Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I am grateful to be sober and hangover free. No going back to work tomorrow with nausea and raging hangxiety.

I am grateful for cozy pajamas and to be chillin in bed with my buddy, Will :cat:

I am grateful to to be able to start working more towards healthier eating and regular exercise because all i feel like doing lately is stuffing my face with food.

I am grateful for TS, this thread, my family, that bad moods shift and to be here with everyone. Odaat. :heart:


Ah man I am sorry. I can totally relate as I have 3 places that I frequent for take aways (donā€™t go often but I know they are trustworthy and good quality) and they 2 of the 3 have gone to shit.


So grateful for this community. Iā€™m grateful.for a simple meal of salami, cheese, grapes, and crackers at the end of a tough work day. Iā€™m grateful to be employed.

Iā€™m grateful that itā€™s going to be 100 degrees here all week, after watching the devastation from the storms that are happening across the country. Grateful to be safe.

Xo ODAAT :hugs:


Trying some gratitude. Practicing what you preach.
I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for my warm bed.
I am grateful I earn enough for my living.
I am grateful for my insurance covering my expensive diabetic living.


today I am grateful that I can change myself, even if it doest always feel that way.
grateful to feel much more convident, with a more sober brain, as I am starting a new job today. Grateful for my sleep, my friends, that I have enough food, clothes and everything


Oh Marie.
Iā€™m so sorry to read this.
It sounds very serious. Iā€™m grateful you opened up here about this. I donā€™t know what to say. But I hear you. And Iā€™m glad you have friends that can help each other, and that chonky tabby. Bless your heart. :heart:
I hope you can move a bit tomorrow.


Welcome to the gratitude thread Jennie.
Iā€™m glad youā€™re here clean and sober and alive.
We got a lot to be grateful for when weā€™re clean and sober.
Hope to see you around.


Congratulations on the 9 months JenƩ


Tuesday morning gratitude.

I finally was able to catch up a little bit here. Iā€™m grateful for diving into the many different variations of gratitude, I often nod and think ā€œIā€™m grateful for this tooā€ :pray:

Sending hugs to you @TrustyBird and condolences to loosing your Mum :people_hugging:
Iā€™m grateful for the existence of hospices. I lit a candle yesterday in loving memory of all our Mumā€™s who left this world. In 2 weeks it will be 2 years that my Mum passed away peacefully.

@JazzyS You have come a long way, Iā€™m sorry that pain is still so present in your life. You are my hero in ā€œkeep goingā€. Literally. I lost count how often I dragged my inside-loving ass outside for a short walk when I read that you did a walk, regardless of your pain condition. :hugs:

@Dazercat Your catio mornings and your quotes are inspiring, thank you for it every day šŸ©·

Have to stop here, a miowing oldtimer demands breakfast.
Iā€™m grateful I slept through today, I forgot how well-rested that feels. What a beautiful start to October.
Iā€™m grateful we donā€™t do Halloween here, itā€™s a time for Thanksgiving festivities, harvest festivals, enjoying autumn, preparing for winter. Everything slows down, All Saintā€™s Day is approaching.

I will store logs today and turn on the heating. Time to get cozy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hugs:


I am grateful october is here :jack_o_lantern:. I love the month for cozy cuddly evenings on the couch, no fear of missing out on something. Giving myself permission to catch up on all the good netflix series I missed coming out this summer.
I am grateful for my friendā€™s willingness to make an effort to fix some things that havenā€™t been running so well in our friendship. I am grateful for all the friends that have been around for so many years.
I am grateful for my upcoming trip to Copenhagen and all the things to explore and indulge in.
I am grateful I live in a safe place on this planet and there is enough to share with people in need.
I am grateful for the tasty coffee right now and the childhood cornflakes for breakfast that come with it.

  • I am grateful for gratitude and what it means.
  • I spoke to my meeting yesterday about this thread and how I feel ā€œhurtā€ when I donā€™t post or read here. I read very little yesterday and am grateful to acknowledge the stress I allow by not placing it where it belongs - not in my mind.
  • Grateful that some $$ came in yesterday and I could buy dog and cat food and some things for myself.
  • Grateful I am aware that not eating enough effects me: Mind, body, smell, taste, sleep.
  • Grateful that I havenā€™t gotten a court date for eviction yet. Itā€™s all a world I havenā€™t lived in and I am already grateful for when it doesnā€™t exist for me anymore.
  • Grateful for knowing itā€™s been a year since I planned to buy this house in a yearā€¦at the time they were renting but thinking about selling.
  • Grateful I am posting here and put down the games on my phone and grateful to know itā€™s time to delete those. I have been wanting (telling myself) to since February. Grateful to know it doesnā€™t help spending my time (shutting off my brain) doing it.
  • Grateful to learn that one job canned my app, by looking at the site. Itā€™s a job I didnā€™t want. They said Iā€™d be getting a 2nd interview. Honestly, I truly believe a sales director wouldnā€™t want a three decade sales person to be their assistant. I am up for another that I wonā€™t like, but Iā€™d be good at - Currently two jobs that I am supposed to be in line for.
  • Grateful that my mind is still swirling around about, ā€œJust do what youā€™re passionate about. It doesnā€™t include being someone elseā€™s employee.ā€
  • Grateful that my brain is nearly in capacity and that I recognize and acknowledge how hard it was for me to accept and admit, even to my past employer, which I believe is one reason they didnā€™t leave me on a disabled job, because they thought I was playing a game, saying I was 100% and still leaving things they didnā€™t know I couldnā€™t remember.

Much love and hope for all of you.


Awe thanks love. How crazy is life? I totally didnā€™t want to go today and read your post which made me put on my shoes and hit the pavement. We truly do keep each other going :pray:t4:. Much love to you :heart:


Grateful for sobriety
Grateful for fast postage
Grateful to keep a class
Grateful son wants to spend time with me
Grateful for daughter being on the ball
Grateful husband looks for things I might like at Costco
Grateful for afternoon free
Grateful for fresh veggies and hummous


Sober another day

Greatful forā€¦

My recovery, without it i wouldnt be truly living
Feelings im on the right path
Survived monday
Got my ass to the gym this am
Sober sisters
Quiet time with hubby
Able to make bills
Boscoe cuddles
My silly folks
Fall weather


Iā€™m grateful

  • for a good work day
  • for getting back into my routine
  • for a good visit at the orphanage
  • for my friends
  • for good cuddles with the dogs
  • for the morning ride
  • for pots of cardomon tea
  • for seeing my friend and having more practice speaking Karakalpak. Iā€™m hoping to visit there on the spring.
  • that the translation project is going well

Amazing spin class, Iā€™m improving! No longer sick or shaky afterwards!
Banging tunes in Spin, itā€™s the only time you can listen to Sean Paul at an obnoxious volume before 8am.
Amazing weightlifting class after Spin.
Batch cooked meals ready to go
Coffee this morning in bed
A hot shower :shower:
Gifts of spider legs from the terrible twins :black_cat::black_cat:
Being pretty organised
A car as the terrible rain is back in full force
A new kindle book, 79th this year!
A comfy bed


Iā€™m grateful when I was outside this morning with Benson I actually thought thank you god for another day. Iā€™m grateful I was sober hangover free and saw the early dawn and just kinda stood there with no agenda enjoying the moment.

Iā€™m grateful when Benson finishes his business he runs jauntily to the kitchen door and waits for me.

Iā€™m grateful I say good morning to each cat I see in the morning. Iā€™m grateful for silly Ol Mav each morning doing his routine of trying to bite me and slap at the water as I get a glass of water each morning for my pills.

Iā€™m grateful for my mornings. Especially the last 1734 of them. Who knew mornings could be so wonderfully grateful.

Iā€™m grateful I went to a new Al-Anon meeting at a church up in the canyon of Malibu looking out over the Pacific ocean. Talk about serenity :pray:t2: Iā€™m grateful the speaker was superb! Iā€™m grateful the topic was ā€œRisk.ā€ Iā€™m grateful I feel like Iā€™m taking a ā€œRisk,ā€ every day. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m not alone as people shared how they feel like they too are taking risks every day. Iā€™m grateful it was a big meeting and I did recognize 2 people and they recognized me and welcomed me.

Iā€™m grateful I went out on my own and had lunch and risked ordering a tuna sushi burrito. It was Fan-Tastic!!

Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m out there baby! Im out there! Iā€™m grateful it still feels like a risk to be out all alone. Iā€™m getting comfortable and getting quite content being out there. And on my own. Im grateful for where I live now and someday it will feel like home. Iā€™m grateful I have a great sense of direction and Iā€™m learning my way around my new world.

:pray:t2: :earth_americas: :heart:

As you heal, things become clear: attention isnā€™t love, attachment isnā€™t connection, and codependency isnā€™t support. You begin to realize that disagreements arenā€™t attacks, lacking boundaries isnā€™t empathy, and no amount of external validation can replace self-love. Trauma bonding isnā€™t healing, ignoring your needs isnā€™t a strength, people-pleasing isnā€™t kindness, staying in toxic situations isnā€™t loyalty, numbing your emotions isnā€™t coping, and suppressing your emotions or staying silent doesnā€™t bring peace.
Todays Hope


Gratitude for today,

This morning was difficult. Lots of drama with my daughter. About stress, school, headaches, opening up. I tried something different. I was afraid to set this boundary. I did not want to with my daughter. But we both needed it. Thatā€˜s what growing up is about. I have to let my daughter go, and sometimes I have to set a boundary she doesnā€˜t know how to. I am very grateful I was able to do so.
She went to school, she wrote her test, she did not come back home. Even her headache lessened. She learned a lot about herself. She had a day of massive empowerment. I am very grateful it all turned out like that.

I had my first class with the older youth today. I always feel a bit self conscious with a new class. Then I realized how they must feel exactly the same. We are the same. We all are new to this. It was a good class. I am grateful for this experience of feeling like a newbee. I am grateful I can teach something I love.

Had a good afternoon, did lots of stuff, got to some yoga. I am very grateful my energy is good right now.

A friend called. We are going to go for a walk together tomorrow. I am grateful for friends, and looking forward to meeting her. I am grateful I have the energy to meet with someone and to walk.

My ex came by. It looks like he is trying to find his center, to slow down, to look deeply. I am grateful for this development. In some ways I still love him dearly and donā€˜t want to see him hurting so much. But I also need to keep my boundaries, as I can not help him in any other way. I am grateful for the peace.

I am going to wind down in a few. This was a good day. I am grateful for this life. Grateful for this day.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Maybe FIN -tastic

I kill me.


LOL ā€“ I see you are back to being your awesome self. All went good today? Hope you are relaxing and enjoying the rest of your day.