Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Guess they’re on a break :joy::joy: first time I’ve laughed today thanks for that :+1:


Gratitude for today.

I am grateful my daughter is getting better in communicating here headaches and we are getting better at handling life with migraines. It‘s not something you would wish for your child, but life is what it is, and I am grateful I can have some equanimity with that.

I am grateful I got another scene for my game drafted. The ideas are coming along, I love my work, always grateful for that.

Got a fresh haircut. I like my hair. I am grateful for having it.

Set up a schedule for my daughter today. She is too young to be set to her own device. She‘ll just spend her whole day moping around in her bed. So she had chores to do, catching up on English classes, some exercise, self care. I am grateful I have the time and energy to set this up for her, follow through and take care of her in this way. I am grateful I can try to make her day meaningful as good as I can.

Grateful for yoga, massages, meditations. Grateful I see when I get sucked in my ex‘s drama and can get back to myself.

My Dharma meeting starts in a few. Always grateful for the space and the people there.

Grateful for this life, grateful for this day.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


I’m so sorry for the loss of your mom Emilie. I love your reunification belief. That’s is so cool. I’m glad you all will have some kind of closure this weekend. Stay strong. We got your back. But I doubt you’ll need us.
Big hugs :people_hugging: my friend :pray:t2::heart:


Grateful for the person sitting beside me on the first plane of my two-flight trip today, for the tip she gave me. Did you know that if you have a long layover between flights, and there’s an earlier flight leaving the same airport (with the same airline) and going to the same destination, you can just ask at the boarding gate and if they have empty seats you can take one? (I didn’t.) I was fortunate this morning :innocent:

Grateful for my wife, who woke up this morning at 5:00 to drive me to the airport :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Grateful to my cats, who also woke up this morning to meow me to the door :cat:


Thursday gratitde.

Today I’m grateful for a series marathon evening. It was nice to go to bed far beyond my normal bedtime AND check in here afterwards. The luxury when I can sleep in tomorrow.

I’m grateful for humor, I had to collect stuff from the neighbour’s grassland that had been blown away by the storm. Gone with the wind, facade insulation edition. I’m grateful I joked about it with the ex. I’m grateful he brought all waste to the waste disposal, I can report to the authorities that we are done tomorrow. I’m still grateful they claimed all this stuff to be removed. And that the ex reacted on it. The streetside of the farm looks so different :pray:

I’m grateful the next stonewall approaches it’s finishing, it’s beautiful.

I’m grateful the front wall of my house got it’s final look today: The ex’s ideas are gone, the insulation covers everything and soon it will look pretty good with the new paint.

I’m grateful I installed the frame to stack the wood properly in the furnace room. Another thing I’ve been looking forward to for a long, long time. And I happily (and swearing from backpain) stored the first load of wood.
I’m grateful I switched on one of the cold storage rooms for the first time ever. I want to see how it works.

I’m grateful I can live with a horribly messy house for some days. Wanting eat - rest - sleep is all I did indoor today. I’m grateful for therapy and that I forgot nothing on my multi-stop-tour.

I’m grateful the offers for this green wonder on 4 wheels came today. Let’s see if letting go of the past vulgo selling the machines I don’t use brings enough money so my christmas present is my own, nice, handy, green wonderwuzzi.

I’m grateful for cats, friends and a comfy bed. ODAAT :pray:


It is rough in the brain today Daze so thanks for that. 🩷🩷
I’m having one of those days where I don’t want people to look at me or talk to me. Unfortunately I’m at work AND I am training the super sweet new girl. What genius decided I should train the last day before I leave work for my Mom’s funeral weekend? Ugh. Perhaps no one will notice if I slip a paper bag over my head quickly… :face_with_monocle:


:rofl: :rofl: Thanks for the laugh Dazerfriend!


Sorry that you are having to deal with training of all things right now. Hope it goes well and you will be home soon enough.
Sending hugs friend. sending loads of love and hugs your way :heart: :people_hugging:


I am filled with gratitude today

Sober 226 days
Daughter came and cleaned floors for me and took garbage cans out
Put away all laundry
Body feeling better less stiff and sore
Organized a storage box of 3 today. Always have tomorrow :wink:
Calm day praying no drama tomorrow or the weekend


Thanks Jazz. 🩷
I’m grateful for you. Hugs right back to you. 🩷


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful despite sleeping was a bit interrupted I overslept. Technically I cannot oversleep.
I am grateful fruit found their way back into my diet.
I am grateful for free coffee at work.
I am glad I’ll have an appointment at the hairdresser after work.
I am grateful I have enough.


I am grateful for time with my family this week. I am grateful for the abundance of social and cultural events in my city. Grateful I am receptive to music of so many different genres. Got to see my first northern lights last night. Never would have thought they actually appear this far south. Grateful I enjoy being in the moment and for all the moments to come.


Grateful at 3:30am. I was awake at 1:50a, grateful that my mind is quite active.
Grateful that today will matter in my ability to act appropriately, strongly and positively toward things on my plate.
Grateful that I will eat properly today.
Grateful that my kids are healthy and that my son was able to go to a concert. Though I could not technically go, I am sure it wouldn’t have been a great 1st crowded area.
Grateful to feeling OK that things that will work out, even if it doesn’t seem like it at the moment, we are more successful, in life, when grateful for all things/incidents. Though they may not seem great immediately, most will find they grew from it…


Holy gratitude batman, im behind, but thats awesome. Note to self go back to post 2137

Gotta practice my gratitude before hightailing it to work

Im so very greatful…

Its friday
Im sober
Im getting more humble but comfortable as a leader
Boscoe makes me giggle
My recovery closing in on the big 900
Sober buddies
Got my ass up to the gym today
Looking forward to therapy tomorrow
Fall weather
Making progress on replenishing our emergency fund
My loving family
My sponsor
The AA program, meetings, and 12 steps
Feeling better in my skin


I’m grateful

  • for a good and successful work trip. I meant all my goals and the training for the new material I gave went really well
  • for being able to attend the AA meeting yesterday. It was interesting but I also felt a bit uncomfortable…I think I’m not used to a setting like that. They said whenever I’m back in the country again I am welcome to attend again
  • for being able to have a more relaxed day
  • for my host and the wonderful food she made for dinner
  • for cardomon tea
  • that I don’t have to live in a city
  • for going home tomorrow

I want to start today with gratitude.
I am grateful waking to a beautiful sun shiny day
I am grateful I had a few days of bonding with Woody before Yunna comes home today
I am grateful hubby returning for weekend today. Yes grateful as I do get lonely
I am grateful not too many chores I have to rush and do before he gets here
I am grateful I have God in my life and I am enough and I have all I need

Yes I am grateful for these things…even though little voice says you are full of shit!


Grateful - oh so grateful today…

So very grateful for this beautiful Friday. Grateful to be up and alive.
So very grateful for the lovely changing fall colors.
So very grateful for successfully selling my first item on Facebook Marketplace. Grateful the person did show up when they said hey would (so many times this is not the case). Grateful that I was able to sell it for less than the posted amount but more than my absolute minimum.
So very grateful for coffee. The dark robust rich coffee that I got to drink on my way to run errands. Grateful that I had the energy to run these errands
So very grateful for a decent night. Did not sleep well at all but grateful for the rest in absolute silence
So very grateful practicing gratitude. Did not want to do so and have gotten into the bad habit of only going over the basics in my head and not forcing myself to write it down.
So very grateful that practicing gratefulness is a uplifting practice and does help bring positive notes to the day.
So very grateful for my Higher Power.
So very grateful for my family.
So very grateful for finding ways to let go of attachments to “my” things. Every time I think I may have less, I find ways to reduce my belongings. Will feel good when I can fit what I need in a suitcase and what i own in closet.
So very grateful for a sunny day. Hoping to get in a nap now and be able to go for a walk later as I missed it earlier today
So very grateful for this community and ALL of you!

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I’m grateful to be sober and heading into a 4 day weekend with zero desire to drink and go back to that misery

I’m grateful to have a home, running water, electricity and heat

I’m grateful I will be able to spend some time with my sister and my dad this weekend, we are all still grieving and missing Mom immensly, but when we are together the pain feels a little lighter

I’m grateful to be working with a coworker tonight that I feel I can rely on in emergencies

I’m grateful for good sleep, for my sig otha and for my cute cuddly fur babies :two_hearts:


I am grateful for candles to burn for @TrustyBird and her Mom, this funeral weekend for her Mom. Thinking about you, Emilie. We are with you as you continue on through this sad and hard loss. Thinking about you. Big hugs, lots of love.



Aww I thought I was done crying for the night but I guess I have one more in me. Thank you friend. 🩷🩷
Tonight I did some house sorting with extended relatives and that got lots of emotions going. I normally limit myself to one basket of stuff from my Mom’s house per trip but today I took three.

Tomorrow morning is the funeral.
Love you guys. I’m grateful for each of you.
Crying is therapeutic.