Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful it doesn’t rain today. Yet.
I am grateful for podcasts, audiobooks. Hope.
I am grateful I can still wonder.
I am grateful I got up sober for some consecutive days now.
I am grateful I got a draft of the announcement of the meeting I want to launch yesterday. It’s great.
I am proud I called my mother yesterday as well. I got a present from her.

I am grateful my hair is short again.


I’m grateful for this sunny day
I’m grateful for God, Jesus, higher power that enables me to become a better man
I’m grateful for any opportunity, chance to change my life the way I truly want
I’m grateful for this community of people who share with me the best of them


Thinking of you @TrustyBird and lighting a candle :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:

Also hugs to you @Peace :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:

The 2nd anniversary of my mum passing comes up in 2 days. I’m grateful we all can share our grief here too :pray::people_hugging:

@Cjp your note to self made me smile, I still want to catch up on older posts myself :blush:

Saturday lunchtime gratitude.

I’m grateful yesterday ME was a disciplined person taking the preparation procedure for coloscopy seriously and not eating after breakfast. Evenings are the hardest. I’m grateful for 20 years of fasting experience, I know I can live fine for 4 days with soup, tea and water. I take it as mini-fast and will enjoy everything beside food. I could have a restricted diet with certain food but none of it is appealing to me. I prefer my homemade vegetable soup without any inlay.

I’m grateful I rested yesterday, I needed it. I’m grateful for a quite good night and waking up to the alarm well rested.
I’m grateful I started tidying the house. I ran into the ex when I wanted to bring cans & glas to the recycling containers. Changed plans and helped him loading a huge storage rack. God save the tractors of the world!
I’m grateful for a good cry in the middle of working, standing alone in the grey weather, the shoes wet and heavy from the mud, overlooking the meadow with the old apple trees, while he was loading the trailer on the street. I love my farm. My farm. It will take time to let go of our farm allthough he moved out nearly 1,5 years ago. I’m grateful it is now my farm.
I’m grateful we are still a good team at working together.

I’m grateful for snorring cats. All 3. Snorring. Makes me smile.
I’m grateful for a long, hot shower after hard work. I love the feeling and smell.

I’m grateful for my little chainsaw, it’s so useful. And makes me independent. I’m grateful I gain more courage and routine in using it. I’m grateful that I’m proud of myself. I don’t feel this learned helplessness anymore.

I’m grateful the neighbour will feed the cats when I’m away for coloscopy next week. I will stay in town for 2 days, my best friend will drive me to and from the procedure as here we are not allowed to drive for 24 hours after being anesthetized. I’m grateful for help and caring people in my life. ODAAT


It’s another Saturday morning and I’m grateful to be sober!

I’m grateful this week is over. Parts of it were hard. But that is how life is sometimes. I am grateful that I am finally figuring that out and maybe I’m not as fast to overreact to over correct. Let it be.

Im grateful that I mostly like my work. Im grateful that I get the weekends away from it and that I can see the light at the end of the career tunnel. Just a few more years.

I’m grateful to be healthy and ablle to work long days and sleep well. Rest is really quite amazing. The older I get, and maybe slightly smarter, the more I can identify that rest would help my mood.

I’m grateful for the mild and beautiful weather we have had. I’m starting to avoid the news cycle of terrible weather events in other parts of the world, terrible war events, and the insanity that is the American election. However, I was also raised and educated to believe it is my responsibility to follow all that. Ugh. This is something to consider for my mental health. Always a work in progress.

I’m grateful for some people in my life who have expressed that they have learned some things from me. In separate incidents this week I have had people close to me say out loud that they value things they have learned from me. Being a teacher at heart, this brings me joy.

Of course I’ve also had some people make it clear to me this week that they are not interested in learning or accepting support from me, even in the professional work we do together. (Ahhhh, to be a second year teacher again with a sense of false confidence and a fear of finding out that we are never done in this line of work! ;).

I’m grateful for this cup of coffee and the visits of my pets to my lap while trying to think about my gratitude.

I am grateful for my brother , who continues to work hard on his sobriety and recovery, and who was able to have a hard conversation with our mother last week. I’m grateful that he is present in our lives and is able to truly be a model to me of persistence and humility. We are doing this work together with our sister to get so much of our family dysfunction behind us. It ends with us.

I wish you all a peaceful and enjoyable Saturday and a hope that your journey brings you some peace.


Thank you :two_hearts:


I am grateful I got sleep last night.
Grateful for physically healthy kids and hopes that they will handle the other tidbits.
Grateful I wake up with hopeful thoughts and that I have the power to keep those going, not to let them hit poorly in midmorning.
Grateful for the future, whatever it is. It is free of alcohol and that matters.
Grateful to “calendar” myself and know that it hasn’t even been a year since I left the hospital. How other people handle that is theirs, I cannot control it. I can only control how I respond and act.
Grateful for the tiny tastes and tiny smells I received yesterday. I am grateful that I will start recovering use of supplements that matter.
Grateful for these doggos. They will be safe, happy, protected and protective.
Grateful for you.


