Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Was reminded on another thread how gratitude is the antidote to anxiety (and resentment), which have been plaguing me recently, so will try to get back into this :pray:
Grateful for sobriety
Grateful for healthy body
Grateful to take daughter and friend to the pool
Grateful husband took son to see cars
Grateful husband bought some ready made dishes so dinner was easy tonight
Grateful to have work tomorrow


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I can cry.
I am grateful for clean water.
I am grateful I was born in a privileged part of the world. I donā€™t merit it. I was lucky.
I am grateful I can get help if I overcome whatever is between me and the help.
I struggle with gratitude today. I am grateful I wonā€™t drink it away.


I am grateful to be sober and hangover free

I am grateful for having ingredients to make chilli and for the fall vibes in the airā€¦ the best :ok_hand:

I am grateful for my job

I am grateful for my family and fur babes

I am grateful to be here with everyone :heart:


Iā€™m grateful I love my wife.
Iā€™m grateful for our laughs together, and we do laugh :rofl: and her smile :blush:
Iā€™m grateful for her love of animals.
Iā€™m grateful how much we appreciate when one of us tells the other Benson just went :+1:

Iā€™m grateful we had some Gus time yesterday.
Iā€™m grateful I donā€™t get mad when Nana continues to buy him toys. Because Nana continues to buy him toys. And talk about picking your battles? How dare she buy our grandson more toys :scream::joy::scream::joy:

Iā€™m grateful my Daughter and SIL get to relax over here when they bring the Bus.

Iā€™m grateful the Dallas contingent is coming again for a week soon. Iā€™m grateful they arenā€™t bringing their dogs. Iā€™m grateful and scared shit, they gonna leave Norma with us for 2 nights to go to a wedding in SB.

Iā€™m grateful itā€™s cleared up this morning for my drive to my AA meeting In Malibu.

Iā€™m grateful wifey is up this morning before I leave and is surrounded by Benson and B.

Iā€™m grateful for my new Mala beads of Lotus seeds and Onyx. I got bling :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Iā€™m grateful for another day :pray:t2::heart:

We have to let go of all blame, all attacking, all judging,
to free our inner selves to attract what we say we want.

Joe Vitale


Iā€™m grateful

  • for Sunday group this morning that it was encouraging and made me feel hopeful
  • for the afternoon hike. I went to the western peak and sat up there for some time watching the eagles. It was peaceful and it cleared my head. I really needed that time out in nature and the physical exercise today.
  • that I have people who love me and support me
  • for being sober

Im greatful for the weekend

Im so very greatful forā€¦

My recovery
I walked/ran my first timed 10k
Went to the gym even tho i wasnt feeling it
I get my favorite, easy lunch of baked chicken and brocolli
Im not sick of my favorite lunch yet
Fall air
Time with the family
An easy lunch prep for the week
Hubbys feeling better
I proved i can get cute for date night still
My poor haircut will grow out
A job i dont dread
An addictive nature i dont have to feed


Also grateful for 9 months soberversary.
Grateful my kiddo checked in at 2:30a that she was staying away. I donā€™t know where she is but I know she was sleeping somewhere.
Grateful my other kiddo sent me $20, because no one who owes me money is paying me.
Grateful for a future good, regardless of knowing, it must be there.


Gratitude for today,

Had a good run this morning, fresh September air woke me up. Grateful for this new habit of running in the morning.

Did my weekly review, looked back on the week, made plans for the new one. Always a good practice. I am not good at staying organized and am grateful for this tool in my life tool box.

Took a bike ride in this wonderful weather to an artistsā€˜ community. Today was an open galleries and ateliers event and I could roam through workshops and discover all kinds of art pieces. This was very inspiring. I am very grateful my ex suggested the venue and grateful I had the energy to go. Also very grateful for the chats I had with some of the artists there.

Helped my daughter prepare for her math test tomorrow. I am grateful I was always good at math and through my work do enough of it to be able to help her. Grateful math mostly comes easily to her and itā€˜s not much work to explain math concepts to her.

Did some yin yoga, breath exercises and meditation. Felt so relaxed. Still am very relaxed. Grateful for this.

Now a bit of reading, TV and chilling, and then off to bed.

I am grateful for this life, grateful for this day.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Sunday gratitude.

Iā€™m grateful I slept in today. Iā€™m grateful the cats were sweet and cuddly in the morning. Iā€™m grateful I felt so much better today emotionally. Meeting the girls yesterday was great and their lovely support made me cry.

Iā€™m grateful I could cope better today with the ex coming and going as he pleases. Nope, this is NOT a normal behaviour, itā€™s reckless, unfriendly and typical narcicstic. I beared it for so long that it is still triggering codependent issues, as it doesnā€™t really differ from our relationship. The only differences are: he drives away sober instead of coming home drunk and Iā€™m really alone instead of feeling alone beside him longing for love and connection.

Iā€™m grateful itā€™s peaceful as it is now. Iā€™m grateful my life is good overall. Iā€™m grateful my brain differs clearly when my emotions are in turmoil and my feelings are upside down. Iā€™m grateful for my support network, my friends, my chosen family, my cats, neighbours and people I like but talk to rarely. Iā€™m grateful I can always go back to basics with breath meditation and minitasks. Every step counts. Iā€™m grateful the inner turmoil calmes quickly and is a lot less energy consuming than a year or even a few months ago.

I fear I will fall into a big hole when this circus is over. Iā€™m grateful my friends encourage me to prepare for ā€œthe time after the final settlementā€. As this dammed financial settlement thing has been pending for 1,75 years by now itā€™s no wonder that Iā€™m concerned about my reaction. Better have plan A - DD in stock. Iā€™m grateful my toolbox is helping me, I can rely on myself, can come here, have my therapist, my councellor and my friends.

Iā€™m grateful that the view from the kitchen window was not strange anymore today. I think I was just overwhelmed and confused yesterday by this removing the cars without any notice. BAM, GONE. Oh I fucking hate it when people treat me like this. Fucking my life up by doing nothing, confusing and upsetting me by non-communication when doing something. Welcome to the behaviour of my ex and my reactions :woman_facepalming: Iā€™m grateful when this all is over. When the ex is off and out of my life. It stresses me so much that he comes and goes as he pleases taking his stuff away (and mine if I donā€™t have a vigilant eye on what he wants to remove). Two more weeks to hold on. Iā€™m grateful I didnā€™t help him this week, mostly because I didnā€™t want to. Instead I focused on me. I give myself a pat on the back for doing so.

Iā€™m grateful this was a rest & chill sunday so I will hopefully be fresh for the monday challenge tomorrow. ODAAT

Edit to add: Iā€™m grateful the ex is taking care of removing his stuff. Iā€™m grateful I work hard to make the best of the situation.


@erntedank I love the positivity and gratitude you pulled out of your current situation. Wish you strengh!
I am grateful for my health, that I can play soccer again. For my brother who is about to be a father in a happy relationship and my longtime girlfriend who is soo ready to become an auntie! Grateful for the success I had with ODAAT and this forum. Didnā€™t post much lately but, I am readIng here every morning and when ever I need to check into reality.
Have a nice week you all!


Grateful for my sobriety.
Grateful my electric has came back on after almost 4 days without. It was kinda cool at first and felt like a challengeā€¦ I like challenges but after day 2 I was starting to get frustrated with being hot all the time , carrying a flash light everywhere, having to eat out, no sleepā€¦ and so forth but I made it through sober. And now I can get back to my routine especially with my job getting power back today as well. Hopefully no more hurricanes.
Grateful for my family and the love and support.
Grateful for Alcoholics Anonymous.
Grateful for my bike.
Grateful for water.
Grateful for music.
Grateful for this community.
Grateful I have my probation counseling session tomorrow which means I get to go on a little adventure and bike a total of 14 miles. Key word is I get to.
Grateful for my freedom.
Grateful for cold air conditioning and melatonin.
Thatā€™s about it!!
Love you all! :sunglasses:


Grateful to be clean and alive.



Grateful for a sense of growing patience with people. Some patience at least, Iā€™m not perfect :joy: and with some people also. Some are :no_entry_sign:

Grateful to know the difference on what is worth my energy. Iā€™ve been the habitual people pleaser for so long now that itā€™s nice to start having more boundaries.

Grateful I know that I deserve more.

Coffee this morning, itā€™s a slow starter.

Cuddles with Bluey on my chest at 5am. He doesnā€™t cuddle anyone else, heā€™s my little :purple_heart:

That my radiators work! I wonā€™t really use them unless itā€™s freezing, but itā€™s good to get them working before winter sets in.

A reprieve in the violent rain :umbrella:

A new week of gym and growth.

Friendship and love.

Crappy TV, I love it.


Batch cooked lunches done yesterday full of veg and flavour and ready to go!



Those who empower


Grateful for sobriety
Grateful to be up to date with work
Grateful to have money and time to cook meal for family
Grateful for time to workout
Grateful for cooler weather
Grateful for study group


Greatful forā€¦

Quiet mornings drinking coffee with hubby and Boscoe cuddles
Fall weather
Slept in and not beating myself up for it
The serenity prayer
Let go and let god
Sober friends


Monday gratefulness practiced and shared with my favorite peeps :hugs:

I am so very grateful for second, third, forth chances. Grateful that I have this chance now to heal and get better and am praying everyday that I donā€™t squander it or derail into my old ways.
I am so very grateful for clean breath in my lungs and waking up without hangovers or better yet waking up drunk. What a fucked up existence that was
I am so very grateful that I no longer survive on booze, weed, coffee, cigs pizza and a few hours of sleep. Grateful that I am getting a sleep routine (not always sleeping but still trying to maintain the sleep schedule).
I am so very grateful that I am able to move. I have come a long way and I have to remind myself that I am not who I once was but that doesnā€™t mean that I am not great today. ODAAT! Grateful that I continue to workout and stay active even with results going in the opposite direction. My hard work will pay off sooner or later.
I am so very grateful that I stopped the negative thinking and name calling. I deserve better - especially from myself.
I am so very grateful for coffee! So very grateful that I get to take it with me on my morning walks and then enjoy it leisurely later in the morning.
I am so very grateful for my early morning walks. SO very grateful that I donā€™t see many people on the walks and the once I do see are just dark figures passing by. Grateful for my head lamp and fluorescent vest to keep me safe and visible.
I am so very grateful that today is the last day of September and I can finally decorate for Halloween on the outside. In my own home i would have already had this done but now Iā€™m living with my brother so had to wait it out. Grateful that I did see a few homes decorated already around the neighborhood ā€“ Love this time of year!
I am so very grateful that I find peace and calmness in my prayers and meditation. Grateful that I know my Higher Power is by my side. Grateful that I know that I get angry sometimes in dealing with all my symptoms and constant pain but I faith that something will change.
I am so very grateful for my family. I love them so dearly and am so appreciative of their love and support. Grateful to hear ā€œIā€™m proud of youā€ from my brother this morning. SO very unexpected.
I am so very grateful for this community. Grateful to have this place. All the advice, love and support here is so remarkable. Grateful to have found you all and to connect so deeply with you.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Iā€™m grateful I get to sit outside most mornings, if I choose, with my coffee and start my day.
Iā€™m grateful for hummingbird zoomies. She came it unnoticed at lightning speed. Worked over my coleus for about 10 seconds and then zoomed off for another important appointment somewhere.

Iā€™m grateful Alice is up and purring on my lap.
Iā€™m grateful I already had Mavy time.

Iā€™m grateful for a different Monday. No therapy and grateful I have the desire to check out a new Al-Anon meeting in Malibu. Some new AA acquaintances highly recommend it. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m not the only one working a dual program.

Iā€™m grateful I patiently tried to help my niece/daughter by listening to her text. Sympathizing with her and just trying to understand where she is coming from.

Iā€™m grateful itā€™s chilly.
Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m not sure what today is going to bring but it will be a day.

Iā€™m grateful for music.
Iā€™m grateful for humor.
Iā€™m grateful I get to listen to others at meetings.

Iā€™m grateful I get to walk The Ol Burner now.

Today I know that I am not willing to give up my serenity over trivial concerns.
Daily Reflection


For the wicked back spasms that ended my day at 10am. Just knocked me flat out. I am frozen in one spot. Why am I grateful? Well, I wasnā€™t, I was angry that I couldnā€™t fix all the things that need fixing, get my little business moving forward, etc but nope, :stop_sign: Iā€™m grateful that my day went differently than planned. Thereā€™s something more important to do.

Iā€™m not in great health, I have spinal stenosis that flares and limits me. I am partially disabled. Still grateful.

This is aggravating, infuriating, lonely and depressing. But it softens me, it opens my heart to every person who is limited physically. We live in an ableist culture. We are measured only by money, ā€˜productivityā€™ and output. Greed and narcissism. Making someone else or ourselves richer. Like good little machines . No soul, no heart. Cold. This forces me off that wheel. Iā€™m grateful for the empathy.

Iā€™m grateful for the warm people I call my friends now. We take care of each other. Maybe weā€™ll start a town. :grinning:

For the chubby tabby who wonā€™t stay off the kitchen table. The sun shines there. More than anywhere.

For the option of ordering groceries to be delivered. Otherwise Iā€™d have to ask someone.

For being stuck so I can be here. I am typing with one thumb. Iā€™m getting out of my own head. There are people here that need a heart

For October. My favourite month! :jack_o_lantern::heart::ghost:


Gratitude for today.

I am grateful for a good nightā€˜s sleep, raising early, doing yoga, going out for a run.

Grateful my daughter was migraine free today, at school and involved in some kind of teenage drama. That is what teenage years should be about.

I am grateful for my work, the sunshine at my desk. Grateful for the class I teach, the kids, they are fabulous.

Grateful for rain, walks, bike rides.

Grateful for living in a place where hurricanes do not destroy my home, grateful to have a warm, dry bed to go to bed in later, food, electricity and all the amenities of modern life.

Grateful for doing yoga, moving in my body, breathing, concentrating.

Grateful for being so far more at ease with my eating. Yeah, I overate at dinner. Yeah, people do this from time to time. I am OK.

I am grateful for books, TV, podcasts, for every single story told.

I am grateful for this life, for this day.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Monday gratitude.
Iā€™m grateful I started and end the day with cats on and around me. Purring, cuddly, lovely flurballs :heart:

Iā€™m grateful for active meditation in front of an open window in the chill morning air. So refreshing.
Iā€™m grateful for walks.
Iā€™m grateful I took pictures so I can track the changes happening outside.
Iā€™m grateful Missi got other meds for her eye, itā€™s still not ok.
Iā€™m grateful for the big transport box, big enough for one Schimanski or two Missi & Tiglat :blush:

Iā€™m grateful I put together everything for the lawyer appointment tomorrow.
Iā€™m grateful I did other office-work too.

Iā€™m grateful I was dissatisfied with the dinner delivery, it will help to save money as this was the last delivery restaurant with good quality. Was.

Iā€™m grateful for the heated pillow, I felt a bit cold in the evening and was too tired to fire the kitchen stove. My back feels warm and cozy now as I took it to bed with me.

Iā€™m grateful I feel prepared for what may come, at least today. ODAAT :pray: