Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Sorry your pain escalated. Sending comfort and hope you recover soon :pray:t4:


Grateful for my guitar and my songbooks. Singing songs with my wife at the end of the day is a joyful activity and I love it


For another painful layer of the past removed. Even with all the new and good in my life, grief and confusion from the past must be felt and healed. All will be well. I am safe now. My life is so much better now.

Dealing with things that I dreaded (but needed to tie up) stirred up some awful feelings. For a few minutes I was there again, experiencing the abuse and pain and feelings of worthlessness and shame. Now I’m letting it go. Making room for the incredible new people and places.

For new people! They’re everywhere. Everyone. Freshness! They smell good.

For hope. It’s a stair that you can’t see. Can’t see the path at all. It’s like a dream where all these things are loudly and persistently demanding your attention, but you can’t open your eyes. The only option, is to walk forward. Trust the people that tell you they’ve got you and this is the way.

For my next trip to New Mexico in a couple weeks! More healing. It’s good for my soul.

For having courage. I needed it badly and it was given to me.

For a sober Saturday night. I’ve been feeling wobbly for the past couple of weeks but I am steady now. Thank you

For food.

For air conditioning as it is still summer. Not much longer :maple_leaf::heart:

For daring to think I will be 100% happier in my next job. However it goes, whatever it is. I’m going to love it.

For 218 days

For you


I’m grateful I can do gratitude after dinner.
I’m grateful I wanted to check in.
I’m grateful instead of being upset this morning and taking things personally I got my ass in a seat at an Al-Anon meeting.
I’m grateful there’s tons of recovery in the greater LA area. I’m grateful, as usual, I got exactly what I needed. I didn’t think I needed to lead a meeting that I hadn’t been to in 4 weeks and pick a topic. But I guess my HP thought it would be a good idea. Or maybe they were just happy to see me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m grateful after the meeting I got to go to my favourite nursery garden center and get a couple more mums and pumpkins.

I’m grateful I wanted to take us out to lunch after.

I’m grateful we got have Gus time after that.
I’m grateful I got to cook a sloppy delicious messy chicken quesadilla dinner tonight.

I’m so fucken grateful for my recoveries cuz this day could’da been a big pile of steaming shit :poop:

By the way.
My topic.

I’m grateful for the number of seasoned
Al-Anoners who mentioned they’d never heard it put that way.
And I didn’t take it personally :blush:
:pray:t2: :poop: :heart:

Oh and I got 2 snails this morning

Ross and Rachel :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: @JazzyS
I wonder if I’ll have 3 tomorrow?


I’m grateful for the intensity I feel reading your gratitude.
I love the way you put things.


I’m grateful you wrote in with some thought provoking support for me on my first month here when I was struggling. I had started a topic No Support From Wife. After thanking everyone for their loving support and telling yall what I did you wrote this :heart:

I guess you were right :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m grateful I can remember some those first few weeks here. It was/IS a big deal.


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful that I heard of something yesterday in a podcast saying that people who think of having feelings as something valuable can regulate emotional difficult situations better and recover faster.
I am grateful I calm down during a long weekend. Not getting more nervous.
I am grateful for waterproof shoes. Wet feet are the worst.
I am grateful for hot chocolate.
I am grateful I have enough.


I can’t believe I’ll be celebrating a full year in december. I am grateful for no hangovers, no anxiety, no pointless arguements, no shameful behaviour.
:arrow_right:NO SHAME :arrow_left: I love that about sobriety.

I have a completely different life compared to one year ago. I am grateful for my new job, it’s more demanding but it also keeps me accountable and ‘off the streets’.

I am grateful for my family and friends. I am grateful there’s been a natural shift in real friends and drinking buddies. Also the negative people in my life faded away. I seem to make better choices in friendship and although I feel lonely at times, I am at peace.

I am grateful for having a dog that suits me so well, we make a great team and I love him dearly.

Wishing everybody a beautiful Sunday :purple_heart:


Good morning, I hope this day brings you some peace.

I’m grateful to be alive and pretty healthy. It was a hard week. My husband and I lost a friend to a terrible accident. It’s been hard and scary. We are grateful to have known her and we are grateful for each day we get.

I’m grateful to be sober and to be able to help my son thru some difficult personal challenges without being under the influence.

I’m grateful to be sober and able to work my way around challenges in my job without blowing my top. I’m grateful to be healthy enough that I can occasionally take a mental health day and work from home to keep up and keep in some balance.

I’m grateful to be in a marriage where we tackle conflicts together when they happen.

I’m grateful to be up early this Sunday morning, planning to get some things done and have a relaxing afternoon.

I wish you all peace.


Grateful -

Fresh bed sheets and duvet set.
Good avocados :avocado:
Breakfast tea
Football :soccer:
Champions League is back :muscle:t2:
Bear gave me a proper hug earlier :sob:
My soda stream


Grateful for day 282 and that the Universe dropped into my face yesterday when I decided wholly that I would spend my only $6 on alcohol. The minute I was close, I saw an often-drinking friend, with a large take away, ready for checkout. We greeted each other, and I woke up to myself. Grabbed an 18-carton of eggs, and out with my free beef patty (never again on the patty).

Grateful all the poor things I think about generally don’t stay permanently. I am facing some hard things in my mind.

Grateful for you and today being alcohol-free.


Greatful for

Day 889. Holy moly almost 900 days. Thats surreal but totally made possible obe day at a time and getting thru the crave waves

In love with hubby, a deep appreciation for him
Boscoes companionship
Did the grocery shopping yesterday so i dont have to today
Broadening my horizons
Expanding my consciousness
A kind soul
Positive mental health
Pms didnt kill me this month
Time with my mom
My senses
Mental healthcare
Our freedoms
Growing spiritually



I’m grateful for this clear cool crisp day and Benson and I saw stars early this morning.
I’m grateful the sun is up and it’s still clear and cooler.
I’m grateful yesterday was a good day and only because of my recoveries. if I’m not the problem, there’s no solution

I’m grateful for the movie we watched last night. Thanks again Franzi :pray:t2:

I’m grateful I just looked up to see a big ol crow bending the top branch of the pine tree I can see poking out above the courtyard.

I’m grateful it’s so quiet in my hood. I’m grateful you can always hear the bird song or caw caws I’m hearing now as Mr. Crow :bird:‍:black_large_square: buggers off.

I’m grateful I get to go to a meeting this morning and I get to take the coastal route if I leave a little earlier than I need to. It’s worth it.

I’m grateful Mr. Crow is back caw cawing up the place.
I’m grateful to report no snails this morning.

I’m grateful I found a nice ceramic pot for my San Pedro Cactus.

I’m grateful I only had 2 of Auntie M’s cookies last night :yum: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Grateful for you all
:pray:t2: :black_heart: :jack_o_lantern: :purple_heart: :bird:‍:black_large_square: :heart:

“Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.”
Chinese Proverb
This made me think of you this morning.


I’m grateful
-for a great day with my friends

  • that my surprise birthday party went well that everyone came and had a good time
  • for hearing from everyone one thing they are grateful for this past year
  • for all the fun stories, songs and games
  • for my friend S who came over early to help prepare food and the such
  • that I am comfortable being open about my sobriety
  • for feeling encouraged today
  • for being tired and knowing that these events even though I love them take the energy out of me and pre-planning for tomorrow morning to be a bit more relaxed
  • for my dogs who are the best and most cute
  • that I have a solid community here
  • for being sober and healthy
  • I missed my Kyrgyz Apa today but am thankful for how much time we had together

I’m grateful to be sober and not up drinking already

I’m grateful to be on the treadmill burning cals and producing endorphines

I’m grateful for the beautiful fall colors outside

I’m grateful for casseroles

I’m grateful for the edit button so i can fix my spelling :crazy_face:

I’m grateful for this thread :two_hearts: odaat


@Matt love that you and your wife sing songs together at the end of the day :two_hearts:
@Lighter grateful that another layer is peeled and you are healing from it. You are growing and getting stronger my friend. I love seeing this all unfold. So happy for you and your journey. I know it’s not easy but you my friend are taking the right steps in recovering. Sending love :heart:
@Dazercat are so sweet…2 slugs and you named em… of course you did :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Beautiful mum too! Grateful that you are in a space with so much to offer in terms of recovery help. :pray:t4:
@naomi always great to see you posting. Wow …1 year in December…that’s awesome. Can’t wait to celebrate that with you. Keep living your best life
@lab so sorry friend… sorry for your loss, sorry for the suddenness of it all. Sending hugs and comfort :people_hugging:
@EarnIt so grateful that the universe sent a sign. Grateful you managed another day sober. It really is scary how quickly we can lose ourselves with addiction thinking. We are stronger today :muscle:t4:.
@laner happy birthday :birthday: glad you had a good celebration :tada: EDIT-- Just read your check in – Happy Birthday to all. What a lovely way to celebrate :birthday:

Sunday gratefulness
So grateful for being mobile and getting another day on this Earth.
Grateful that I know my dark thoughts come but no longer stay as I’m aware of the signs and have tools to help me stay positive.
Grateful for my family, my HP, my meditation and prayer practices.
Grateful that I finally got my Halloween decorations up. Just need to add the graveyard scene once the community finishes with mowing for the season. Grateful that I am starting to feel the Halloween spirit.

Grateful for laughter! So healing and energizing
Grateful for good food, a comfy home and clean water

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day. Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I’ve been quiet lately, and its the grief of losing my Mom keeping me quiet. Time to practice.

I’m grateful for black coffee and cartoon books. Today I’m reading Spy vs. Spy.

I’m grateful for my grief and I’m grateful for Rumi’s poem The Guest House.

I’m grateful I’m quick to annoyance and anger lately, it reminds me that what I hold in needs to come out. It also reminds me where the work needs to go.
I’m grateful I’m practicing the phrase “I feel sad”. I’m not sure I’ve ever said that before but I do feel it, so I will.

I’m grateful for four great siblings. I’m grateful we don’t squabble over property or money. That would make all of this so much worse.

I’m grateful for a helpful husband. He isn’t perfect but he has known me long enough to step in and tackle the tasks I’m not asking for help with. That is a gift.

I’m grateful for movies. Tonight we will see The Wild Robot in the theater. I read the children’s book so I know its about growing up and losing a parental figure. I’m grateful I’ll cry enough for a release but not enough to scare those around me.

I’m grateful to feel all of this. Alcohol numbs, feeling is a gift. I’m grateful for just today.


I am grateful to be working hard labor for 22 Saturdays. It’s getting me in better shape than I’ve been in for a while. I’m grateful that next Saturday isn’t supposed to be 103 degrees like yesterday was. Grateful that there are cooler temps in the forecast.

Grateful that my kids are here and healthy. Grateful for a spouse that holds me accountable.

Grateful for this thread, always :v:


Gratitude for today.

I slept in, did my morning yoga, got on the rower. I am very grateful I learned how to work with my fluctuating energy levels. If I can‘t do something I was able to do a few days ago, I just switch gears and try something else. Sometimes it‘s running, sometimes it‘s lying in bed, sometimes it‘s the rower. Very grateful for this new skill of acceptance.

Did my weekly review. It‘s good to see some things coming to an end, others just developing and even others starting to germinate. I am grateful I am prepared for next week.

Went to my daughter‘s performance a second time. Yesterday was the premiere and today a matinee. I enjoyed both shows immensly. People of all ages dancing, enjoying moving their bodies to music in a choreography. It was splendid. Very grateful I got to experience that. Also very grateful my daughter has this opportunity and loves performing and dancing so much.

Spend the rest of the day just relaxing after all that excitement. Grateful I have the time for that.

Now the day is coming to an end. I‘ll take it easy and go to bed grateful for this life and for this day.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars: