invite me to events. I appreciate that you guys haven’t abandoned me for my stupid mistakes :pleading_face: So many people wanted nothing to do with me due to my addiction, but I feel like you guys always have my back :smile_cat:

I’m grateful that I at least didn’t use my DOC despite my friends using it in front of me. I surprisingly didn’t wanna use it and found it kinda revolting.

I’m grateful for day #19 away from my DOC :smile_cat:


Aarrrcckkkkkk this is the absolute cutest EVER. This made my ever loving day!!! Thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::purple_heart::koala::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::koala::purple_heart:


Thank you for this day :pray:
I am grateful for a great night at the club yesterday. When I came home I was still buzzing from the beats, but some evening downtime yoga helped me to relax and I am grateful for the great sleep I had last night. I am grateful for waking up today to sunshine and an empty flat. Grateful for the quiet time I had almost all day long.
I am grateful for self care today, for puttering about and doing household chores.
I am grateful when my mood got lousy I could see how my mind wanted to get away from the discomfort and tried to come up with all kinds of ways to distract me. And I am grateful I saw it for what it was and just let it work its way out.
I am grateful for a challenging and really great yoga class. Now my legs feel like pudding. So I‘ll be grateful tomorrow for sitting in a circus tent.
I am grateful my daughter is back home and we are figuring our new routines out.
I am grateful for anime and for going to bed in a few
I am grateful for this day :night_with_stars:


Way to go with your 19 days friend. Here you are among friends who are battling addiction and know what that means. We know how much strength it takes to overcome this disease. WE have been / are going through the vicious addiction cycle and therefore can relate to what you are going through.

Even though alcohol is not your DOC, it is a mind altering substance and could lead you right back to your DOC. You are doing so well and don’t need to take that risk.

I can totally relate to FOMO. For the beginning maybe try to hang out with friends in other settings so you are not tempted to even drink around them. I know for me i had to leave some social groups / settings and not sure if i will ever go back to those friends as i needed to protect my sobriety.

You are young and active. Might want to look into meet ups in your area where you can make friends in other social settings. I enjoy a hiking group or i know now they even have one where you get together with people just to work on a puzzle. Just some food for thought.


Thanks homie, I don’t consider myself 19 days sober though after talking to @Chevy55 and @DresdenLaPage and the others, I’m now day #1 sober. They are right, I need to be accountable and really realize that I simply cannot go to bars/clubs/raves/parties anymore. I can’t disappoint myself again like how I did last night. I’m going to do better.

The thing about my friends I realize is: they ALL drink or use substances when we would hangout. I need to find friends IRL who are down to just hangout sober, but I’m unsure of where to look for friends like this. But I’ll figure it out :smile_cat: