Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

You will seriously be welcome here no matter what! Congrats on 19 days and not using even when it was right in front of you. We were literally at the store just now and my hubby was like, “wow look at this selection!” (Beer). Ay yi yi.


Hola!! It’s an amazingly beautiful spring day today in Wisconsin

I was up very early this morning to work on a class I am taking before taking a day trip to help my sister in law and the kids in her new house.

I’m grateful to be sober and aware of the struggles people face in addiction and in recovery and as a result of trauma. It all allows me to work from the framework of kindness, compassion, and clear boundaries.

I’m grateful for having completed a challenging week at work with a good attitude and my dignity.

I’m grateful for the beautiful spring weather we have this weekend.

I’m grateful for the good health that allowed me to get up early and swim three times this week.

I’m grateful for a loving marriage that gets better each month as we both work in our recovery and take better care of ourselves.

I’m grateful to have a safe and loving home and the resources to care for myself and some others.

I’m grateful for good sleep and healthy food.

I am grateful that in 7 weeks I get a summer break!

I’m grateful for this community of kind and caring and supportive people and I wish you all the best!


Grateful for another sunny early winter day(for now)
Grateful for another day on shift, only a few hours into a 24hr shift but grateful to be hangover free to enjoy the day
Grateful we have a few fight fans on the crew and we’ll hopefully be able to watch the ufc this afternoon.
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


Gosh, no way to catch up.

I’m grateful for busy life :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I had a week of celebrating my birthday with friends and chosen family.

Thank you all for birthday wishes!!! I WILL catch up. So lovely, I only scrolled over. I’ll be back on you in detail :sparkling_heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::pray:

I’m grateful for the wonderful time I had. Love, laughter oh god my belly ached, good talks, seen far away chosen family, spent good time with friends, treated myself to a chainsaw, ate delicious meals, had the best time :sparkling_heart::heart::partying_face:

Did some awsome things I’ve been thinking about a loooong time. Lived my best life. Had a georgeous time with the cats & plants.

I’m fucking heartfelt grateful for an absolutely hillarious week. And I’m grateful for bellyaching laughs, for itsy bitchy me, for don’t giving a fuck, for the dishwasher (still will marry it), for dragging my ass to adulting and swaring about heat …

I’m grategul to be ME. And the my 25y old me who captured me with WTF. I know where I digged her out and I’m over the moon grateful that she is here. NOW I can cope with everything life brings up. The feeling that I’m ME again came up quite frequently over the last 9 months. Now I conquered it, it’s here to stay. Grateful to work on getting it into stable and on to one babystep after another :sparkling_heart: I’m grateful that staying commited and working on myself added up to this. I’m grateful itsy bitchy ME came out of her cave and joined me after years of reclusiveness. She’s a sensitive one, only present in sunshiny life.

I thank God that I’m blessed with loving friends. I must have done a holy lot of right that my friends are many, some lifelong, that I have chosen family to be a sister and have chosen parents, that people call me friend allthough we hear & meet rarely, I am blessed I must have been & stayed ME besides all lifebullshit that all this and YOU are still here with me.
I’m not an easy person, I’m straight, authentic and I fucking know where I’m fucking good at. I’m grateful the learned helplessness is gone, the ingraved routines faded, I found my mojo again and … I AM BACK. Well, in fact I start to come back and reconquer what abilities I lost in the years with my ex. Loooooong way to go. Anyway, fact: I’m back at ME, myself and I. I’m grateful I can post this here to set a bookmark & reminder :pray:
I’m grateful I never stopped taking babysteps. I’m grateful for all the people here reminding: Every step counts, it’s ok if all you did today is survive. Gems :pray::heart:

Just for today I’m grateful that I’m alive, that I’m blessed over the moon and that tomorrow is another new day. Excited and full of joy, happiness and gratitude as I’m today: I’m grateful it’s ok if tomorrow all I do is survive. And of course pet cats galore :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m grateful that my acheing body still works when I want to work. I’m grateful for all the work I’ve done. It made the difference between resigning and living a good life. I’m fucking proud of ME and the help of itsy bitchy ME :yellow_heart:
stay safe and keep going. every step counts. ODDAT :people_hugging:


LOVE IT – actually i love it all - the entire post. I was jumping with joy reading your words. So very happy for your happy attitude and all the love you are feeling and expressing for yourself. Much love dear friend! :heart:


Grateful that it’s Saturday so I can rest in bed while I try to shake this bug off. Grateful that I’m not drinking while sick, it made things do much worse. Grateful for Wifi, phone games and my Kindle to while the hours. Today. I’m grateful most of all for this community. Hope Italy is being fantastic to you @Dazercat ! Hope you’re feeling well this weekend @JazzyS ! So glad you had a kick ass bday @erntedank!! And I do so miss dancing, so glad to hear if someone getting lost in dance @acromouse !! So grateful to read so many gratitudes today :purple_heart:


thank you for the shout out love – may have misspoken sorry (not my birthday - my sisters is on Monday). I do hope you get some rest and are able to shake off this bug soon… sending healing vibes!


I’m grateful for clean sheets and a cat and dog snuggled in bed with me.
I’m grateful I didn’t get to the gig as planned today but that is OK. I’ve barely been able to leave my bed today, gah!
I’m grateful I’ve been to many gigs in my lifetime and have danced the night away countless times.
I’m grateful for hot chocolate and a good book.
Good night/day you wonderful sober peeps.


Today was hard…

I truly came on this trip with no expectations then found myself feeling lonely these last two days. A part of me started to get resentful and wanted to protect that part that was feeling hurt, is feeling hurt. You know it just never ends well. I am grateful for the reminder. I am grateful tomorrow is a new day and that I get to go home soon. I am also grateful that I get a choice as to whether I take my kid away with me ever again.



I’m thankful @john_connor1337 for joining us. I’m grateful for having a good day at the baseball game
I’m grateful for cold wife and hot ice cream
Wait, i said that backwards
Yupon purpose. I like either way




I am grateful I chose to go to a festival on my own, when friends had made different plans. It was a great experience and I am glad I went.
I am grateful for the cherry blossoms floating by my window - looks like it’s snowing. I am grateful there is so much beauty in this world.
I am grateful I chose wisely what and who is doing me good. I am grateful I rest in myself.
I see you writing @Dazercat (finally the same timezone). Hope you enjoy the italian coffee :smile:
Grateful for a new day and as @erntedank in her splendid and joyful post said - I am also incredibly grateful to be me today. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful for another morning with coffee and a headache but I’m in Florence and it’s no big deal.
I’m grateful I met up with my sister and her husband and one niece last night for dinner.
I’m grateful our real adventure really begins this afternoon in the country.
I’m grateful for beautiful cities like Florence but the crowds are too much. Grateful most of the rest of the trip will be in the country and hopefully small villages.
I’m grateful I’m packed and ready to go basically just waiting on wifey and friends.
I’m grateful Elliot tagged me in on the cutest pics ever. Wifey loved them too. @50ber thank you :pray:t2:
I’m grateful to get caught up her this morning.
Grateful to see @Pandita I didn’t know where you were or that I am in your time zone. Good morning to you too then. I’m grateful I am enjoying the Italian coffee.


Grateful for this Sunday morning. The city is buzzing, the helicopters are flying low over my apartment building as the Rotterdam Marathon starts.

Grateful for my dad’s freshly baked apple pie and how it always makes their house smell so lovely and welcoming. Grateful we make good progress in my parent’s home renovation.

Grateful for my son. I love that guy so, so much. Grateful for our evening talks when we see each other after a busy day.

Grateful for spending today by myself, for having a full day of me-time. Gym, dog walks and nothing else.

I am grateful for hangover free Sunday mornings and being aware of my fysical and mental boundaries. I am so grateful for my almost non-existing anxiety! I can’t get over it how it’s not a big part of my life anymore since I’m sober :pray:


Grateful ive broke the chain of alcohol & smoking (37 days)
Grateful ive made the change
Grateful ive found the strength
Grateful no hangovers

Sunday morning had good sleep and sun is out today


I’m grateful for choosing to socialise instead of staying home to rest.
I’m grateful for a day catching up with wonderful friends
I’m grateful for generous help with renovation plans offered by super friends
I’m grateful for choosing not to drink with close friends
I’m grateful for no longer having to hide my drinking


Today I’m grateful for my friend who has spend the day trying to cheer me up. She doesn’t have to do that but she did and it makes me know that I’m loved and cared for. I’m grateful for music and that despite this mornings rain it wasn’t too muddy to get in a decent hike. I’m grateful for my neighbor who brought me chocolate just because. And I’m grateful for my friend who milked my horse this morning when I didn’t have the energy to do it even though I know she hates milking horses. I’m grateful that today is almost over and tomorrow will be a new day. And even though I complained about the rain today I’m grateful for it because it’ll make things more green here and we need it. I’m grateful for my dogs and all my other animals especially all the little baby ones that have been born this season.


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful the sun is shining and we’ve had beautiful warm weather here. I’m grateful we got Luke’s ashes and his paw print, and that everyone feels a little bit better that he’s back home with us. I’m grateful for a simple weekend with chores, park visits, and some other fun stuff mixed in. I’m grateful for my family, our home, and that we have enough.:heart:


I’m so grateful for TS !
I’m grateful for this beautiful sunny warm Sunday.
I’m grateful for the peace and quiet here , the bird songs, the frogs peeping…
I’m grateful for the compost I sifted yesterday for starting plants.
I’m grateful for the garlic popping up and need to go feed it soon.
I’m grateful for the rhubarb patch that gives and gives without any muss or fuss every year.
I’m grateful for the chance to show my husband some kindness and love today. I’m grateful I’m learning to hate the addictions but still love the man.
I’m glad my heart is behaving today.
Glad to be alive .


Grateful for my sponsor choosing not to drop me as a sponsee after my major fuckup a couple days ago :smile_cat:

Still can’t see him until I have a week under my belt he said, but that’s fine. Manz shall redeem himself!!! You will see!!! :muscle: :triumph: