Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Good morning! It is Saturday morning again and I have my cup of coffee and my comfortable chair. I’m grateful to be here, to be alive and sober. Being sober makes me feel truly alive, with the good and the bad that comes with that.

I’m grateful to have this Saturday morning routine of thinking and writing my gratitude statements as a good wrap up of my work week and a start to my weekend.

I’m not gonna lie. The last few days in school have been a lot and by Friday afternoon I had that craving for a drink pass thru me pretty strong. I’m very grateful that the craving pushed me to bring out my strategies and i changed my mindset to one of being grateful that I got to go home and have refreshing beverages to rehydrate me, a good dinner to nourish me, a good library book to engage me, a loving husband to support me, and an early bedtime to get myself some rest.

Just a few years ago I would have succumbed to that craving and by this point on Saturday morning I would have been negotiating with myself how to manage another hungover Saturday and would have lost the weekend to the cycle of drinking and hangovers.

I’m grateful those days are behind me and that I can effectively act to take real care of myself when the cravings hit. Fortunately it does not happen that often anymore.

I’m grateful to be healthy and to have gone swimming several times this week. I’m grateful to have work that I mostly enjoy and I’m becoming even more grateful by the day that the summer break is approaching.

I’m grateful for my safe and loving home and my good marriage. I’m grateful to have the resources to do most of what I want to do and I’m grateful to have the support of my closest friends and family.

I’m grateful that I made an appointment to see a therapist about some work I still need to do on myself and my anger. Just having the appointment set has brought me some relief. Compartmentalization is a strategy, even if it is not always a good one!

I’m grateful to have no big plans this weekend so I can take care of my house and some school tasks and rest up for another busy week.

I’m grateful for this community and all that I have learned from you. I would not have made it thru last night’s craving without learning what I’ve learned from this group of people. I was able to recognize a situation that required accessing HALT strategies and they definitely worked.

I wish you all the best and a kind and peaceful day for you. :heart:


I’m grateful for a day in baking, listening to an audio book and relaxing with a friend. I’m grateful that I have the strength to be sober and hope I will keep growing in that. I’m grateful for my dogs Leila and Mop who give the best cuddles.


Im greatful their were no fatalities from the storms
Im greatful for first responders
Im greatful i already got my grocery shopping done for the week
Im greatful im sober and no hangovers
Im greatful i dont live in constant shame and guilt
Im greatful i got my ass to the gym
Im greatful for daily conviences
Im greatful i have therapy this morning
Im greatful for this amazing, supportive community
Im greatful i have 2 days of rest


Congrats to you on your 9 months of freedom!!!


I’m grateful this Saturday morning.
A good nights sleep
Bike rides
Walks with friends
Husband retired to bed last night for the first time in years without a tumbler of wine. He got sick a few days ago and didn’t drink for three days. I got a glimpse of the person he used to be. I’m grateful the little break gave him a glimpse too. Of what exactly I don’t know, but it was nice.
I’m grateful that I’m still sober and I will keep working on myself.
I’m grateful for the support and encouragement and love here at TS.


I’m grateful I got a pretty decent nights sleep.
Course I woke up with a headache. I’m grateful I think without any proof it’s from all the sugar so maybe it’s time to set the no sugar counter again.
I’m grateful I haven’t binged on sugary deserts. I’m grateful I’ve enjoyed them.
I’m grateful I don’t have to decide that today.

I’m grateful the speaker at the AA meeting last night was really good. I’m grateful it’s always exactly what I needed to hear. I’m grateful the topic was about connection. And people shared about moving and not going to meetings right away and some shared about finding new meeting right away after they moved because they needed connection. Now, I’m moving in 2 weeks. How in the hell was this the topic last night in a room of about 100 alcoholics that don’t know me. I’m grateful for the fact I get exactly what I need when I need it at meetings. I’m grateful I’m still amazed at how my hp works this in my life. Seriously! Holy Fucking Shit!

I’m grateful for the stormy desert sky after the meeting and I got some great pics. I’m grateful for the rain. I’m grateful for the smell of the rain and the cool breeze.

I’m grateful I’m learning to enjoy my coffee time in the morning with Benson and Alice. Just sitting there doing nothing. @Laner I’m grateful I don’t read my devotionals or do my gratitude or play a meme or read my daily recovery passages. I’m grateful I just sit here with the little cup of coffee my Moka made, and I enjoy it in peace. See the darkness turn to light. Pet Alice while she’s purring on my lap. Just be in the moment. I’m grateful it’s a beautiful thing. I got all day to do shit.

I’m grateful I’m doing my best.
I’m grateful as far as the move is concerned and a shit ton of meetings and appointments I got nothing this weekend until my Sunday night Al-Anon meeting.

I’m grateful I do have step 4 to finish. I’m grateful I have to finish it by Wednesday when I meet with my sponsor. I’m grateful he’s so excited for me. I’m grateful I just got to git er done :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Grateful for you all at TS.
Grateful for this amazing sober community that keeps me sober.

… is an antidote to negative emotions, a neutralizer of envy, hostility, worry, and irritation. It is savoring; it is not taking things for granted; it is

Sonja Lyubomirsky
Positive Provocations


I’m grateful that I did a morning meditation, and it was a meditation to love yourself where ever you are RIGHT NOW. Not tomorrow, but be loving and thankful and grateful for everything that you have done to get to this moment. I need to be reminded of that. So grateful for right here, right now.


I’m grateful to be back on the sober train. I am grateful that I am feeling the withdrawal from my DOC right now; I really need to remember it and keep moving forward and look towards the future where I’ll start feeling so much better in a few days.


Thank you for this day :palms_up_together:
I am grateful for my husband taking care of our daughter last night so I could meet with the girls. Grateful for the wonderful game night we had. I am grateful I knew how to act around snacks and their temptations. Grateful I could communicate my needs clearly. Grateful they were respected. Very grateful I had no cravings and did not have to have this inner battle with myself over why I should abstain or not.
I am grateful I spotted my addict trying to convince me I was healed, did not belong here and other shenanigans. I am grateful I immediately share these thoughts here and thus took away their power.
I am grateful that in between bouts of exhaustion and brain fog I got stuff done. I am grateful I could cycle in good weather to the supermarket. I am grateful it was not very crowded there and I could do my groceries without being completely overwhelmed.
I am grateful today is the last day of this course of antibiotics and I can expect the side effects to lessen soon.
I am grateful I got to water my plants. I like taking care of them.
I am grateful for Netflix and me being able to afford it so my daughter can spend her sick days watching TV when I myself am really overwhelmed.
I am grateful for yoga centring me and giving me a sense of balance again.
I am grateful I had tools available when anxiety hit and I did not spiral out into panic.
I am grateful for my cough slowly subsiding.
I am grateful to see @john_connor1337 here on this thread. I am grateful to see he is taking a new try at sobriety. Grateful every time I see someone coming back cause that means there is a chance for every single one of us.
I am grateful I could keep my abstinence through this sickness.
I am grateful I can spend the evening with nonsense entertainment.
I am grateful for this day.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Thank you all for the congratulations @Cjp @JazzyS @Pattycake @Dazercat :heart::heart::heart::heart:

I’m grateful I could get out in the garden today and do bits to make it better, little by little it will get there.
I’m grateful for warm showers and muscle relief cream.
I’m grateful the animals loved being out in the garden with me, they’re so goofy.


Grateful that after stretching yesterday and this morning my back was feeling good
Grateful I didn’t let the initial frustration get to me
Grateful I was able to get to sparring this morning.
Grateful that even when I can’t kick due to injuries I’m really enjoying boxing
Grateful for time spent in the sun with the kids.
Grateful to have the opportunity to head to the movies later on with just my eldest


4 Months today.
I felt wonderfully physical today,
I did a lot of housework.
I did not shut off and am working hard to not get angry - ever at people. I understand it’s pointless and changeless.


OMG just got a picture of an apple pie pizza from a friend and I was drooling LOL – Dessert pizza :yum: Hope you enjoyed it!
@lab I am sorry for your rough week but super proud of how you handled unwinding and dealing with the cravings. Grateful that you were able to utilize your tools in a healthy manner. :muscle:

WOW – love that the universe provides and that you are listening to it. It is a two way street and in recovery I feel like we are more open to seeing / feeling it.
@davina_davis Oh I love it – glad you got in a morning meditation and a wonderful one to boot. :heart:
@john_connor1337 Great to see you back friend – keep working on your recovery. The hard days do get easier. Remember to utilize your support as we can not do this alone. Sending you love and strength :hugs: :heart:
@earnit Way to go Jene! 4 months and working your recovery like a rockstar! Keep going strong :muscle:
@maxwell Hey Maxine – missing your pressense and all your plant pics – hope you are doing well friend :hugs:

Saturday night gratitude’s :hugs:
I am so grateful for a beautiful day. Grateful that the day started off cool and breezy. Stayed relatively cool even when the sun was shining. Grateful it was the perfect walking weather.
I am so grateful that we got to check out the new Dollar Tree Store that just opened up next to our home. It is fairly large and they have a whole section for $5 items :laughing:
I am so grateful that i was able to get in a few walks today and did a decent upper body cardio workout. Felt great and hope i can keep it up. Need to push through the pain and work on repairing my muscle tears. ODAAT!
I am so grateful for treating myself to some delicious Lebanese food for dinner.
I am so grateful for finding my Sunflower shower curtain and bringing it over to my brothers. Gives a lively look to the bathroom :sunflower:
I am so grateful for the black out curtains I have also brought over to darken my room
I am so grateful for my family. Grateful for good friends. Grateful for my HP. Grateful for my spiritual and emotional connections to myself and my HP.
I am so grateful for eye exercises that will hopefully help strengthen my eye muscles. Been having some eye pain and blurry vision today so need to remember to give my eyes a rest.
I am so grateful spring time and watching all the blooms - things coming into life. Grateful for all the bunnies - get to see so many cuties hopping around :rabbit2:
I am so grateful for all of you :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Love being a part of this wonderful community. Grateful for no longer feeling alone and realizing it is possible to have a worthy life outside of the holds of addiction.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I’m glad I took your advice! Really started off my day in such a positive way :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Congratulations on 4 months Pal


I’m grateful for downtime which is part of my self care
I’m grateful for watching true crime and horror during downtime
I’m grateful for rewarding myself with a burger after reaching 80 days
I’m grateful the thought of celebrating with alcohol did not enter my mind


Im so very greatful for

My sobriety
8.88 months not vaping
I had an active day yesterday;days like that make me feel good
Im up too early, but that just means more weekend time
I caught my expenses tracker up to date and my spending is heading in the right direction
I cleaned out my spam folders…ahhhh fresh start for 5min
Sober sangha
This fantastic community
My mood seems to be better
Hubby and are are communicating
Got some spring cleaning done yesterday
Hubbys helping with chores
Get to watch the 3 body problem with hubby tonight
Soft pillows and blankets
Signed up for a 6k in july
Self care


80 days is fantastic… keep stacking up the days :muscle:t4:


Congratulations! :star2::star2::star2::star2:


I’m grateful that I had a great day and was in such a good mood. I’m grateful that I have such a great group of friends. I’m grateful for laughter and pots of tea. I’m grateful for the rain and how green everything is getting. I’m grateful for learning a new word today. And am grateful for a relaxing evening with a book.