Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I’m grateful for
Seeing my daughter today
Having my programme
Public transport
My mum
Money to spend on my daughter today
All who share on TS


I am grateful for

My husband supporting me.
Me trying to be a friend to myself this week instead of an enemy that keeps scolding.
Delicious meals I ate this week.
Having the energy to clean and do some decluttering.
Autumn rain.
Loading day counter app and finding this forum.


Countdowns on to day 888…next saturday?

Greatful for…

I got my ass up and worked out. I did a 9min20s mile even though i wasnt feeling it
Fall weather
Its friday!
My recovery
Principles before personalities
Less meetings today = time to catchup
Some job applicants for my retiring staff


For a lovely Fall morning! The season isn’t actually here yet, but these fantastic mornings promise the crisp days will soon follow. I have the windows open and that is rare until October.

For realizing I am in a little bit of danger with thoughts of drinking, and need to double down on my spiritual time! I am not cured, and feeling wobbly means stop, drop and roll on over to Talking Sober! :heart: I’m dedicating this day to my sobriety, some good food and exercise. I will feel so much better. Love y’all.

For my upcoming trip back to Santa Fe in October. I’m so grateful I have a second home there now, with family!

Pumpkin spice everything. :heart_eyes:


I’m grateful Benson did great at the new doggie daycare, passed his evaluation, and even made a friend :smiling_face_with_tear: I’m grateful I missed his kitty sausage, snacking, ass yesterday when he was gone. I’m grateful I was so happy to see him after and him me :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m grateful I got my Tower 10 AA meeting this morning.
Got to Go!
See ya later, bye :v:

“Just for today I will try to live through this day only, and not tackle all my problems at once.”
Just for Today


I’m grateful

  • for supportive and encouraging friends
  • for hope and a feeling of peace
  • for laughter
  • for helpful advice
  • for my counselor being so flexible this week and allowing me to reschedule my appointment. It was really helpful for me to talk about the loss of someone I cared so much about and get advice on how to cope in a healthy way with grief.
  • for my friend S who is staying with me so I’m not alone

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for dry clothes.
I am always glad for taking advantage of split seconds of motivation to get things done that are on my list but out of side. New saddle installed. Check.
I am grateful next week is a short one. Grateful for reunification of Germany.
I am grateful for nice chats from time to time.
I am grateful I like my boss. I am grateful she understands or at least doesn’t misunderstand my jokes. My me.
I am grateful I have enough.


Gratitude for today.

I am grateful I went out for my run this morning, grateful I have established this routine and am holding on to it, even when I felt like crap this morning. It did not get significantly better while running, but it usually shows its effects later. Every run is an investment in my physical and mental health and I am very grateful I am capable to do those runs. I am grateful I am able to do something I would have thought eternally impossible half a year ago.

I am grateful my daughter‘s migraine developed in a way that made it possible for her to relax, read, do some chores around the flat and visit her grandma. She will be home soon, and I am very grateful I got some time for my self.

I am grateful for my work. So grateful I found this work of making video games. All the stuff I always enjoyed doing, that at the same time felt like a total waste of time, is now part of my work. I can research the craziest stuff, bring together ideas, histories, designs, colors, characters, mechanics and it feels like I am living the dream.

I am grateful for the teachings and practices of Buddhism, for mindfulness practices and compassion practices. There I have found a way of surviving and loving life. I am grateful for all the wonderful teachers. The well known ones like Tara Brach, Thich Nath Hanh, Pema Chödrön, but also the people who will help guide a meditation or make a track on Insight Timer.

I am grateful for coffee, for autumn weather, for rain and wind and sunshine, for getting stuff done and off my todo list.

I am grateful for books, TV and podcasts.

I am grateful this mess of my marriage is still a mess, but a living mess, a mess in transformation. No mud, no lotus. So to garbage and compost.

I am grateful for this life, for this day.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Friday gratitude.
I’m grateful the week is over. I’m tired and very grateful for all that happenend.
I’m grateful for powerful women. Wow to what we accomplish together.
I’m grateful the headache starting around noon is only mild.
I’m grateful for save drives and my reliable car.
I’m grateful for good physical condition as I had to shovel gravel. This idiot of truckdriver unloaded so stupidly that the heap was partly on the street. No, we don’t just put up a warning sign :see_no_evil:

I’m grateful I have a 3 day weekend as the stonework pauses on monday. Today I ignore monday’s schedule.
I’m grateful for good talks, in person and on the phone.
I’m grateful for the quiet and peace I find on the farm. ODAAT


I stayed away from gratitude forum today. I am grateful that I know skipping it does not help.
I am grateful that I connected with a job recruiter, for a job I want, and he responded back with a
“thanks” for touching base.
I am grateful for cooking black beans from scratch. I am grateful to know buying cans is a waste of my money. (I only basically season them, and then flavor with whatever is on my mind - even though I don’t taste it right now - habit.)
Grateful there are plenty for whatever I eat tomorrow morning.


Good luck with the job :pray:t4:

Seasoning are good for healing too and it’s a great habit to be in for when you get your taste buds back :yum:


Yes! And my daughter would care. :rofl:


That’s definitely a deal Eric! If you are in Amsterdam some day we will eat that cake together, promised! Would be nice to meet you, can’t promise you I will bring my cat too :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Good morning to you!
I’m grateful to be sober and pretty healthy.
I’m grateful that I just woke up from 10 hours of sleep. I was tired!
I’m grateful it is Saturday morning and I get a short break from the demands of the classroom. Demanding and rewarding, but so very much to keep them all going in the same direction every day. Whew!
I’m grateful that the hubby and I cleared the air about a communication misstep that occurred between us. Look at us, managing an issue like grown up people. Whew!
I’m grateful that we do not have any obligations this weekend. I have a lot of work to do on the computer and I’m hoping to get a bit caught up.
I’m grateful to have my sobriety, my health, a loving marriage, a safe home, and plenty to do!

It is always one day at a time. One. Day. At. A. Time. :heart:


I’m grateful for a Slow Start Saturday. No I’m not doing “S** again :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m grateful for my beach day yesterday. I’m grateful they asked me to lead. I’m grateful I always say yes. It’s my way of doing service. I’m grateful if I can read I can lead. I’m grateful it’s no big deal. You just read the script. The rest of the meeting takes care of itself.

I’m grateful for the catio each morning even though wifey thinks it’s too wet and cold. It’s a grateful peaceful way to start my day. Hello Alice.

I’m grateful for the killer tacos I made yesterday.

I’m grateful I didn’t do any of my readings this morning. I’m grateful I just now decided I’m blowing that off.

I’m grateful for all my plants. New addiction :thinking:
I’m grateful for the San Pedro Cactus I saw calling my name yesterday. I’m grateful I didn’t impulse buy it. Walked back to the car, thought about it, and decided to drive over and get it.

I’m grateful I get to go to my new Malibu meeting tomorrow, on Sundays, it seems like some very seasoned recovery at this one. I’m grateful the Friday morning one has a lot of cars pull up from the rehab facilities where people only stay a month or whatever. I’m grateful to be able to experience such different types of meetings.

I’m grateful for every day I have sober from now on. ODAAT. I’m grateful I don’t need the F :grimacing: in ODAAT anymore.
Love y’all


Welcome Raspberry
Nice to read your gratitude.


I’m grateful
-for a good talk with my neighbor today about a difficult subject

  • for the long hike I took today and for the eagles I saw
  • for feeling refreshed and focused after
  • that it’s snowing out now
  • for cardomon tea
  • for red pepper soup
  • for feeling hope and peace
  • that I’m sober

Fall is trying. It’s cool in the mornings now. So I make a pumpkin spice latte, go to the patio and breathe in the crisp air. It feels like hope. Damn I love Fall!

For the pool I have unlimited access to. Swimming has helped my anxiety and will help my body too

For peace and lots of sleep.

Mashed potatoes


I am grateful to be sober 9 months today! Grateful for this app that reminded me. Grateful for this thread and the people on it who are heliping me on this journey, so very very much.

Grateful for my bed and fans for the white noise and cool air

Happy weekend :v:


Hey you. I’m grateful you are nine months sober today as I was nine months sober yesterday. :facepunch:t2::facepunch:t2: