Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

So happy to see this @Soberbilly Congratulations to TWO years of freedom :orange_heart:


I am grateful for this app and the people on it. I am grateful for the reminder what life was like 3 years ago. I am grateful for every one of you who choses to fight the battle. For everyone who is brave enough to do it crying and vulnerable, only to come out of it stronger, healthier, happier. I am grateful we all learn from it. I am grateful there are newcomers who keep me humble. I am grateful, I am not a newcomer anymore. I would certainly not be here without the constant reminder. I am grateful we can all be each others guidance.
Have a great friday, sober friends and thank you :cherry_blossom:


Grateful for one day of sobreity, my daughter being gentle and sweet with me today. Grateful I made this decision.


I’m grateful for doing the April challenge at sunrise
I’m grateful for healthy nutritious food
I’m grateful for watching my kids train while having fun
I’m grateful for my son’s love of Star Wars
I’m grateful the weekend has begun


I’m grateful I’m up way too early this morning.
I’m grateful I think I might be feeling better.
I’m grateful to be taking my coffee brewing skills to quality not quantity.
I’m grateful for the lovely cappuccino I made this morning after taking care of all my pet chores.
I’m grateful I just sat with my cappuccino and Alice and Benson and ……. That’s it……… just sat there enjoying the moment with my cappuccino, Alice, Benson, and the darkness turning to light.

I’m grateful for the internet and Classic Journeys and looking through other walking tours specifically of England and dreaming about walking the Cotswolds in 2025.
I’m grateful I woke up with Alice tucked in and purring on my neck this morning.
I’m grateful for coffee with my sponsor yesterday.
I’m grateful for my last Thursday night AA meeting here in Scottsdale. I’m grateful they were so welcoming to me and our common bond.

I’m grateful my wife’s knee held out on our walking tour last week.
I’m grateful I’m learning and trying real hard to take it slow and not over do and try and get everything done at once. I’m grateful I don’t have to live like that anymore.
I’m grateful I’m sober.
I’m grateful for both my recoveries.
I’m grateful for this amazing gratitude thread and all the people that post and read on here and keep the lights on.

“I would not exchange the laughter of my heart for the fortunes of the multitudes; nor would I be content with converting my tears . . . into calm. It is my fervent hope that my whole life on this earth will ever be tears and laughter.”
Kahlil Gibran


Welcome Abby.
I’m grateful for this one day of sobriety too.
I’m grateful you found us.
I’m grateful for my decision to get sober.
We got your back if you’re willing.


Today i am greatful for

Spiritual growth
My recovery
Drinking/smoking dreams arent real
Its friday
Boscoe cuddles
sober community


I’m grateful to be sober and alive. I’m grateful for my home and being in the mountains. I’m grateful for music and beautiful languages. I’m grateful for my friend S who sat with me today just to be there for me. I’m grateful for kadai masala and komus.


Grateful for 8 weeks of sobriety!
Grateful for a gloomy day, even though every day is gloomy! I’ll miss it this summer :hot_face:
Grateful for a beautiful place to retreat to, as I start navigating the ‘normal’, hard-drinking culture here in my sobriety.
Grateful to not be part of the ever-competitive, madding crowd.
Grateful to know I’m somewhat of a hippie. :laughing:
Grateful for good food, popcorn for movies and nowhere I need to be today
Grateful for Talking Sober!


Today I’m grateful I did a lot despite the horrible nightmare that paralyzed me in the morning. I’m grateful the full moon was so bright yesterday evening, I thought I forgot to switch off a light.

I’m grateful for 3 days eating delicious soup. I love soup. I’m grateful a pot of soup on the stove makes me feel calm, safe and loved. I’m grateful I cook for me alone. I’m grateful I don’t have to if I don’t want to.

I’m grateful doing mini-tasks adds up. I’m grateful I did not feel overwhelmed today.

I’m grateful I’m up to date with bills and finances.
I’m grateful the cats sleep & snore around me at the office.

I’m grateful for friends and talks.
I’m grateful for my cozy, comfy farmhouse and all the beautiful land around.
I’m grateful for hot showers and the solar plant and the hot water tanks. I did not have to heat the furnace for hot water during this week of cold spell with it’s grey, chill weather. I’m grateful I designed this house really functional. I’m grateful my ex contributed at least to building it. I’m grateful he participated a bit at the end of the planning. I’m grateful I don’t have to deal with his drinking anymore. I’m grateful I still miss the good, sober times a bit. I’m grateful I know I need a lot more ME time to recover from the last years. I’m grateful I abstained from codependent impulses today. Don’t go to the hardware shop for milk.

I’m grateful I’m off to bed now and pray for no nightmares. ODAAT


I am grateful for art, and all the cool ways it is expressed. I get to see it on/in buildings, train cars, skin, canvas, fabric, metal, clay, food, flower arrangements, architecture, digital images, music. I am grateful for creativity, safety, and self love.

I am grateful for patterns in behavior and choices. I am grateful for relearning self awareness and having the ability to be compassionate with myself.

I am grateful that I am open minded to new ideas, information and suggestions all the time and so I get messages from my HP everywhere. I am grateful for my connection with God.

I am grateful for the cyclical nature of addiction and surrender.

I am grateful when I catch myself about to take myself out. Like this morning… my head telling me that I dont need NA, I can stay clean sponsoring these women and heading on a deep spiritual path of yoga. I am grateful for books like Women who run with the Wolves and chapters like self-preservation. I had that thought, I sat down opened up my book and read…“So imagine we are going down the road of our own lives, in our handmade shoes, and a mood comes over us, something like this: " Maybe something else would be better; something that isn’t so difficult, something that takes less time, energy, and striving.” It often happens in women’s lives. We are in the midst of an en- deavor, and feeling anywhere from bad to good about it. We are just making up our lives as we go along and doing the best we can. But soon something washes over us, something that says, This is pretty hard. But look at that beautiful something-or-other over there. That gussied-up thing looks easier, finer, more compelling. All of a sudden the gilded carriage rolls up, the door opens, the little stairs drop down, and we step in. We have been seduced."

Again I am grateful for God.


I’m grateful I made 9 months :raised_hands:
I’m grateful I missed it yesterday because this is starting to feel ‘normal’. I’m not complacent though, I’m guarding this life fiercely.
I’m grateful for this amazing community, I wouldn’t be here without you all :heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart:



@abbynormal Welcome to the community Abby! Great to have you here practicing gratitude with us - one of my absolute favorite threads here on TS. Hope to see you around :hugs:
@lighter Way to go with 8 weeks friend. I do enjoy a gloomy day from time to time (as long as it doesn’t become the norm) - hope you were able to enjoy yours with movies and popcorn :wink:
@erntedank Oh i’m so sorry to hear about the nightmare – fuck off bad dreams! Grateful you were able to overcome it and enjoy your day. :people_hugging:
@Dilettante WOOT WOOT Way to go Kiki — 9 months and going strong :muscle: You are absolutely not complacent my friend - way to be living your life and protecting your sobriety!

Friday gratitude’s
I am so grateful that i was awakened by a call from the hospital this morning. They found my mom’s purse and were going to keep it safe till we were able to pick it up.
I am so grateful that i was able to get up and have a little chat with my sister before i started my day.
I am so grateful that i was able to eat breakfast and pack plenty of coffee and water for my day - thinking i had a mere 4 hours to wait for the irrigation guy to appear (secretly hoping he would arrive sooner so i would be able to get on with the day).
I am so grateful my mom decided to accompany me for this lovely adventure today. Grateful i was able to just chill out in front of the house in wait. Did get to see some of my old neighbors and chat so that was nice. Grateful that my pain was not too severe so i was able to hold out for the duration. Grateful that i held my cool and had patience as the 4 hour window turned out to be 6. Grateful that I did not have to get all wet, cold and muddy this year trying to fight the sprinklers and fix the leaks. Grateful he was able to take care of the issue in less than 1/2 hour.
I am so grateful that i had made some black beans and frozen them before my surgery. Grateful that i was able to thaw them quickly and make a quick beans and rice dish with extra cajun spices.
I am so grateful that i got some results back that show concern and require further testing. Grateful because for past 2 years everything is showing good or clear results and leaving me clueless as to the cause of some or all my symptoms. Grateful that i may get some answers finally.
I am so grateful that i started working out on my upper body. I so miss working out and the Adeleine rush. The work outs are causing me to become more inflamed but i have to deal with the lesser of two evils. Need to do the workouts to repair the torn abdominal muscles so here goes LOL.
I am so grateful that i am home now. Grateful that my headache was mostly tame today. Hopefully it will stay this way and allow me to sleep tonight. I had a very tiring and stressful night last night. So very grateful for coffee and yeah more coffee that helped me stay focused today.
I am so grateful for my family, grateful for my HP, grateful for my daily practices of prayer and meditation, grateful for music and laughter.
Grateful for WIFI so we could watch a show during our long wait today - unfortunately we didn’t have a charger so only 1 show to pass the 6 hours LOL. Grateful we had each other for company.
I am so grateful for you all! Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Happy sober baby @Dilettante definitely protect your newfound freedom fiercely!


I am grateful for:

  • Day 119.
  • My daughter got herself back to a therapist.
  • My town, though I was in the basement a long time, didn’t get a tornado. Sadly, many did nearby and not so nearby but grateful that, as of yet, there are no deaths.
  • Tiny smells, tiny tastes
  • A call from a theater that will give a percent of one night to PFLAG. We don’t push hard but around Pride time, get some $$.
  • I made it down the stairs to the basement today with the dogs. They hate it there, probably accident-y. They are gated from down there and freak every time I head down. I believe their minds still carry that one time I was gone for a month when I went down there. Unlike my previous pet, these have never spent time away. They grew up in a pandemic world.
  • I was OK today, worried more about them than myself.

AFAF :kissing_heart:

Congratulations on your 9 months Kiki



How scary. I’m grateful you are ok. And doggos too.


I’m grateful for a morning riding with my son at a dirt track
I’m grateful for finishing a backlog of housework
I’m grateful for my partner being a solution genius
I’m grateful for firepit cooking
I’m grateful for dessert pizza


That’s pretty amazing to see it explained like that. Thanks for posting