Thanks friend. 🩷
I have 3 hours of sleep in my tank, many tears to cry and its funeral day.
Hit it. :sunglasses:


Good morning sober warriors

@TrustyBird we’ve got you just you holler

Im greatful for…

Enough disposable income to treat myself to a fancy latte out
Had an awesome weighin! Under goal weight, good muscle mass, and healthy body fat
Hubby loving me and giving me a comfy pillow and tucking me in on the couch when he got home
Credit cards when used wisely help with cashflow
We have emergency funds to fix hubbys windshield
Good workouts
Showing up even when i dont want to
Hubbys love
I have the strength and support to not reduce myself to unhealthy coping mechanisms…no self harm, no smoking, no drinking, no unprotected sex with strangers
Is this adulting? I feel my most well rounded these days
The aa programs which has given me the tools to handle situations which used to baffle me


:ocean: I’m grateful you never know what the day brings.
:ocean: I’m grateful they didn’t have a speaker at my AA beach meeting yesterday morning.
:ocean: I’m grateful I volunteered to speak
:ocean: I’m grateful it was only ten minutes and I finally got it out there.
:ocean: I’m grateful maybe next time if they ask or I volunteer my story will get better.
:ocean: I’m grateful I know it’s a good story but speaking it and putting it out there is a whole ‘nother story.
:ocean: I’m grateful this guy saw me putting on my trail shoes after the meeting and we hiked together.
:ocean: I’m grateful to recognize that this was huge for me.
:ocean: I’m grateful I can explore that hidden beach I was going to another time.
:ocean: I’m grateful I was at the meeting nice and early and got to sit there alone on the beach.
:ocean: I’m grateful we got shit to do this weekend to get ready for the Dallas invasion :cowboy_hat_face:
:ocean: I’m grateful to put my recoveries to work on/with my DIL when she comes. I love her so much but I say some of the most boneheadedest things that sometimes aren’t very nice to her. I don’t know why I do this with her. Sometimes I think it’s because she’s like my dumb sister. Who I love and we’ve been able to get close again long distance.
:ocean: I’m grateful I know she is doing the best she can. And she’s the sweetest most helpful person around.
:ocean: I’m grateful for Al-Anon neutral responses.
:blush: That’s interesting.
:blush: Let me think about that.
:blush: Thank you for the information.
:blush: I’ll have to ponder that one.
:grin::grin: Wow! :grin::grin: (my personal fave and easy to remember.)
:blush: Hmmmmm.
:blush: Golly-gee (i don’t think so :joy: )
:blush: Really?
:blush: You don’t say.
:blush: You could be right.
:blush: I never thought of it that way.
:blush: Thanks for the feedback.
:blush: I appreciate your perspective.
:blush: That’s fascinating.
Just to list a few.

:ocean: I’m grateful I got a chip yesterday. It’s been a really long time. I love getting a chip.
Unbeknownst to me the speaker gets a speakers chip



I’m grateful

  • for the wonderful greetings my dogs gave when I finally got home
  • that we got home safe after a slightly terrifying drive through the passes
  • for hot tea
  • that the driver we had took it slow and kept us all safe
  • for being home and in my own bed
  • that tomorrow I can have the day free to rest a bit (honestly need an antisocial day) and catch up after being gone a few days
  • that my wonderful neighbors put a fire on so the house was warm when I got home and for them filling my buckets
  • for my cozy blanket and that I’m finally getting warm after being cold all day
  • for another successful work trip
  • that I’m in the mountains again. As soon as we started to climb I felt back home already. I really miss anytime I’m not in the mountains…I think flat places sorta freak me out somehow? Just doesn’t seem natural to be able to see so far😂
  • for my beautiful dogs who are both needing to be patted and cuddle tonight

Gratitude for today.

I woke up with all kinds of pain and overall not feeling good. I am grateful I have a schedule, a plan I can stick to: yoga, meditation, getting out of the house to get moving. When I got back home after doing the groceries my mindset was in the right place back again.

I spend all day preparing and packing for my trip. Had a chat with my cousin about museums I want to visit. I am very grateful I have this opportunity to go on a trip, go into a different culture than I spend my day to day, a culture I know intimately, meet with caring and loving people and all of that basically for free.

My daughter came back from my mother’s all excited and very professional in her attitude about her trip. I am so grateful to have this wonderful child, to experience her growing up. I am grateful her migraine was gone and she was her usual teenage self.

After she left with her dad I had the flat to myself, did more trip prep, watched TV. Grateful for this brake.

I decided to try a new approach to my overeating habit. I am grateful I don’t binge any more and can try things step by step without the all or nothing mentality.

I am grateful for this day, grateful for life.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Quick update because this is where I’ve been talking it out. The funeral is over and it was successful and healing. I bowed out of family dinner and am now in PJs at 5 pm in bed. I will nap and rest today and tomorrow. It has been a long two weeks.

Today at the post funeral dinner a friend offered me a sip of her coffee drink and I took one. Turns out it might have had Baileys in it. I asked before I sipped, she said she didn’t think it did and then after I sipped I thought it did. I am not resetting my timer here. I did not knowingly drink alcohol and don’t feel it was an intentional slip. I did not feel any effects of that one sip but it is likely that I unknowingly took in a sip of coffee with a tiny amount of Baileys or some after dinner-ish liquor in it. I’m only posting here for honesty and accountability. If anyone wants to argue my sobriety you certainly can but I will be taking a well earned nap.

I’m grateful for rest and I’m grateful for all the love. Thanks gang. I made it through the death of my second parent (mostly) unscathed. 🩷
I hope to not leave the apartment, unless its for a sunshiny walk, until Monday.


I feel grateful because I am again in a path of recovery and not in a nasty hole


A majority agree with this. Without purpose or knowledge, there is no reason to reset your time or your mind.

I am glad that some healing came for you at the funeral. I hope that you are able to get some peaceful and needed rest. Much love. :mending_heart:


Sweet Emilie :hugs: Thank you so much for the update. Grateful you had a successful day an are able to rest now. Cozy in bed sounds perfect :pray:

Totally do not see a reason for a reset. Like you said - you did not go in with intent and did not continue to drink it once you had doubt. Grateful you did not feel triggered.

Much love to you dear friend. :heart: :heart: :people_hugging: Sleep well :sleeping: :zzz:


I’m grateful for
:house_with_garden:My Daughter s friend knocking on for her today and her coming in to play with Darcy for an hour.
:house_with_garden:Darcy saying don’t worry etty My mums cool (This blew my mind )
:house_with_garden:Being sober, letting the girl in and interacting with them
:house_with_garden:Being present
:house_with_garden:Playing in the park (actually playing not sat with a hidden bottle worrying overthinking and being an anxiety ridden mess )
:house_with_garden:Walking an extra mile for exercise
:house_with_garden:fixing my mums hoover
:house_with_garden:Weather being nice
:house_with_garden:A Hot bath for my tired aching muscles
:house_with_garden:My virus getting better
:house_with_garden:This gratitude thread


Saturday evening gratefulness :hugs:

I am so very grateful for…
:ghost: Woke up to do my morning routine rather than snooze my way back to sleep like I did yesterday
:ghost: Got in a walk this morning even when my body was in severe pain. Grateful that I pushed through and did my work out and a TENS unit session which helped make the pain manageable.
:ghost: Made myself a lovely breakfast. Wanted to go out but the more I tried to figure out where to go I realized I would do better at home LOL.
:ghost: Got enough energy and was able to push through and get my parents garage organized and cleaned out. A LONG ass day. So grateful to be resting now.
:ghost: My brother had a super hard busy day too so I am grateful I made a delicious Peanut butter Asian stir fry for dinner
:ghost: The weather was perfect. a lovely 65 degrees with bright sun.
:ghost: tomorrow is Sunday. hope to catch up on my accounting work then.
:ghost: My family, My Higher Power, My faith and serenity
:ghost: Comedy and its magical powers of uplifting my spirits.
:ghost: For being present and available for a friend in need. Knowing my limits of what help I am able to offer.
:ghost: For thunderstorms. Lovely storm brewing right now and Hope I get to fall a sleep to it tonight. Love falling a sleep to booming thunder.
:ghost: this lovely month of spooks and ghouls.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I am grateful I chose to get my new bike yesterday.
I am grateful the thick fog finally lifted and the sun came out at bit.
I am grateful for some chat with friends and even my brother and sil.
I am grateful I don’t drink anymore.
I am grateful that even though I am alone a lot I don’t feel lonely. I felt lonely around people drinking all the fucking time over 2170 days ago. I am grateful that when I feel tears coming up they actually are to be felt and change. I am grateful I can let them pass. I cried myself to sleep every night drunk. And fell asleep out of exhaustion.
I am grateful I have enough.



  • Bird song early in the morning, the stillness is beautiful and there’s minimal human noises. You could believe you were anywhere and this space gives rise to hope and dreaming… One day…

  • London is blue :blue_heart: CHELSEA WFC VIBES

  • That I had the emotional energy to help sort my mother in law out last night for a few hours. Enough energy to console my partner around this ongoing mission.

  • To feel every muscle ache with use

  • Cold, crisp air

  • Good food, lots of diversity and veggies

  • To take pleasure in my coffee right now.

  • To love


Bluey watching the parakeets… :parrot:


Grateful for another sunny autumn day, my yoga practice amidst falling leaves and golden light. I am grateful for the time I get to spent today with my granny. She’s healthy, sharp as ever and blessed with enough optimism to accept things as they are and not give in to frailty.
I watched Banshee of Inisherin last night. I don’t know why, I had been expecting a comedy and was completely taken by surprise when this turned out to be this intense, beautiful and even more terrifying and agonizing piece on human interaction. I am grateful for movies like this, even though I can only handle them so and so often. It reminded me, that there is no right and wrong between chosing what is good for one self. Setting boundaries hurts. But there is always a right way to communicate them and be gentle with the people on the other side of the conversation. Still learning how to be firm and tender at the same time.
Grateful I get to learn. I am grateful I might get it right a little more every time I try. :four_leaf_clover: