Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Thank you I’m blushing now ,stop it ya fool


haven’t been called a fool in a minute – thanks for the chuckle :laughing:

i’m glad you are blushing – you and your achievements should feel celebrated


@Lisa07 Glad you had a great trip, and good job pumping gas! That made me laugh :joy: When I visited my aunt in Montclair, it was crazy to me you can’t pump your own gas there! Around here it’s impossible to find full service gas stations at all anymore. I’d take that any day tho if it meant tax free clothes :rofl: (which is even crazier to me)

@19801 Happy Birthday Corine! :tada: Everything’s better without Jack Daniel’s! (Even drunk me agreed with that! Yuck :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:) Congrats on a week! Welcome :pray:

Tonight I’m grateful for

-My pain waning with the moon (I knew I wasn’t crazy :sweat_smile:)
-Spending an hour on the phone trying to figure out my banking issues bc it means I don’t have to do it again!
-Having my daughter’s best friend over for the first time. They had fun together.
-Going to a park with them for a while
-Perfectly comfortable weather
-My kitties, who were both extra silly today
-Cooking a delicious steak dinner for the first time in a long time
-Forcing myself to rest, rather than catch up on chores
-The peaceful rain that just started, perfect for sleeping
-Being able to pay my water bill today
-Having all my bills paid :raised_hands:
-The katydid trapped in my house not keeping me awake last night. Hopefully I can catch it tomorrow bc the cats are surprisingly uninterested
-All y’all :heart:


Im so very thankful and greatful for…

My sobriety 2y2m22d
My recovery journey
A beautiful spiritual experience sunday which brought tears of happiness to my eyes. Man i wish i could bottle that feeling up!
Got my ass up and worked out
2 more days of work before vacation
Boscoe cuddles
A dog sitter we trust while im out of town and hubby works doubles
My marriage, my partner in crime? Scratch that. sobriety
The ability to pay my bills and build an emergency fund
My family
Health and wellness


Today I’m really grateful to this awesome TS community. I’m on a day 15 and I’m really struggling today, I have massive cravings. But with your support and kind messages I won’t give up, I just won’t. Thank you so much, luv ya all!


I’m grateful for a good meeting today and that I have a new project to be excited about and looking forward to. I’m grateful for running into an old friend today and being able to catch up. I’m grateful for the rain we got today my garden will be happy. I’m grateful for the comfy sweater I’m wearing. My friend knitted it for me and it’s really cozy. I’m grateful for a healthy tasty dinner. I’m grateful that I got through the day relatively sane and completely sober. I’m grateful for good friends.


That’s the spirit… keep fighting for yourself. Stay connected friend…we can beat this addiction with taking it one moment at a time :people_hugging:


Thank you, Jazzy! Yes, one moment at a time. Now I feel a little bit better, took a walk and huge cravings just vanished away. But gotta stay focused.


Today I am grateful for:

  • sunshine and rain
  • grachten
  • long walks
  • public parks
  • resting by the water
  • spectacular city views
  • cycling
  • captivating reads
  • yoga
  • rest
  • sadness and letting go
  • clouds
  • wind rustling in the treetops
  • life, all of it
  • Nintje
  • this day

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:



too much to catch up. too tired to read.

today i’m grateful the cat procedures went well. missi had her bad tooth removed, schimanski went through the annual check-up. no poop accident in the car! i gave my big boy many extra cuddles and he appreciated it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hugs:
i’m grateful i can afford to take good medical care for my cats.
i’m grateful missi ate a bit and is recovering. i’m grateful the old boy is unimpressed by today’s coming & going. I’m grateful i’m home safe after 2 trips to the vet in town.

i’m grateful for evening calls with friends.
i’m grateful for hot water galore and as many showers as i want to take. feeling fresh and clean is wonderful.

i’m grateful for leftovers but not for overating. i was nervous waiting for the vet call that missi is ok. nervous eating needs love, attention and work. i’m grateful i’m kind to myself.

i’m grateful tomorrow is a rest day. despite the mower needs to go to the garage again, i made it smoke again :see_no_evil: obviously i’m too dumb to handle this thing without burning it constantly :see_no_evil: well, i am at the begin of learning so i will ask for more details what i crashed this time and how the fuck i did it. it gets expensive. i’m grateful it makes me laugh, learning is a lot of trial & error. and for me it IS funny that it took me months to even find the mojo to mount this thing and get myself in the tractor and now i’m obviously too enthusiastic driving around and mowing :rofl:
and the best thing is: nobody cares, no comments, no one to call me anything or whining about shit. only me feeling a bit dumb and having a good laugh about it. my mower, my business, my mistakes, my rules, my responsibility, my money. my fun! wrecking your mower for the second time in 3 months shouldn’t make you laugh so hard. exept it is funny. like a comic. i love comics.

ups, derailed the gratitude a bit. i’m grateful after some hardship yesterday, today was a funny, good, busy day. off to bed and hopefully sleeping in tomorrow. ODAAT


Thank you and I agree🤮


I am grateful to be sober.

I am grateful for online meetings.

I am grateful for antidepressants.

I am grateful I was able to spend time with my family this weekend.

I am grateful for my fur babies and sig otha.

I am grateful to be here with everyone. Odaaft. :two_hearts:


Gratitude. It’s been a minute.

It’s no longer Monday.
Business is good.
My health.
My sobriety.
Air conditioning.
Having everything I need.
It’s no longer Monday :wink:


I’m grateful for the calmness, or at least something close to it, that sobriety and recovery bring to my life.

Mom still hasn’t been moved to a new facility. We are waiting for a bed in a place that suits her “complex needs”. I planned a mini-vacation to leave to go see her tomorrow until Sunday, was supposed to camp tonight at my pal’s lovely place along the way and wake up early to birdsong on the lake. Alas, new wildfires are intermittently closing the highway. Gak. I will admit I future tripped! But it was about whether the stores will run out of half and half for my morning coffee.

I’m grateful that made me chuckle as I got a bit unpacked. I didn’t even think about wine, but coffee cream.

I’m grateful I can decide tomorrow if I should leave.

I’m grateful tomorrow I’ll wake up safe in my home. It’ll be my bday and I wanted to spend some days with the dear person who c-sectioned me (54 years ago! crazy!), but it’s okay that it won’t go according to my plans. I’m grateful I’m safe. I’m grateful my Mom is safe and cared for where she is for the time being.

I’m grateful for half-and-half cream, for my Sangha, for my home thread, for the beautiful old soul dog girl, for my calm home, that I have everything that I need. Thank you, recovery. :pray:

I’m grateful for all of you.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me and helping me abstain from my addictions one day at a time. I’m grateful for all the healthy connections in my life, family, friends, all of you, coworkers, sponsee’s and my sponsor. I’m grateful that by putting my gratitude in action by working the 12 steps and applying the principles they teach, life is good and if its not I have support and faith to help it get better. I’m grateful for music, humor and laughter. I’m grateful for my pet and all of yours.

May our higher powers grant us serenity.

p.s. You are totally amazing. Ya you!!


Love you view in this and damn straight…tour mower…your rules. You are not dumb my friend…some machinery can be tricky to use. Not knowing the quirks can cause damage…it is a trial and error thing.

Glad all went well with Missi :hugs:


Looking forward to celebrating your birthday :birthday: with you tomorrow.
Sorry you will not be able to go see your mom. Damn wild fires. Stay safe! .
I hope you do get your creamer in time… perfect coffee is so important.


Thanks Jazzy! To be clear, I have plenty of organic half and half in my frig, but that “omg what if I run out” part of my brain got fired up. You know the one. :wink:

@19801 happy birthday to you! we’re practically twins! New clothes for the win. :blush:

I’m grateful for this thread and all the new faces. You’re doing the heavy lifting now, you and @MrMoustache and others. Be proud of yourselves!

and finally, @Lisa07 - I feel the same way about windshield washer fluid. :sweat_smile: I’d sooner change oil than add that stuff! Thanks for the chuckle!


I’m grateful to have such an empathetic soul. It can be tough to deal with but things can be beautifully seen in ways others cannot understand.
I’m grateful for my mom and step-father during this time of getting my life back on track. Without them it would be tough and I respect all those who fight without that in their life.
Grateful for my Ribeye and baked potato I just destroyed after work.
Grateful for the people that don’t treat you different because of your beliefs.
Grateful for this community and all of you in it.