Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Good morning friends,
I’m grateful I’m getting over the cold that took me down for several days. I’m grateful I rested even though I felt like I was “wasting” time off of work. I’m grateful the weather is beautiful today, and I will get outside for some light yard work. I’m grateful my son went out of town with school for a couple days- first time he’s ever done anything like that- and he had a blast. He was also very ready to come home :joy:. I’m grateful my daughter has a best friend with a wonderful family and she can spend time with them. I’m grateful life is better today than it was 3+ years ago. I’m grateful I never have to go back to that life, as long as I don’t touch that first drink. I’m grateful to read on the homethread every day, even if I don’t post. It’s immensely helpful. Grateful for all ya’ll :heart:


I’m grateful I made it to bed last night and the last 1578 nights without passing out on the couch or who knows where.
I’m grateful the krud I have is basically gone.
I’m grateful I don’t have a headache this morning.
I’m grateful my new Arabic Italian roast coffee beans tasted great in my espresso and then in my cappuccino. I’m grateful, so grateful, I’m enjoying my coffee in the moment. Not doing anything else but savoring a small flavorful cup in the moment. I can’t express enough how much I enjoy this.
I’m grateful I’m enjoying all “The Lasts,” here in the dessert.
I’m grateful for my adventurous moving lifestyle.
I’m grateful after this one, THAT’S IT!!
Im grateful like my recovery I don’t have another move in me. Until someone shoves me into assisted living. I’m grateful I better live that fucking house I’ll make my home.
I’m grateful I’ll be near my grandson.
I’m grateful I noticed the big coyote while walking Benson.
I’m grateful that kept me on my guard.
Fuckers :grimacing:
I’m grateful for my ice pack.
I’m grateful I get to meet an Al-Anon friend for coffee and good bye :cry:
I’m grateful for connection.
I’m grateful for this thread.

“To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven.”
Johannes A. Gaertner


I am grateful that my child is not in active addiction. That she lays her head in a warm bed every night, and that most nights she kisses me upwards of 4 times good night.

I am grateful that when shit goes down, the NA community is there. I am grateful we have each other’s back and can hold each other up when we can’t stand on our own.

I am grateful that today I get to support my friends, that I am clean, emotionally stable,reliable and available.

I am grateful that I don’t know what it’s like to lose my child to active addiction. I am grateful I dont know that pain, and I will keep hoping that I never do. :pray:


Grateful for a 2nd day sober. Cravings are intense but I’m managing :smile_cat:


Thank you for this day :pray:
I am grateful to see @john_connor1337 on this thread again. We seem to be posting at similar times :wink:
I am grateful I did not have to take any more antibiotics today. Grateful it looks like the side effects are slowly lessening.
I am grateful for a nice walk and a good grounding yoga session. Grateful for all the newly green leaves on the trees above me whispering in the wind, for the blossoms everywhere.
I am grateful my cough is getting better and my daughter is getting better every day as well.
I am grateful I could cry during the conversation with my husband, show him the pain and still go through it the way I needed to. I am grateful I don‘t see him every day and have to go through all that drama.
I am grateful I can look forward to an interesting week. Grateful I‘ll be off to bed soon.
I am grateful for this day.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


I’m grateful you reminded me of the cyclical structures all over the world in every life. It always is a coming and going, growing and decaying, day and night, sun and shadow, moving and resting, smiles and tears, falling asleep and awakening, welcoming and letting go …

congratulations on 9 months @Dilettante :woman_fairy::cherry_blossom:

I started this post yesterday, got sidetracked multiple times while reading and gave up to catch up.

So this is sunday evening gratitude:
I’m grateful

  • for warmer weather
  • that repotting goes on
  • for hot showers and beauty-time
  • the cats had a spoiled rotten weekend
  • I forgive myself for my stupid, ennervating, useless codependent shit
  • I was able to stop above
  • for having a quite good sunday after being stuck in some kind of motivation to do things block for days
  • I could solve a problem with the TV
  • for modern amenities
  • for curiosity and trying new things
  • for patience as I’m not good in being patient. progress, not perfection
  • for tea
  • for being my own fucking hero because nobody else can declutter my inner turmoil
  • for comfort food. Today I needed toast and icecream. I’m grateful I get better in managing my food cravings. I work hard to de-link them from my emotions. Again: progress, not perfection :pray:

I’m grateful I call it a day and go to bed. ODAAT


I’m grateful for sunshine and another day in the garden.
I’m grateful I have been feeling ok for the longest stretch in a very long time. Nearly 1 1/2 weeks without a fatigue episode :hugs:
I’m grateful this weekend has felt long and full of fun.


I’m grateful for an exciting morning at training
I’m grateful for a busy but productive work day
I’m grateful for tasty leftovers for work lunch
I’m grateful for my work colleagues acknowledging my work ethic today
I’m grateful for my son saying during dinner “everyone interrupts me except for dad”. I have changed in sobriety :heart:


Im greatful for…

A new week full of possibilities
My sobriety
Looking forward to getting my 2nd tattoo friday
A healthy, active weekend
Quality, productive time with hubby
Hubbys making dinner tonight
A good weighin yesterday
Progress not perfection
The pause
The serenity prayer
My desire to let things out of my control go

Wishing everyone peace on their journies


I’m grateful to FINALLY after 8 long years of trying that today I now have permanent residency status! I’m grateful to everyone in my community that has helped me during this long process and for the government officials who had favor on me. I’m grateful for my beautiful hike this morning and for the eagle I saw. I’m grateful for having the strength to keep sober and for this community online. It has been very helpful for me so far to be able to share and read what others are writing. I’m grateful for my neighbors who have helped me in so many ways.


I’m grateful for my Cartapani coffee beans.
I’m grateful for Google translate so I can pronounce it in my mind properly.
I’m grateful for my Moka coffee pot.
I’m grateful for water.
I’m grateful for my gas burner.
What do you got? A grateful gorgeous cup of coffee to gratefully enjoy with Benson and Mavy on my lap this morning.

I’m grateful for the good bye coffee with my friend yesterday morning even though I had ice tea. I’m grateful for the thoughtful lovely book she gave me called “Fear,” by Thich Nhat Hanh. And the card she put inside. I’m grateful she told me to wait til I got home to read it cuz I’d probably cry. I’m grateful she knows me :face_holding_back_tears::sob:
I’m grateful the book really means a lot to me. I’ve always wanted to start reading some kind of Buddhist teaching or literature or whatever :roll_eyes: And there’s so much recovery out there and at my home I just didn’t know where to start. Fear :thinking::pray:t2: I’m grateful for my god for the win again. Putting this person in my path for 2 years and setting up this good bye and this particular book :pray:t2: I’m grateful my creator giving me exactly what I need. Again :pray:t2:

I’m grateful I remembered I got a doctor’s appointment today. I’m grateful I even remember what day it is today. I’m grateful I can laugh at myself because I told everyone at the Sunday meeting I got one more meeting next week with you all then I’m gone. I was wrong :expressionless: :joy: I’m grateful I’ll be in Dallas next Sunday and see them in 2 weeks.

I’m grateful I’m going to have a lot of good bye tears this week. It’s been a grateful almost 2 years since I found this particular meeting when I first went back to Al-Anon a crying battered shell of a human being. I’m grateful I felt the welcoming and love on that very first meeting. And HOPE. I didn’t know it was Hope at the time. I’m grateful I eventually learned I put my Hope in the wrong place. Another person. I’m grateful I can have hope for me now. In the only place I can truly find it.

Well…… I went off there…… guess I needed that.

I’m grateful I don’t have to say good bye here.
So grateful for you all.

“At times, our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.”
Albert Schweitzer


I am grateful for technology, I can’t imagine my life without it. When used properly it can be so handy.

I am grateful for this beautiful day, the sun trying to shine through my filthy windows has fueled a fire inside me to do some housework… later. :wink:

I am grateful for the super weekend that G and I had, that my partner is in recovery and that we are both learning daily. I am grateful he is forgiving, patient and so very loving.
I am grateful that I don’t need him in my life, but that I for sure want him here. What a different feeling… grateful to be able to feel.


Grateful that today is 122. Struggling with gratitude - but grateful I know what it is and why it’s important.


Thank you for this day :prayer_beads:
I am grateful I am getting better day by day, my cough is lessening, my moods and mental states are stabilising.
I am grateful I have my routines set up, so even when stuff gets rough - when I am overwhelmed, depressed, grieving - I can just do one thing after another and feel like I am walking a path and not spiralling out of control.I am grateful that these tiny steps then will compound in a better life down the line.
I am grateful for friends listening and offering support.
I am grateful for the warm weather.
I am grateful for finishing my current practice project.
I am grateful for the class I taught today and the kids with their energy.
I am grateful for a walk.
I am grateful I booked my train trip to Berlin next week. Now I am settled with a place to stay and seats on a train.
I am grateful I have this trip to be looking forward to.
I am grateful for a nice recovery yoga practice.
I am grateful I can take my time to build up my strength and stamina again and don‘t feel the need to push myself.
I am grateful I kept my food journal today and it helped me to realise some thought patterns and emotions, and helped me to manage myself without using food.
I am grateful it‘s slowly getting dark and I can relax in the evening.
I am grateful for this day.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Congrats @50ber on getting to 80

Grateful for another day at work. Yesterday was busy at work with a teammate having a near miss early on. Grateful we could come together and I hope help relieve some of their stress and thoughts of ‘what if’
Grateful I was able to help my mum with some tech stuff last night
Grateful the kids are feeling better and will make it to school today
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


Thanks @MrFantastik! Grateful no one was hurt at your work.


Congratulations on day 122 @EarnIt!


Tuesday morning gratitude.
I’m grateful for all the comfort in my life. For purring Missi on my chest. For hot water thanks to the solar plant. For the outlook from the bedroom windows. Trees and blue sky. I’m grateful I’m happy and proud of the farmhouse. I feel so comfy and at home here. I’m grateful the cats are happy here living their best life. I’m grateful for me living my best life here.
As I’m still waiting for the market value expertise (it was due on the 15th) I notice that my nerves start wrecking again. This waiting is debiliating. I’m grateful I do the best I can to let go, have faith and focus on things I can control. I’m grateful it’s ok when I skip everything from the to do list to just be on the couch with the cats, I was not able to do any work most of yesterday, feeling paralyzed and helpless. I’m grateful this feelings of anxiety about the future and how to handle things passed late afternoon after a friend called and I had three really good hours with repotting and chores before I got tired.
Today I’m reminded that having pizza after 6 p.m. (like every meal) is a bad idea, woke up with heartburn today, felt awful. I’m grateful for Iberogast, a plant-based solution to help with gastrointestinal issues. I’m grateful went back to bed and feel better now.

I’m grateful that new questions come to my mind that change perspectives.

TMI hidden

I’m grateful I question if maybe adjusting to my ex’s pace and pushing myself to do so much was too much. I remembered this morning that when I stopped to “function” and claimed ME time, rest, said that perimenopausal shenanigans were draining and I need rest, compassion, love and help - he ignored it, drank more, called me lazy and fat and gave me the feeling he was the only one working hard. Of course he had no interest in intimacy.

He started to be mean when drunk, holding me responsible for all his bullshit, imaginary or real. Latter is still true. I never found out what he really accused me of or why he blamed me for … I fucking never found out what it was. I’m grateful I’m out of this brainfuck shenanigans.

And I start to question if maybe I lost the ability to live and work. Obviously I didn’t, otherwise I wouldn’t be here content and grateful. But I wonder if maybe I borrowed so much from so many tomorrows in the past that I still have to catch up on being good to myself and NOT forcing me to tick off the to do list, maybe even throw away the to do list and listen to the soft, shy voice inside me I noticed recently. There is something burried so deep hiding from being hurt I can’t even locate it at the moment. I only know it’s there.

I’m grateful for modern amenities, cat food delivery, therapy and cozy cloths.
I’m grateful I treat myself gentle and kind today. The nightmares were horrible again. ODAAT


I’m grateful for stepping out of my comfort zone and making new friends
I’m grateful for completing the April challenge
I’m grateful for experienced training partners
I’m grateful for veggie soup and crusty bread
I’m grateful for reminders that I’m improving as a father


Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, come on milestone (tmrw)
Challenging limited beliefs
I fricken hiked in a rainforest, i can go outside in the rain. Just because its raining doesnt mean i have to stay inside. Its liberating. Thats just one example. Sometimes i get so stuck into routine i fail to see an alternative
Ability to calm racing thoughts
The experience of Awww i get from nature
Boscoe cuddles
Got my ass up and worked out
Feeling good
A work from home day
A long walk with hubby yesterday
Caught the sunshine this morning before the rain moved in
Time in my work calendar to get work done today!
Genuine people
This amazing community