Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I am grateful I am:

  • sober and nicotine free
  • healthy
  • honest
  • a good mom
  • a reliable friend
  • not a quiter

Unrelated to the above but too good not to share:


Sobriety is pretty f’in cool. So liberating. @Naomi

Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety
My recovery
My growing spirituality and peace
Time as a family last night
Watched Wish with hubby and we were both into it
Boscoe our furbaby
Still have coffee from CR…mmmm
Going to journey concert tonight
Hubby and i got thru 1.5hrs of building a kitchen pantry cabinet together, sure its not complete, but we wont dread putting more time into it next weekend
I signed up for DRA topic next week…gives me extra purpose when working recovery this week
Being of service

Much love my sober warriors


Today I’m grateful for good Indian food, having a good morning hike, seeing some eagles and having a good friend who let me lay in this morning, made me breakfast and helped me with some chores. I’m grateful that today I felt good. It was a good day and I needed it.


I think im going to try the gratitude thread. I need to do something to get out of my own way.
I’m grateful for the warm weather and getting to spend time outside.
I’m grateful for being able to take off work today, have some quiet time and clean my house.
Im grateful for all of you and this wonderful community.


Update. I’m grateful for the call with my lawyer. He told me to not worry and relax, we will handle it well, I can lean back and send my poor waiting-wrecked nerves on vaccation. I’m grateful he reminded me that it can take up to two weeks until court forwards the expertise. I’m grateful for my lawyer and his pragmatic point of view :pray:
I’m grateful I made pizza and put up a new courtain rail. I’m grateful I follow the advise and will relax for the rest of the day :pray:


Grateful for everyone here, my sponsor, etc. I realize I have a lot to learn. :slight_smile:

I apologized to my sponsor, because I kinda lashed out to him last night tbh… I realize I don’t respond well to tough love, like things that I don’t necessarily wanna hear even if it’s good for me to hear it. I take tough love with too much hostility I realize, so I’m trying to learn to take a step back and relax myself and really think about what they are saying. It’s a tough thing to learn, but I will learn this. :slight_smile:

Not to sound like I’m self-pitying here, just reflecting on why I’m like this: I realize I don’t take tough love well because in the past I suffered from a lot of mental health issues as a kid, and people would often overload me with tough love about my actions. I feel like because of my autism I would have difficulty reading between the lines and realizing they actually have good intentions. That and my mom was very abusive to my dad, me, and my brother. Like she did a lot of fucked up shit like drowning my pet hamster to death in front of me when I was a toddler, physically beating me and my brother and whatnot. She would often say a lot of things but to actually put us down too, so I feel like my mind takes it like that since I kinda grew up with her for a long while. I guess it’s kinda a defense mechanism that my brain developed to deal with stuff like that. But I need to unwind this defense mechanism since she is in the past and I’m no longer in that situation anymore. :slight_smile:


I am grateful that I have spent my last week in paradise. I am grateful for the spectacular sunsets and deep spiritual experiences I had on Maui. I am grateful that God comes with me wherever I go.
I am grateful for the 4 hours of sleep I got and for that hard rain this island got last night. We saw some fire damage when we were driving around yesterday, they need their rain. :cloud_with_rain: I am grateful that it only rained a couple of days during our stay and most of that was through the night.
I am grateful for the instant connection I felt with Kaeo, it was like I had known him my whole life. I am grateful for all the time he spent with us and all the "don’t worry 'bout it’s… " he gave me. I am grateful for the therapeutic value of one addict helping another. :white_heart:
I am grateful I found some lever soap and that I can stop obsessing about it now.
I am grateful to be heading home today, to a life that I love, to people that I miss, to a dog that I cant wait to cuddle.
I love my life. :sparkles:


Thank you for this day :pray:
I am grateful I decided to attend my first Dharma Recovery meeting this evening. I was anxious but it was not scary at all. There was one share I found emotionally difficult. But I am grateful I can do these things online because in person I would have squirmed in my chair or rather not gone at all. Grateful for @Soberbilly giving me the information on Dharma Recovery.
I am grateful I pressed an issue with my husband cause I didn‘t want to endure the uncertainty and wanted my suspicions validated. It turned out I was right. Now after a long cry I feel much better. I am grateful for crying much easier then in the past. I am grateful I know now where I stand and can move on with my life.
I am grateful for class today, for the kids making so really funny beatbox and rap algorithms. I spend most of the class enjoying the beats.
I am grateful I came home before the storm hit hard. I am grateful I could enjoy the view of the magnificent chestnut tree branch for the last 9 years before it came down today with quite a noise. I am grateful nobody was hurt.
I am grateful I spent some time with game development today. It wasn‘t much. I don‘t even know why, but I‘ll be able to jump right in tomorrow.
I am grateful for rain, this will lessen my asthma.
I am grateful for breathing through all my hormonal discomfort in a long yin yoga practice today.
I am grateful I got all my errands done today.
I am grateful for one month of keeping my food journal and mindful eating. So grateful for the podcast and the lady hosting it for explaining these tools for me. And so grateful to have been able to utilise them in the last month consistently.
I am grateful I‘m off to bed soon. I am grateful for this day.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


I’m grateful I’m still here, even though I’ve only been reading sporadically through the thread and not posted for days on end.
I’m grateful I’m still sober. I’m grateful sobriety doesn’t feel like such a hard battle anymore these days. I’m grateful sobriety still feels so very much rewarding every day.
I’m grateful the Easter holidays are finally over and it’s back to routine at schools and colleges, and through proxy also back to routine at my gym.
I’m grateful for my cozy bed, hot water bottle and a good book to read.
I am grateful for that thunderstorm storm today. The lightning, the wall-shaking thunder, the torrential rain and the hail that collected in heaps in my backyard. I’m grateful for natures breathtaking spectacle today.


@shel75 Lovely to see you on the gratitude thread. Definitely a great practice that helps me daily (even on days I can’t post and just come here to soak in other’s gratitude’s).
@john_connor1337 Great work on your 2 days of sobriety my friend. Tough love can sting and can take time to get used to. Yes – everyone here is rooting for you and wants the best for you. You are dealing with a lot in your recovery. I am sorry for all that you have endured in your past. You are working diligently on yourself and do realize that things don’t change overnight (not your addiction, not your mental or physical relations with your addiction and not your recovery in whole) – everything takes patience and time. We are here with you on your journey. Great to see you being so active and lovely to see you showing up for yourself each and every day! :hugs:

Monday gratitude’s with my favorite people :hugs:
I am so grateful for a sunny beautiful day to start off the week.
I am so grateful for starting the day off this morning with a lovely video chat with my favorite cousin
I am so grateful for a good session at the acupuncturist. grateful that i was able to squeeze my mom in with me for today’s appointment (she used up the talking portion with her questions and i got to use up the treatment portion to help with my inflammation.
I am so grateful to be walking better with my TENS unit – gives me hope that i will get back my mobility and movement soon.
I am so grateful that my brother called my dad over for a movie night. They are having a boys night in.
I am so grateful for having the energy to cook a healthy meal for my parents last night and this afternoon.
I am so grateful for my shopping cart. Grateful that it helps me with my balance as i walk to and fro from my brothers house (also carries what i need so i don’t have to
I am so grateful for finalizing all the taxes today. So great to have it behind me. This year i got all my paperwork in early Jan and then let go. I knew it would be down to the wire for my accountant and i am grateful i did not let it stress me out. She is awesome and i knew she would get it done.
I am so grateful that today’s my sisters birthday and i was able to send her a beautiful message this morning. Bugged me that she beat me in sending a message to me with concern about my health. Gotta love her. Grateful they all had a lovely time celebrating her birthday this weekend. Grateful my brother went to join in the celebrations.
I am so grateful for decent sleep, for having my spare mouthguard (the band has broken again on my new one), grateful for meditation and prayer practices, grateful for my family and their unconditional love, grateful for TS and all you beautiful souls.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I’m grateful for a thunder and lightning show today :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain::cloud_with_lightning::zap::cloud_with_lightning::cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:
I’m grateful I’m one day vape/nicotine free and I never have to go through that day 1 again if I choose not to.
I’m grateful I know I’m probably not going to have the best night’s sleep due to nicotine withdrawal (heart is racing and feel tense for no reason), but, I am prepared, have a good book and it is worth it.
I’m grateful for this community, the suggestions, support and care I feel every day.


Grateful for 45 days of sobriety.
Grateful my taxes are :white_check_mark:
Grateful to be planning my first trip in sobriety in June to see a sober friend in another state. It’s the perfect way to start traveling again. I have lots of time to focus on my recovery and nothing else, first.
Grateful to go to bed sober.


Grateful for:

  • Day 108.
  • Conversing with a presentation coordinator for PFLAG. There will be a ton more through Pride and Summer.
  • Proud to hold on to my PFLAG role and depend on my great board to back me up and help me out. It’s something I don’t usually hand off - a lot!
  • Proud of my daughter for asking me what I wanted for dinner, she did DoorDash, which I rarely do, tastebuds or not.
  • Proud of all of this thread, this forum, people trying to get and stay sober.
  • I am grateful for me and my desire to help people, like has always been a big deal.

I’m grateful to God for guiding me and helping me abstain from drugs and alcohol for the last 433 days. I’m grateful I have healthy connections with my family and friends on here, at work, Church, at recovery meetings and in my building with my neighbors. I’m grateful for music that makes me smile, sing, dance and feel all the feels. I’m grateful for prayer and meditation that helps me heal, grow and relax. I’m grateful for laughter, the best medicine. Why shouldn’t you write with a broken pencil? Because its pointless. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: I’m grateful for sports to watch like the PGA masters over the past weekend, the NBA playoffs starting tomorrow, Blue Jays baseball, Nhl playoffs start soon, for riding my bike to work, taking nature walks by myself and sometimes with others, for NA volleyball every Monday evening, that I have golf clubs, a baseball glove and hockey skates. I’m grateful to be back in the sports department at work. I’m grateful for my sponsor and sponsees that support and challenge me to do the work at getting better. I’m grateful for cuddles with my beautiful white kitty the Angel of Peace and that he likes to be the little spoon when I am falling asleep. I’m grateful for boundaries and that I implement them and not bull doze through everyone else’s.

May our higher powers give us opportunities to live our best life.

p.s. You are amazing, keep moving forward. Ya you!!


I am grateful today
Yunna (dog) went to Rub a Dub Dub for bath and nails done.

AA meeting

I had energy and mobility to change seat covers vacuum and clean my car

Great therapy session

Spoke with surgeon and all is a go for hip surgery


Im greatful im 23.50 months sober, saw a journey concert, and had an awesome time. This girl just needs a coffee and redbull to stay up til the finale at 11pm. Im young damnit.


I am grateful for good news in the mail inbox at the start of the week.
I am grateful I love my job and it gives me a sense of purpose.
I am grateful I got rid of the opera song that was stuck in my head yesterday. I hate when that happens, because obviously it’s not a good idea to try to sing it with people around.
I am grateful for the time spent in the pool and the stillness of the mind that comes with repetitive strokes.
I am grateful for the smell of lilac and birdsong in the trees in front of my house. Grateful for today. Again and again. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful for the smiling grin you just put on my face for my gratitude @Cjp “ya you are young and you are doing it!!”

I’m grateful to be sober on this gorgeous first time trip to Italy. I’m grateful they get to drink a lot of wine and I have zero desire and I don’t mind everyone enjoying their wine. I’m grateful everyone has a good time. I’m grateful they pick up my wine glass so I only have to say “No Grazie.” Once. Three times a day :blush:
I’m grateful I can still enjoy the aroma and appreciate the wine label and enjoy the winemakers enthusiasm of telling us about his product. I’m grateful I can see the enthusiasm in his hands and arms as he waves them about in his spiel.

Good morning @Pandita
I’m grateful I got rid of “Volare, :notes:” ear worm in my head from last night :blush: from everyone singing on the bus. I’m grateful that was fun.

I’m grateful to be sitting in the Tuscan sun on a hillside lusting to the doves talk to each other, (Grateful they speak the same language as in America,) and the tractor and song birds in the distance. Grateful for all the spring blooms and flowers and tulips and poppies.

I’m grateful I get to have my coffee and warm up in the sun while wifey sleeps in.
I’m grateful the rooster is late.
I’m grateful for the village church bells.

I’m grateful our driver is very skilled on these country hilly roads in our tour bus. I’m grateful the tour guides are very passionate about their job and seeing that we have a great time. I’m grateful it’s a very small group and we get to enjoy it with our dear friends. I’m grateful it was our dear friends that invited us to come with them.

I’m grateful it’s time for breakfast with friends alfresco :pray:t2::heart:

Making the decision to thoroughly enjoy this or any other day is pretty simple. It relies on our willingness to not let the actions of others take over our minds. We are in charge of what we think, what we say, what we do. Grabbing hold of this principle will change everything.
Let Go Now
Embrace Detachment as a Path to Freedom


“… caaaantaaare, ohohoho” :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: thank you at @Dazercat :joy:


I’m grateful for the rainy day, for a clear mind and cardomon tea.