Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Today I’m grateful that I haven’t been thinking about drinking in quite a while. I’ve picked up a few hobbies over the past 2 years, my current one is houseplants.:potted_plant:

I’m grateful that you’re never too old & it’s never too late to stop.

Today is Day 104 yep, took me 2 years of trying to get here, but I’m here, and grateful I am. :blush:

Enjoy your day/evening :sparkles::sparkles:


Good morning sober tribe,

Im later than usual but no better time than the present.

Im greatful for my sobriety, almost to 2 fricken years. Thats mindblowing. Im sure ill do a lot of contemplation in the next coming weeks

Im greatful i dont sleep with randos at bars anymore sheez
Im greatful for this amazing weather today
Im greatful i ran for 10min, 3min walk, and ran for another 10min. I dont think ive ever done that in my life
Im greatful im never too old to keep learning
Im greatful i ventured to whole foods for the first time in a long time
Im greatful i dont have to scan my palm to buy groceries if i dont want to
Im greatful for variety
Im greatful for routine
Im greatful for the pause, therapy, and learning patience with myself and others
Im greatful Boscoe didnt get eatten by this big dog he barked his ass off at…dude prolly coulda jumped the fence
Im greatful hubby mowed for the first time
Im greatful he missed a patch by the sidewalk but i dont have to bring it up
Im greatful almost 3 years into marriage im learning what battles to pick
Im greatful my 1st new car is still treating me well 11 years later
Im greatful i realized today that i make alot of big decisions in may: bought a car, bought a house, decided may 1st i would try sobriety
Im greatful the 12 step promises do come true

Enough outta me. Im gonna eat my favorite lunch and hit a Dual Recovery meeting


I will catch up here soon! Just gotta work some badly needed gratitude…

I’m kind of in a funk. I have to travel this week to the city for meetings, stressy-ish. I would need to go anyway to see my Mom, because her needs are changing and it may be time for a move to long-term care soon, from her dementia ward. I would also need to go to the vet there, as the dog girl is scheduled for minor surgery on thurs, the day after she turns 13 years old.

I don’t really want to go for any of those reasons. I want to stay home.

I’m grateful I have a job that means something to me, and meetings to go to, and colleagues I mostly get along with.
I’m grateful I like my car and the scenery on the drive, that I can do some shopping while in the city - mostly yummy specialty groceries.
I’m grateful for my sweet Mama, and that I am as ready as I think I can be, for when it is her time to go. :pray:
I’m grateful for the dog girl’s fine company, for good vets, and grateful for what time I have left with her beautiful self.
I’m grateful I have today and tomorrow to get ready for this trip and enjoy some more home time.

I’m grateful for all the adventures people are having on this thread! And that we share them all, the good and hard and sad and heartwarming.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I love this whole post! :pray: :orange_heart:

OMG. Soooo fun! Money not better spent, in my opinion. Do we need to start a chainsaw thread? :joy:

Happy birthday once more, dear Gratidude. The best year ahead to you!


Thank you for this day :pray:
I am grateful for chillin today with my sore body from yesterday‘s yoga session. I am grateful I got to know how many muscles in my legs usually do not hurt :wink:
I am grateful for a good weekly review, some reading, a good lunch.
I am grateful I can see how it is me who has to develop a new perspective on my relationship to my husband instead of expecting him to behave in a way I‘d like to.
I am grateful for the fantastic time we had at the Cirque and very grateful I live in a place where a 30min train ride will take me comfortably from my home to the venue.
I am grateful I am now home and can go to bed soon.
I am grateful for this day. Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


I am grateful to have woken up clean, and without a headache I am grateful that the worst thing I used last night to get out of my feelings was cole slaw. :raised_hands:

I am grateful for the NA fellowship we experienced in Hawaii yesterday. I am grateful I can find clean addicts where ever I am.

I am grateful for my LOOPS, I dont know how I survived 49 years without them. Oh wait I dooooo know. :wink: I am grateful for all of the similarities I have with my daughter it helps me relate to her experience that much more.

I am grateful I dont always have to like the people I love. Sometimes they hurt me, and it takes a lot of practicing my program not to regress back to my old ways. I am grateful I was able to take a break yesterday after my daughter said something hurtful to me that triggered some rage. The urges I was having were pretty hard to control and it was not safe for me to be driving. I am grateful I had some “control”, or sense at least and pulled over.

I am grateful that I wasnt put on the planet to be a perfect mom. I am grateful that know that I always try my best.


I’m grateful for foot pain letting me know to slow down a bit
I’m grateful for adjusting my exercise to match where my body is at today
I’m grateful I didn’t spiral into self pity and drinking because I can’t train like usual
I’m grateful for developing new and healthy neurological pathways for coping with challenges
I’m grateful this old dog is still learning new tricks


I’m grateful I remain teachable.

I’m grateful for the AA meeting last night to get me out of self pity.

I’m grateful I stepped in to lead the meeting when the current leader was a no show. Service work helps when self pity surfaces.

I’m grateful for a lazy day. I’m not feeling well and it gave me the excuse to do nothing but minor housework.

I’m grateful for my patience. My daughter and hubby have been testing it to the extreme this past week.

I’m grateful I spoke up and ended an uncomfortable conversation I had with hubby about my weight and eating habits. He wanted to go to breakfast but I didn’t because I knew I wouldn’t make healthy choices. Then it started to spiral.

I’m grateful for early morning dog walks. It’s so peaceful listening to the birds and ducks wake up. I’m grateful for nature.


A LOT going on Emm – remember we are right here for you if you should need. Sending love and good energy your way to help you get through teh following week :people_hugging:
I wish you well with your travel and all your upcoming tasks. Grateful you will have a nice scenic drive.


Grateful for:
Day 107
A couple of things done today
Encouraging my abilities, used or unused - mine
All the things I have
The kids I have
The additional sobriety community I have
This thread I have


I’m grateful to be putting a sober head on my pillow tonight.
I’m grateful my sober head hasn’t been vaping whilst winding down in bed and I intend to keep it that way…one day at a time.
I’m grateful I know I’ve got this awesome community and quit buddies on the grumpy a-holes thread to help me through the early cravings.


I am grateful for my sobriety
I am grateful for the news me and my boyfriend got last week: I am pregnant :face_holding_back_tears:
Grateful to be sober and welcoming this baby in a sober body.
I am grateful for my wonderful boyfriend
I am grateful for the relationship I have with my kids.
I am grateful for the relationship I have with the kids father and his girlfriend
Grateful to be surrounded by love and peace

Have a great 24h to all of you sending all of you lots of love :heart::dizzy:


Congratulations @Sara.eve! What exciting news! Happy for you and your family. :heart:


Congrats Sara! How exciting :tada:


I am grateful for a lovely weekend. Rained but nice indoors. Great conversations with spouse. Grateful for good food and chocolate cake such a big hit that it is all gone. Grateful for some good sleep. Grateful keeping up on laundry, dishes and tidying up. Grateful God is directing me to be happy and content.


I’m grateful I get to take this beautiful vacation.
I’m grateful I get to take you all with me.
I’m grateful I don’t have to be so strong anymore.
I’m grateful if I feel like a piece of shit in the morning I can still be polite and kind and tell people I didn’t sleep and I can’t talk right now. I’m grateful I told my friends to be gentle with me.
I’m grateful I can hear the birdsong as well. It means we are living in the moment.
I’m grateful I can hear dogs barking.
I’m grateful I can hear the tractor way out in the field on the rolling hills.
I’m grateful for my quiet time alone feet up in this beautiful country. I’m grateful the sun is warming me up.
I’m grateful to be amongst the olive trees and vineyards.
I’m grateful for Advil.
I’m grateful to be in wine country sober.
I’m grateful I can still enjoy the wine master’s enthusiasm as he talked about his vineyard and wine making process. I’m grateful I was able to tell him I been to many many wineries and he was by far the best wine maker’s presentation, by far, that I’ve ever seen. I’m grateful I told him it was too bad I didn’t meet him 5 years ago because I probably would have had him ship a case home for me. I’m grateful it is such a small family vineyard they don’t do any exporting. And they never import grapes :grapes:
I’m grateful to hear the horse whinnying far away.
I’m grateful what a treasure it is to hear and see.
I’m grateful for the peaches :kissing_heart: @Alisa and the coronets. Especially the one this morning that was so fresh and still warm with just a touch of sugary sweetness.
I’m grateful I had time to stop by before I have to get my ass in gear.
I’m grateful I was able to drop the kids off at the pool :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:
I’m grateful I made time to sit here and take the time to realize it really is the little things in life while on the adventure of a lifetime that make us whole. And not poisoning ourselves and just getting through.
Love you guys

Gratitude makes things more real and beautiful.


Monday mid morning gratitude.

I’m grateful I spent sunday sleeping and cuddling with cats, treated myself to a delicious delivery meal and had a night of good sleep.

I’m grateful the plants survived the heat yesterday and welcomed additional watering this morning. I’m grateful for 7 days weather forecast, it’s going from 30 °C yesterday to zero thursday morning :woman_facepalming: I’m grateful the post-it reminders to take in all seedlings overnight are already mounted on doors and windows.

I’m grateful the expertise on the farm’s market value is due today at court. I hope it will arrive today at my inbox too. Waiting ends, the time of decisionmaking has come. So many ODAATs. I’m grateful I’ll have a call with my lawyer on another issue today and hope that we will speak about the expertise too. If court submits it today.

I’m grateful the old boy wants snuggles. He is so lovely, his morning zoomies make me laugh. I’m grateful for cat love and cat fun.

I’m grateful for tea, cheese and the dishwasher. Always grateful for modern amenities.
I’m grateful for my reliable car, it took me to places & people last week, I enjoyed it very much.
I’m grateful that my townhouse is easy to handle and I got to do a bit of chores there on sunday. I’m grateful I always use stays there to keep up a bit so it doesn’t get to messy and dusty.

Did I already mention I’m grateful for the growing seedlings? :grin::blush: I need to take pictures and post on the garden thread. I’m grateful life has been nice and busy so I wasn’t on TS much. I’m grateful that’s no big deal.

I’m grateful for office @ home, delivery for all kind of goods (especially catfood), for cozy socks (weird, suddently got cold feet), for knitting, blankets, apps, yeah - dishwashers again.
For dreams, for options, for opportunities, for self-care, for doing & resting, for thinking and calming my mind, for handing over everything that’s out of my control to God and the universe. What will be will be. ODAAT :pray:


@Sara.eve huge congratulations to your growing family :tada:


I’m grateful for funny TS comments making me laugh out loud
I’m grateful my laughter didn’t wake my sleeping family
I’m grateful for magpies singing through our kitchen window for a snack
I’m grateful for watching sunrise most mornings
I’m grateful for fluffy inside and crispy outside roast potatoes


Gratitude is hard to come by right now, so even better to practice…

I’m grateful that my partner wants to step up with being a dog daddy. We had fun doing some recall training yesterday in the beautiful sunshine.
Grateful to be able to WFH 3 days a week.
Grateful for spring wildflowers.