Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I’m grateful for dragging myself to training this morning
I’m grateful for a busy but productive day
I’m grateful to have a job
I’m grateful for improving our financial situation
I’m grateful for completing day 16 of April challenge despite muscle ache from training this morning


Im grateful I was able to witness my youngest ride a bike on her own for the first time today.
Im grateful I was able to talk about the pride she was feeling with her and explain that she feels so proud because she did a hard thing, overcame fear and learnt something.
Grateful I got to see her so happy for the rest of the day till I went to work.
Grateful tonight is my last shift for the week
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


I’m grateful to be up early with my coffee on this Tuesday morning.

It’s just a Tuesday, one more day of one day at a time.

I have done this 900 times in a row now!

I’m grateful to have this community. Have a good day and be kind to yourself.


I’m grateful for waking up clear headed
I’m grateful for my loving daughter being super kind to me when I was grumpy after a long day at work
I’m grateful for all the advice Ive read here
I’m grateful to myself for choosing to ditch the booze. Day 9 here. First post!


Grateful to see new members trying out this thread, I hope it brings them as much joy and insight as it brings me.

Grateful to read and smile about your stories. I can see @Dazercat sitting by the Cypress trees, nipping his Italian coffee. @Cjp, having a good time at her concert, trying to keep her eyes open :laughing: @LAB hitting 9-0-0 (!) days (congratufreakinglations!) @MrFantastik creating core memories with his youngest daughter. @50ber working those muscles, hitting that gym hard. @Pandita singing opera when nobody asked :laughing: @tailee17 getting her hip surgery soon. @I.cant.We.can who works his recovery but also helps others in theirs. And always reminds us how amazing we are.
I can go on and on but I just wanted to make a point that it’s not only about my own gratitude, it’s also about reading all of yours. I’ve read here everyday for over four months and not planning on quiting anytime soon :purple_heart:


Beautiful number @LAB


Welcome, @Tomato ! Congrats on 9 days!


Good morning sober fam,

Wooohee am i dragging this morning. Idk how i operated off lil sleep and hungover. So very greatful i dont have to live that way again

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety
716 days free from weed and alcohol
Almost a sober baby from nicotine too
Got thru the akwardness of not drinking with old drinking buddies at the concert last night
Money saved from not buying concert beers that are quadruple the price sheesh
My folks watched Boscoe last night
The Journey concert was fantastic and free since friends had xtra tix
I can go to a concert and enjoy the music rather than focus on 2 fisting booze and keep going back for more like a fiend.
People who chose sobriety before me who give me hope
This fantastic community

Peace and love to ya’ll


Tuesday morning … cheers to all! I’m grateful for…
Warm and cozy bed to sleep in.
Got hoses hooked up and watered garlic yesterday. It’s bone dry here.
Doing chores my husband used to do or at least help with and not feeling quite as resentful… working on not being so fucking resentful :smirk:. Man that’s hard!
Nice bike rides on nice trails in nice weather.
My cats, love them to pieces.
My sobriety.


How exciting for you and your 900 ODAAT’s !!!
Congratulations :tada::balloon::confetti_ball:


Welcome and congratulations on your 9 days :tomato: Great first post.
I’m happily smiling as I’ve been enjoying the best tomatoes ever on my sober trip to Tuscany. I haven’t had tomatoes this tasty in forever and now here you are. A lovely sober tomato :tomato: :tomato::tomato::tomato::tomato::tomato::tomato::tomato::tomato:


I bet they taste like Tuscan sun. Grateful for your tomatoes too! What an adventure :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m grateful for day 6 of this bug, because it’s better than days 1 through 5 were. Grateful to feel a bit of energy this AM. Grateful for this lovely thread. ODAAT


Grateful for a good start to today!!! Grateful for my sponsor, my dad, everyone here, etc!!! :smiley_cat:


@cjp so grateful to read that you had a great time at the concert last night. Grateful for your young blood keeping you up for the entirety of the concert :wink: Must have been a great show!
@lab So lovely to see you posting today (almost made me think it was Saturday :laughing) – way to go with your 900 one day at a time’s! Keep up the amazing work my friend
@tomato Welcome to the community and your 9 days of sobriety. Lovely to see you posting here (my favorite thread). Gratitude really helps me keep positive and stay on the sober track. Hope to see you around the threads
@davina_davis Glad you are feeling more energy today – hoping that you are over this bug soon :pray:

Happy Tuesday you lovely sober souls :hugs:
I am needing to practice some gratitude’s today…My body and mind seem to be testing me.
Grateful to have had a few days of a bit more energy and the ability to move around.
I am so grateful for strong rich coffee.
I am so grateful for clean sheets
I am so grateful for sunny warm spring days
I am so grateful for my neighbors son willing to mow the lawn for my rental.
I am so grateful for healthy food and healing energy from the yummy foods
I am so grateful for cozy home shoes
I am so grateful for greenery and beautiful blooming plants
I am so grateful for my practice for serenity and peace through meditation and prayer.
I am so grateful for TS and my lovely sober friends here.
I am so grateful for being able to practice gratitude even when i don’t feel like it!

Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Im grateful having the inner strength to quit alcohol and smoking and not relapse , and im sure about that


Good morning

I am grateful to have this one last morning of holiday with my kiddo. The last leg of our travels home today. I am grateful we landed safely in vancouver late last night and that my new truckie (Raven) was kept safe at the hotel while we were in Hawaii. I am grateful that we have some time to wake up before our ferry back to our beautiful island. And I am so excited to see Nugs, this is the longest I have ever left her for. Shes going to be so pissed off!

I am grateful that my sponsees kept in touch with me “just enough” while I was away. I am looking forward to hearing how everyones weeks went. I am grateful my body held out for a week without yoga, she is starting to scream so I am grateful I am home and able to start my classes again. Routine is so important to me. I may have what seems like an unmanagble schedule to most people but to me it is managable because it is routine.
I am grateful that I am neurodiverse.

I am grateful for the extra time I have had to spend on the forum again it was nice to catch up here and there. To read a bit on some threads and to be able to post my gratitude here over my holidays. I am grateful to see so many new faces, especially on this thread. Gratitude changed my life in a massive way. It quietened the evil, negative chatter to a nothing; replacing it with love and positivity.
Its magic. :dizzy:

Happy to see so many people doing so well, love yous.


Thank you for this day :pray:
I am grateful for all the wonderful people that grace my life every day. Everyone around here, my family, friends, people in Dharma Recovery I met yesterday, people at school, so many wonderful beings. And through my recovery journey and this heaven of a place I learned that the ONLY way to go is to share. Thank you TS family :smiling_face_with_tear:
I am grateful for designing and modeling and diagramming and loosing myself in abstract constructions. Grateful for tears in my breakfast. Grateful for rain, asthma meds.
Grateful for yoga and walks and a walkable city where I live. A life where I don‘t have to use a car on a daily basis, where I can get everywhere through the means of my wonderful body.
I am grateful for this day.
Sleep well sober friends :night_with_stars:


Day 109 and grateful I am forcing myself to read this:

I don’t remember much of what I read AND grateful I have decided that much I am missing can help to put me in the right direction.



A good tomato is certainly something to be grateful for! Enjoy :blush: