Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

All is well in the END. :hugs:

Thanks for asking.




This is tough today. Iā€™ve been very anxious and sad today, and battling my mind. A party that I was supposed to attend was cancelled. I am grateful! Iā€™m not up to it. Many more chances when I am stronger. I think Iā€™ll not accept evening invites anymore as they all include alcohol.

Back spasms eased up. Very sore but I can move better. Still need to do ice and heat, and no election news for me. Nothing except the weather and sports. My crime shows, yes! Maybe cooking? Thatā€™s safe.

For staying sober today.

For having a place to go when I feel lonely and stressed. Where I am safe and accepted. Where I find kindness and have a chance to return it.

For knowing this will pass.

@Dazercat Eric, thank you for your kindness and care.

For all of you :heart:


Iā€™m behind on this thread. Iā€™m grateful thatā€™s ok. Iā€™m grateful itā€™s a well to drink from, this thread, for me. Iā€™m grateful feeling behind isnā€™t about ā€œdoingā€ and keeping up (like the before times) but because when i fall behind i miss you all. :relieved:

Iā€™m grateful I had some, first in a long while, cravings this past week. Grateful? Yes! They are good information for me, cravings. Thereā€™s lots of stuff going on in my external world, and internal as a result, (icky, stressful, canā€™t get into here) and the cravings let me know I had to change how I am dealing with it all. Grateful I am not at war with myself, any part of my life.

Iā€™m grateful for deep rest, taking time to detour to the farmers market on the weekend, cooking and music in my evenings. For being able to soothe myself with my breath, my self-talk. For the cooler air, the darker skies.

I will catch up here in time! But for now?
Oh, big condolences to you, @TrustyBird. Sending hugs and strength and love as you navigate grief and change. :people_hugging:
And @Lisa07, I am so grateful for you and your five years of recovery. Donā€™t think you know how huge a support you have been to me, just by being here and being you. :pray::orange_heart: Huge congrats!


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for WiFi.
I am grateful that I am still curious about a lot of things.
I am grateful the rest of the week is off.
I am grateful for people who give fascinating talks. It gives me joy to listen to them. I was thinking about my organic chemistry prof at the university ā€˜someā€™ years ago. He was amazing and his drawings of organic molecules were great. We need these people.
I am grateful I have enough.
I am also grateful i found a picture of mine from ten years ago which made me smile and think of some good memories.


I am grateful to be sober because without sobriety everything turns to shit

I am grateful to have a career and money to pay the bills

I am grateful for good food and movies

I am grateful for my health

I am grateful for my family and for fur babe cuddle time. Odaat. :heart:


Grateful for sobriety.
Grateful to be up to date with work.
Grateful to have the patience and skills to calm my son down.
Grateful for husband getting Costco haul.
Grateful for daughter being self-sufficient.
Grateful to eat some Costco haul meaningfully and sensibly.
Grateful for forgotten songs popping onto playlist.


Morning sober warriors,

Im so very greatful forā€¦

My recovery and the knowledge of self ive gained
I hit an aa meeting last night when i just wasnt feeling right
AA stood for attitude adjustment yesterday for me
Mucinex to reduce sinus problems
Fall weather
I can be a safe space for hubby
Boscoe cuddles


Iā€™m grateful that yesterday was a productive day. I got all of my Momā€™s clothes sorted and boxed and still gave myself time for an evening of self care.
Iā€™m grateful I am processing things as they come.
Iā€™m grateful for a cozy bed in a safe house.
Iā€™m grateful for my two crazy kitties pouncing on each other right now.
Iā€™m grateful for Dominos pizza.
Iā€™m grateful the dresses my Mom used to date in, some of which fit me, are still around.
Iā€™m grateful I know that I really like clothes. I used to think this was shallow but people like lots of things. I can like clothes.


Good morning Tara :pray:t2:
Iā€™m grateful you reached and replied to me yesterday, last night.
Iā€™m grateful I get to start my day here on the gratitude thread. After a while I retrained my brain and I donā€™t drink anymore. Now I look at life it whole new beautiful way. I got so much to be grateful for when Iā€™m clean and sober. One day at a time. Cā€™mon over and meet the lovely people here. I donā€™t feel like a failure anymore. Even though I do feel lonely sometimes in my recovery, because no one in real life understands, Iā€™ve got tons of friends and support here, where people understand and get it. I hope you were able to get some sleep last night. If you got any questions at all about the App or anything. Just ask. I bet someone would love to help you. Itā€™s what we do now. And it keeps us clean and sober.

All right then!!
Iā€™m grateful to start my day a little differently.
Iā€™m grateful I still got my coffee in the catio with Benson and, whereā€™s Mav? Iā€™m grateful I got my Ganesha mantra playing quietly on my speakers with a fire going. Iā€™m grateful thereā€™s no marine layer and stuff in the catio is dry.

Iā€™m grateful itā€™s a beach day!! Tower 10 AA meeting in the sand! Iā€™m grateful Iā€™ll hike after. Iā€™m grateful itā€™ll be warm.

Iā€™m grateful I get to look at all my flowers in the catio. Iā€™m grateful for my Mums and petunias, and firestick and my new San Pedro Cactus.

Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m flexible and can change my schedule without getting all pissed off now.

Iā€™m grateful we got to take our real estate agent out to dinner last night and thank him so much for helping us with this house. Iā€™m grateful heā€™s in Malibu a lot and offered lunch anytime. Iā€™m grateful he knew about Howdyā€™s and their awesome sushi bowls and burritos. Iā€™m grateful he told me about a couple of beaches that are secluded and pretty.

Iā€™m grateful Maverick found me although I got to get up buddy.

Iā€™m grateful for my recoveries.
Iā€™m so grateful for all your recoveries. It helps keep me going.
ā€œBeautiful :kissing_heart:ā€

It should be illegal to be this happy and excited in the morning. I Wonder whatā€™s in that coffee? :thinking: :coffee:


Iā€™m grateful I can hear the bird song along with my mantras.

Detachment with love means being responsible for our own welfare and making decisions without ulterior motives-the desire to control others.
Some Al-Anon forum :man_shrugging:


Iā€™m grateful

  • for such a good sleep last night and waking up early and ready to go
  • for a beautiful hike today and getting to bring out my snow shoes
  • that I always slightly overpack for hikes in case I go longer than expected
  • for the clarity and peace that hiking always brings me
  • for the ladies who offered me tea, dinner and a place to sleep tonight. I think they were amused to see me come by asking for a place to rest at
  • to live in a place so hospitable. I know I can go nearly anywhere and be offered tea, food and a place to rest or sleep at without having to worry
  • for my friend who came and took care of my dogs after I just up and left
  • that I have a life style where itā€™s okay if I just spontaneously leave for a day or two
  • for the lady who offered her camel for me to borrow and it conveniently works out for her as she wasnā€™t looking forward to delivering it tomorrow and Iā€™ll pass right by where he needs to get also I love riding camels in the mountains!
  • for being sober, healthy and that Iā€™m healing
  • for peace

Iā€™m grateful that the mornings start out cool even though the days are stupid hot.

Iā€™m grateful for a car that runs and a commute thatā€™s under an hour.

Iā€™m grateful for Halloween decorations, my house is looking festive.

Iā€™m grateful for steady employneny, my family, The Coffee Shop, and coffee.

ODAAT :facepunch:


Body balance; my body needed the stretch, especially my hips.
A break in the rain
A nice sunset
The ability to turn the news off
For those who have the energy to trailblaze
A seven hours sleep
Some sunshine


Gratitude for today.

Today was lazy day, kind of. I am grateful I can take a day off like that.

I wanted to go hiking with a friend. The weather did prank us. I got soaking wet. Did a bike ride in a downpur. I am grateful for this refreshing weather.

We eventually regrouped and decided to have coffee and chat at my home. I am grateful for friends, for chats, for similarities, for listening and being listened to.

I got to read a lot and watch some Slow Horses. As always grateful for entertainment.

Did a very short yoga and meditation practice. Grateful it was short, grateful I made it.

My daughter is having a headache again. I am learning to to deal with that. Learning to deal with my worries, my anxiety, seperating my emotions from her well being. I am grateful I have tools to work through this.

My daughterā€˜s friend has some health issues. Her parents are overwhelmed, confused, worrying. My ex could help a bit. I could help a bit. I am grateful was able to be of some help.

I am going to co-host a Recovery Dharma meeting. I am grateful for this program, the people there, for this opportunity. It will definitely take my mind from worrying.

I am grateful for this life, grateful for this day.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Wednesday gratitude.

Iā€™m grateful for today, it was partly a weird day :pray:

Iā€™m grateful I got up and fumbled around the house when I woke up at 2 a.m. and couldnā€™t fall asleep again. Iā€™m grateful for an hour of additional sleep before sunrise (grey-rise would be more precise) and a nap late afternoon.

Iā€™m grateful the workers were able to work the half day before rain started.
Iā€™m grateful I spent the morning outside with tractor and log work. Iā€™m grateful I heated the furnace for the first time this season and it went well. Iā€™m grateful thereā€™s enough wood stored to keep the house cozy & warm for the next rainy days. I love a fire in the fireplace, in my case my wood-burning kitchen stove. The warmth is unbeatable. Iā€™m grateful for this luxury. My cats too, they laze around like very comfy dead flies :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Iā€™m grateful my brain works. I organised some documents my lawyer wanted by simply calling the institutions and within minutes ā€¦ bling bling, email. Iā€™m deeply grateful I did not have to go through my messy archive to find them. This is a lot of work to catch up as parts of it are still at the townhouse office and parts are not even filed completely. Iā€™m grateful for thinking of other ways to get them. I really hope this will help with arguments to settle this financial monkey circus on monday.

Iā€™m grateful the ex fetched stuff again.

Iā€™m grateful for calls with friends, cooking a yummy meal (leftovers for tomorrow), skipping household chores today, instead thinking about how to cope healthy with the relief depression I expect after ex & stuff are finally gone and the farm is only mine. Working outdoor like today is definitely in the basket.

Iā€™m grateful I feel confident and adult today. Iā€™m grateful tomorrow is another day, not too busy but driving in the rain stresses me. So Iā€™m grateful in advance for ME time tomorrow. And for journalling, it helps me a lot to unwind at the moment.

Iā€™m grateful I put my sober, tired head on the pillow now. ODAAT :pray:


Grateful to force myself to this space.
Grateful I have a first-time ever eviction court date. It gives me a timeline and knowledge that if I get out before then, it will be cancelled and no official historic eviction lives.
I slept last night, a little valerian and magnesium couldā€™ve helped or couldā€™ve been the court date. My ease was immediate come to that. I am an interesting person.


Iā€™m grateful for putting my sober head on a pillow now and looking fwd for a decent sleep. Again first time after a while so resuming building my resilience at full power and learning to love myself better, I deserve pieces of happiness, love and success. Grateful for higher power - God, Jesus, my g. angel.


@M-be-free49 grateful to see your attitude towards cravings. Grateful to see how you are stronger against these cravings :muscle: Your detour to the farmers market was fruitful and I love seeing your dinner creations :yum:
@trustybird Not shallow at all! We all have our passions and clothes is a wonderful passion to have. Glad you got some self care time too :hugs:

Love this! Such a wonderful adventure you will have. :heart:
@davina_davis Love the festive feel ā€“ maybe you can share some pics of your dĆ©cor (hint ā€“ hint) :ghost: :jack-o-lantern:
@earnit Glad you were able to get a sleep last night. Hope you are able to find a new place to move to :pray:

Wednesday gratefulness

  • a cozy bed
  • good mindless shows / movies to keep me entertained when I am not mobile
  • a lovely meal my mom prepared for me
  • comforting coffee
  • yummy refreshing fruit
  • my Higher Power
  • my family

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening ā€“ sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


That doesnā€™t really happen when you are unemployed and without money. I do know that something will fall into my zone, otherwise Cabin-ing for a month? It will all be alright.


Sending positive vibes into the universe and hoping something does fall into your zone :pray: